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    s ome nomads history
 Nomads was born in February 1994 with our first          The Nomads Mad Card & Guide (formerly the
 hostel opening in Adelaide, South Australia. Since       Nomads Adventure Card) has sold over 20,000 plus
 then we have worked quietly behind the scenes to         copies in Australia and New Zealand since its launch
 build the number of properties within the group and      in September 2008. Cards are sold both domestically
 today have one of the largest independent chains in      and internationally and most recently have also been
 Australasia.                                             available to purchase through our online booking
 Nomads currently has over 25 hostels throughout
 major destinations in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji    In 2009 our hostel tour desks were transformed to
 and we are still growing. We now have an extremely       MAD Travel shops and they became a major focus
 strong Australian network of properties and Mad          within our business. This decision paid off for us,
 Travel shops, with our latest acquisitions in Byron      we currently have 13 branded shops across
 Bay, Noosa, Hervey Bay / Fraser and Airlie Beach         Australia and New Zealand. In 2010 we appointed a
 filling in the east coast run for us. Our interests in   General Manager for Mad Travel to assist us with
 New Zealand have also grown significantly with           further expansion plans we have for the Mad Travel
 the introduction of Nomads Auckland, several new         Brand to help further solidify our place as a key player
 affiliate properties and our flagship for NZ, Nomads     in retail travel.

                                                          port douglas
                                NT                  mission beach
                                                     Airlie Beach
                                                       Emu Park
                             Alice              QLD        fraser island
                                                          Hervey Bay
          WA                                               NOOSA      Waitomo
                                                          Surfers            Rotorua
                                  SA                      Paradise          Taupo
                                                 NSW      Byron Bay
            Fremantle                                            Sydney
                                                ACT                                        Wellington
                            Adelaide           VIC                         Queenstown


         AUSTRALIA                                                             ZEALAND
our target
      Nomads bed numbers.....
          LocatioNs aNd bed Numbers

          couNtry of origiN 2009
(PART A)  nomads
       Ad vertising
           Oppor tunities
 Nomads is providing you with the strategic opportunity to               3. Joint advertising
 showcase your product & service throughout our australian               Nomads will be producing a range of marketing collateral this
 and New Zealand network of hostels, mad travel stores and               coming year, below is a list of examples that we would be happy
 mad guide in the following areas:                                       to co-brand with....we are open to suggestions from operators who
                                                                         may have innovative ideas:
 1. in-house advertising in Nomads Hostels and mad travel shops:          Shopping Eco Bags
 We have identified advertising placements throughout our hostels,        Sleeping Masks / ear plugs
 these are great visual locations in high traffic and communal areas.     Luggage tags
                                                                          Media...you tube movies etc
 please see attachment 1 for individual property placements.
                                                                         4. major sponsor for our annual mad travelmart
 2. mad book advertising:
                                                                         May 2009 was the first Mad Travelmart which was held in Byron
 The new edition will be launched in 2012 and were expecting to
                                                                         Bay. Since then we have held a Mad Travelmart every year in
 exceed the sales of 2008, 2009 and 2010 of 15,000 copies. MAD book
                                                                         Byron Bay with it growing from strength to strength. The Mad
 advertising gives you the reach throughout Australia, New Zealand
                                                                         Travelmart gives our key supplier partners the opportunity to have
 and Fiji.....backpackers do travel with the guide.
                                                                         face to face training with our front-line travel staff and managers.
 Books are sold throughout our hostels and travel network, as
                                                                         The structure of this event is similar to speed dating, we run a
 well as many of our domestic and international agents. Our new
                                                                         series of 10 minute training session and our staff rotate through
 relationship with Greyhound has seen a growth in Mad card
 distribution throughout 2010 and 2011 and we are very excited to        all the operators.
 now have them on board and selling the Mad Card.                        This format works for everyone, it gives operators and our staff
                                                                         access for training outside of their normal busy work environment
 With three major cards in the market, weve strategically
                                                                         and the ability to get the most from the trainings. Our inaugural
                                                                         event proved to be a huge success.
 the MAD Card with a major point of difference - tear out vouchers. In
                                                                         Mad Travel now has 13 stores across Australia and New Zealand,
 2011 the voucher value is $1500, added to that the MAD card offers
                                                                         we have experienced massive growth over the last 12 months. The
                            the holder discounts on accommodation
                             and tours. For 2012 we are looking to       appointment of a general manager for Mad Travel is an example of
                             increase the value of the vouchers and      our desire to build on this.
                              discounts.... this has shown to be an      Due to the success of 2009 and 2010 we will be holding the Mad
                              extremely effective selling tool for the   Travelmart again in September 2011 in Byron Bay. We would like
                              card.                                      to again offer operators the opportunity to showcase their products
                              The MAD book is printed in a DL sized      to our key sales agents.
                              booklet, easy for the travellers to take   The participation costs help us to cover the flights and
                              with them. The card and book are           accommodation for our staff. We see this as an integral training
                               packaged in a printed plastic pouch...    ground for all staff and want as much exposure to product training
                               please see examples below.                as possible.....for us, getting them in an environment away from the
                                                                         office has shown sales results.
Advertisin g Details

