MANCOVA is used to analyze data with more than one dependent variable and one or more independent variables while controlling for covariates. It extends MANOVA and ANCOVA by incorporating multiple dependent variables and a covariate. A one-way MANCOVA determines if there are statistically significant differences between adjusted group means of an independent variable on combined dependent variables after controlling for a continuous covariate. Key requirements include more than one dependent variable measured on a ratio scale, an independent variable with two or more groups, a covariate with two or more groups, and meeting assumptions like homogeneity of variance and normality. The procedure involves stating hypotheses with the null that the independent variable is not a factor and the alternative that it is, analyzing data
Research 101: Inferential Quantitative AnalysisHarold Gamero
This document provides an overview of quantitative inferential analysis techniques, including:
- Inferential statistics are used to test hypotheses and draw conclusions about populations based on sample data, using specialized software.
- Basic concepts include null and alternative hypotheses, significance levels, p-values, and that statistical inferences are probabilistic rather than deterministic.
- Common analysis techniques described are the general linear model, structural equation modeling, ANOVA for comparing groups, factorial designs, and other techniques like factor analysis, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, and path analysis.
Statistics for Anaesthesiologists covers basic to intermediate level statistics for researchers especially commonly used study designs or tests in Anaesthesiology research.
This presentation explains the concept of ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA and MANCOVA. This presentation also deals about the procedure to do the ANOVA, ANCOVA and MANOVA with the use of SPSS.
This document provides an overview of parametric and nonparametric statistical methods. It defines key concepts like standard error, degrees of freedom, critical values, and one-tailed versus two-tailed hypotheses. Common parametric tests discussed include t-tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, and MANOVA. Nonparametric tests covered are chi-square, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, and Friedman. The document explains when to use parametric versus nonparametric methods and how measures like effect size can quantify the strength of relationships found.
This document discusses parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. Parametric tests like the t-test and ANOVA assume a normal distribution of data and compare population means. Nonparametric tests do not assume a normal distribution and can be used when sample sizes are small or distributions are unknown. Specific parametric tests covered include the t-test for comparing two groups, one-way ANOVA for comparing three or more groups on one factor, and two-way ANOVA for examining two factors. Examples of how and when to use these various tests are provided.
This document provides an overview of common statistical tests used to analyze quantitative data, including t-tests, ANOVAs, and regression. It defines the assumptions and applications of t-tests (independent samples t-test, paired t-test, one-sample t-test) and ANOVA (one-way, factorial). Linear and multiple regression are introduced as ways to model relationships between continuous variables and test predictions. Examples of research questions and outputs are provided.
Comparing mean IQ of students using one way anovaParagSaharia2
This document discusses using a one-way ANOVA test to analyze differences in mean IQ scores between students from different disciplines (statistics, maths, and chemistry). It outlines the assumptions of one-way ANOVA, describes the variables used, and provides an example comparing mean IQ scores between the three disciplines. The results of running a one-way ANOVA and post-hoc test in SPSS on sample IQ data are presented. The post-hoc test finds a significant difference in mean IQ scores only between maths and chemistry students.
Multivariate analysis techniques allow researchers to analyze multiple variables simultaneously. Some key techniques include multiple regression, discriminant analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, and latent structure analysis. These techniques help reduce complex data into simpler representations and support various types of decision making.
The document provides an overview of different statistical analysis methods including independent ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, and MANOVA. It discusses key aspects of each method such as their appropriate uses, assumptions, and how to conduct the analyses and interpret results in SPSS. For ANOVA, it covers topics like F-ratio, significance levels, post-hoc tests, effect sizes, and examples. For MANOVA, it compares it to ANOVA and explains how MANOVA can assess differences across groups on multiple dependent variables simultaneously.
(Individuals With Disabilities Act Transformation Over the Years)DSilvaGraf83
(Individuals With Disabilities Act Transformation Over the Years)
Discussion Forum Instructions:
1. You must post at least three times each week.
2. Your initial post is due Tuesday of each week and the following two post are due before Sunday.油油
3. All post must be on separate days of the week.
4. Post must be at least 150 words and cite all of your references even it its the book.
Discussion Topic:
Describe how the lives of students with disabilities from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds have changed since the advent of IDEA.油 What do you feel are some things that can or should be implemented to better assist with students that have disabilities?油 Tell me about these ideas and how would you integrate them?
