Una extensi坦n de dominio o dominio de nivel superior (TLD), es la terminaci坦n de caracteres alfab辿ticos que se encuentran despu辿s del punto y al final de la direcci坦n de un sitio web. Por ejemplo, en marketing4ecommerce.net, la extensi坦n de dominio es . net.
多Cu叩ntas extensiones de dominio hay?
La IANA listaba el pasado junio 1.584 extensiones de dominio. Entre ellas, se incluyen 55 no asignadas (revocadas), 8 retiradas y 11 de prueba, ninguna de las cuales figuran en la lista de ICANN. Puedes consultar la lista completa de dominios en la base ra鱈z de IANA.
多Puedo utilizar cualquier extensi坦n para mi dominio?
Que una extensi坦n de dominio est辿 disponible no significa que puedas comprarla. Podemos diferenciar entre extensiones de dominio no restringidas y restringidas.
Las primeras pueden ser compradas y registradas por cualquier persona u organizaci坦n, mientras que las segundas est叩n restringidas a ciertos tipos de empresas, organizaciones y grupos, que deben cumplir unos requisitos espec鱈ficos.
Las restricciones de uso dependen de la organizaci坦n que gestiona el TLD. Por ejemplo, .aero es gestionada por SITA que restringe su uso a empresas relacionadas con el sector aeron叩utico.
Esto no solo se aplica a TLD gen辿ricas, sino que las restricciones tambi辿n se aplican a pa鱈ses. Por ejemplo, para utilizar la extensi坦n .us o .eu, debes ser capaz de demostrar tu presencia en EE.UU o en la Uni坦n Europea. Sin embargo, para utilizar la extensi坦n .es, .mx o .nl no hay ning炭n tipo de restricci坦n. Es por eso que debes analizar tu dominio y conocer los requisitos de tu TLD antes de intentar registrarlo.
La mayor鱈a de los sitios web que se te ocurren probablemente terminan en .com. Sin duda, tambi辿n te habr叩s encontrado con algunos que terminan en .org o .edu.
多Pero sab鱈as que tambi辿n puedes registrar un dominio que termine en .pizza?
Esas letras al final de una direcci坦n web se llaman extensi坦n de dominio, y existem m叩s o menos unas 1.500 posibilidades. Algunas est叩n restringidas a organizaciones o personas concretas, pero cualquiera puede registrar r叩pidamente la mayor鱈a de las extensiones.
Eso hace que elegir el nombre de dominio para tu sitio web sea un poco complicado. 多Debes elegir tuempresa.bingo o tuempresa.pescado? Si vendes pescado, este 炭ltimo puede parecer m叩s adecuado.
Este art鱈culo presenta las extensiones de dominio, incluyendo qu辿 son, qu辿 hacen y c坦mo elegir la mejor para tu sitio web.
多Qu辿 es una extensi坦n de dominio?
Las extensiones de dominio son las letras que siguen al punto final de una URL. Las extensiones m叩s comunes son .com, .org y .net.
Otro t辿rmino para una extensi坦n de dominio es el de dominio de primer nivel. Esto se debe a que puedes pensar en las partes de un nombre de dominio como niveles de clasificaci坦n.
En la parte superior, tenemos las extensiones de dominio. En este nivel, los dominios se dividen en amplias categor鱈as.
Por ejemplo, la extensi坦n de dominio .de sit炭a el dominio en la categor鱈a 束alem叩n損.
Breve historia de las extensiones de dominio
En los inicios de Internet, para visitar un sitio web ten鱈as que escribir su direcci坦n IP. Se trataba de un m辿todo muy ineficiente, pues resultaba muy dif鱈cil recordar las largas cadenas de n炭meros de cada sitio web.
Todo cambi坦 con la llegada del Domain Name System (DNS), que utiliza nombres de dominio, mucho m叩s f叩ciles de recordar, y los traduce a direcciones IP para que el navegador cargue el sitio web que queremos visitar. As鱈 es como en vez de escribir en la barra del navegador, basta con escribir google.es para acceder al sitio web.
Junto con el DNS, nacieron las primeras extensiones de dominio (.gov, .mil, .edu, .com, .org y .net), cuyo uso estaba muy limitado por aquel entonces.
多Qu辿 tipos de extensiones de dominio existen?
La IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) establece en 2015 la siguiente clasificaci坦n:
Gen辿ricas (gTLD)
Son las extensiones m叩s comunes y utilizan tres letras o m叩s. Entre ellas se incluyen las extensiones tradicionales .com, .org, .net y .info y nuevas extensiones como .blog, .site o .online por citar algunas.