   1. In-house Advertising in                                          2. Mad Book Advertising
 Nomads Hostels and Mad                                             Advertising options, print set up details and prices are in
 Travel Shops                                                       attached document for mad book.
 We have chosen a more visual and contemporary way to have
 advertising in our hostels. We want our advertisers to choose      Please see appendix 2 for the terms and conditions as well as
 visual images that attract attention instead of words and          the booking sheet.
 posters that people these days ignore.
                                                                       3. Joint advertising
 Each poster will be put on a highly durable stretched canvas       We are interested to find products to be co-branded, our aim
 product that we have found, logos can only be placed in the        being to get brand exposure for both parties and to cover our
 bottom right hand corner and can be no bigger than 1/16 of         cost of production ....open to any and all suggestions.
 the image.
                                                                     Operators interested for Australia and New Zealand
 We are going to be more forceful about our properties                please contact renee@nomadsworld.com
 appearances and unauthorised putting up of posters by
 operators not a part of our media focus will not be allowed.
 Nomads will be arranging the printing and this is included          4. Major sponsor for our
 in the total cost of advertising.                                  annual Travel Mart
                                                                    This is an excellent opportunity to get face to face with our
 Operators will be given first right of refusal for the following   key sellers at each MAD Travel Store from Australia and New
 year. Second year costs will be minus any set up costs to          Zealand.
 encourage year on year support for this project.
 Please see appendix 1 for the terms and conditions as well         Each year we put together packs for the staff and were
 as the booking sheet.                                              interested in companies that would like to add something to
                                                                    the pack. For example; pens/ t -shirts/ thongs. Sponsorship for
                                                                    the bags is also possible.

                                                                    Your confirmation includes attendance for one staff
                                                                    member and lunch during the day of the Travel Mart. Logos
                                                                    for all companies attending will also be part of literature
                                                                    for the day.

                                                                    The cost for company attendance is $400. ($50 for second staff

                                                                    If you wish to participate in this years mad travelmart
                                                                    please advise us of your interest before July 1st 2011.
                                                                    Further details will be sent closer to the time with venue
                                                                    and confirmed date.
Appendix 1

  Ad vertising
       Hostel Name:

       Size/ placement:                                                                                $
       Hostel Name:

       Size/ placement:                                                                                $

       Hostel Name:

       Size/ placement:                                                                                $

       Hostel Name:

       Size/ placement:                                                                                $

       mad traveL sHop
       Hostel Name:

       Size/ placement:                                                                                $
       Hostel Name:

