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Master of Arts Religion Emmanuel School of Religion 2009
Bachelor of Science Broadcasting Georgia Southern University 2004
Professional Experience
Senior Admissions Representative 01/2014 - Present
Office of Admissions  University of West Georgia Carrollton, GA
 Create and execute an innovative, creative, and effective annual communication plan for
High School Counselors across the southeast region
 Recruit and counsel prospective students throughout annual recruitment cycle
 Plan and implement targeted recruitment activities such as visits and college fairs in an
assigned territory
 Prepare and give presentations daily to large groups, small groups, parents, students, and
other key stakeholders
 Mentor and train Admission Representatives throughout on-boarding process and through
the first year of employment
 Project Manager for all events that engage High School Counselors, including but not
limited to On Campus Luncheons, PROBE receptions, and other special events on campus
 Design recruitment collateral including brochures, banners, giveaways, and much more that
appeal to stakeholders from all demographics
 Assist Associate Director with development of annual recruitment plan utilizing data driven
practices and assessment
 Serve as Advise Counsel for Associate Director
Director of Admissions 09/2009 - 11/2013
Office of Admissions  Emmanuel Christian Seminary Johnson City, TN
 Planned and executed yearly recruitment plan that resulted in increased enrollment and
 Project Manager for all projects in Admissions Office, including but not limited to new
website design, database building, all events and conventions
 Managed Admissions Office professional staff
 Established and maintained annual budget for department
 Created and effectively executed a visitation program
 Met with students individually and in large groups to effectively sell the institution to
 Developed and maintained relationships with alumni, friends of the institutions and other
influencers of prospective students through inventive means including social media, Linked
In, and communication plans
 Recruited and trained student leaders and alumni for recruiting prospective students
 Oversaw and managed student leaders for Admissions
 Served as seminary spokesperson, making public addresses as requested by colleges and
Marketing and Communications Director 09/2009 - 11/2013
Executive Board  Emmanuel Christian Seminary Johnson City, TN
 Created and executed annual marketing plan for the first time in the school’s history
 Created and managed the school’s brand through original surveys and brand awareness
 Planned and executed advertising strategy leveraging a variety of media platforms: print,
social media, search engine optimization, pay per click, etc.
 Managed social media presence on Facebook and Twitter and developed strategies for new
platforms as feasible
Campus Involvement
Financial Aid Appeals Committee Member
President’s Committee on Campus Inclusion
Search Committee Member
Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Social Committee Member
University Ambassadors Staff Advisor
Professional Organizations
Georgia Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers
Southern Association for College Student Affairs
NASPA- Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
Professional Continuing Education
GACRAO Annual Conference
Student Affairs Foundation Institute
NASPA New Professionals Institute
Association of Theological Schools
 Senior Enrollment Management Professionals Conference
 Student Personnel Administrators Network Conference
GSCA Annual Conference
 Advocating for Your Applicants 2014
GACRAO Annual Conference
 Managing PR Nightmares in Higher Education 2015
Banner , eRecruiter, EMAS, Open Text, Office Suite

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  • 1. Education Master of Arts Religion Emmanuel School of Religion 2009 Bachelor of Science Broadcasting Georgia Southern University 2004 Professional Experience Senior Admissions Representative 01/2014 - Present Office of Admissions  University of West Georgia Carrollton, GA  Create and execute an innovative, creative, and effective annual communication plan for High School Counselors across the southeast region  Recruit and counsel prospective students throughout annual recruitment cycle  Plan and implement targeted recruitment activities such as visits and college fairs in an assigned territory  Prepare and give presentations daily to large groups, small groups, parents, students, and other key stakeholders  Mentor and train Admission Representatives throughout on-boarding process and through the first year of employment  Project Manager for all events that engage High School Counselors, including but not limited to On Campus Luncheons, PROBE receptions, and other special events on campus  Design recruitment collateral including brochures, banners, giveaways, and much more that appeal to stakeholders from all demographics  Assist Associate Director with development of annual recruitment plan utilizing data driven practices and assessment  Serve as Advise Counsel for Associate Director Director of Admissions 09/2009 - 11/2013 Office of Admissions  Emmanuel Christian Seminary Johnson City, TN  Planned and executed yearly recruitment plan that resulted in increased enrollment and retention  Project Manager for all projects in Admissions Office, including but not limited to new website design, database building, all events and conventions  Managed Admissions Office professional staff  Established and maintained annual budget for department  Created and effectively executed a visitation program  Met with students individually and in large groups to effectively sell the institution to students  Developed and maintained relationships with alumni, friends of the institutions and other influencers of prospective students through inventive means including social media, Linked In, and communication plans  Recruited and trained student leaders and alumni for recruiting prospective students
  • 2.  Oversaw and managed student leaders for Admissions  Served as seminary spokesperson, making public addresses as requested by colleges and universities Marketing and Communications Director 09/2009 - 11/2013 Executive Board  Emmanuel Christian Seminary Johnson City, TN  Created and executed annual marketing plan for the first time in the school’s history  Created and managed the school’s brand through original surveys and brand awareness campaigns  Planned and executed advertising strategy leveraging a variety of media platforms: print, social media, search engine optimization, pay per click, etc.  Managed social media presence on Facebook and Twitter and developed strategies for new platforms as feasible Campus Involvement Financial Aid Appeals Committee Member President’s Committee on Campus Inclusion Search Committee Member Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Social Committee Member University Ambassadors Staff Advisor Professional Organizations Georgia Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Southern Association for College Student Affairs NASPA- Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education Professional Continuing Education GACRAO Annual Conference Student Affairs Foundation Institute NASPA New Professionals Institute Association of Theological Schools  Senior Enrollment Management Professionals Conference  Student Personnel Administrators Network Conference Presentations GSCA Annual Conference  Advocating for Your Applicants 2014 GACRAO Annual Conference  Managing PR Nightmares in Higher Education 2015 Skills Banner , eRecruiter, EMAS, Open Text, Office Suite