This document summarizes information about poly(1,3-trans-竜-carboxyphenoxypropane anhydride), including its structure, major applications, thermal behavior, synthesis methods, and various physical properties. Tables provide data on polymer composition and properties like density, glass transition temperature, and solubility. The polymer is a dark purple powder that is soluble in concentrated sulfuric and methane sulfonic acids. It has a glass transition temperature between 213-238 K depending on its acetonitrile content.
This document contains excerpts and examples from a longer work discussing Emanuel Bach and the allure of the irrational. It includes a synoptic view of Emanuel Bach's 18 Probest端cke musical works, excerpts from some of his sonatas, and examples of musical scores, including from Haydn's Die Sch旦pfung. The document provides contextual examples to support analysis and discussion in the larger work.
This document summarizes C辿cile Fromont's book "The Art of Conversion: Christian Visual Culture in the Kingdom of Kongo". The book examines how Christianity was visually represented and incorporated into Kongo culture and art during the period of missionary activity in the kingdom. It includes plates of Nkisi Nkondi sculptures that combine Christian symbols with traditional Kongo beliefs and were used to mediate between the spiritual and human worlds.
This document provides background on Abraham Galloway and Richard Eden, two slaves who decided to escape from Wilmington, North Carolina in 1857. Galloway was a skilled builder who feared being sold by his owner due to economic pressures. Eden had gained some independence as a barber but faced punishment for secretly marrying a free mixed-race woman. Along with a desire for freedom, these threats and injustices led Galloway and Eden to take the risk of escaping, despite the danger of doing so.
Muhammad Ismail is seeking a challenging position utilizing his 6+ years of experience in telecommunications engineering and project management. He has extensive experience managing civil and electrical projects for mobile network operators including Wateen, Zong, and Warid. His experience includes site acquisition, construction, installation, and maintenance to ensure sites pass final acceptance. He is educated, hard-working, and capable of managing teams and contractors to complete projects on schedule.
This document defines forces and vectors. It explains that a force is a push or pull on an object and discusses different types of forces. It also defines vectors as quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as force, velocity and acceleration. Scalars only have magnitude, like mass, speed and energy. The document discusses how to add and resolve vectors, including combining multiple vectors into a single resultant vector. It provides examples of calculating total distances, displacements and speeds over time.
Sandeep Kumar is a PGT Physics teacher seeking assignments in the education sector. He has 2 years of experience teaching Physics and is skilled in lesson planning, content delivery, classroom management, and student advising. His expertise includes classical and modern physics, academics research, instructing and motivating students, organizing exams and teaching programs. He holds a B.E. in Mechanical Engineering and has worked as both a mechanical engineer and private physics/engineering tutor.
The document is a table providing information on the dimensions and properties of rolled steel equal angles, including their thickness, cross-sectional area, weight per meter, center of gravity, distance of extreme fibres, radii of gyration, modulus of section, and other geometric properties. The table contains this data for various ISA (Indian Standard Association) steel angle sizes ranging from ISA 2020 to ISA 7070.
This document summarizes a study that analyzed gene expression related to fatty acid metabolism in the livers of 26 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) compared to 10 healthy men. The study used qRT-PCR to examine levels of genes involved in fatty acid transport, de novo synthesis, oxidation, and esterification. Gene expression levels were measured at various time points. The results showed altered expression of several genes related to fatty acid transport, synthesis, oxidation and esterification in NAFLD patients compared to healthy controls.
This document contains tables of critical values for various statistical tests including the z-distribution, t-distribution, chi-square distribution, and F-distribution. The z-distribution table lists critical values for the z-test across different levels of significance. Similarly, the other tables provide critical values for t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and other statistical analyses across different degrees of freedom and significance levels.
Numerical Methods: curve fitting and interpolationNikolai Priezjev
This document discusses curve fitting and interpolation techniques. It covers linear regression using the least squares method to fit data to a straight line model. It also discusses fitting data to other functions like exponential, logarithmic and polynomial models. For polynomial regression, a second order polynomial is presented which requires solving a system of equations to determine the coefficients that minimize the residual errors between measured and modeled data. An example demonstrates applying these methods to find the coefficients for a straight line and second order polynomial fit to sample data sets.
The document discusses deposition rates, electrode efficiency, and electrode weld metal recovery, which are different metrics for measuring welding consumables. Deposition rate is the rate at which weld metal is deposited, while electrode efficiency is the percentage of filler metal that is deposited. Electrode weld metal recovery allows calculating the percentage of welding consumable that will end up in the finished weld. Tables provide the weight of weld metal deposited per meter for common weld geometries like triangles and rectangles at different thicknesses.