Gen辿ricas restringidas (grTLD)
Son similares a las anteriores pero su uso est叩 restringido. Por ejemplo: .biz (para negocios), .name (para individuos) o .pro (para profesionales acreditados).
C坦digo de pa鱈s (ccTLD)
Utilizan dos caracteres alfab辿ticos asociados a un pa鱈s o territorio indicados en la norma ISO 3166. Por ejemplo: .es (Espa単a), .us (EE.UU.), .cn (China), .de (Alemania), .uk (Reino Unido) o .br (Brasil).
多Cu叩ntas extensiones de dominio hay?
La IANA listaba el pasado junio 1.584 extensiones de dominio. Entre ellas, se incluyen 55 no asignadas (revocadas), 8 retiradas y 11 de prueba, ninguna de las cuales figuran en la lista de ICANN. Puedes consultar la lista completa de dominios en la base ra鱈z de IANA.
多Puedo utilizar cualquier extensi坦n para mi dominio?
Que una extensi坦n de dominio est辿 disponible no significa que puedas comprarla. Podemos diferenciar entre extensiones de dominio no restringidas y restringidas.
Las primeras pueden ser compradas y registradas por cualquier persona u organizaci坦n, mientras que las segundas est叩n restringidas a ciertos tipos de empresas, organizaciones y grupos, que deben cumplir unos requisitos espec鱈ficos.
Las restricciones de uso dependen de la organizaci坦n que gestiona el TLD. Por ejemplo, .aero es gestionada por SITA que restringe su uso a empresas relacionadas con el sector aeron叩utico.
Esto no solo se aplica a TLD gen辿ricas, sino que las restricciones tambi辿n se aplican a pa鱈ses. Por ejemplo, para utilizar la extensi坦n .us o .eu, debes ser capaz de demostrar tu presencia en EE.UU o en la Uni坦n Europea. Sin embargo, para utilizar la extensi坦n .es, .mx o .nl no hay ning炭n tipo de restricci坦n. Es por eso que debes analizar tu dominio y conocer los requisitos de tu TLD antes de intentar registrarlo.
La extensi坦n m叩s utilizada en el mundo es .com (148.7 millones) seguida muy de lejos por.
This document provides an overview of pronouns as a subject for elementary language arts. It contains 3 sections - what are pronouns, types of pronouns, and time to practice pronouns. The document uses examples and infographics to define pronouns, describe different types like personal and possessive pronouns, and provides exercises for students to practice identifying and using pronouns. It also includes credits, font information, and instructions for modifying the presentation.
Watercolor College Project _ by 際際滷sgo.pptxeherediaa
This document provides instructions for using a presentation template from 際際滷sgo. It includes 6 slides with the following key points:
1. The template contains various graphic resources, fonts, colors and icon packs that can be customized.
2. Users must keep the "Thanks" slide to properly attribute 際際滷sgo, but premium users can remove attribution.
3. Resources like illustrations, icons and infographics can be edited and reused following certain usage guidelines.
4. Instructions are provided on customizing elements and accessing additional online resources from 際際滷sgo and related sites.
This document provides instructions for using a social science lesson presentation template from 際際滷sgo. It includes 10 slides with content and design elements that can be edited. Instructions explain that the "Thanks" slide must be kept to give proper credits. Premium users can hide credits but others cannot redistribute or modify template elements individually. The document also lists fonts, colors, illustration sources and sets of icons included in the template.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
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Una extensi坦n de dominio o dominio de nivel superior (TLD), es la terminaci坦n de caracteres alfab辿ticos que se encuentran despu辿s del punto y al final de la direcci坦n de un sitio web. Por ejemplo, en marketing4ecommerce.net, la extensi坦n de dominio es . net.
多Cu叩ntas extensiones de dominio hay?
La IANA listaba el pasado junio 1.584 extensiones de dominio. Entre ellas, se incluyen 55 no asignadas (revocadas), 8 retiradas y 11 de prueba, ninguna de las cuales figuran en la lista de ICANN. Puedes consultar la lista completa de dominios en la base ra鱈z de IANA.
多Puedo utilizar cualquier extensi坦n para mi dominio?
Que una extensi坦n de dominio est辿 disponible no significa que puedas comprarla. Podemos diferenciar entre extensiones de dominio no restringidas y restringidas.
Las primeras pueden ser compradas y registradas por cualquier persona u organizaci坦n, mientras que las segundas est叩n restringidas a ciertos tipos de empresas, organizaciones y grupos, que deben cumplir unos requisitos espec鱈ficos.
