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Media Plan:
#FlaglerWorks because #FlaglerCares
Media Objectives:
 Expand Flaglers brand awareness
 Increase enrollment by 35%
 Establish a TCC to FCT program
 Increase Flagler Pride amongst students
 Track progress with surveys and Google Analytics
Google Forms Survery
Target Audience: Demographics
 Age: 20-45
 TCC Students: over 14,000 students currently enrolled
 Working individuals that want to finish their degree
 High school students (For awareness)
 FSU and FAMU students that didnt meet the requirements
 Community college students in surrounding areas
Target Audience: Psychographics
Non-Traditional students:
 Determined to finish their schooling
 Set on their goals
 Hardworking but havent had the time for school
 Built a career first
 Want to expand their knowledge and skill set
Target Audience: Psychographics
Traditional Students:
 Care about the quality of their degree
 Work better in smaller classes
 Wants to deal with a staff that care about their success
 Working through college, so night classes are a benefit
 Do not want student loan debt
Media Plan Pres 2016
 Low cost, FRAG Grant
 Small class sizes
 Structured scheduling
 Cohort Relationship
 Limited degrees
 Not enough people
know about Flagler
 Spring drought
 Room issues
 Close knit community,
good WOM
 On TCCs campus,
utilize their resources
 Piggy-back the giants,
FSU requirements
 Big name universities,
FSU and F&M
 Other university
Competitive Analysis: Pros
 Prestigious school
 Over 32,000 students
 Research Program
 Nationally recognized
football program
 96 on Best Colleges is
 Diverse- over 70 different
 Around 10,000 students
currently enrolled
 One of the best nursing and
musical programs
 Different array of programs
 On TCCs Campus
 Barry offers Masters degrees
 Have structured scheduling
as well
 Different forms of education
Competitive Analysis: Cons
 Large class sizes, over 16% wit 50
or more sudents
 Mostly lecture based classes
 One in a Thousand
 Hard to get ahold of the staffing
 Parking and finding classes is
 Mainly larger Class sizes, but
they do have smaller options
 One in a thousand
 Specialized in certain degrees,
might not get the same
 Un-organized student counseling
 Limited classes
 Not well-known
 No athletic program
 No musical programs
Competitive Analysis: Media
Fsu Tv
Commercials on local TV
Instagram, twitter, LinkedIn, and
Over 70,000 likes/followers
#GoNoles, #FSView, etc.
Community events and flyers
A&M Magazine
≒FAMU taught me
≒Discover FAMU
Student based: 90.5 radio station,
Journey magazine and FAMU TV
Hashtags- #Fangup #FAMUNOW
Mobil banners
Free standing sandwich boards
YouTube Videos
Social media (Mostly Facebook)
Barry Advertisement
FSU Instagram
FAMU Taught Me Campaign
Media Strategy
 TV, radio ads, flyers, and social media
 Utilize Cumulus station for diversity
 2X4 radio event- Chalk walkway
 TV commercial- 20% Spring, 30%Summer, 50% Fall
 2 major posts every two weeks- Flagler Cares content
 Build rapport with students
 Flyers will be posted throughout high schools, colleges, and other
workforce venues in the Tallahassee region
Media Rational
 Flagler WorksBecause Flagler Cares
 Builds a idea of what makes Flagler work
 Builds pride and relationships between staff and
 Would reach a larger audience around the Big Bend
 Radio- Captures diversity, attract the working
 Social Media- We can track success, choose best
Media Tactics
 Commercial- FOX, ABC, and WCTV
 Radio- Regular radio ads will run on all 5 stations
 Radio Timing: 7-9 AM, 1-3 PM, and 10-12 PM (To capture all our
target audience members)
 2X4 radio event- 2 radio stations for 4 days
 Social Media- Flaglercares testimonials, class room visits, and student
interviews (Along with the regular calendar content)
Content Calendar
Content Calendar
#Flagler Testimonial
Budget of Media Plan: $15,000
Social Media Radio Event Food/Catering
Local Comm. Aired 3 times on WXTL Pens Lanyards
Flyers Chalk Radio Ads (32 through 4 stations)
Successful Campaign
 35% higher enrollment rate
 At least 50 people at each radio event
 Increase in engagement on social media by 10%
 Receiving 10% more students from different universities and non-
traditional places
 Cumulus Station Interview
 Presentation from Dr. Parks

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Media Plan Pres 2016

  • 2. Media Objectives: Expand Flaglers brand awareness Increase enrollment by 35% Establish a TCC to FCT program Increase Flagler Pride amongst students Track progress with surveys and Google Analytics