This document compares the heart rates of two people, Ong and Mei Ping, before and after exercise using a pulse sensor and data logger. The results show that Ong, who weighs less, has a lower heart rate at rest but a higher heart rate after exercise compared to Mei Ping. The experiment demonstrates how exercise causes an increase in heart rate and how those with lower body weights tend to have higher heart rates in response to physical activity.
This document compares the heart rates of two people, Ong and Mei Ping, before and after exercise using a pulse sensor and data logger. The results show that Ong, who weighs less, has a lower heart rate at rest but a higher heart rate after exercise compared to Mei Ping. The experiment demonstrates how exercise causes an increase in heart rate and how those with lower body weights tend to have higher heart rates in response to physical activity.
This document compares the heart rates of two people, Ong and Mei Ping, before and after exercise using a pulse sensor and data logger. The results show that Ong, who weighs less, has a lower heart rate at rest but a higher heart rate after exercise compared to Mei Ping. The experiment demonstrates how exercise causes an increase in heart rate and how those with lower body weights tend to have higher heart rates in response to physical activity.
Evaluation of Wild Relatives of Chickpea for Resistance to Pod Borer,Helicove...ICRISAT
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important grain legume in Asia, East Africa, the Mediterranean, Australia, and North America. Chickpea productivity is constrained by several biotic and abiotic stresses, of which Helocoverpa armigera is the most devastating pest worldwide (Sharma 2005). Low to moderate levels of resistance have been identified in the cultivated germplasm, but high levels of resistance have been observed in the wild relatives of chickpea (Sharma et al., 2005a,b). To increase levels and diversify the basis of resistance to H. armigera, it is important to evaluate the wild relatives to identify accessions with different mechanisms of resistance to this pest.
This document summarizes the use of log-Poisson regression models for claims reserving and calculating reserves. It shows how to fit a log-Poisson regression model to incremental claims payments data and use it to estimate total reserves. It also provides methods for calculating the prediction error and quantifying the uncertainty of reserve estimates, including using the bootstrap procedure to generate multiple simulated reserve estimates.
The document provides information about UTH brushless high torque motor kits from Applimotion, including:
- The motors combine attributes of ULT series motors with high performance magnets and low profile designs.
- Motors are available in a wide range of diameters from 29mm to 533mm with optional windings, feedback, and back iron rings.
- Technical specifications and part numbers are listed for over 100 motor models with details on torque, current, size and other attributes.
Building an Inflectional Stemmer for BulgarianSvetlin Nakov
The document describes the BulStem system, a rule-based stemming algorithm for Bulgarian developed using a machine learning approach. It was trained on a large morphological dictionary containing 889,665 word forms. The stemming accuracy was evaluated on a news text categorization task, showing stemming improved categorization accuracy compared to the raw text. Parameters like context size and minimum rule frequency were tested, demonstrating a tradeoff between precision and coverage.
The document is a catalog listing technical specifications for tubular fittings of various diameters, wall thicknesses, and standards. It provides the nominal diameter, outer diameter, length, and wall thicknesses for fittings according to different SCH (Schedule) standards, as well as the mass of each fitting. Sizes range from 3/4" to 10" nominal diameter and SCH 10 to SCH 160 wall thicknesses.
This document is an instructor's resource manual for an introductory circuit analysis textbook. It contains:
- Chapter summaries for chapters 1 through 25
- Test item files with practice problems and solutions
- The chapters cover basic circuit analysis concepts including units, scientific notation, operations with exponential numbers, and conversions between engineering units.
Tablas normal chi cuadrado y t student 1-semana 6Karla Diaz
The document contains a table of values for the standard normal cumulative distribution function F(z) for z-values ranging from -3.5 to 3.2 in increments of 0.1. The table provides the probability P(Zz) for finding a value less than or equal to z in a standard normal distribution.
This document contains tables with information for determining values of Yn and n using the Gumbel Type I method and values of K for the log Pearson Type III distribution method. The log Pearson table lists K factor values for different recurrence intervals in years and skewness coefficients ranging from -3 to -1 and 1 to 3. The table can be used to determine K values based on the weighted skew coefficient and desired exceedance probability or return period.
This document provides specifications for wide flange steel shapes, including:
1) Dimensional specifications and properties like cross-sectional area, moments of inertia, radii of gyration, and modulus of section for various steel sizes.
2) Tolerances for dimensions of widths, depths, thicknesses.
3) Chemical composition and mechanical properties for different grades of steel.
