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Mahatma Gandhi Immortal:-
Mohandas KaramchandGandhi (Baapu) wasa man whofightswiththe Britishersforfreedom.He was
an Indianlawyer,Political manandAnti-colonial Nationalist.TheyleadIndependentCampaign
successfullyforIndia'sfrom British.
Mohandas KumarChandGandhi was born on2 October1869, Porbandar,Gujarat.Mahatma Gandhi
was knownbymanynameslike BapuJi,Mahatma, Gandhi Ji,M.K Gandhi and Mahatma Gandhi also
calledFatherof Nation.
He wasa real fighterwhofightforthere Nation.Afterthe deathof MahatmaGandhi,the memorial is
made on Rajghat,Gandhi Smriti.Hisfathername was KaramchandGandhi & MotherName was
Putlibai Gandhi.Theirwife name wasKasturbaGandhi.
Gandhi Ji son's:-
Harilal Gandhi
Ramdas Gandhi
Manilal Gandhi
Gandhi Ji marriedat the age of 13 Year withKasturbaGandhi and at that time she was1-yearelderthen
Mahatma Gandhi She marriedGandhi Ji in( 1883). In 1869, When KasturbaGandhi wasa single lady,she
was knownasthe "Kasturbai MakhanJi Kapadia".She wasborn on 11 April.She wasalsoinvolvedwith
Gandhi Ji and supporthimin the IndianIndependentmovementin British-ruledIndia.
RabindranathTagore wasa man whonamedthe Mahatma Gandhi "Baapu". Well,Mahatmaactually
meanswas‘Great Soul’A perhowsatisfiedtheirlifetoadoptthe simplestof livingforthe people andfor
the Independence of India.Mahatmatitle alsogivingbyRabindranathTagore forthere contribution
Awardswhichistakenby Gandhi Ji.
In 1930, Time magazine awardedGandhi Ji as a Man Of The Year.
The Universityof Nagpurawardedhiman LL. D in (1937).
Runnerup inThe AlbertEinsteinAwardsasa “Personof the Century".
Gandhi peace Prize givingbythe governmenttothe social worker andcitizen.
Time magazinestitledGandhi Ji asa top25 Political Iconof all time.
In 1995, Afterthe posthumous,he wasincludedinthe Hall of Fame byThe NorthAmericanVegetarian
Gandhi Ji nevergetsNobel Peace Prize,He wasnominatedforfive-timebetween1937 and 1948. At the
age of 9, Gandhi Ji enteredinlocal School inRajkotnearto Home for studiesArithmetic,History
Gujarati language andGeography.He joinsHighSchool at the age of 11. Afterhighschool,Gandhi Ji
wantsto become a doctor butthere Fatherhopedhe wouldalsobecome agovernmentminister.In
1888, Gandhi Ji leftIndiaat the age of 18. Andcomplete hislaw educationatUniversityof LondonInner
Temple andaftercompletinglawhe leftforSouthAfricaandstudymore aboutReligionIndia.In1891
he returnedtoIndia.
There isa biographical documentaryfilm.In1968, The filmwasmade by SirVithalbhai Jhaveri.This
picture wasmade by usingwords,photographyandblackand white footage.Capturedhole strugglelife
of Gandhi Ji and itsdurationcontainsfive-four-nine minutes.Gandhi Ji contributiontoIndiafor
1. WorldWar I:-
The Viceroyof IndiaLord ChelmsfordinvitedGandhi toDelhi ata war conference.Togainthe trust of
the empire.Gandhi agreedandenlistpeopletomove tothe army for WorldWar I Andalsowrote to the
viceroyandsaidthat ‘Personallywill notkillorinjure anybodyfriendandfoe'.
Champaranact wastakenin Bihar. Thisact wasthe firstactive involvementof Gandhi Ji relatedto
Politicsof Indianfreedom.Where Champaranfarmersgetpressurizedtogrow Indigoandtheytortured
the farmersif theyrefusedtogrow.Gandhi Ji helpedtheminscheminganon-violentprotest,and
Gandhi Ji managedto wina deal fromthe authority.
It was formedinGujaratvillage "Kheda".Khedavillage badlyhitbythe floodandtheirlocal farmer
addressedtothe rulersto wive off taxes.A campaigninitiatedbyGandhi Ji.Itwaspledgedfornon-
paymenttaxes.In1918, Gandhi Ji alsoarrangeda social boycottof the mamlatdarsand calendars.After
that, the governmentrelaxedtheirconditionsof paymentof revenue tax until the famine ended.
