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Venture Lab

HWP3: Estimaci坦n del mercado

  dataDiabetes     1990, 25 782 , 1991, 27 139 , 1992, 28 304 , 1993, 29 581 , 1994, 30 324 ,
     1995, 33 316 , 1996, 34 865 , 1997, 36 027 , 1998, 41 832 , 1999, 45 632 , 2000, 46 614 ,
     2001, 49 954 , 2002, 54 925 , 2003, 59 192 , 2004, 62 243 , 2005, 67 159 ,
     2006, 68 421 , 2007, 70 517 , 2008, 75 637 , 2009, 77 699 , 2010, 82 964
  dataP ListPlot dataDiabetes
  fDia Fit dataDiabetes, 1, x, x ^ 2 , x
    1990, 25 782   ,   1991, 27 139   ,   1992, 28 304   ,   1993, 29 581   ,   1994, 30 324 , 1995, 33 316 ,
    1996, 34 865   ,   1997, 36 027   ,   1998, 41 832   ,   1999, 45 632   ,   2000, 46 614 ,
    2001, 49 954   ,   2002, 54 925   ,   2003, 59 192   ,   2004, 62 243   ,   2005, 67 159 ,
    2006, 68 421   ,   2007, 70 517   ,   2008, 75 637   ,   2009, 77 699   ,   2010, 82 964

  80 000

  70 000

  60 000

  50 000

  40 000

                          1995                 2000                 2005                2010

  2.53017 108      255 956. x 64.7354 x2
2   HWP3.nb

       Plot fDia, x, 1990, 2018

       120 000

       100 000

        80 000

        60 000

                      1995           2000         2005         2010          2015

       customerDiabetes   t_ :    1 10      64.7354      t^2   255 956.0 t      2.53017   10 ^ 8
       customerDiabetes   2013
       customerDiabetes   2014
       customerDiabetes   2015
       customerDiabetes   2016
       customerDiabetes   2017
       customerDiabetes   2018

       10 108.7

       10 594.9

       11 094.2

       11 606.4

       12 131.5
HWP3.nb   3

  Plot customerDiabetes t , t, 1990, 2018

  12 000

  10 000



                  1995          2000          2005          2010        2015

  dataCancer :    2000, 27 316 , 2001, 27 763 , 2002, 28 717 , 2003, 29 522 , 2004, 29 867 ,
     2005, 30 507 , 2006, 30 591 , 2007, 30 577 , 2008, 31 262 , 2009, 31 851 , 2010, 32 348
  ListPlot dataCancer

  32 000

  31 000

  30 000

  29 000

                     2002              2004          2006            2008            2010
4   HWP3.nb

       fCancer   Fit dataCancer, 1, x, x ^ 2, x ^ 3 , x
        5.65098 1010   8.45126 107 x 42 130.8 x2     7.00097 x3

       Plot fCancer, x, 2012, 2018

       46 000

       44 000

       42 000

       40 000

       38 000

       36 000

                         2013           2014              2015    2016   2017   2018
HWP3.nb   5

Insuficiencia renal
  customerIR t3_ : 0.1       1375 t3     2.747   10 ^ 6
  Plot customerIR t3 , t3, 2013, 2018







                    2014          2015           2016     2017   2018

  customerIR 2013

  customerIR 2014

  customerIR 2015

  customerIR 2016

  customerIR 2017

  customerIR 2018
6   HWP3.nb

    S鱈ndrome de Alzheimer
       customerAH t4_ : 0.1        1.652   10 ^ 5     t4   3.307   10 ^ 8
       Plot customerAH t4 , t4, 2013, 2018

       260 000

       240 000

       220 000

                      2014     2015      2016       2017    2018

       customerAH   2013
       customerAH   2014
       customerAH   2015
       customerAH   2016
       customerAH   2017
       customerAH   2018
       184 760.

       201 280.

       217 800.

       234 320.

       250 840.

       267 360.

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  • 1. Venture Lab HWP3: Estimaci坦n del mercado Diabetes dataDiabetes 1990, 25 782 , 1991, 27 139 , 1992, 28 304 , 1993, 29 581 , 1994, 30 324 , 1995, 33 316 , 1996, 34 865 , 1997, 36 027 , 1998, 41 832 , 1999, 45 632 , 2000, 46 614 , 2001, 49 954 , 2002, 54 925 , 2003, 59 192 , 2004, 62 243 , 2005, 67 159 , 2006, 68 421 , 2007, 70 517 , 2008, 75 637 , 2009, 77 699 , 2010, 82 964 dataP ListPlot dataDiabetes fDia Fit dataDiabetes, 1, x, x ^ 2 , x 1990, 25 782 , 1991, 27 139 , 1992, 28 304 , 1993, 29 581 , 1994, 30 324 , 1995, 33 316 , 1996, 34 865 , 1997, 36 027 , 1998, 41 832 , 1999, 45 632 , 2000, 46 614 , 2001, 49 954 , 2002, 54 925 , 2003, 59 192 , 2004, 62 243 , 2005, 67 159 , 2006, 68 421 , 2007, 70 517 , 2008, 75 637 , 2009, 77 699 , 2010, 82 964 80 000 70 000 60 000 50 000 40 000 1995 2000 2005 2010 2.53017 108 255 956. x 64.7354 x2
  • 2. 2 HWP3.nb Plot fDia, x, 1990, 2018 120 000 100 000 80 000 60 000 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 customerDiabetes t_ : 1 10 64.7354 t^2 255 956.0 t 2.53017 10 ^ 8 customerDiabetes 2013 customerDiabetes 2014 customerDiabetes 2015 customerDiabetes 2016 customerDiabetes 2017 customerDiabetes 2018 9635.31 10 108.7 10 594.9 11 094.2 11 606.4 12 131.5
  • 3. HWP3.nb 3 Plot customerDiabetes t , t, 1990, 2018 12 000 10 000 8000 6000 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Cancer dataCancer : 2000, 27 316 , 2001, 27 763 , 2002, 28 717 , 2003, 29 522 , 2004, 29 867 , 2005, 30 507 , 2006, 30 591 , 2007, 30 577 , 2008, 31 262 , 2009, 31 851 , 2010, 32 348 ListPlot dataCancer 32 000 31 000 30 000 29 000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010
  • 4. 4 HWP3.nb fCancer Fit dataCancer, 1, x, x ^ 2, x ^ 3 , x 5.65098 1010 8.45126 107 x 42 130.8 x2 7.00097 x3 Plot fCancer, x, 2012, 2018 46 000 44 000 42 000 40 000 38 000 36 000 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
  • 5. HWP3.nb 5 Insuficiencia renal customerIR t3_ : 0.1 1375 t3 2.747 10 ^ 6 Plot customerIR t3 , t3, 2013, 2018 2700 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 customerIR 2013 2087.5 customerIR 2014 2225. customerIR 2015 2362.5 customerIR 2016 2500. customerIR 2017 2637.5 customerIR 2018 2775.
  • 6. 6 HWP3.nb S鱈ndrome de Alzheimer customerAH t4_ : 0.1 1.652 10 ^ 5 t4 3.307 10 ^ 8 Plot customerAH t4 , t4, 2013, 2018 260 000 240 000 220 000 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 customerAH 2013 customerAH 2014 customerAH 2015 customerAH 2016 customerAH 2017 customerAH 2018 184 760. 201 280. 217 800. 234 320. 250 840. 267 360.