  • 4. Target Audience: Demographics Age: 20-45 TCC Students: over 14,000 students currently enrolled Working individuals that want to finish their degree High school students (For awareness) FSU and FAMU students that didnt meet the requirements Community college students in surrounding areas
  • 5. Target Audience: Psychographics Non-Traditional students: Determined to finish their schooling Set on their goals Hardworking but havent had the time for school Built a career first Want to expand their knowledge and skill set
  • 6. Target Audience: Psychographics Traditional Students: Care about the quality of their degree Work better in smaller classes Wants to deal with a staff that care about their success Working through college, so night classes are a benefit Do not want student loan debt
  • 8. S.W.O.T Low cost, FRAG Grant Small class sizes Structured scheduling Cohort Relationship Strengths Limited degrees Not enough people know about Flagler Spring drought Room issues Weaknesses Close knit community, good WOM On TCCs campus, utilize their resources Piggy-back the giants, FSU requirements Opportunities Big name universities, FSU and F&M Other university partners Staffing Threats
  • 9. Competitive Analysis: Pros Prestigious school Over 32,000 students Research Program Nationally recognized football program 96 on Best Colleges is Universities FSU Diverse- over 70 different countries Around 10,000 students currently enrolled One of the best nursing and musical programs FAMU Different array of programs On TCCs Campus Barry offers Masters degrees Have structured scheduling as well Different forms of education University Partners
  • 10. Competitive Analysis: Cons Large class sizes, over 16% wit 50 or more sudents Mostly lecture based classes One in a Thousand Hard to get ahold of the staffing Parking and finding classes is miserable FSU Mainly larger Class sizes, but they do have smaller options One in a thousand Specialized in certain degrees, might not get the same education Un-organized student counseling FAMU Limited classes Not well-known No athletic program No musical programs University Partners
  • 11. Competitive Analysis: Media Fsu Tv Commercials on local TV Instagram, twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube Over 70,000 likes/followers #GoNoles, #FSView, etc. Community events and flyers FSU A&M Magazine ≒FAMU taught me ≒Discover FAMU Student based: 90.5 radio station, Journey magazine and FAMU TV Hashtags- #Fangup #FAMUNOW #RattlersAreEverywhere FAMU Flyers Mobil banners Free standing sandwich boards YouTube Videos Social media (Mostly Facebook) University Partners
  • 13. Media Strategy TV, radio ads, flyers, and social media Utilize Cumulus station for diversity 2X4 radio event- Chalk walkway TV commercial- 20% Spring, 30%Summer, 50% Fall 2 major posts every two weeks- Flagler Cares content Build rapport with students Flyers will be posted throughout high schools, colleges, and other workforce venues in the Tallahassee region
  • 14. Media Rational Flagler WorksBecause Flagler Cares Builds a idea of what makes Flagler work Builds pride and relationships between staff and student Would reach a larger audience around the Big Bend region Radio- Captures diversity, attract the working individuals Social Media- We can track success, choose best method #Flaglercares
  • 15. Media Tactics Commercial- FOX, ABC, and WCTV Radio- Regular radio ads will run on all 5 stations Radio Timing: 7-9 AM, 1-3 PM, and 10-12 PM (To capture all our target audience members) 2X4 radio event- 2 radio stations for 4 days Social Media- Flaglercares testimonials, class room visits, and student interviews (Along with the regular calendar content)
  • 19. Budget of Media Plan: $15,000 Social Media Radio Event Food/Catering Local Comm. Aired 3 times on WXTL Pens Lanyards Flyers Chalk Radio Ads (32 through 4 stations)
  • 20. Successful Campaign 35% higher enrollment rate At least 50 people at each radio event Increase in engagement on social media by 10% Receiving 10% more students from different universities and non- traditional places
  • 21. References http://famunews.com/famu-taught-me-series/ http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/famu- 1480 http://www.fsu.edu/ http://colleges.usnews.rankingsandreviews.com/best-colleges/fsu- 1489 https://www.tcc.fl.edu/Current/UniversityPartners/Pages/default.asp x Cumulus Station Interview Presentation from Dr. Parks