4.Khilafat movement:-
Gandhi Ji influence onMuslimpopulationwasremarkable.AfterWorldWar,I Muslimfearedforthere
safetyandreligion.Leaderprotestwasbeingformedtofightagainstthe ruiningstatusof the caliph.
Gandhi Ji became the spokenpersonforall IndianMuslimconference hisroleinKhilafatmovementwas
made hima National leaderatthat time.
Gandhi realisedthatthe Britishhadbeenable tobe in Indiaonlybecause of co-operationandtheyhave
receivedfromIndia.Withthatpoint, Gandhi Ji calledita non-corporationmovement.Afterthat,
Congresssupports Gandhi Ji and theirtones.Gandhi Ji convincedpeople thatpeaceful non-corporation
was the keyto Independence.Afteritwill become the mottoforthe Indianfreedommovement.
6.Salt March:-
Saltmarch is alsoknownas Dandi years.In thismovement,Gandhi Ji advisedbeingacrucial incidentin
the historyof freedomstruggle.In1928 Gandhi Ji declaredthatthe Britishwill DominionformIndian
and countrywill complete independence.The Britishdidn'tpayinterestinhis.In1929, Asa resultof this
on December31. The IndianflagwasunfurledinLahore.Andonthe nextJanuary26 wasdeclaredasthe
IndianIndependence Day.Afterthat,InMarch 1930 Gandhi starteda Satyagraha campaignagainstthe
salttax. Thousandsof people joinhimwhenGandhijimarchedandmade one of the biggestmarchedin
7.Quit Indian Movement:-
Duringthe SecondWorldWar, Gandhiji wasdecidedtostrike the BritishEmpire withaprecisive bash
that securestheirexitfromIndia.Thishappenwhenthe BritishstartedrecruitingIndianforwar.Gandhi
Ji stronglyprotestedandsaidthatIndiacannot take a part ina war that was the democraticpurpose
and saidIndiawasnot a free country.Thisargumentof Gandhi Ji exposedtwo-facescolonisersand
withinahalf a decade,theywere outof thiscountry.
Gandhi Ji murder history:-
On 30 January1948, Gandhi Ji shot bythe NathuramGodse.A Great leaderdiesandmakesIndia
independence.He fightsforthere nationorgivesfreedomtoeachand everyIndianlive free inIndia.
Gandhi saidthat.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world" "

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Mahatma gandhi

  • 1. Mahatma Gandhi Immortal:- Mohandas KaramchandGandhi (Baapu) wasa man whofightswiththe Britishersforfreedom.He was an Indianlawyer,Political manandAnti-colonial Nationalist.TheyleadIndependentCampaign successfullyforIndia'sfrom British. Mohandas KumarChandGandhi was born on2 October1869, Porbandar,Gujarat.Mahatma Gandhi was knownbymanynameslike BapuJi,Mahatma, Gandhi Ji,M.K Gandhi and Mahatma Gandhi also calledFatherof Nation. He wasa real fighterwhofightforthere Nation.Afterthe deathof MahatmaGandhi,the memorial is made on Rajghat,Gandhi Smriti.Hisfathername was KaramchandGandhi & MotherName was Putlibai Gandhi.Theirwife name wasKasturbaGandhi. Gandhi Ji son's:- Harilal Gandhi Ramdas Gandhi Manilal Gandhi DevdasGandhi Gandhi Ji marriedat the age of 13 Year withKasturbaGandhi and at that time she was1-yearelderthen Mahatma Gandhi She marriedGandhi Ji in( 1883). In 1869, When KasturbaGandhi wasa single lady,she was knownasthe "Kasturbai MakhanJi Kapadia".She wasborn on 11 April.She wasalsoinvolvedwith Gandhi Ji and supporthimin the IndianIndependentmovementin British-ruledIndia. RabindranathTagore wasa man whonamedthe Mahatma Gandhi "Baapu". Well,Mahatmaactually meanswas‘Great Soul’A perhowsatisfiedtheirlifetoadoptthe simplestof livingforthe people andfor the Independence of India.Mahatmatitle alsogivingbyRabindranathTagore forthere contribution towardsnation. Awardswhichistakenby Gandhi Ji. In 1930, Time magazine awardedGandhi Ji as a Man Of The Year. The Universityof Nagpurawardedhiman LL. D in (1937). Runnerup inThe AlbertEinsteinAwardsasa “Personof the Century". Gandhi peace Prize givingbythe governmenttothe social worker andcitizen. WorldleadersandcitizensbyNelsonMandela. Time magazinestitledGandhi Ji asa top25 Political Iconof all time. In 1995, Afterthe posthumous,he wasincludedinthe Hall of Fame byThe NorthAmericanVegetarian Society.
