The meeting minutes discuss an upcoming film shoot taking place on Thursday. They decided that Carl Caperina, Raman Bahra and Mariam Nawab will be the actors, and that filming will take place at D Block OPHS. They also discussed costumes, props, and who would take photos during filming. After the meeting, Mariam went shopping and bought green and black paint for a costume effect. She reminded everyone to ensure their availability for Thursday's shoot to avoid delays.
2. Meeting 7 Date: 31/10/11 Time: 11.15 Location: OPHS, Media Room A29 Present: Mariam, Chloe and Ruheet Minutes taken by: Mariam Nawab
3. Agenda I gathered the team to go over what we will need for this Thursday as we are at the point of filming. We discussed who our actor would be, Carl Caperina, Raman Bahra and Mariam Nawab, where our location will be, D Block OPHS, what our costumes would be and what props we would need and who would take pictures whilst filming. Afterschool that day I went out to gather the things we needed to buy, I bought paint, green and black for an effect off the costume. As this is our filming week I had to make sure that everyone would be availably for Thursday night as if they were not we would delay the production further, possibly resulting in late deadlines when handing in coursework. The next meeting would be about editing and sounds for the film.