       Size/ placement:                                                                                $
       For those wanting more placements please submit multiple forms

       artWorK detaiLs
       we will confirm the artwork specs with the confirmation of your booking.
       All artwork please send to: renee@nomadsworld.com

       terms & coNditioNs
         No prices are to be included on any advertisement, company            The adverts will be displayed in the hostels from November 1.
           logo can be placed on bottom right corner, no bigger than            It is the responsibility of the advertiser to supply finished
           1/16 of the image.                                                    artwork in the specified format for the production of the
         It is the responsibility of the advertiser to supply finished          advertisement.
          artwork in the specified format for the production of the             The publisher reserves the right to decline any advertisement
          advertisement.                                                         for any reason.
         It is the responsibility of the advertiser to adhere to the           The publisher cannot be held responsible for any loss or
          following deadlines:                                                   damage arising in relation to or in connection with any
           Booking request needs to by sent by July 15 2011                     material supplied, or by alteration, or omission of any
           All advertising must be paid by August 24 2011                       advertisement.
           Supply finished artwork (including colour proof) needs to be        It is understood that the preferred positions are not
            sent by August 24 2011                                               guaranteed and are a request only. We will work on a first in
           Cancellation made after August 31 must be in writing and             first served basis.
            incur a 50% cancellation fee.                                       It is understood that any advertising in the hostels does not in
           The advertising will be printed on September 27, 2011, ads           any way guarantee sales.
            not cancelled by this time will proceed and may be
            published using any artwork available to the publisher once
            final layout is completed.

                                                                                            for further details or to discuss any aspect
Name (please print)
                                                                                              of this offer please feel free to contact;
                                                                                                        austraLia & NeW ZeaLaNd
total cost
                                                                                                              renee boyle
i have read and agree to the terms and conditions                 y        N                                  renee@nomadsworld.com
                                                                                                                Tel: +61 2 9280 4110

             M AD GUIDE
       austraLia (aud)                                                                  NeW ZeaLaNd (NZd)
       inside front/ back cover                      $2300                              inside front/ back cover                      $2900
       back cover                                    $4000                              back cover                                    $5000
       double spread                                 $2300                              double spread                                 $2900
       full page                                     $1900                              full page                                     $2400
       Half page                                     $1500                              Half page                                     $1900
       voucher                                       $200                               voucher                                       $250
       Voucher payment only required for businesses with no advertisement in the guide. Payment is for 6 vouchers

       artWorK detaiLs:
       double page spread                              Trim Size:                 198mm wide x 210mm high
                                                        Bleed Size:               208mm wide x 220mm high

                                                                                  Allow 10mm gutter on spine
       full page bleed                                  Trim Size:                99mm wide x 210mm high
                                                        Bleed Size:               109mm high x 220mm high

       Half page                                                                  83mm wide x 95mm high

       voucher                                                                    Please supply the text and logo for the voucher

       artWorK cHecKList:                                                                              suppLyiNg fiLes:
        PRESS QUALITY PDFs ONLY                                                                       Artwork under 10MB in size can be emailed to
        Artwork must be supplied at correct size with correct bleed,                                  renee@nomadsworld.com
         if required, and trim area indicated with crop marks                                          Files over 10MB can be sent
        Images must be at a resolution 300dpi or higher                                               via post on CD or sent via free FTP at www.
        Images in CMYK format, no spot colours                                                        yousendit.com
        All fonts embedded or converted to outlines
        A hard copy proof must be supplied with material.

       terms aNd coNditioNs:
        Advertised rates have to be valid from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012                     The publisher reserves the right to decline any advertisement for any
        It is the responsibility of the advertiser to adhere to the deadlines                reason.
          outlined below:                                                                    The publisher cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage
             - Booking request needs to be sent by July 15 2011                               arising in relation to or in connection with any material supplied, or by
             - All advertising must be paid by August 24 2011                                 alteration, or omission of any advertisement.
             - Supply finished artwork (including colour proof) needs to be sent by          It is understood that the preferred positions are not guaranteed and are
               August 24 2011                                                                 a request only.
             - Cancellation made after August 31 2011 must be in writing and                 Ads incorporating a coupon offer must state that the offer is valid only
               incur a 50% cancellation fee.                                                   when accompanied by a Nomads Mad Card.
             - The advertising will be printed on September 27, 2011, ads not                All offers in the advert need to be bookable through travel desks
               cancelled by this time will proceed and may be published using any            It is understood that any advertising in the MAD book does not in any
               artwork available to the publisher once final layout is completed.              way guarantee sales.
        It is the responsibility of the advertiser to supply finished artwork in the
         specified format for the production of the advertisement.