4) Table of weights in kg/m and kg/12m for common hot rolled beam, wide flange, and H-beam sizes.
Report for Experiment 4 Newtons Second Law .docxsodhi3
Report for Experiment 4
Newtons Second Law
Name: Your name here
Lab partner: Your partners name here
TA: Your instructors name here
The date of the experiment here
Acceleration is the coupling strength between the mass of a system and the force acting on it. By
comparing the gravitational pull on a . One hanging mass of variable weight is attached to either one
puck (Investigation 1) or two (Investigation 2) on a frictionless air table. A spark timer gives a direct way
to measure velocity and time of the system, calculating acceleration for three hanging weights. Plotting
acceleration vs. the reduced mass of the hanging weights gives a value for gravity. Using one puck, the
data within uncertainty is equal to the standard value of gravity. Using two pucks, the data was not equal
to gravity within error, as rotational and frictional forces were not included in the linear model.
This experiment will test Newtons second law and how it relates to different forces. The law can be
summarized by the equation, F = ma. It is the point of this experiment to find an acceleration of an object
based on a given force and mass of that object. This will effectively solve Newtons second law in the
form a = F/m. In the first investigation we measured the displacement of an air hockey puck as it was
pulled by three differing weights, using a spark timer. We calculated the velocity of the puck and graphed
velocity vs. time for each weight combination, which gave the acceleration of the puck. To verify
Newtons second law we graphed the accelerations vs. the reduced mass of the system and then compared
the slope of that graph to the known value of gravity, 9.81 m/s^2. The second investigation used two
pucks strapped together, thereby changing the reduced mass ratio, but otherwise worked the same way as
Investigation 1 to calculate the known value of gravity.
Investigation 1
Setup & Procedure
The air table is set up with a pulley attached to a side. Two pucks are connected to a High Voltage (HV)
source to create a circuit for the spark timer. Carbon paper is laid on the table with white paper laying on
top of this carbon paper. The second puck is to the side but still on the paper so as not to interfere with
the motion of the puck under observation. Weights of either 50, 100, or 200 grams is attached to the puck
by the pulley and string. When the HV is on, the weight is dropped and the puck generates a spark every
30 ms. The spark will leave a black carbon dot from the carbon paper on the white paper, which can be
measured for displacement. The spark timer is set to 30 Hz, so the time between each dot is 0.0333 s.
Ten dots are counted and the displacement between them measured. Using this data, the velocity is
calculated and used to graphically find the acceleration of the system.
Data & Analysis
Table 1 Displa ...
The document discusses various operations involving decimals such as addition, subtraction, conversion between fractions and decimals. It also covers conversion between different units of length and capacity like centimeters to meters, liters to kiloliters, and kilograms to grams. Examples are provided to demonstrate converting between decimal and fraction representations of numbers.
This document contains information about maximum annual precipitation in 24 hours for various return periods (2, 3, 5, 10, 20 etc. years) using different distribution methods. It provides precipitation data, intensities for different durations (20 to 240 minutes), and rainfall calculations using the rational method for a 35 year return period with a 15 minute storm duration. The calculated discharge is 24.88 m3/s.
The document summarizes the book "Braceros" by Deborah Cohen about the bracero program that brought Mexican workers temporarily to the United States for agricultural work. The book examines why these migrant workers caused anxiety in the US and what Mexico hoped to gain from participating. It reveals how the program created a transnational world through the interactions of states, labor activists, growers, and braceros. The book argues that braceros took on different identities as racialized foreigners, Mexican citizens, workers, and transnational subjects as they moved between national spaces. It applies a cultural approach to analyze the political economy of labor migration and its impact on agriculture, state relations, and current debates over immigration.
The document is a table providing information on the dimensions and properties of rolled steel equal angles, including their thickness, cross-sectional area, weight per meter, center of gravity, distance of extreme fibres, radii of gyration, modulus of section, and other geometric properties. The table contains this data for various ISA (Indian Standard Association) steel angle sizes ranging from ISA 2020 to ISA 7070.
This document summarizes a study that analyzed gene expression related to fatty acid metabolism in the livers of 26 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) compared to 10 healthy men. The study used qRT-PCR to examine levels of genes involved in fatty acid transport, de novo synthesis, oxidation, and esterification. Gene expression levels were measured at various time points. The results showed altered expression of several genes related to fatty acid transport, synthesis, oxidation and esterification in NAFLD patients compared to healthy controls.
This document contains tables of critical values for various statistical tests including the z-distribution, t-distribution, chi-square distribution, and F-distribution. The z-distribution table lists critical values for the z-test across different levels of significance. Similarly, the other tables provide critical values for t-tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, and other statistical analyses across different degrees of freedom and significance levels.
