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■ お問い合せ
【Potatotips #26】Replace EventBus with RxJava/RxAndroidHiroyuki Kusu
This document discusses replacing the EventBus library with RxJava and RxAndroid for event handling in Android applications. It provides sample code for an RxEventBus class that can be used similarly to EventBus, posting and subscribing to events. It also discusses best practices like providing the RxEventBus as a singleton using Dagger 2 dependency injection.
【Potatotips #26】Replace EventBus with RxJava/RxAndroidHiroyuki Kusu
This document discusses replacing the EventBus library with RxJava and RxAndroid for event handling in Android applications. It provides sample code for an RxEventBus class that can be used similarly to EventBus, posting and subscribing to events. It also discusses best practices like providing the RxEventBus as a singleton using Dagger 2 dependency injection.