Analysis of Variance
Statistical method to analyzes variances to determine if the means from more than
two populations are the same
compare the between-sample-variation to the within-sample-variation
If the between-sample-variation is sufficiently large compared to the within-sample-
variation it is likely that the population means are statistically different
Compares means (group differences) among levels of factors. No
assumptions are made regarding how the factors are related
Residual related assumptions are the same as with simple regression
Explanatory variables can be qualitative or quantitative but are categorized
for group investigations. These variables are often referred to as factors
with levels (category levels)
ANOVA Assumptions
Assume populations , from which the response values for the groups
are drawn, are normally distributed
Assumes populations have equal variances
Can compare the ratio of smallest and largest sample standard deviations.
Between .05 and 2 are typically not considered evidence of a violation
Assumes the response data are independent
For large sample sizes, or for factor level sample sizes that are equal,
the ANOVA test is robust to assumption violations of normality and
unequal variances
ANOVA and Variance
Fixed or Random Factors
A factor is fixed if its levels are chosen before the ANOVA investigation
Difference in groups are only investigated for the specific pre-selected factors
and levels
A factor is random if its levels are choosen randomly from the
population before the ANOVA investigation begins
Assigning subjects to treatment groups or treatments to subjects
randomly reduces the chance of bias selecting results
ANOVA hypotheses statements
One-way ANOVA
Hypotheses statements
Test statistic
巨$ゐ 咋
≠ 咋
Under the null hypothesis both the between and within group variances estimate the
variance of the random error so the ratio is assumed to be close to 1.
Null Hypothesis
Alternate Hypothesis
One-Way ANOVA Excel Output
This document provides an overview of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), including its assumptions, decision process, statistical tests used (e.g. Box's M test, Hotelling's T2, Roy's greatest characteristic root), and advantages over multiple univariate ANOVAs. It also discusses post-hoc tests, provides an example of how to interpret MANOVA output, and notes some limitations and disadvantages of the technique.
This slide is about Analysis of Covariance. Analysis of covariance provides a way of statistically controlling the (linear) effect of variables one does not want to examine in a study.
ANCOVA is the statistical technique that combines regression and ANOVA.
The document discusses statistical methods for comparing means between groups, including t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA). It provides information on different types of t-tests (one sample, independent samples, and paired samples t-tests), assumptions of t-tests, and how to perform t-tests in SPSS. It also covers one-way ANOVA, including its assumptions, components of variation, properties of the F-test, and how to run a one-way ANOVA in SPSS. Examples are provided for each statistical test.
The document provides information on statistical techniques for comparing means between groups, including t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and their assumptions and applications. T-tests are used to compare two groups, while ANOVA allows comparison of three or more groups and controls for increased Type I error rates. Steps for conducting t-tests, ANOVA, and post-hoc tests using SPSS are outlined along with examples and interpretations.
This document provides an overview of one-way ANOVA, including its assumptions, steps, and an example. One-way ANOVA tests whether the means of three or more independent groups are significantly different. It compares the variance between sample means to the variance within samples using an F-statistic. If the F-statistic exceeds a critical value, then at least one group mean is significantly different from the others. Post-hoc tests may then be used to determine specifically which group means differ. The example calculates statistics to compare the analgesic effects of three drugs and finds no significant difference between the group means.
Repeated measures ANOVA is used to compare average scores on the same individuals across multiple time periods or treatment conditions. It controls for individual differences by having each subject serve as their own control. The repeated measures ANOVA tests whether population means are equal across conditions while accounting for within-subject variability. It has advantages of increased power but disadvantages like carryover effects. Assumptions include continuous, normally distributed dependent variables and independence of observations.
The document discusses various statistical techniques used to analyze relationships between variables, including correlation, t-tests, analysis of variance, chi-square tests, and more. It provides examples of how to apply these techniques and interpret their results. For instance, it explains how a t-test for dependent means could be used to compare the science achievement of an experimental group that received computer-aided instruction versus a control group that received traditional teaching.
