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GCSE History  question technique guide Unit 1 (medicine)

Question   Ability being tested   Key question phrases           What pupils need to do                    Example from Edexcel for A grade
1          Being able to infer    What can you tell from this      Make an inference about the           Sources A and B show that doctors have
                                                                                                           become more scientific and thorough in the
           from sources.          source/these sources               subject and explain how the details   way they diagnose a persons health. Source A
                                  about?                           of the source helped them make        shows that in the 20th century, doctors would
                                                                     that inference                        perform a range of tests (urine sample, blood
                                                                                                           sample, heart monitoring and x-ray) and check
                                                                    The two sources will require the      the results against official levels. Source B
                                                                     student to infer about change and     shows that medieval doctors performed just one
                                                                                                           test  the colour of a patients urine  which
                                                                     continuity.                           was open to interpretation and likely to lead to
                                                                                                           inaccurate conclusions. So the sources show
                                                                                                           that diagnosis has become a lot more thorough
                                                                                                           and scientific.
2/3/4      Picking out key        What factors                   Answer the question clearly and       One reason why Galens ideas were still being
                                                                                                           used in the treatments of disease in medieval
           features, explaining   Explain why                     stay focused on exactly what has      times was that medical training was controlled
           causes, explaining     Explain how                     been asked                            by the Church. The Church approved of Galen
           consequences,          How far                                                               because his ideas fit in with their religious
                                                                    Give accurate details about the       ideas about a single creator God. Since the
           judging change,                                           topic                                 Church controlled education, they could ensure
           judging continuity.                                      Give explanations and                 that doctors only studied Galen and only used
                                                                                                           his treatments. Another reason would be that
                                                                     commentaries of their ideas           the Church limited dissections in medical
                                                                                                           training which meant people were unable to
                                                                                                           challenge Galens conclusions by proving him
6a         Describe, explain      What factors                   Answer the question clearly and       One key advance that had been made in
                                                                                                           medieval public health was in the area of
           on public health       What developments               stay focused on exactly what has      sewage disposal. Towns organised open
           1350-2000              Describe                        been asked                            sewers that took peoples waste to the rivers
                                                                                                           and dug cess pits and latrines. Streets had
                                                                    Give accurate details about the       gutters for waste and rakers were organised to
                                                                     topic                                 pick up dirt from the streets. In London, laws
                                                                    Give explanations and                 existed to enable local authorities to fine people
                                                                                                           for dropping litter. In these ways, medieval
                                                                     commentaries of their ideas           people were beginning to think harder about
                                                                                                           keeping their environments clean.
6b   Analysis of a        Why                  Structure answer appropriately      Edwin Chadwick wrote a report about the
                                                                                       living conditions of the poor in the industrial
     statement and        How far              Clearly answer question by          towns in 1842. He said that crowded housing
     judgement about it   How important         weighing up or assessing relative   with poor sewage arrangements and no access
     on public health     How significant                                           to clean water meant that disease spread
                                                   merit, as question requires         quickly. This shows that Chadwick was very
     1350-2000            etc.                    Use the bullet points to get you    important in raising the issue and saying what
                                                   going, but go further than them     needed to be done. However, since these
                                                                                       reforms did not go very far and the Board of
                                                  Bring lots of accurate own          Health was closed down in 1854, this suggests
                                                   knowledge into their answer         that Chadwick was not so important in getting
                                                                                       things done. Snows work on the Broad Street
                                                                                       Pump forced local councils to make
                                                                                       improvements later in the century and so Snow
                                                                                       could be seen as more important than
                                                                                       Chadwick in this respect

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Medicine technique guide

  • 1. GCSE History question technique guide Unit 1 (medicine) Question Ability being tested Key question phrases What pupils need to do Example from Edexcel for A grade number 1 Being able to infer What can you tell from this Make an inference about the Sources A and B show that doctors have become more scientific and thorough in the from sources. source/these sources subject and explain how the details way they diagnose a persons health. Source A about? of the source helped them make shows that in the 20th century, doctors would that inference perform a range of tests (urine sample, blood sample, heart monitoring and x-ray) and check The two sources will require the the results against official levels. Source B student to infer about change and shows that medieval doctors performed just one test the colour of a patients urine which continuity. was open to interpretation and likely to lead to inaccurate conclusions. So the sources show that diagnosis has become a lot more thorough and scientific. 2/3/4 Picking out key What factors Answer the question clearly and One reason why Galens ideas were still being used in the treatments of disease in medieval features, explaining Explain why stay focused on exactly what has times was that medical training was controlled causes, explaining Explain how been asked by the Church. The Church approved of Galen consequences, How far because his ideas fit in with their religious Give accurate details about the ideas about a single creator God. Since the judging change, topic Church controlled education, they could ensure judging continuity. Give explanations and that doctors only studied Galen and only used his treatments. Another reason would be that commentaries of their ideas the Church limited dissections in medical training which meant people were unable to challenge Galens conclusions by proving him wrong 6a Describe, explain What factors Answer the question clearly and One key advance that had been made in medieval public health was in the area of on public health What developments stay focused on exactly what has sewage disposal. Towns organised open 1350-2000 Describe been asked sewers that took peoples waste to the rivers and dug cess pits and latrines. Streets had Give accurate details about the gutters for waste and rakers were organised to topic pick up dirt from the streets. In London, laws Give explanations and existed to enable local authorities to fine people for dropping litter. In these ways, medieval commentaries of their ideas people were beginning to think harder about keeping their environments clean.
  • 2. 6b Analysis of a Why Structure answer appropriately Edwin Chadwick wrote a report about the living conditions of the poor in the industrial statement and How far Clearly answer question by towns in 1842. He said that crowded housing judgement about it How important weighing up or assessing relative with poor sewage arrangements and no access on public health How significant to clean water meant that disease spread merit, as question requires quickly. This shows that Chadwick was very 1350-2000 etc. Use the bullet points to get you important in raising the issue and saying what going, but go further than them needed to be done. However, since these reforms did not go very far and the Board of Bring lots of accurate own Health was closed down in 1854, this suggests knowledge into their answer that Chadwick was not so important in getting things done. Snows work on the Broad Street Pump forced local councils to make improvements later in the century and so Snow could be seen as more important than Chadwick in this respect