Numerical Methods: curve fitting and interpolationNikolai Priezjev
This document discusses curve fitting and interpolation techniques. It covers linear regression using the least squares method to fit data to a straight line model. It also discusses fitting data to other functions like exponential, logarithmic and polynomial models. For polynomial regression, a second order polynomial is presented which requires solving a system of equations to determine the coefficients that minimize the residual errors between measured and modeled data. An example demonstrates applying these methods to find the coefficients for a straight line and second order polynomial fit to sample data sets.
The document discusses deposition rates, electrode efficiency, and electrode weld metal recovery, which are different metrics for measuring welding consumables. Deposition rate is the rate at which weld metal is deposited, while electrode efficiency is the percentage of filler metal that is deposited. Electrode weld metal recovery allows calculating the percentage of welding consumable that will end up in the finished weld. Tables provide the weight of weld metal deposited per meter for common weld geometries like triangles and rectangles at different thicknesses.
This document compares the heart rates of two people, Ong and Mei Ping, before and after exercise using a pulse sensor and data logger. The results show that Ong, who weighs less, has a lower heart rate at rest but a higher heart rate after exercise compared to Mei Ping. The experiment demonstrates how exercise causes an increase in heart rate and how those with lower body weights tend to have higher heart rates in response to physical activity.
This document compares the heart rates of two people, Ong and Mei Ping, before and after exercise using a pulse sensor and data logger. The results show that Ong, who weighs less, has a lower heart rate at rest but a higher heart rate after exercise compared to Mei Ping. The experiment demonstrates how exercise causes an increase in heart rate and how those with lower body weights tend to have higher heart rates in response to physical activity.
This document compares the heart rates of two people, Ong and Mei Ping, before and after exercise using a pulse sensor and data logger. The results show that Ong, who weighs less, has a lower heart rate at rest but a higher heart rate after exercise compared to Mei Ping. The experiment demonstrates how exercise causes an increase in heart rate and how those with lower body weights tend to have higher heart rates in response to physical activity.
Evaluation of Wild Relatives of Chickpea for Resistance to Pod Borer,Helicove...ICRISAT
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important grain legume in Asia, East Africa, the Mediterranean, Australia, and North America. Chickpea productivity is constrained by several biotic and abiotic stresses, of which Helocoverpa armigera is the most devastating pest worldwide (Sharma 2005). Low to moderate levels of resistance have been identified in the cultivated germplasm, but high levels of resistance have been observed in the wild relatives of chickpea (Sharma et al., 2005a,b). To increase levels and diversify the basis of resistance to H. armigera, it is important to evaluate the wild relatives to identify accessions with different mechanisms of resistance to this pest.
This document summarizes the use of log-Poisson regression models for claims reserving and calculating reserves. It shows how to fit a log-Poisson regression model to incremental claims payments data and use it to estimate total reserves. It also provides methods for calculating the prediction error and quantifying the uncertainty of reserve estimates, including using the bootstrap procedure to generate multiple simulated reserve estimates.
The document provides information about UTH brushless high torque motor kits from Applimotion, including:
- The motors combine attributes of ULT series motors with high performance magnets and low profile designs.
- Motors are available in a wide range of diameters from 29mm to 533mm with optional windings, feedback, and back iron rings.
- Technical specifications and part numbers are listed for over 100 motor models with details on torque, current, size and other attributes.
Building an Inflectional Stemmer for BulgarianSvetlin Nakov
The document describes the BulStem system, a rule-based stemming algorithm for Bulgarian developed using a machine learning approach. It was trained on a large morphological dictionary containing 889,665 word forms. The stemming accuracy was evaluated on a news text categorization task, showing stemming improved categorization accuracy compared to the raw text. Parameters like context size and minimum rule frequency were tested, demonstrating a tradeoff between precision and coverage.
The document is a catalog listing technical specifications for tubular fittings of various diameters, wall thicknesses, and standards. It provides the nominal diameter, outer diameter, length, and wall thicknesses for fittings according to different SCH (Schedule) standards, as well as the mass of each fitting. Sizes range from 3/4" to 10" nominal diameter and SCH 10 to SCH 160 wall thicknesses.
This document is an instructor's resource manual for an introductory circuit analysis textbook. It contains:
- Chapter summaries for chapters 1 through 25
- Test item files with practice problems and solutions
- The chapters cover basic circuit analysis concepts including units, scientific notation, operations with exponential numbers, and conversions between engineering units.
