The media product represents teenagers and portrays the main character Frank as a musical and motivated teenager based on the character from Trainspotting. Frank leads another character Rose and exhibits unpredictable behavior of a stereotypical experimental teenager. Two other characters, Sid and Cheska called "The Tweepers", have brief screen time and are intentionally mysterious. Sid is loosely based on Frankenstein and dressed in dark, sinister clothing to appear threatening like a villain. All the characters exemplify different stereotypes - Frank as a relatable curious teen and The Tweepers as strong and menacing forces.
Mrs. Arriola introduced the student teacher to the VII - Diamond Class on their first day of practicum. The first lesson was on using context clues, which included a discussion. The student teacher set up a projector with help and checked instructional materials before demonstrating. Mrs. Arriola observed the student teacher's final demo, which included board work, and they had a discussion with the class afterwards.
The document announces that the line-ups for the Reading/Leeds and Creamfields music festivals have been revealed. It also promotes an exclusive interview with DJ Matty Tee discussing the best up-and-coming DJs of the current generation.
The magazine cover uses red for its masthead to make it stand out, though the full title is unclear. A splash promotes meeting "The Joker" to give insight into his personality. Publicity shots help promote the film and familiarize audiences with the character. The strapline attracts interested audiences and confirms it is part of the Batman series. The color coordinates with The Joker and the tagline gives a sense of his character.
This document provides guidance for a 20-mark evaluation assignment worth 20% of an AS Media Studies course. Students must use digital technology or ICT to evaluate their media product by answering 7 questions addressing forms and conventions, representation, target audience, and skills development. The evaluation should demonstrate understanding of course concepts and refer to choices made and outcomes. Effective evaluations use a range of presentation methods and make the work visual rather than an essay.
The document lists different camera shots including extreme long shots, mid shots, over shoulder shots, and close ups. Most shots are at eye level and still, though some utilize movement like zooming in, panning right, tilting down, or circling 360 degrees. The shots provide different angles and perspectives ranging from wide establishing shots to tight close ups.
This document discusses how a magazine represents particular social groups through its content and design. It represents an older generation interested in theater through references to classic actors and musicals, and an old-fashioned font and black-and-white photography style. It also aims to represent drama and theater students by featuring a young cover star who is a fan of theater with big dreams, to relate to that target audience. The magazine's niche focus and authentic retro design are meant to appeal to these social groups.
This document provides an agenda and objectives for an English Language Learner (ELL) class. The objectives are to correctly rewrite three incorrect sentences about William Shakespeare, discuss what was learned from yesterday's research on Shakespeare, and learn vocabulary related to plays. The class will also review their KWL chart on Shakespeare, reflect on what they found most interesting or still want to know, and discuss the most important fact to remember about Romeo and Juliet. Definitions will be created for literary terms and scenes from Romeo and Juliet will be analyzed and acted out.
El documento da la bienvenida a la comunidad polit¨¦cnica a la Escuela Superior Polit¨¦cnica de Chimborazo y presenta un portafolio con informaci¨®n sobre Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel y herramientas para manipularlos. Tambi¨¦n explica que los estudiantes de medicina usan la tecnolog¨ªa inform¨¢tica para completar sus tareas diarias.
Un grupo de alumnos de sexto grado visit¨® el Acuario de Gij¨®n donde aprendieron sobre los diferentes animales marinos como peces espada, ping¨¹inos, estrellas de mar, caballitos de mar, peces rayas, peces escorpiones y medusas mientras eran guiados por una monitora.
Presentasjon av kjemiprosess i TIP-serienRune Mathisen
Gyldendal sin TIP-serie for vg1 kommer i ny utgave, og jeg har skrevet et kapittel for kjemiprosessfaget. Her er en presentasjon av kapitlet.
El documento resume los or¨ªgenes e historia de Internet, desde su creaci¨®n como proyecto militar estadounidense en los a?os 60 hasta su evoluci¨®n actual. Explica que Internet une muchas redes de computadoras usando protocolos como TCP/IP y describe algunos servicios b¨¢sicos como correo electr¨®nico, la World Wide Web, grupos de noticias y transferencia de archivos. Tambi¨¦n habla sobre la Web 2.0 y las universidades que forman parte de esta red.
El documento describe el papel comunicativo del docente en el aula virtual. Explica que el docente organiza y orienta el aprendizaje, promueve redes sociales y tecnol¨®gicas, y se transforma en un administrador de recursos educativos y gu¨ªa para los estudiantes. Tambi¨¦n requiere competencias tecnol¨®gicas y comunicativas para crear espacios de aprendizaje dialogante en un entorno virtual.
Transportation refers to the movement of people and objects and has helped establish civilization. In the past, transportation was primitive and simple, whereas nowadays it is more modern. However, modern transportation also causes traffic problems like traffic jams and accidents as well as environmental pollution. Some solutions to these issues include improving roads and highways, promoting safe driving skills, and encouraging walking.