Las restricciones de uso dependen de la organizaci坦n que gestiona el TLD. Por ejemplo, .aero es gestionada por SITA que restringe su uso a empresas relacionadas con el sector aeron叩utico.
Esto no solo se aplica a TLD gen辿ricas, sino que las restricciones tambi辿n se aplican a pa鱈ses. Por ejemplo, para utilizar la extensi坦n .us o .eu, debes ser capaz de demostrar tu presencia en EE.UU o en la Uni坦n Europea. Sin embargo, para utilizar la extensi坦n .es, .mx o .nl no hay ning炭n tipo de restricci坦n. Es por eso que debes analizar tu dominio y conocer los requisitos de tu TLD antes de intentar registrarlo.
La mayor鱈a de los sitios web que se te ocurren probablemente terminan en .com. Sin duda, tambi辿n te habr叩s encontrado con algunos que terminan en .org o .edu.
多Pero sab鱈as que tambi辿n puedes registrar un dominio que termine en .pizza?
Esas letras al final de una direcci坦n web se llaman extensi坦n de dominio, y existem m叩s o menos unas 1.500 posibilidades. Algunas est叩n restringidas a organizaciones o personas concretas, pero cualquiera puede registrar r叩pidamente la mayor鱈a de las extensiones.
Eso hace que elegir el nombre de dominio para tu sitio web sea un poco complicado. 多Debes elegir tuempresa.bingo o tuempresa.pescado? Si vendes pescado, este 炭ltimo puede parecer m叩s adecuado.
Este art鱈culo presenta las extensiones de dominio, incluyendo qu辿 son, qu辿 hacen y c坦mo elegir la mejor para tu sitio web.
多Qu辿 es una extensi坦n de dominio?
Las extensiones de dominio son las letras que siguen al punto final de una URL. Las extensiones m叩s comunes son .com, .org y .net.
Otro t辿rmino para una extensi坦n de dominio es el de dominio de primer nivel. Esto se debe a que puedes pensar en las partes de un nombre de dominio como niveles de clasificaci坦n.
En la parte superior, tenemos las extensiones de dominio. En este nivel, los dominios se dividen en amplias categor鱈as.
Por ejemplo, la extensi坦n de dominio .de sit炭a el dominio en la categor鱈a 束alem叩n損.
Breve historia de las extensiones de dominio
En los inicios de Internet, para visitar un sitio web ten鱈as que escribir su direcci坦n IP. Se trataba de un m辿todo muy ineficiente, pues resultaba muy dif鱈cil recordar las largas cadenas de n炭meros de cada sitio web.
Todo cambi坦 con la llegada del Domain Name System (DNS), que utiliza nombres de dominio, mucho m叩s f叩ciles de recordar, y los traduce a direcciones IP para que el navegador cargue el sitio web que queremos visitar. As鱈 es como en vez de escribir en la barra del navegador, basta con escribir google.es para acceder al sitio web.
Junto con el DNS, nacieron las primeras extensiones de dominio (.gov, .mil, .edu, .com, .org y .net), cuyo uso estaba muy limitado por aquel entonces.
多Qu辿 tipos de extensiones de dominio existen?
La IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) establece en 2015 la siguiente clasificaci坦n:
Gen辿ricas (gTLD)
Son las extensiones m叩s comunes y utilizan tres letras o m叩s. Entre ellas se incluyen las extensiones tradicionales .com, .org, .net y .info y nuevas extensiones como .blog, .site o .online por citar algunas.
Gen辿ricas restringidas (grTLD)
Son similares a las anteriores pero su uso est叩 restringido. Por ejemplo: .biz (para negocios), .name (para individuos) o .pro (para profesionales acreditados).
C坦digo de pa鱈s (ccTLD)
Utilizan dos caracteres alfab辿ticos asociados a un pa鱈s o territorio indicados en la norma ISO 3166. Por ejemplo: .es (Espa単a), .us (EE.UU.), .cn (China), .de (Alemania), .uk (Reino Unido) o .br (Brasil).
多Cu叩ntas extensiones de dominio hay?
La IANA listaba el pasado junio 1.584 extensiones de dominio. Entre ellas, se incluyen 55 no asignadas (revocadas), 8 retiradas y 11 de prueba, ninguna de las cuales figuran en la lista de ICANN. Puedes consultar la lista completa de dominios en la base ra鱈z de IANA.
多Puedo utilizar cualquier extensi坦n para mi dominio?
