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Home: 530-742-3450

Dedicated, results-oriented professional with 17 years of experience in forensics, fraud and internal investigations,
personnel and asset protection, security operations and incident response. Excellent performance in liaison affairs,
negotiations, crisis management, and relationship management skills. Exceptional analytical, innovative and imaginative
problem-solving skills, multitasking abilities, and drive to exceed organizational efficiency. Proven five year track record
of operational success in the Middle East.

Fraud Investigation and Documentation
Interviewing and Investigations
Asset and Personnel Protection
Executive Protection

Emergency Planning and Preparedness
Crisis Response
Tactical Field and Covert Operations
Intelligence Collection

Country Referent, successfully conducted over 40 U.S. Navy ship visits to the ports in Egypt, Oman, Djibouti,
Seychelles, Mauritius, Qatar, Bahrain and provided over 100 Force Protection and Counterintelligence Awareness
briefings to U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps personnel.
Evidence Custodian, maintained approximately 200 pieces of evidence. Disposed of 123 pieces of evidence,
effectively reducing the backlog by 50%.
Major Case Response Team Leader, purchased supplies and equipment and trained over eight team members.
Coordinated crime scene training to the Seychelles and Mauritius Police Departments which received local
media attention.
Supervisory Special Agent, deployed a multi-agency investigative team to the newly established Joint
Interagency Task Force - High Value Individuals in Baghdad, Iraq. The team members received laudatory
comments and several awards for our investigative efforts.
Staff Counterintelligence Officer, deployed with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (1MEF) during the Iraq
war. Provided intelligence reporting, counter surveillance and surveillance detection to troop movements,
briefings and debriefings to and 1MEF staff and personnel on Counterintelligence issues.
Senior Criminal Investigator, Recovered 28 Night Vision Goggles valued at $550,000.00, captured and
prosecuted the offender.
Special Operations Squad member, participated in a highly decorated narcotics operation involving "designer
drugs". The operation identified 100 suspects and seizure of over $300,000 in narcotics.
Protective Service Operations member, participated in operations for the President of the United States,
Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant.

08/2010 to 04/2013
Special Agent
Served as a senior Criminal Investigator for the Sacramento Fraud Resident Agency.
Independently conducted highly complex criminal investigations involving criminality associated with the U.S.
Army and Department of Defense (DOD) acquisition process.
Procurement Related Fraud Investigations to include antitrust, conflict of interest/standards of conduct, defective
pricing, general procurement, bribery, subcontractor kickbacks, cost mischarging, environmental crimes, and
product substitution.
Analyzed criminal complaints and identified crime patterns.
Pursued leads, complaints and referrals to determine occurrence of criminal activities.
Pursued appropriate investigative remedies including criminal, civil and administrative action.
Collaborated investigations with the United States Attorney's Office and other law enforcement agencies.
09/1999 to 08/2010
Special Agent
Planned and conducted various felony criminal investigations and operations with a U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine
Corps interest including but not limited to; property offenses in excess of $10,000, serious violent crimes, sex
crimes, drug offenses, human trafficking, bribery, non procurement fraud investigations that include pay and
allowance, forgery, unauthorized services and computer intrusion.
Prepared interim and final reports of felony criminal investigations detailing investigative results.
Provided progress reports and formal briefings to senior leaders and managers on investigations.
Collaborated investigations with the District Attorney's office, the Staff Judge Advocates office and other law
enforcement agencies.
Managed all duties in accordance with directives, instructions, regulations and policies.
Provided Force Protection , Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism support to U.S. Naval and U.S. Marine
Corps commands in CONUS and OCONUS locations.
10/1996 to 09/1999
Special Agent
Professional Standards Fraud Unit.
Planned and conducted worker's compensation fraud, internal affairs and public corruption investigations.
Pursued leads, complaints and referrals to determine occurrence of criminal activities.
Provided progress reports and briefings to the District Attorney's office and managers on investigations.
Kept current on all agency and state policies, rules, regulations and statutes.

July 2007

National University, San Diego, CA

Global War on Terrorism Award
NCIS Expeditionary Medal
Presidential Champion Award for Physical Fitness
Department of the Army Commander's Award for Civilian Service

Military Police Officer
Second Lieutenant (O-1).
Assistant to the Provost Marshal and Commanding Officer.
Performed duties as a platoon leader and section leader.
Assisted with the supervision and training of approximately 80 soldiers.