This document provides an overview of the Ruby programming language for Perl programmers. Ruby is an interpreted, object-oriented scripting language that is very similar to Perl in many ways, such as its syntax for regular expressions and special variables, but differs in its stronger emphasis on object-oriented principles and more dynamic features. The document discusses Ruby's history and influences, basic syntax, core programming concepts like classes and modules, and ways that Ruby code can be easily extended.
Este documento presenta la Declaraci¨®n de Managua de la Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericanas, Afrocaribe?as y de la Di¨¢spora. La red exhorta a los gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales a redoblar sus esfuerzos para promover la igualdad y los derechos humanos de las mujeres afrodescendientes, incluidos los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Tambi¨¦n pide que se incorporen estad¨ªsticas desagregadas por raza y etnia en los informes sobre la aplicaci¨®n del Plan de Acci¨®n de El Cairo
The document outlines a proposed documentary that would follow an up-and-coming independent band in London leading up to a gig. It would give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of breaking into the music industry. The documentary is estimated to cost ?9,366 and would be filmed over two weeks, following the band as they promote their show, practice, and deal with other musicians and promoters. It aims to appeal to a young demographic interested in the indie music scene.
This document provides a checklist and timeline for completing the tasks required for an A2 media portfolio on music videos. It outlines 9 tasks to be completed by September 5th related to research, analysis, and planning. It then lists additional tasks like treatment sheets, audience research, animatics/storyboards, risk assessments, and test footage to be finished by subsequent deadlines. The best portfolios will use multimedia like videos and audio to present research, drafts, and the creative process. Tasks should be clearly labelled and credited on the blog platform.
Initially, films showed a single continuous shot but editing was discovered accidentally and experimented with to create meaning and as a propaganda tool. In the 1920s, Soviet filmmakers Kuleshov and Eisenstein experimented with editing film to create meaning, such as Kuleshov's experiment. Their techniques were used for political propaganda filmmaking and can be seen in Eisenstein's 1925 film Battleship Potemkin, which strategically edits images to make the audience feel certain emotions and convey a message to Russian viewers at that time.
The Rural Bank of Digos turned itself around in the 1990s by bringing in new management, increasing capitalization, computerizing systems, and opening three new branches. It also formed partnerships with other Philippine banks and organizations. In the 2000s, the bank further professionalized its human resources department, infused additional capital, opened two more branches, and received regional and national awards. The bank offers microfinance products like short-term loans for small businesses and farmers to help them expand operations and access working capital. It is supported by training, equipment, technical assistance, and product evaluations from MABS-M. The bank has grown in number of active borrowers, loan portfolio size, field staff, loans disbursed, and
Este documento proporciona cinco ejercicios de matem¨¢ticas con n¨²meros enteros, fracciones, potencias y notaci¨®n cient¨ªfica. Tambi¨¦n incluye tres problemas de porcentajes que involucran descuentos y aumentos. Se piden los resultados de cada operaci¨®n o c¨¢lculo. El documento tambi¨¦n incluye la informaci¨®n de contacto de varias escuelas de educaci¨®n permanente de adultos.
The document lists different camera shots including extreme long shots, mid shots, over shoulder shots, and close ups. Most shots are at eye level and still, though some utilize movement like zooming in, panning right, tilting down, or circling 360 degrees. The shots provide different angles and perspectives ranging from wide establishing shots to tight close ups.
This document discusses how a magazine represents particular social groups through its content and design. It represents an older generation interested in theater through references to classic actors and musicals, and an old-fashioned font and black-and-white photography style. It also aims to represent drama and theater students by featuring a young cover star who is a fan of theater with big dreams, to relate to that target audience. The magazine's niche focus and authentic retro design are meant to appeal to these social groups.
This document provides an agenda and objectives for an English Language Learner (ELL) class. The objectives are to correctly rewrite three incorrect sentences about William Shakespeare, discuss what was learned from yesterday's research on Shakespeare, and learn vocabulary related to plays. The class will also review their KWL chart on Shakespeare, reflect on what they found most interesting or still want to know, and discuss the most important fact to remember about Romeo and Juliet. Definitions will be created for literary terms and scenes from Romeo and Juliet will be analyzed and acted out.
El documento da la bienvenida a la comunidad polit¨¦cnica a la Escuela Superior Polit¨¦cnica de Chimborazo y presenta un portafolio con informaci¨®n sobre Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel y herramientas para manipularlos. Tambi¨¦n explica que los estudiantes de medicina usan la tecnolog¨ªa inform¨¢tica para completar sus tareas diarias.