                                                                                                         for further details or to discuss any aspect
Name (please print)
                                                                                                           of this offer please feel free to contact;
                                                                                                                        austraLia & NeW ZeaLaNd
total cost
                                                                                                                              renee boyle
i have read and agree to the terms and conditions                             y         N                                     renee@nomadsworld.com
                                                                                                                                Tel: +61 2 9280 4110

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Media kit-2012

  • 1. GROUP ADVERTISING 2011-2012 s ome nomads history Nomads was born in February 1994 with our first The Nomads Mad Card & Guide (formerly the hostel opening in Adelaide, South Australia. Since Nomads Adventure Card) has sold over 20,000 plus then we have worked quietly behind the scenes to copies in Australia and New Zealand since its launch build the number of properties within the group and in September 2008. Cards are sold both domestically today have one of the largest independent chains in and internationally and most recently have also been Australasia. available to purchase through our online booking system. Nomads currently has over 25 hostels throughout major destinations in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji In 2009 our hostel tour desks were transformed to and we are still growing. We now have an extremely MAD Travel shops and they became a major focus strong Australian network of properties and Mad within our business. This decision paid off for us, Travel shops, with our latest acquisitions in Byron we currently have 13 branded shops across Bay, Noosa, Hervey Bay / Fraser and Airlie Beach Australia and New Zealand. In 2010 we appointed a filling in the east coast run for us. Our interests in General Manager for Mad Travel to assist us with New Zealand have also grown significantly with further expansion plans we have for the Mad Travel the introduction of Nomads Auckland, several new Brand to help further solidify our place as a key player affiliate properties and our flagship for NZ, Nomads in retail travel. Queenstown. 25+ HOSTELS Darwin port douglas Cairns FIJI Nadi NT mission beach Airlie Beach Emu Park Alice QLD fraser island Springs Hervey Bay Auckland WA NOOSA Waitomo Surfers Rotorua SA Paradise Taupo NSW Byron Bay Perth Fremantle Sydney ACT Wellington Adelaide VIC Queenstown Melbourne TAS NEW AUSTRALIA ZEALAND
  • 2. our target numbers Nomads bed numbers..... LocatioNs aNd bed Numbers WHERE OUR GUESTS ARE COMING FROM.... couNtry of origiN 2009
  • 3. (PART A) nomads Ad vertising Oppor tunities Nomads is providing you with the strategic opportunity to 3. Joint advertising showcase your product & service throughout our australian Nomads will be producing a range of marketing collateral this and New Zealand network of hostels, mad travel stores and coming year, below is a list of examples that we would be happy mad guide in the following areas: to co-brand with....we are open to suggestions from operators who may have innovative ideas: 1. in-house advertising in Nomads Hostels and mad travel shops: Shopping Eco Bags We have identified advertising placements throughout our hostels, Sleeping Masks / ear plugs these are great visual locations in high traffic and communal areas. Luggage tags Media...you tube movies etc please see attachment 1 for individual property placements. 4. major sponsor for our annual mad travelmart 2. mad book advertising: May 2009 was the first Mad Travelmart which was held in Byron The new edition will be launched in 2012 and were expecting to Bay. Since then we have held a Mad Travelmart every year in exceed the sales of 2008, 2009 and 2010 of 15,000 copies. MAD book Byron Bay with it growing from strength to strength. The Mad advertising gives you the reach throughout Australia, New Zealand Travelmart gives our key supplier partners the opportunity to have and Fiji.....backpackers do travel with the guide. face to face training with our front-line travel staff and managers. Books are sold throughout our hostels and travel network, as The structure of this event is similar to speed dating, we run a well as many of our domestic and international