Que una extensi坦n de dominio est辿 disponible no significa que puedas comprarla. Podemos diferenciar entre extensiones de dominio no restringidas y restringidas.
Las primeras pueden ser compradas y registradas por cualquier persona u organizaci坦n, mientras que las segundas est叩n restringidas a ciertos tipos de empresas, organizaciones y grupos, que deben cumplir unos requisitos espec鱈ficos.
Las restricciones de uso dependen de la organizaci坦n que gestiona el TLD. Por ejemplo, .aero es gestionada por SITA que restringe su uso a empresas relacionadas con el sector aeron叩utico.
Esto no solo se aplica a TLD gen辿ricas, sino que las restricciones tambi辿n se aplican a pa鱈ses. Por ejemplo, para utilizar la extensi坦n .us o .eu, debes ser capaz de demostrar tu presencia en EE.UU o en la Uni坦n Europea. Sin embargo, para utilizar la extensi坦n .es, .mx o .nl no hay ning炭n tipo de restricci坦n. Es por eso que debes analizar tu dominio y conocer los requisitos de tu TLD antes de intentar registrarlo.
La extensi坦n m叩s utilizada en el mundo es .com (148.7 millones) seguida muy de lejos por.
This document provides an overview of pronouns as a subject for elementary language arts. It contains 3 sections - what are pronouns, types of pronouns, and time to practice pronouns. The document uses examples and infographics to define pronouns, describe different types like personal and possessive pronouns, and provides exercises for students to practice identifying and using pronouns. It also includes credits, font information, and instructions for modifying the presentation.
Watercolor College Project _ by 際際滷sgo.pptxeherediaa
This document provides instructions for using a presentation template from 際際滷sgo. It includes 6 slides with the following key points:
1. The template contains various graphic resources, fonts, colors and icon packs that can be customized.
2. Users must keep the "Thanks" slide to properly attribute 際際滷sgo, but premium users can remove attribution.
3. Resources like illustrations, icons and infographics can be edited and reused following certain usage guidelines.
4. Instructions are provided on customizing elements and accessing additional online resources from 際際滷sgo and related sites.
This document provides instructions for using a social science lesson presentation template from 際際滷sgo. It includes 10 slides with content and design elements that can be edited. Instructions explain that the "Thanks" slide must be kept to give proper credits. Premium users can hide credits but others cannot redistribute or modify template elements individually. The document also lists fonts, colors, illustration sources and sets of icons included in the template.
Finals of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management.pptxRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy language.in this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
Media Literacy and Critical Thinking - Spanish - Foreign Language - 12th Grade by 際際滷sgo.pptx
1. Media Literacy and
Critical Thinking
Spanish - Foreign Language
Here is where your presentation begins
12th grade
2. Contents of this template
You can delete this slide when youre done editing the presentation
Fonts To view this template correctly in PowerPoint, download and install the fonts we used
Used and alternative resources An assortment of graphic resources that are suitable for use in this presentation
Thanks slide You must keep it so that proper credits for our design are given
Colors All the colors used in this presentation
Icons and infographic resources These can be used in the template, and their size and color can be edited
Editable presentation theme You can edit the master slides easily. For more info, click here
For more info:
You can visit our sister projects:
3. Table of contents
You can describe the topic
of the section here
You can describe the topic
of the section here
You can describe the topic
of the section here
You can describe the topic
of the section here
You can describe the topic
of the section here
You can describe the topic
of the section here
Misinformation Fallacy Investigation
Manipulation Media literacy Critical thinking
4. Whoa!
This can be the part of the presentation where
you introduce yourself, write your email
6. Is critical thinking important?
Mercury takes a little more than 58
days to complete its rotation, so try
to imagine how long days must be
there! Since the temperatures are so
extreme, albeit not as extreme as on
Venus, Mercury has been deemed to
be non-habitable for humans
Mercury is the closest planet to the
Sun and the smallest one in the entire
Solar System. Contrary to popular
belief, this planets name has nothing
to do with the liquid metal. Mercury
was, instead, named after the famous
Roman messenger god Mercurius
7. What can affect critical thinking
Do you know what helps you make your point
crystal clear? Lists like this one:
Theyre simple
You can organize your ideas clearly
Youll never forget to buy milk!
And the most important thing: the audience
wont miss the point of your presentation
8. Prevention for misinformation
Venus has a beautiful name and
is the second planet from the
Sun. Its hot and has a very
poisonous atmosphere
Mercury is the closest planet to
the Sun and the smallest one in
the Solar Systemits only a bit
larger than the Moon
Mercury Venus
9. How can it help?
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and the
smallest of them all
Venus has a beautiful
name and is the second
planet from the Sun
Despite being red, Mars
is actually a cold place.