Tablas normal chi cuadrado y t student 1-semana 6Karla Diaz
The document contains a table of values for the standard normal cumulative distribution function F(z) for z-values ranging from -3.5 to 3.2 in increments of 0.1. The table provides the probability P(Zz) for finding a value less than or equal to z in a standard normal distribution.
This document contains tables with information for determining values of Yn and n using the Gumbel Type I method and values of K for the log Pearson Type III distribution method. The log Pearson table lists K factor values for different recurrence intervals in years and skewness coefficients ranging from -3 to -1 and 1 to 3. The table can be used to determine K values based on the weighted skew coefficient and desired exceedance probability or return period.
This document provides specifications for wide flange steel shapes, including:
1) Dimensional specifications and properties like cross-sectional area, moments of inertia, radii of gyration, and modulus of section for various steel sizes.
2) Tolerances for dimensions of widths, depths, thicknesses.
3) Chemical composition and mechanical properties for different grades of steel.
4) Table of weights in kg/m and kg/12m for common hot rolled beam, wide flange, and H-beam sizes.
Report for Experiment 4 Newtons Second Law .docxsodhi3
Report for Experiment 4
Newtons Second Law
Name: Your name here
Lab partner: Your partners name here
TA: Your instructors name here
The date of the experiment here
Acceleration is the coupling strength between the mass of a system and the force acting on it. By
comparing the gravitational pull on a . One hanging mass of variable weight is attached to either one
puck (Investigation 1) or two (Investigation 2) on a frictionless air table. A spark timer gives a direct way
to measure velocity and time of the system, calculating acceleration for three hanging weights. Plotting
acceleration vs. the reduced mass of the hanging weights gives a value for gravity. Using one puck, the
data within uncertainty is equal to the standard value of gravity. Using two pucks, the data was not equal
to gravity within error, as rotational and frictional forces were not included in the linear model.
This experiment will test Newtons second law and how it relates to different forces. The law can be
summarized by the equation, F = ma. It is the point of this experiment to find an acceleration of an object
based on a given force and mass of that object. This will effectively solve Newtons second law in the
form a = F/m. In the first investigation we measured the displacement of an air hockey puck as it was
pulled by three differing weights, using a spark timer. We calculated the velocity of the puck and graphed
velocity vs. time for each weight combination, which gave the acceleration of the puck. To verify
Newtons second law we graphed the accelerations vs. the reduced mass of the system and then compared
the slope of that graph to the known value of gravity, 9.81 m/s^2. The second investigation used two
pucks strapped together, thereby changing the reduced mass ratio, but otherwise worked the same way as
Investigation 1 to calculate the known value of gravity.
Investigation 1
Setup & Procedure
The air table is set up with a pulley attached to a side. Two pucks are connected to a High Voltage (HV)
source to create a circuit for the spark timer. Carbon paper is laid on the table with white paper laying on
top of this carbon paper. The second puck is to the side but still on the paper so as not to interfere with
the motion of the puck under observation. Weights of either 50, 100, or 200 grams is attached to the puck
by the pulley and string. When the HV is on, the weight is dropped and the puck generates a spark every
30 ms. The spark will leave a black carbon dot from the carbon paper on the white paper, which can be
measured for displacement. The spark timer is set to 30 Hz, so the time between each dot is 0.0333 s.
Ten dots are counted and the displacement between them measured. Using this data, the velocity is
calculated and used to graphically find the acceleration of the system.
Data & Analysis
Table 1 Displa ...
The document discusses various operations involving decimals such as addition, subtraction, conversion between fractions and decimals. It also covers conversion between different units of length and capacity like centimeters to meters, liters to kiloliters, and kilograms to grams. Examples are provided to demonstrate converting between decimal and fraction representations of numbers.
This document contains information about maximum annual precipitation in 24 hours for various return periods (2, 3, 5, 10, 20 etc. years) using different distribution methods. It provides precipitation data, intensities for different durations (20 to 240 minutes), and rainfall calculations using the rational method for a 35 year return period with a 15 minute storm duration. The calculated discharge is 24.88 m3/s.
The document summarizes the book "Braceros" by Deborah Cohen about the bracero program that brought Mexican workers temporarily to the United States for agricultural work. The book examines why these migrant workers caused anxiety in the US and what Mexico hoped to gain from participating. It reveals how the program created a transnational world through the interactions of states, labor activists, growers, and braceros. The book argues that braceros took on different identities as racialized foreigners, Mexican citizens, workers, and transnational subjects as they moved between national spaces. It applies a cultural approach to analyze the political economy of labor migration and its impact on agriculture, state relations, and current debates over immigration.