10/1996 to 06/2001

06/1984 to 08/1991
Aircraft Powerplant Repairer Supervisor and Maintenance Manager
Staff Sergeant (E-6).
Responsible for eight soldiers and over two million dollars worth of tools and parts.
Responsible for the dispersion, quality, completion of over 400 work orders assigned to six different shops and
offices during Desert Shield/Desert Storm.
Earned numerous awards, medals and commendations.
Honorable Discharge

Top Secret U.S. Government Security Clearance and valid U.S. Passport

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Lisa Johnston Resume

  • 1. LISA A. JOHNSTON Home: 530-742-3450 lisajohnston1966@gmail.com DIRECTOR/MANAGER INVESTIGATIONS | SECURITY | OPERATIONS PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Dedicated, results-oriented professional with 17 years of experience in forensics, fraud and internal investigations, personnel and asset protection, security operations and incident response. Excellent performance in liaison affairs, negotiations, crisis management, and relationship management skills. Exceptional analytical, innovative and imaginative problem-solving skills, multitasking abilities, and drive to exceed organizational efficiency. Proven five year track record of operational success in the Middle East. CORE COMPETENCIES Fraud Investigation and Documentation Interviewing and Investigations Asset and Personnel Protection Executive Protection Emergency Planning and Preparedness Crisis Response Tactical Field and Covert Operations Intelligence Collection PERFORMANCE PROFILE Country Referent, successfully conducted over 40 U.S. Navy ship visits to the ports in Egypt, Oman, Djibouti, Seychelles, Mauritius, Qatar, Bahrain and provided over 100 Force Protection and Counterintelligence Awareness briefings to U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps personnel. Evidence Custodian, maintained approximately 200 pieces of evidence. Disposed of 123 pieces of evidence, effectively reducing the backlog by 50%. Major Case Response Team Leader, purchased supplies and equipment and trained over eight team members. Coordinated crime scene training to the Seychelles and Mauritius Police Departments which received local media attention. Supervisory Special Agent, deployed a multi-agency investigative team to the newly established Joint Interagency Task Force - High Value Individuals in Baghdad, Iraq. The team members received laudatory comments and several awards for our investigative efforts. Staff Counterintelligence Officer, deployed with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (1MEF) during the Iraq war. Provided intelligence reporting, counter surveillance and surveillance detection to troop movements, briefings and debriefings to and 1MEF staff and personnel on Counterintelligence issues. Senior Criminal Investigator, Recovered 28 Night Vision Goggles valued at $550,000.00, captured and prosecuted the offender. Special Operations Squad member, participated in a highly decorated narcotics operation involving "designer drugs". The operation identified 100 suspects and seizure of over $300,000 in narcotics. Protective Service Operations member, participated in operations for the President of the United States, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps Commandant. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE U.S. ARMY CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION COMMAND 08/2010 to 04/2013 Special Agent Served as a senior Criminal Investigator for the Sacramento Fraud Resident Agency. Independently conducted highly complex criminal investigations involving criminality associated with the U.S. Army and Department of Defense (DOD) acquisition process. Procurement Related Fraud Investigations to include antitrust, conflict of interest/standards of conduct, defective pricing, general procurement, bribery, subcontractor kickbacks, cost mischarging, environmental crimes, and product substitution. Analyzed criminal complaints and identified crime patterns. Pursued leads, complaints and referrals to determine occurrence of criminal activities. Pursued appropriate investigative remedies including criminal, civil and administrative action. Collaborated investigations with the United States Attorney's Office and other law enforcement agencies.
  • 2. NAVAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE 09/1999 to 08/2010 Special Agent Planned and conducted various felony criminal investigations and operations with a U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps interest including but not limited to; property offenses in excess of $10,000, serious violent crimes, sex crimes, drug offenses, human trafficking, bribery, non procurement fraud investigations that include pay and allowance, forgery, unauthorized services and computer intrusion. Prepared interim and final reports of felony criminal investigations detailing investigative results. Provided progress reports and formal briefings to senior leaders and managers on investigations. Collaborated investigations with the District Attorney's office, the Staff Judge Advocates office and other law enforcement agencies. Managed all duties in accordance with directives, instructions, regulations and policies. Provided Force Protection , Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism support to U.S. Naval and U.S. Marine Corps commands in CONUS and OCONUS locations. TENNESSEE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 10/1996 to 09/1999 Special Agent Professional Standards Fraud Unit. Planned and conducted worker's compensation fraud, internal affairs and public corruption investigations. Pursued leads, complaints and referrals to determine occurrence of criminal activities. Provided progress reports and briefings to the District Attorney's office and managers on investigations. Kept current on all agency and state policies, rules, regulations and statutes. EDUCATION July 2007 MASTER OF SCIENCE: FORENSIC SCIENCE National University, San Diego, CA AWARDS Global War on Terrorism Award NCIS Expeditionary Medal Presidential Champion Award for Physical Fitness Department of the Army Commander's Award for Civilian Service MILITARY EXPERIENCE U.S. ARMY RESERVE Military Police Officer Second Lieutenant (O-1). Assistant to the Provost Marshal and Commanding Officer. Performed duties as a platoon leader and section leader. Assisted with the supervision and training of approximately 80 soldiers. 10/1996 to 06/2001 U.S. ARMY 06/1984 to 08/1991 Aircraft Powerplant Repairer Supervisor and Maintenance Manager Staff Sergeant (E-6). Responsible for eight soldiers and over two million dollars worth of tools and parts. Responsible for the dispersion, quality, completion of over 400 work orders assigned to six different shops and offices during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Earned numerous awards, medals and commendations. Honorable Discharge ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Top Secret U.S. Government Security Clearance and valid U.S. Passport