  • 2. Gandhi Ji nevergetsNobel Peace Prize,He wasnominatedforfive-timebetween1937 and 1948. At the age of 9, Gandhi Ji enteredinlocal School inRajkotnearto Home for studiesArithmetic,History Gujarati language andGeography.He joinsHighSchool at the age of 11. Afterhighschool,Gandhi Ji wantsto become a doctor butthere Fatherhopedhe wouldalsobecome agovernmentminister.In 1888, Gandhi Ji leftIndiaat the age of 18. Andcomplete hislaw educationatUniversityof LondonInner Temple andaftercompletinglawhe leftforSouthAfricaandstudymore aboutReligionIndia.In1891 he returnedtoIndia. There isa biographical documentaryfilm.In1968, The filmwasmade by SirVithalbhai Jhaveri.This picture wasmade by usingwords,photographyandblackand white footage.Capturedhole strugglelife of Gandhi Ji and itsdurationcontainsfive-four-nine minutes.Gandhi Ji contributiontoIndiafor freedom. 1. WorldWar I:- The Viceroyof IndiaLord ChelmsfordinvitedGandhi toDelhi ata war conference.Togainthe trust of the empire.Gandhi agreedandenlistpeopletomove tothe army for WorldWar I Andalsowrote to the viceroyandsaidthat ‘Personallywill notkillorinjure anybodyfriendandfoe'. 2.Champaran:- Champaranact wastakenin Bihar. Thisact wasthe firstactive involvementof Gandhi Ji relatedto Politicsof Indianfreedom.Where Champaranfarmersgetpressurizedtogrow Indigoandtheytortured the farmersif theyrefusedtogrow.Gandhi Ji helpedtheminscheminganon-violentprotest,and Gandhi Ji managedto wina deal fromthe authority. 3.Kheda:- It was formedinGujaratvillage "Kheda".Khedavillage badlyhitbythe floodandtheirlocal farmer addressedtothe rulersto wive off taxes.A campaigninitiatedbyGandhi Ji.Itwaspledgedfornon- paymenttaxes.In1918, Gandhi Ji alsoarrangeda social boycottof the mamlatdarsand calendars.After that, the governmentrelaxedtheirconditionsof paymentof revenue tax until the famine ended. 4.Khilafat movement:- Gandhi Ji influence onMuslimpopulationwasremarkable.AfterWorldWar,I Muslimfearedforthere safetyandreligion.Leaderprotestwasbeingformedtofightagainstthe ruiningstatusof the caliph. Gandhi Ji became the spokenpersonforall IndianMuslimconference hisroleinKhilafatmovementwas made hima National leaderatthat time. 5.Non-CorporationMovement:- Gandhi realisedthatthe Britishhadbeenable tobe in Indiaonlybecause of co-operationandtheyhave receivedfromIndia.Withthatpoint, Gandhi Ji calledita non-corporationmovement.Afterthat, Congresssupports Gandhi Ji and theirtones.Gandhi Ji convincedpeople thatpeaceful non-corporation was the keyto Independence.Afteritwill become the mottoforthe Indianfreedommovement.
  • 3. 6.Salt March:- Saltmarch is alsoknownas Dandi years.In thismovement,Gandhi Ji advisedbeingacrucial incidentin the historyof freedomstruggle.In1928 Gandhi Ji declaredthatthe Britishwill DominionformIndian and countrywill complete independence.The Britishdidn'tpayinterestinhis.In1929, Asa resultof this on December31. The IndianflagwasunfurledinLahore.Andonthe nextJanuary26 wasdeclaredasthe IndianIndependence Day.Afterthat,InMarch 1930 Gandhi starteda Satyagraha campaignagainstthe salttax. Thousandsof people joinhimwhenGandhijimarchedandmade one of the biggestmarchedin history. 7.Quit Indian Movement:- Duringthe SecondWorldWar, Gandhiji wasdecidedtostrike the BritishEmpire withaprecisive bash that securestheirexitfromIndia.Thishappenwhenthe BritishstartedrecruitingIndianforwar.Gandhi Ji stronglyprotestedandsaidthatIndiacannot take a part ina war that was the democraticpurpose and saidIndiawasnot a free country.Thisargumentof Gandhi Ji exposedtwo-facescolonisersand withinahalf a decade,theywere outof thiscountry. Gandhi Ji murder history:- On 30 January1948, Gandhi Ji shot bythe NathuramGodse.A Great leaderdiesandmakesIndia independence.He fightsforthere nationorgivesfreedomtoeachand everyIndianlive free inIndia. Gandhi saidthat. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world" "