The document discusses various statistical tools used in research including measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), measures of dispersion (standard deviation, interquartile range, coefficient of variation), t-tests, ANOVA, regression, correlation and more. It provides examples of when each tool would be used, such as using regression to model relationships between variables or ANOVA to test for differences between group means. The document aims to increase awareness of these common statistical tools for analyzing data in research studies across various fields.
This document provides an overview of analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques, including one-way and two-way ANOVA. It defines ANOVA as a statistical tool used to test differences between two or more means by analyzing variance. One-way ANOVA tests the effect of one factor on the mean and splits total variation into between-groups and within-groups components. Two-way ANOVA controls for another variable as a blocking factor to reduce error variance and splits total variation into between treatments, between blocks, and residual components. The document reviews key ANOVA terms, assumptions, calculations including sum of squares, F-ratio and p-value, and provides examples of one-way and two-way ANOVA.
This document provides an overview of several advanced statistical procedures used in research articles, including multiple regression, hierarchical and stepwise regression, partial correlation, reliability measures, factor analysis, path analysis, structural equation modeling, analysis of covariance, multivariate analysis of variance, and multivariate analysis of covariance. It defines each procedure and provides brief examples of their use and interpretation.
This document summarizes a study that used canonical correlation analysis to detect potential bias in faculty promotion scores at American University of Nigeria. The study aimed to test if canonical correlation could identify bias scoring, determine the influence of individual assessors' scores, and discriminate between promotable and non-promotable candidates. The results showed that canonical correlation could detect bias and influence with over 90% confidence and correctly classified candidates into promotable and non-promotable groups, rejecting the null hypotheses. Thus, canonical correlation was found to be an effective statistical tool for unbiased promotion scoring and decision making at the university.
- ANOVA is a statistical method used to compare the means of three or more groups to determine if there are any statistically significant differences between the population means.
- The one-way ANOVA compares the means of one independent variable that has multiple levels or groups. The two-way ANOVA compares the means of two independent variables.
- Steps of one-way ANOVA include calculating sums of squares, degrees of freedom, mean squares, and the F-ratio to compare to the F-table value to determine if there are statistically significant differences between group means.
Repeated measures ANOVA is used to compare mean scores on the same individuals across multiple time points or conditions. It extends the dependent t-test to allow for more than two time points or conditions. Key assumptions include having a continuous dependent variable, at least two related groups or conditions, no outliers, normally distributed differences between groups, and sphericity. Repeated measures ANOVA separates variance into between-subjects, between-measures, and error components to test if there are differences in mean scores between related groups while accounting for correlations between measures on the same individuals.
This document discusses various statistical analysis techniques used in SPSS, including ANOVA, MANOVA, and ANCOVA. It defines one-way and two-way ANOVA as comparing mean differences between three or more groups with a single continuous dependent variable. One-way ANOVA compares a single factor while two-way compares two factors. MANOVA extends ANOVA to assess the effect of one or more independent variables on two or more dependent variables. ANCOVA is similar to ANOVA but includes a continuous covariate. The document provides examples and outlines of how to apply these techniques.
Multivariate analysis techniques allow researchers to analyze multiple variables simultaneously. Some key techniques include multiple regression, discriminant analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, and latent structure analysis. These techniques help reduce complex data into simpler representations and support various types of decision making.
The document provides an overview of different statistical analysis methods including independent ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA, and MANOVA. It discusses key aspects of each method such as their appropriate uses, assumptions, and how to conduct the analyses and interpret results in SPSS. For ANOVA, it covers topics like F-ratio, significance levels, post-hoc tests, effect sizes, and examples. For MANOVA, it compares it to ANOVA and explains how MANOVA can assess differences across groups on multiple dependent variables simultaneously.
(Individuals With Disabilities Act Transformation Over the Years)DSilvaGraf83
(Individuals With Disabilities Act Transformation Over the Years)
Discussion Forum Instructions:
1. You must post at least three times each week.
2. Your initial post is due Tuesday of each week and the following two post are due before Sunday.油油
3. All post must be on separate days of the week.
4. Post must be at least 150 words and cite all of your references even it its the book.
Discussion Topic:
Describe how the lives of students with disabilities from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds have changed since the advent of IDEA.油 What do you feel are some things that can or should be implemented to better assist with students that have disabilities?油 Tell me about these ideas and how would you integrate them?