Un grupo de alumnos de sexto grado visit¨® el Acuario de Gij¨®n donde aprendieron sobre los diferentes animales marinos como peces espada, ping¨¹inos, estrellas de mar, caballitos de mar, peces rayas, peces escorpiones y medusas mientras eran guiados por una monitora.
Presentasjon av kjemiprosess i TIP-serienRune Mathisen
Gyldendal sin TIP-serie for vg1 kommer i ny utgave, og jeg har skrevet et kapittel for kjemiprosessfaget. Her er en presentasjon av kapitlet.
El documento resume los or¨ªgenes e historia de Internet, desde su creaci¨®n como proyecto militar estadounidense en los a?os 60 hasta su evoluci¨®n actual. Explica que Internet une muchas redes de computadoras usando protocolos como TCP/IP y describe algunos servicios b¨¢sicos como correo electr¨®nico, la World Wide Web, grupos de noticias y transferencia de archivos. Tambi¨¦n habla sobre la Web 2.0 y las universidades que forman parte de esta red.
El documento describe el papel comunicativo del docente en el aula virtual. Explica que el docente organiza y orienta el aprendizaje, promueve redes sociales y tecnol¨®gicas, y se transforma en un administrador de recursos educativos y gu¨ªa para los estudiantes. Tambi¨¦n requiere competencias tecnol¨®gicas y comunicativas para crear espacios de aprendizaje dialogante en un entorno virtual.
Transportation refers to the movement of people and objects and has helped establish civilization. In the past, transportation was primitive and simple, whereas nowadays it is more modern. However, modern transportation also causes traffic problems like traffic jams and accidents as well as environmental pollution. Some solutions to these issues include improving roads and highways, promoting safe driving skills, and encouraging walking.
This document provides an overview of the Ruby programming language for Perl programmers. Ruby is an interpreted, object-oriented scripting language that is very similar to Perl in many ways, such as its syntax for regular expressions and special variables, but differs in its stronger emphasis on object-oriented principles and more dynamic features. The document discusses Ruby's history and influences, basic syntax, core programming concepts like classes and modules, and ways that Ruby code can be easily extended.
Este documento presenta la Declaraci¨®n de Managua de la Red de Mujeres Afrolatinoamericanas, Afrocaribe?as y de la Di¨¢spora. La red exhorta a los gobiernos y organizaciones internacionales a redoblar sus esfuerzos para promover la igualdad y los derechos humanos de las mujeres afrodescendientes, incluidos los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. Tambi¨¦n pide que se incorporen estad¨ªsticas desagregadas por raza y etnia en los informes sobre la aplicaci¨®n del Plan de Acci¨®n de El Cairo
The document outlines a proposed documentary that would follow an up-and-coming independent band in London leading up to a gig. It would give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of breaking into the music industry. The documentary is estimated to cost ?9,366 and would be filmed over two weeks, following the band as they promote their show, practice, and deal with other musicians and promoters. It aims to appeal to a young demographic interested in the indie music scene.
This document provides a checklist and timeline for completing the tasks required for an A2 media portfolio on music videos. It outlines 9 tasks to be completed by September 5th related to research, analysis, and planning. It then lists additional tasks like treatment sheets, audience research, animatics/storyboards, risk assessments, and test footage to be finished by subsequent deadlines. The best portfolios will use multimedia like videos and audio to present research, drafts, and the creative process. Tasks should be clearly labelled and credited on the blog platform.
Initially, films showed a single continuous shot but editing was discovered accidentally and experimented with to create meaning and as a propaganda tool. In the 1920s, Soviet filmmakers Kuleshov and Eisenstein experimented with editing film to create meaning, such as Kuleshov's experiment. Their techniques were used for political propaganda filmmaking and can be seen in Eisenstein's 1925 film Battleship Potemkin, which strategically edits images to make the audience feel certain emotions and convey a message to Russian viewers at that time.
The Rural Bank of Digos turned itself around in the 1990s by bringing in new management, increasing capitalization, computerizing systems, and opening three new branches. It also formed partnerships with other Philippine banks and organizations. In the 2000s, the bank further professionalized its human resources department, infused additional capital, opened two more branches, and received regional and national awards. The bank offers microfinance products like short-term loans for small businesses and farmers to help them expand operations and access working capital. It is supported by training, equipment, technical assistance, and product evaluations from MABS-M. The bank has grown in number of active borrowers, loan portfolio size, field staff, loans disbursed, and
Este documento proporciona cinco ejercicios de matem¨¢ticas con n¨²meros enteros, fracciones, potencias y notaci¨®n cient¨ªfica. Tambi¨¦n incluye tres problemas de porcentajes que involucran descuentos y aumentos. Se piden los resultados de cada operaci¨®n o c¨¢lculo. El documento tambi¨¦n incluye la informaci¨®n de contacto de varias escuelas de educaci¨®n permanente de adultos.