agents. Our new series of 10 minute training session and our staff rotate through relationship with Greyhound has seen a growth in Mad card distribution throughout 2010 and 2011 and we are very excited to all the operators. now have them on board and selling the Mad Card. This format works for everyone, it gives operators and our staff access for training outside of their normal busy work environment With three major cards in the market, weve strategically and the ability to get the most from the trainings. Our inaugural positioned event proved to be a huge success. the MAD Card with a major point of difference - tear out vouchers. In Mad Travel now has 13 stores across Australia and New Zealand, 2011 the voucher value is $1500, added to that the MAD card offers we have experienced massive growth over the last 12 months. The the holder discounts on accommodation and tours. For 2012 we are looking to appointment of a general manager for Mad Travel is an example of increase the value of the vouchers and our desire to build on this. discounts.... this has shown to be an Due to the success of 2009 and 2010 we will be holding the Mad extremely effective selling tool for the Travelmart again in September 2011 in Byron Bay. We would like card. to again offer operators the opportunity to showcase their products The MAD book is printed in a DL sized to our key sales agents. booklet, easy for the travellers to take The participation costs help us to cover the flights and with them. The card and book are accommodation for our staff. We see this as an integral training packaged in a printed plastic pouch... ground for all staff and want as much exposure to product training please see examples below. as possible.....for us, getting them in an environment away from the office has shown sales results.
  • 4. Advertisin g Details 1. In-house Advertising in 2. Mad Book Advertising Nomads Hostels and Mad Advertising options, print set up details and prices are in Travel Shops attached document for mad book. We have chosen a more visual and contemporary way to have advertising in our hostels. We want our advertisers to choose Please see appendix 2 for the terms and conditions as well as visual images that attract attention instead of words and the booking sheet. posters that people these days ignore. 3. Joint advertising Each poster will be put on a highly durable stretched canvas We are interested to find products to be co-branded, our aim product that we have found, logos can only be placed in the being to get brand exposure for both parties and to cover our bottom right hand corner and can be no bigger than 1/16 of cost of production ....open to any and all suggestions. the image. Operators interested for Australia and New Zealand We are going to be more forceful about our properties please contact renee@nomadsworld.com appearances and unauthorised putting up of posters by operators not a part of our media focus will not be allowed. Nomads will be arranging the printing and this is included 4. Major sponsor for our in the total cost of advertising. annual Travel Mart This is an excellent opportunity to get face to face with our Operators will be given first right of refusal for the following key sellers at each MAD Travel Store from Australia and New year. Second year costs will be minus any set up costs to Zealand. encourage year on year support for this project. Please see appendix 1 for the terms and conditions as well Each year we put together packs for the staff and were as the booking sheet. interested in companies that would like to add something to the pack. For example; pens/ t -shirts/ thongs. Sponsorship for the bags is also possible. Your confirmation includes attendance for one staff member and lunch during the day of the Travel Mart. Logos for all companies attending will also be part of literature for the day. The cost for company attendance is $400. ($50 for second staff member) If you wish to participate in this years mad travelmart please advise us of your interest before July 1st 2011. Further details will be sent closer to the time with venue and confirmed date.