Analysis of Variance
Statistical method to analyzes variances to determine if the means from more than
two populations are the same
compare the between-sample-variation to the within-sample-variation
If the between-sample-variation is sufficiently large compared to the within-sample-
variation it is likely that the population means are statistically different
Compares means (group differences) among levels of factors. No
assumptions are made regarding how the factors are related
Residual related assumptions are the same as with simple regression
Explanatory variables can be qualitative or quantitative but are categorized
for group investigations. These variables are often referred to as factors
with levels (category levels)
ANOVA Assumptions
Assume populations , from which the response values for the groups
are drawn, are normally distributed
Assumes populations have equal variances
Can compare the ratio of smallest and largest sample standard deviations.
Between .05 and 2 are typically not considered evidence of a violation
Assumes the response data are independent
For large sample sizes, or for factor level sample sizes that are equal,
the ANOVA test is robust to assumption violations of normality and
unequal variances
ANOVA and Variance
Fixed or Random Factors
A factor is fixed if its levels are chosen before the ANOVA investigation
Difference in groups are only investigated for the specific pre-selected factors
and levels
A factor is random if its levels are choosen randomly from the
population before the ANOVA investigation begins
Assigning subjects to treatment groups or treatments to subjects
randomly reduces the chance of bias selecting results
ANOVA hypotheses statements
One-way ANOVA
Hypotheses statements
Test statistic
巨$ゐ 咋
≠ 咋
Under the null hypothesis both the between and within group variances estimate the
variance of the random error so the ratio is assumed to be close to 1.
Null Hypothesis
Alternate Hypothesis
One-Way ANOVA Excel Output
This document provides an overview of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), including its assumptions, decision process, statistical tests used (e.g. Box's M test, Hotelling's T2, Roy's greatest characteristic root), and advantages over multiple univariate ANOVAs. It also discusses post-hoc tests, provides an example of how to interpret MANOVA output, and notes some limitations and disadvantages of the technique.
This slide is about Analysis of Covariance. Analysis of covariance provides a way of statistically controlling the (linear) effect of variables one does not want to examine in a study.
ANCOVA is the statistical technique that combines regression and ANOVA.
The document discusses statistical methods for comparing means between groups, including t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA). It provides information on different types of t-tests (one sample, independent samples, and paired samples t-tests), assumptions of t-tests, and how to perform t-tests in SPSS. It also covers one-way ANOVA, including its assumptions, components of variation, properties of the F-test, and how to run a one-way ANOVA in SPSS. Examples are provided for each statistical test.
The document provides information on statistical techniques for comparing means between groups, including t-tests, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and their assumptions and applications. T-tests are used to compare two groups, while ANOVA allows comparison of three or more groups and controls for increased Type I error rates. Steps for conducting t-tests, ANOVA, and post-hoc tests using SPSS are outlined along with examples and interpretations.
This document provides an overview of one-way ANOVA, including its assumptions, steps, and an example. One-way ANOVA tests whether the means of three or more independent groups are significantly different. It compares the variance between sample means to the variance within samples using an F-statistic. If the F-statistic exceeds a critical value, then at least one group mean is significantly different from the others. Post-hoc tests may then be used to determine specifically which group means differ. The example calculates statistics to compare the analgesic effects of three drugs and finds no significant difference between the group means.
Repeated measures ANOVA is used to compare average scores on the same individuals across multiple time periods or treatment conditions. It controls for individual differences by having each subject serve as their own control. The repeated measures ANOVA tests whether population means are equal across conditions while accounting for within-subject variability. It has advantages of increased power but disadvantages like carryover effects. Assumptions include continuous, normally distributed dependent variables and independence of observations.
The document discusses various statistical techniques used to analyze relationships between variables, including correlation, t-tests, analysis of variance, chi-square tests, and more. It provides examples of how to apply these techniques and interpret their results. For instance, it explains how a t-test for dependent means could be used to compare the science achievement of an experimental group that received computer-aided instruction versus a control group that received traditional teaching.
