Genetics and Genomics in Cancer 2013: How Genomics is Changing Cancer Care, D...Health Sciences North | Horizon Santé NordThis document discusses how genomics is changing cancer care. It explains that while most cancers are sporadic, genomic testing can be used to identify hereditary cancer risk factors based on family history, pathology, and personal history. It also outlines how genomic analysis of tumor cells can provide information for prognosis, targeted therapy, and screening. The future of cancer care will likely involve more widespread, cheaper, and faster genomic testing to enable personalized treatment and pharmacogenomic testing.
Genetics and Genomics in Cancer 2013: How Genomics is Changing Cancer Care, D...Health Sciences North | Horizon Santé NordThis document discusses how genomics is changing cancer care. It explains that while most cancers are sporadic, genomic testing can be used to identify hereditary cancer risk factors based on family history, pathology, and personal history. It also outlines how genomic analysis of tumor cells can provide information for prognosis, targeted therapy, and screening. The future of cancer care will likely involve more widespread, cheaper, and faster genomic testing to enable personalized treatment and pharmacogenomic testing.
Normas ABNT Apresentação de trabalhos acadêmicosPatrícia Éderson DiasO documento discute normas para apresentações orais e trabalhos acadêmicos segundo a ABNT. Apresenta dicas para criar slides concisos e evitar erros, como usar poucas palavras e fontes grandes. Também resume normas para citações, referências, resumos e outros elementos de trabalhos acadêmicos.
ชีววิทยาเรื่อง การหายใจระดับเซลล์ cellular respirationkasidid20309 Enzymes are highly specific and catalyze reactions by lowering the activation energy, not by supplying energy directly. Using heat would not selectively catalyze the desired biochemical reactions and could damage cellular components.
ชีววิทยาเรื่องระบบไหลเวียนเลือด circulatory system ตอนที่ 2kasidid20309ชีววิทยาเรื่องระบบไหลเวียนเลือด circulatory system ตอนที่ 2 ศึกษาเนื้อหาอื่นๆได้ที่ facebook SUK KEE BIO
ชีววิทยาเรื่องระบบไหลเวียนเลือด circulatory systemkasidid20309ชีววิทยาเรื่องระบบไหลเวียนเลือด circulatory system ศึกษาเนื้อหาอื่นๆได้ที่ facebook SUK KEE BIO
1. 424112
Cell Division: (Part II) Meiosis
2. Meiosis (Meiotic cell division)
Prophase I
Metaphase I
Meiosis I Anaphase I
Telophase I
Prophase II
Metaphase II
Meiosis II Anaphase II
Telophase II
5. Part II: Meiosis
- Meiosis แปลว่า Reduction
- เซลล์ลูกที่ได้มีจานวนโครโมโซมลดลงครึ่ งหนึ่ง
- การแบ่งนิวเคลียสแบบ Meiosis มี 2 ขั้นตอนคือ Meiosis I & Meiosis II
-เป็ นการแบ่งของเซลล์ตนกาเนิดเซลล์สืบพันธุ์ (Germ line cell) เพื่อ
สร้างเซลล์สืบพันธุ์ (gamete)
6. Part II: Meiosis
- Germ line cell ในเซลล์พืชดอก
อยูภายใน Ovule ่
อยูภายในที่ Anther
- Germ line cell ในเซลล์สัตว์
อยูภายใน Ovary ่
อยูภายในที่ Testis
7. Meiosis I
Meiosis I, the first of the two divisions, is
often called reduction division, since it is
here that the chromosome compliment is
reduced from 2n (diploid) to 1n (haploid).
8. Interphase
Interphase in meiosis is identical to interphase in mitosis and there is no way,
by simply observing the cell, to determine what type of division the cell will
undergo when it does divide. Meiotic division will only occur in cells associated
with male or female sex organs.
24. เมื่อสิ้ นสุ ด Meiosis I
- ็
อาจจะมีระยะ Interphase II สั้นๆ หรื อไม่มีกได้
- ่
แม้วาเซลล์บางเซลล์จะมี Interphase II แต่จะไม่มีการจาลอง Chromosome
อีก เนื่องจาก Chromosome แต่ละแท่งของเซลล์ลกที่ได้ จะประกอบไปด้วย 2
Chromatid อยูแล้ว
- เซลล์ส่วนใหญ่ที่ไม่มี Interphase II จะเข้าสู่ระยะ Prophase II ทันที
26. Meiosis II
Meiosis II is quite simple in that it is
simply a mitotic division of each of the
haploid cells produced in Meiosis I.
There is no Interphase between Meiosis
I and Meiosis II.
34. Meiosis: ช่วยให้สิ่งมีชีวตดารงลักษณะของ Species ไว้
Goal: reduce genetic material by half
from mom from dad child
meiosis reduces genetic content
35. Equal to parent
Haploid sperm
Diploid dad
Diploid zygote
Haploid egg
Diploid mom
Equal to parent
36. Genetic variation I: Crossing over
Metaphase I
Prophase I:
Tetrad Anaphase I
crossing over
Because of crossing over, every Telophase I
gamete receives a unique set of
genetic information.
Telophase II
38. Comparison of meiosis and mitosis
• Number of daughter cells
• Chromosome number in
daughter cells
• Types of cell produced
39. Mitosis Versus Meiosis
- Mitosis makes IDENTCIAL cells to the parent
- Meiosis make DIFFERENT cells from the parent
- Mitosis make DIPLOID cells
- Meiosis makes HAPLOID cells
- Mitosis occurs in BODY cells
- Meiosis occurs in GERM cells
- Mitosis makes 2 DAUGHTER CELLS
- Meiosis makes 4 DAUGHTER CELLS