  • 5. Appendix 1 Ad vertising HosteL RATES Hostel Name: Size/ placement: $ Hostel Name: Size/ placement: $ Hostel Name: Size/ placement: $ Hostel Name: Size/ placement: $ mad traveL sHop Hostel Name: Size/ placement: $ Hostel Name: Size/ placement: $ For those wanting more placements please submit multiple forms artWorK detaiLs we will confirm the artwork specs with the confirmation of your booking. All artwork please send to: renee@nomadsworld.com terms & coNditioNs No prices are to be included on any advertisement, company The adverts will be displayed in the hostels from November 1. logo can be placed on bottom right corner, no bigger than It is the responsibility of the advertiser to supply finished 1/16 of the image. artwork in the specified format for the production of the It is the responsibility of the advertiser to supply finished advertisement. artwork in the specified format for the production of the The publisher reserves the right to decline any advertisement advertisement. for any reason. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to adhere to the The publisher cannot be held responsible for any loss or following deadlines: damage arising in relation to or in connection with any Booking request needs to by sent by July 15 2011 material supplied, or by alteration, or omission of any All advertising must be paid by August 24 2011 advertisement. Supply finished artwork (including colour proof) needs to be It is understood that the preferred positions are not sent by August 24 2011 guaranteed and are a request only. We will work on a first in Cancellation made after August 31 must be in writing and first served basis. incur a 50% cancellation fee. It is understood that any advertising in the hostels does not in The advertising will be printed on September 27, 2011, ads any way guarantee sales. not cancelled by this time will proceed and may be published using any artwork available to the publisher once final layout is completed. date for further details or to discuss any aspect Name (please print) of this offer please feel free to contact; company austraLia & NeW ZeaLaNd total cost renee boyle i have read and agree to the terms and conditions y N renee@nomadsworld.com Tel: +61 2 9280 4110
  • 6. APPENDIX 2 M AD GUIDE RATES austraLia (aud) NeW ZeaLaNd (NZd) inside front/ back cover $2300 inside front/ back cover $2900 back cover $4000 back cover $5000 double spread $2300 double spread $2900 full page $1900 full page $2400 Half page $1500 Half page $1900 voucher $200 voucher $250 Voucher payment only required for businesses with no advertisement in the guide. Payment is for 6 vouchers artWorK detaiLs: double page spread Trim Size: 198mm wide x 210mm high Bleed Size: 208mm wide x 220mm high Allow 10mm gutter on spine full page bleed Trim Size: 99mm wide x 210mm high Bleed Size: 109mm high x 220mm high Half page 83mm wide x 95mm high voucher Please supply the text and logo for the voucher artWorK cHecKList: suppLyiNg fiLes: PRESS QUALITY PDFs ONLY Artwork under 10MB in size can be emailed to Artwork must be supplied at correct size with correct bleed, renee@nomadsworld.com if required, and trim area indicated with crop marks Files over 10MB can be sent Images must be at a resolution 300dpi or higher via post on CD or sent via free FTP at www. Images in CMYK format, no spot colours yousendit.com All fonts embedded or converted to outlines A hard copy proof must be supplied with material. terms aNd coNditioNs: Advertised rates have to be valid from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012 The publisher reserves the right to decline any advertisement for any It is the responsibility of the advertiser to adhere to the deadlines reason. outlined below: The publisher cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage - Booking request needs to be sent by July 15 2011 arising in relation to or in connection with any material supplied, or by - All advertising must be paid by August 24 2011 alteration, or omission of any advertisement. - Supply finished artwork (including colour proof) needs to be sent by It is understood that the preferred positions are not guaranteed and are August 24 2011 a request only. - Cancellation made after August 31 2011 must be in writing and Ads incorporating a coupon offer must state that the offer is valid only incur a 50% cancellation fee. when accompanied by a Nomads Mad Card. - The advertising will be printed on September 27, 2011, ads not All offers in the advert need to be bookable through travel desks cancelled by this time will proceed and may be published using any It is understood that any advertising in the MAD book does not in any artwork available to the publisher once final layout is completed. way guarantee sales. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to supply finished artwork in the specified format for the production of the advertisement. date for further details or to discuss any aspect Name (please print) of this offer please feel free to contact; company austraLia & NeW ZeaLaNd total cost renee boyle i have read and agree to the terms and conditions y N renee@nomadsworld.com Tel: +61 2 9280 4110