The document discusses various statistical tools used in research including measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), measures of dispersion (standard deviation, interquartile range, coefficient of variation), t-tests, ANOVA, regression, correlation and more. It provides examples of when each tool would be used, such as using regression to model relationships between variables or ANOVA to test for differences between group means. The document aims to increase awareness of these common statistical tools for analyzing data in research studies across various fields.
This document provides an overview of analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques, including one-way and two-way ANOVA. It defines ANOVA as a statistical tool used to test differences between two or more means by analyzing variance. One-way ANOVA tests the effect of one factor on the mean and splits total variation into between-groups and within-groups components. Two-way ANOVA controls for another variable as a blocking factor to reduce error variance and splits total variation into between treatments, between blocks, and residual components. The document reviews key ANOVA terms, assumptions, calculations including sum of squares, F-ratio and p-value, and provides examples of one-way and two-way ANOVA.
This document provides an overview of several advanced statistical procedures used in research articles, including multiple regression, hierarchical and stepwise regression, partial correlation, reliability measures, factor analysis, path analysis, structural equation modeling, analysis of covariance, multivariate analysis of variance, and multivariate analysis of covariance. It defines each procedure and provides brief examples of their use and interpretation.
This document summarizes a study that used canonical correlation analysis to detect potential bias in faculty promotion scores at American University of Nigeria. The study aimed to test if canonical correlation could identify bias scoring, determine the influence of individual assessors' scores, and discriminate between promotable and non-promotable candidates. The results showed that canonical correlation could detect bias and influence with over 90% confidence and correctly classified candidates into promotable and non-promotable groups, rejecting the null hypotheses. Thus, canonical correlation was found to be an effective statistical tool for unbiased promotion scoring and decision making at the university.
- ANOVA is a statistical method used to compare the means of three or more groups to determine if there are any statistically significant differences between the population means.
- The one-way ANOVA compares the means of one independent variable that has multiple levels or groups. The two-way ANOVA compares the means of two independent variables.
- Steps of one-way ANOVA include calculating sums of squares, degrees of freedom, mean squares, and the F-ratio to compare to the F-table value to determine if there are statistically significant differences between group means.
Repeated measures ANOVA is used to compare mean scores on the same individuals across multiple time points or conditions. It extends the dependent t-test to allow for more than two time points or conditions. Key assumptions include having a continuous dependent variable, at least two related groups or conditions, no outliers, normally distributed differences between groups, and sphericity. Repeated measures ANOVA separates variance into between-subjects, between-measures, and error components to test if there are differences in mean scores between related groups while accounting for correlations between measures on the same individuals.
This document discusses various statistical analysis techniques used in SPSS, including ANOVA, MANOVA, and ANCOVA. It defines one-way and two-way ANOVA as comparing mean differences between three or more groups with a single continuous dependent variable. One-way ANOVA compares a single factor while two-way compares two factors. MANOVA extends ANOVA to assess the effect of one or more independent variables on two or more dependent variables. ANCOVA is similar to ANOVA but includes a continuous covariate. The document provides examples and outlines of how to apply these techniques.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
Course Facilitator
2. What is the One-Way MANCOVA?
MANCOVA is a short term for Multivariate Analysis of
Covariance (MAnCova).
The words one and way in the name indicate that the analysis
includes only one independent variable.
Like all analyses of covariance, the MANCOVA is a combination
of a One-Way MANOVA preceded by a regression analysis.
3. What is the One-Way MANCOVA?
In basic terms, the MANCOVA looks at the influence of one or
more independent variables on one dependent variable while
removing the effect of one or more covariate factors.
To do that the One-Way MANCOVA first conducts a regression of
the covariate variables on the dependent variable. Thus it eliminates
the influence of the covariates from the analysis.
Then the residuals (the unexplained variance in the regression
model) are subject to MANOVA, which tests whether the
independent variable still influences the dependent variables after
the influence of the covariate(s) has been removed.
4. What is the One-Way MANCOVA?
The One-Way MANCOVA includes one independent variable, one
or more dependent variables and the MANCOVA can include more
than one covariate, and SPSS handles up to ten.