Its full of iron oxide dust
Mercury Venus Mars
10. Evaluating sources
Mars is actually a very
cold place
Venus has extremely
high temperatures
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
Saturn is a gas giant
and has several rings
11. Venus has extremely
high temperatures
Its the farthest planet
from the Sun
Critical thinking skills
Mars is actually a very
cold place
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Saturn is a gas giant
and has several rings
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
Mars Venus Neptune
Mercury Saturn Jupiter
17. Misinformation statistics
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun and the
smallest of them all
Venus has a beautiful
name and is the second
planet from the Sun
Despite being red, Mars
is actually a cold place.
Its full of iron oxide dust
50% 75%
18. Jupiters rotation period
9h 55m 23s
The Suns mass compared to Earths
386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
22. History of misinformation
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Despite being red, Mars
is a very cold place
Jupiter is the biggest
planet of them all
23. Mars
How to detect a fallacy
Mars is a red planet
Mercury is very small
Venus is a hot planet
Jupiter is a gas giant
24. Content manipulation data
Team A Team B Team C Team D
Mercury 0.06 0.53 0.38 0.38
Mars 0.11 9.4 0.53 0.78
Saturn 95.2 1.16 9.4 1.16
25. Fake news statistics
Follow the link in the
graph to modify its data
and then paste the new
one here. For more info,
click here
Mercury is quite a
small planet
Jupiter is an
enormous planet
Venus has very
high temperatures
26. Kaliyah Harris
Sofia Hill
Our teachers
You can speak a bit about
this person here
You can speak a bit about
this person here
28. Multiple choice questions
Why is it important to apply critical
thinking to media messages?
To reinforce personal beliefs
and opinions
To unquestioningly trust
media sources
To assess the accuracy, credibility,
and potential bias in media content
To share media content
without verification
Which of the following best defines
media literacy?
The ability to create media content
The skill of consuming media
without question
The capacity to analyze, evaluate,
and understand media content
The proficiency in using different
social media platforms
Choose and color the correct answer
29. Short answer questions
Answer the questions below
What is media literacy, and why is it
important in today's information age?
Write here
How does media literacy contribute to
responsible citizenship?
Write here
30. Choose situations in which critical thinking has been used and discuss
what typology each one was
Group discussion
Types of critical thinking
31. Practical application
By following the steps below to discover fake news, detect and argue fake news about the
pandemic era: COVID-19
Explain your fake news
Check the source
Read the full article
Check publication date and author
Investigate evidence
33. How to choose a source
Write a characteristic
of primary sources
Write a characteristic
of primary sources
Write a characteristic
of primary sources
Write a characteristic
of secondary sources
Write a characteristic
of secondary sources
Write a characteristic
of secondary sources
Types of sources
Write a characteristic
of tertiary sources
Write a characteristic
of tertiary sources
Write a characteristic
of tertiary sources
34. Benefits of critical thinking
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste
the new one here. For more info, click here
Mercury is quite a
small planet
Mars is actually a
very cold place
35. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by 際際滷sgo, and includes
icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
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36. Alternative resources
Heres an assortment of alternative resources whose style fits that of this template:
Hand drawn old newspaper pattern design
37. Resources
Did you like the resources used in this template? Get them on these websites:
Hand drawn old newspaper pattern design
Young student working on assignment
Study group of african people
Multiethnic couple of teenage students studying at campus
Teacher looking at camera
Medium shot smiley woman teaching
38. Instructions for use
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Instructions for use (premium users)
40. This presentation has been made using the following fonts:
Albert Sans
#382f28 #eee4d5 #d3bfa7 #bda383 #f6f2ed
Fonts & colors used
41. Create your Story with our illustrated concepts. Choose the style you like the most, edit its colors, pick
the background and layers you want to show and bring them to life with the animator panel! It will
boost your presentation. Check out how it works.
Pana Amico Bro Rafiki Cuate
42. You can easily resize these resources without losing quality. To change the color, just ungroup the resource and click
on the object you want to change. Then, click on the paint bucket and select the color you want. Group the resource again
when youre done. You can also look for more infographics on 際際滷sgo.
Use our editable graphic resources...
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
Task 1
Task 2
48. You can resize these icons without losing quality.
You can change the stroke and fill color; just select the icon and click on the paint bucket/pen.
In Google 際際滷s, you can also use Flaticons extension, allowing you to customize and add even more icons.
...and our sets of editable icons