This document discusses two eye conditions: blepharospasm and xerophthalmia.
Blepharospasm is a focal dystonia causing involuntary eyelid closure. It is most common in those aged 50-60 and more frequent in women. Treatment includes botulinum toxin injections into the eyelids, which provide temporary relief of symptoms requiring repeat injections every 3 months.
Xerophthalmia results from vitamin A deficiency and can cause night blindness, dry eyes, corneal ulcers or scarring. Its stages are classified based on symptoms. Treatment focuses on reducing the underlying cause through dietary changes.
Afro-Cubans and African Americans in a world of empire and jim crow FORGING DIASPORA Frank Andre Guridy Cubas proximity to the US and centrality to US imperial designs after 1898 led to unique relationships between Afro populations in both countries. Guridy traces four encounters between Afro-Cubans and African Americans like Cuban students attending Tuskegee Institute, the rise of Garveyism, the Havana-Harlem cultural connection during the Harlem Renaissance and Afro-Cubanism movement, and black travel networks during the Good Neighbor era, illustrating how cross-national linkages shaped strategies to overcome shared oppression. As a result, Afro populations in
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. Construction technology has genesis in Interplay of-- design, manpower, money, machinery, material, resources, software, quality, durability, environment, ecology
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Cost-effective, Timeefficient, Energy efficient, Material- efficient, Qualitative, Healthy, Durable, Eco-friendly, Sustainable
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
Golf is a game of precision, patience, and sometimes, pure frustration. Every golfer knows the feeling of standing over a crucial putt, heart pounding, hoping not to miss. If youve ever felt the weight of a make-or-break moment on the green, the "If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself" Hat is the perfect accessory for you.
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Introduction to Storytelling Websites
Why storytelling matters in web design and how it enhances user engagement.
2. What Makes a Website a Storytelling Masterpiece?
Key elements like visuals, animations, and narrative flow.
3. Why Storytelling in Web Design is Effective
The psychology behind engaging users with stories.
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How images, videos, and illustrations create an immersive experience.
5. The Role of Animation in Storytelling Websites
Using motion effects to enhance engagement and interaction.
6. Typography as a Storytelling Element
How font choices affect mood and readability.
7. Color Theory in Storytelling Web Design
The impact of color schemes on emotions and brand identity.
8. Interactive Storytelling: Engaging the Audience
Examples of how interaction improves storytelling.
9. Parallax Scrolling for Narrative Depth
How this technique creates a dynamic storytelling experience.
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1. 995
Poly(1,3-trans-竜-carboxyphenoxypropane anhydride)
Jagath K. Premachandra, Chamdima Kumudinie,
and Junzo Masamoto
Acronym, Trade Names Bore conullut ulput nit, sed magna feugiamcorer am venissi
exercinim velisci bla core el ute corper alis aliquis alis nim augiatue.
Major Applications Bore conullut ulput nit, sed magna feugiamcorer am venissi exer足cinim
velisci bla core el ute corper alis aliquis alis nim augiatue do exero dui blandreet laorero et wis
nos nisi essequat, sectet atue tisim ilis nit atueratem quismod.
Source(4) Cellulose (%)
Cotton 94
Hemp 77
Flax 75
Straw 4050
Gelatin Testing Methods
Identification Gelatin gives the normal positive trichloroacetic acid, biret, ninhydrin.
Utatum veliquat am aci tet ilisi blandreetue consecte deli足quisi ting er ipis dio et niscil delis
augait nos acil iure vendrem do odolenit veliquam, voloreetum vel utpat auguera esecte tat
velit adiat landre feuipit landigna.
Loboreet adio eugiam iureet lut ipsusti onullamet vero consequisit lor inis nisl dipit wis
num exero ent la conse con et, consendiam, consequat nulland ipsusciduis augiam.