If the One-Way MANCOVA model has more than one covariate it
is possible to run the MANCOVA with contrasts and post hoc tests
just like the one-way ANCOVA or the ANOVA to identify the
strength of the effect of each covariate.
5. Assumptions of One-Way MANCOVA Test
Multivariate Normality: The dependent variables should follow a
multivariate normal distribution within each group. Multivariate
normality ensures that the statistical inferences drawn from the
analysis are robust and accurate.
Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices: The covariance matrices of
the dependent variables should be approximately equal across all
groups. The homogeneity of covariance matrices ensures that the
relationships between variables are consistent, allowing for
meaningful comparisons.
Homogeneity of Regression Slopes: The relationships between the
independent variable and each dependent variable, as well as the
covariates, should be consistent across all groups. This assumption
ensures the reliability of regression slopes across groups.
6. Assumptions of One-Way MANCOVA Test
Homogeneity of Regression Slopes: The relationships between the
independent variable and each dependent variable, as well as the
covariates, should be consistent across all groups. This assumption
ensures the reliability of regression slopes across groups.
Absence of Outliers: The dataset should be free from outliers that
could disproportionately influence the results. Outliers can distort
the estimation of parameters and compromise the integrity of the
Linearity: The relationships between the independent variable,
dependent variables, and covariates should be linear. This
assumption ensures that the impact of the independent variable is
consistent across the range of values.
7. The hypothesis of One-Way MANCOVA Test
Main Effects
Null Hypothesis: There are no significant differences in the
combined set of dependent variables across the levels of the
independent variable, after adjusting for the covariates.
Alternative Hypothesis: There are significant differences in the
combined set of dependent variables across the levels of the
independent variable, after adjusting for the covariates.
8. The hypothesis of One-Way MANCOVA Test
Covariate Effect
Null Hypothesis: The impact of the covariate(s) on the combined
set of dependent variables is not significant.
Alternative Hypothesis: The impact of the covariate(s) on the
combined set of dependent variables is significant.
9. Example of One-Way MANCOVA Test
A researcher is studying the impact of different teaching methods
on student performance in two subjects: Science and English. The
researcher also wants to control for the effects of prior academic
achievement (as measured by the students GPA) since students
enter the courses with different levels of prior academic ability.
The study has three groups of students:
1. Traditional Teaching Method (Group 1)
2. Online Teaching Method (Group 2)
3. Blended Teaching Method (Group 3)
10. Example of One-Way MANCOVA Test
The researcher has collected data on the following variables:
Dependent Variables
Science Test Scores
English Test Scores
Independent Variable (Factor)
Teaching Method (3 levels: Traditional, Online, Blended)
GPA (prior academic achievement)
11. Example of One-Way MANCOVA Test
1. State the Research Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference in the
Science and English test scores between the teaching methods
when controlling for GPA.
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): At least one teaching method
differs significantly in the Science or English test scores when
controlling for GPA.
12. Example of One-Way MANCOVA Test
2. Assumptions for MANCOVA:
Multivariate Normality: Are the dependent variables (Science and
English test scores) normally distributed for each group?
Homogeneity of Covariance Matrices: Is the covariance matrix of the
Science and English test scores the same across the different groups?
Linearity: Are the relationships between the dependent variables and the
covariate (GPA) linear?
Independence of Observations: Are the students test scores
independent of each other?
13. Example of One-Way MANCOVA Test
3. Data Structure:
Assume the researcher collected the following data for each student
in the study.
25. Interpretation of Data
Factor Name: The factor being studied is the "Group Teaching Method."
This means that we are comparing how different teaching methods
(Traditional, Online, and Blended) affect some dependent variable.
Levels of the Factor:
Level 1: Traditional Teaching Method (4 participants)
Level 2: Online Teaching Method (4 participants)
Level 3: Blended Teaching Method (4 participants)
N (Sample Size): For each teaching method group, there are 4
participants. This is a small sample size for each group, totaling 12
participants across all three groups.
27. Interpretation of Data
Science Test Scores: On average, students performed
best in the Blended Teaching Method (89.25), followed by
the Online Teaching Method (86.75), and then the
Traditional Teaching Method (81.25). The standard
deviations are relatively similar across these groups, but the
Blended method shows slightly more consistent results.
