Lawrence Mkhaliphi
Agro-Ecology Manager
Biowatch South Africa
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Lobbying: the art of the possible - BioWatch
1. Lobbying success on the ground
Lawrence Mkhaliphi
Biowatch Agro-Ecology Manager
2. Who is Biowatch South Africa?
Founded in 1997 as an environmental and social justice NGO,
we work with small-holder farmers, other civil society
organisations and government
to ensure that people have control over their food,
agricultural practices and land within a bio-diverse,
agro-ecological and sustainable system.
Key focus areas:
Biodiversity | Food Sovereignty | Biosafety | Social Justice
Two-fold approach:
Advocacy, research and networking
Work on the ground with small-holder farmers
7. 1. Work with small-holder farmers
training and support.
8. 2. Supply fencing to secure food gardens
community erects fences.
Need access to water.
9. 3. Seed ritual event
showcase to local municipality, traditional leaders.
10. Lessons learnt
Let local government
see and hear what
communities need.
Identify and
support community
Show what can be done producing much with little.
Show government what they should be doing.
Lobbying is as much about showing
as it is about telling!