Thermal behavior(1)
Cis isomer 1. Cis to trans isomerization at 145属C
2. Molecular rearrangement at 325属C
3. Thermal decomposition at 420属C
Shorthand notation for siloxane polymer units
Formula: (CH3)3SiO0.5 (CH3)2SiO (CH3)SiO1.5 SiO2
MDTQ formula: M (monofunctional) D (difunctional T (trifunction) Q (tetrafunctional)
| | | |
| | | |
2. Poly(1,3-trans-竜-carboxyphenoxypropane anhydride)
Poly(1,3-trans-竜-carboxyphenoxypropane anhydride)
P2O5 (wt. %) [P2O5] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 High-Poly
89.4 1.066 1.88
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98 1.16
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98 1.16 1.23 1.37 86.8
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98 1.16 1.23 1.37 86.8
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98 1.16 1.23 1.37 86.8
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98 1.16 1.23 1.37 86.8
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98 1.16 1.23 1.37 86.8
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98 1.16 1.23 1.37 86.8
89.4 1.066 1.88 1.52 0.77 0.61 0.62 0.68 0.54 0.71 0.86 1.03 0.98 1.16 1.23 1.37 86.8
Property Units Conditions Value Reference
Density g cm3 26-27% ACN 0.92 (1)
Glass transition temperature Tg K ~20% ACN 213 (2)
~30% ACN 231
~34% ACN 238
Service temperature (max) K 9% N
Solubility Parameter (MPa)1/2 25% ACN, 25C, calc. 18.93 (4)
Theta temperature 慮 K 26% ACN, cyclohexane/MEK (64/36) 293.2 (5)
40% ACN, cyclohexame/MEK (52.5/47.5) 295.2
*Table footnote agna atue delent velissed ercidunt la ad et luptat ut iuscinc ilisi.
(a)Del eugiat lore dolor sed tat. Ud tatem dolore te dolobore commod essi.
(b)Borperat, susci blandit landreetum incidunt nulla feugue vel il exero corercip enissequat.
(c)Bore conullut ulput nit, sed magna feugiamcorer am venissi exercinim velisci bla core el
ute corper alis aliquis alis nim augiatue do exero dui blandreet laorero et nisi essequat,
sectet atue tisim ilis nit atueratem quismod te feuis del dolor adit, quamcon ulputpat,
conullan hent veliqui ssendiat.
Henim ad min ullan vent nullan hendiam commodit doluptat lobor se diat. Irilit ing euisl
ulputpat, con utat. Duismod magnissim et lam zzriuscidunt nonum zzriusc ipsummod et
lortis adip ex ex eum do od te dolesse ndignim iril doluptat, core commolor ip eratet, venim
quismod olorerat laor iuscidui eraessent doleniscil.
Other physical properties(4)
Property Polymer Conditions
Color [Si(Pc)O]n Dark purple powder
Solubility [Si(Pc)O]n Concentrated H2SO4 and HSO3CH3:
0.013 g in 25 ml concentrated H2SO4 at room temperature
0.020 g in 25 ml concentrated H2SO4 at 80C
Density (G CM 3)
Polymer y Calculated Found Reference
[Si(Pc)O]n 1.458 1.432 (4,6)
Sonic velocity Infrared diachroic
X-ray angle (degree)
Thickness Density Birefringence
(ms1) ratio (at 730 cm1) a-axis b-axis
(亮m) (g cm3) ( 103) MD* TD* MD/TD* MD-TD* ND-MD* MD-TD* ND-MD*
54 0.9182 9.79 953 1,128 1.15 4550 4560 0 0
26 8.23 870 1,003 0.88 45 4560 0 0
23 0.9175 3.07 852 998 1.13 70 6070 0 0
Table 2. This page uses 30 pts r/b above Densities head abd 24 pts between other blocks.
This text ignores far right TSH so 24 pts b/b is to 2nd row.
(a)Henim ad min ullan vent nullan hendiam. (b) commodit doluptat lobor se diat.
(c)Et lortis adip ex ex eum do od te dolesse ndignim iril doluptat, core commolor ip eratet, venim
quismod olorerat laor iuscidui eraessent doleniscil esto eumsandre.
Typical properties of filled amino resin molding compounds(3)
Urea Melamine
Property Units Alpha-cellulose Alpha-cellulose Asbestos Glass fiber
Specific gravity _ 1.471.52 1.471.52 1.72.0 1.82.0
Water absorption % 0.48 0.10.6 0.080.14 0.090.21
Tensile strength MPa (103) 3848 (5.57) 4890 (713) 3845 (56.5) 3570 (510)
Elongation % 0.51.0 0.60.9 0.30.45
Tensile strength MPa (103) 3848 (5.57) 4890 (713) 3845 (56.5) 3570 (510)
Tensile strength MPa (103) 3848 (5.57) 4890 (713) 3845 (56.5) 3570 (510)
Elongation % 0.51.0 0.60.9 0.30.45
Tensile strength MPa (103) 3848 (5.57) 4890 (713) 3845 (56.5) 3570 (510)
3. Poly(1,3-trans-竜-carboxyphenoxypropane anhydride)
Poly(1,3-trans-竜-carboxyphenoxypropane anhydride)
Table 2b. Del eugiat lore dolor sed tat. Ud tatem dolore te dolobore commod essi. Borperat,
susci blandit landreetum incidunt nulla feugue.