English Test Scores: Again, students performed best in
the Blended Teaching Method (82.75), followed by Online
Teaching Method (79.00), and lastly the Traditional
Teaching Method (73.75). The variability in English scores
was lowest in the Online method (SD = 2.160).
28. Interpretation of Data
Overall Performance: The Blended Teaching Method
appears to be the most effective for both Science and
English, with the highest mean scores in both subjects. The
Traditional Teaching Method shows the lowest
performance on both tests.
In conclusion, the data suggests that the Blended
Teaching Method may have a positive impact on students'
test scores in both Science and English compared to the
Traditional and Online methods.
30. Interpretation of Data
The Box's M test results suggest that the assumption of
equal covariance matrices across the groups is not violated
(since the p-value is greater than 0.05).
In this case, the p-value is 0.075, which is greater than
0.05, suggesting that there is no significant difference
between the covariance matrices of the groups. Therefore,
you fail to reject the null hypothesis, and you can conclude
that the covariance matrices are equal across the groups.
Therefore, you can proceed with your analysis under the
assumption that the covariance matrices are equal.
32. Interpretation of Data
Intercept and GPA both have significant effects on the
dependent variables, explaining a large portion of the
variance (85.9% for Intercept, 79.6% for GPA).
GTM has a marginally non-significant effect, as indicated
by a p-value of 0.063, which is greater than 0.05, although it
explains a substantial amount of variance (41%).
You would reject the null hypothesis for Intercept and GPA,
meaning they have significant effects on the dependent
variables, but fail to reject the null hypothesis for GTM,
meaning there is insufficient evidence to say GTM
significantly influences the dependent variables.
34. Interpretation of Data
1. Science Test Score:
F = 0.226
df1 = 2, df2 = 9
p-value = 0.802
Null hypothesis: Levenes test assumes the null hypothesis that
the error variances (residuals) are equal across groups.
p-value = 0.802: Since the p-value is greater than 0.05, you fail
to reject the null hypothesis. This means that there is no
significant difference in the error variances across the groups for
the Science Test Score. Therefore, the assumption of
homogeneity of variances (equal error variances) holds for this
dependent variable.
35. Interpretation of Data
2. English Test Score:
F = 0.427
df1 = 2, df2 = 9
p-value = 0.665
Null hypothesis: As with the Science Test Score, the null
hypothesis is that the error variances are equal across the groups.
p-value = 0.665: Since this p-value is also greater than 0.05, you
fail to reject the null hypothesis. This means that there is no
significant difference in the error variances across the groups for
the English Test Score either, so the assumption of homogeneity
of variances is also met for this variable.
36. Interpretation of Data
For both the Science Test Score and the English Test Score,
the p-values from Levene's test are both much greater than 0.05,
meaning there is no significant difference in the error variances
across the groups. You can therefore conclude that the
assumption of equal error variances holds for both dependent
variables, which is important for the validity of certain statistical
tests, like ANOVA or MANOVA.
38. Interpretation of Data
1. Corrected Model:
Science Test Score:
Type III Sum of Squares = 198.446
F = 29.722, p = 0.000
Partial Eta Squared = 0.918
English Test Score:
Type III Sum of Squares = 203.946
F = 21.707, p = 0.000
Partial Eta Squared = 0.891
39. Interpretation of Data
The Corrected Model represents the overall effect of all the
independent variables (GPA, GTM, and the intercept) on the dependent
Both Science Test Score and English Test Score have significant
models, as the p-values are both 0.000, which is less than the usual
alpha level of 0.05. This means that the independent variables (GPA,
GTM, etc.) together explain a significant portion of the variation in both
the Science and English test scores.
Partial Eta Squared shows the proportion of variance explained by the
model. For Science Test Score, 0.918 means that 91.8% of the
variance in Science Test Scores is explained by the independent
variables. For English Test Score, 0.891 means that 89.1% of the
variance in English Test Scores is explained.
40. Interpretation of Data
2. Intercept:
Science Test Score:
Type III Sum of Squares = 108.407
F = 48.710, p = 0.000
Partial Eta Squared = 0.859
English Test Score:
Type III Sum of Squares = 110.650
F = 35.331, p = 0.000
Partial Eta Squared = 0.815
41. Interpretation of Data
The Intercept term tests whether there is a significant effect
on the test scores regardless of the independent variables.
Both tests have p = 0.000, which is highly significant. This
suggests that the intercept (the baseline effect) plays a
large role in explaining the test scores.
The Partial Eta Squared values (0.859 for Science and
0.815 for English) indicate that the intercept alone accounts
for a substantial portion of the variance in both test scores
(85.9% for Science and 81.5% for English).
42. Interpretation of Data
3. GPA:
Science Test Score:
Type III Sum of Squares = 64.446
F = 28.957, p = 0.001
Partial Eta Squared = 0.784
English Test Score:
Type III Sum of Squares = 40.446
F = 12.915, p = 0.007
Partial Eta Squared = 0.617
43. Interpretation of Data
Interpretation: GPA has a significant effect on both the
Science and English Test Scores, as both p-values are less
than 0.05.
For Science Test Scores, the F-value of 28.957 indicates
that GPA is strongly associated with Science scores,
explaining 78.4% of the variance (Partial Eta Squared =
For English Test Scores, GPA also has a significant effect,
but the effect is smaller, explaining 61.7% of the variance in
English scores.
44. Interpretation of Data
4. GTM:
Science Test Score:
Type III Sum of Squares = 12.481
F = 2.804, p = 0.119
Partial Eta Squared = 0.412
English Test Score:
Type III Sum of Squares = 25.522
F = 4.075, p = 0.060
Partial Eta Squared = 0.505
45. Interpretation of Data
Interpretation: GTM has no significant effect on Science Test
Scores (p = 0.119, greater than 0.05), meaning you fail to reject
the null hypothesis for GTM in predicting Science scores.
For English Test Scores, the effect of GTM is marginally
significant (p = 0.060, which is slightly above 0.05). This
suggests that GTM may have a potential effect on English scores,
but the evidence is not strong enough to confirm significance at
the 0.05 level.
The Partial Eta Squared values indicate the proportion of
variance explained by GTM. For Science, it explains 41.2% of the
variance, and for English, it explains 50.5%. While these are
moderate effects, they are not statistically significant for Science
and only marginally so for English.
46. Interpretation of Data
5. Error:
This section provides the Error sum of squares, degrees of
freedom, and mean squares. The error term represents the
variation in the dependent variables that is not explained by
the model (including GPA and GTM).
For Science Test Score, the error variance is 17.804 with 8
degrees of freedom. For English Test Score, the error
variance is 25.054 with 8 degrees of freedom.
47. Interpretation of Data
5. Error:
This section provides the Error sum of squares, degrees of
freedom, and mean squares. The error term represents the
variation in the dependent variables that is not explained by
the model (including GPA and GTM).
For Science Test Score, the error variance is 17.804 with 8
degrees of freedom. For English Test Score, the error
variance is 25.054 with 8 degrees of freedom.
48. Interpretation of Data
Significant effects:
The Intercept and GPA have significant effects on both Science and
English Test Scores.
The Corrected Model (which includes all predictors) also explains a
significant portion of the variance in both Science and English Test
Marginal effect:
GTM shows a marginal effect on English Test Scores but has no
significant effect on Science Test Scores.
Effect size:
The Partial Eta Squared values suggest that the independent variables
(GPA, GTM) explain a large proportion of the variance in both test scores,
especially GPA, which has the highest effect sizes.
49. Interpretation of Data
In conclusion, GPA is the most significant and
influential factor affecting both Science and English Test
Scores, while GTM has a weaker and less significant
52. Take Home Problem Set Activity
A researcher is investigating the impact of three different
types of exercise programs (Strength Training, Aerobic
Exercise, and Yoga) on physical fitness, measured by two
outcomes: cardiovascular endurance and flexibility.
Additionally, the researcher is interested in controlling for
the participants' baseline body mass index (BMI), as it is
believed that BMI may influence the fitness outcomes.
53. Take Home Problem Set Activity
Data for Analysis:
You are given the following data for 60 participants:
Note: Each group has 20 participants.