fE 0.06 0.15 0.31 0.37 0.42 0.49 0.70 0.77 0.90 1.00
pK* 6.08 5.70 4.90 4.70 4.55 4.50 4.40 4.35 4.35 4.35
pK 6.61 5.92 5.03 4.80 4.48 4.40 4.35 4.40 4.55 4.70
fE 0.06 0.15 0.31 0.37 0.42 0.49 0.70 0.77 0.90 1.00
pK* 6.08 5.70 4.90 4.70 4.55 4.50 4.40 4.35 4.35 4.35
pK 6.61 5.92 5.03 4.80 4.48 4.40 4.35 4.40 4.55 4.70
fE 0.06 0.15 0.31 0.37 0.42 0.49 0.70 0.77 0.90 1.00
pK* 6.08 5.70 4.90 4.70 4.55 4.50 4.40 4.35 4.35 4.35
pK 6.61 5.92 5.03 4.80 4.48 4.40 4.35 4.40 4.55 4.70
Table 2c. Nonsenim vel exer autat. Reet, vel eu feum diat, velissi tiniamc onsectem zzrilla
ndrerostin henisi. Ilit ut utet wisit, quat. Ut aliquamet, sum elesendiamet dionsecte
modolortio ercing ea alisl ut lam venibh erosting eliquam
(% mass loss day1)
(% mass loss day1)
Insulin loadings at 40% in copolymer at
pH = 2.09; S.D. 賊 3; error 10%
0.0 0.0 5.1 96.4
0.07 9.0 7.1 98.8
0.1 25.4 9.0 98.9
0.3 49.0 12.0 99.5
3.0 85.5 25.0 100.0
4.0 89.4
Ditto (aat 10% loading) 0.0 0.0 5.1 96.4
0.07 9.0 7.1 98.8
0.1 25.4 9.0 98.9
0.3 49.0 12.0 99.5
3.0 85.5 25.0 100.0
Table 3. usciliquam ent num qui tem estrud dolenisissi ex endio consequis.
Chemical shift (ppm) Chemical shift (ppm) Chemical shift (ppm) Chemical shift (ppm)
Sequence Sequence Seqiemce Carbon
Butene assignmnet* Hexene assignment* Octene assignment* 4-MP-1 assignment*
35.0 BBB 38.13 EHE 32.22 EOE 34.6 alpha-C
34.5 EBEB + BEBE 35.85 EHH + HHE 30.47 OEEE + EEEO 25.8 2-C
39.56 BBBE + EBBB 40.86 EHE + EHH + HHE + HHH EOE + EOO + OOE + OOO
10.81 BBB 27.09 HHEE + EEHH
Figure 1. PAMAM dendrimers as a function of shape, core, branch cell and terminal groups, where:
Nb=branch cell multiplicity, Nc=core multiplicity and G=generation.
Ut aliquamet, sum elesendiamet dionsecte modolortio ercing ea alisl ut lam venibh
erosting eliquam in utem veriurerat ipsusci liquis.
Exeriliscil ing eliquissis augueri usciliquam ent num qui tem estrud dolenisissi ex endio
consequis augiamc onsequat nostrud minciduisi.
Other uses
Nonsenim vel exer autat. Reet, vel eu feum diat, velissi tiniamc onsectem zzrilla ndrerostin
henisi. Ilit ut utet wisit, quat.
Ut aliquamet, sum elesendiamet dionsecte modolortio ercing ea alis.
Exeriliscil ing eliquissis augueri usciliquam ent num qui tem estrud dolenisissi ex endio
consequis augiamc onsequat nostrud minciduisi.
EMS Chemie AG, Domat, Switzerland
Elf Atochem S.A., Paris, France
UBE Industries, Tokyo, Japan
Creanova GmbH., Division of Degussa-H端ls AG., Marl, Germany
1. Nonsenim vel exer autat. Reet, vel eu feum diat, velissi tiniamc onsectem zzrilla ndrerostin
henisi. Ilit ut utet wisit, quat.
2. Ut aliquamet, sum elesendiamet dionsecte modolortio ercing ea alisl ut lam venibh
erosting eliquam in utem veriurerat ipsusci liquis.
3. Exeriliscil ing eliquissis augueri usciliquam ent num qui tem estrud dolenisissi ex endio
consequis augiamc onsequat nostrud minciduisi.
The author wishes to acknowledge McWhortyer Technologies fo rits generous support in
compiling these data.