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To: ApplicationDepartment
From: Melanie Vorster
082 440 1388
RE: Vacant Positionadvertised:Regional AdminManager
Findall the requesteddocumentationasrequested,includingCV andcertificatestoprove my
experience the last26 years.
Justto describe myself asthe indivial whoIamand all my strongpointsto applyforthispositionas
Regional AdminManager.
I startedto workin mymatric year 1987 as ClerkandI was promotedtoBranch Manager of the
Retail shopsinBronkhorstspruit ,Delmas,Marble Hall , Groblersdal andWitbankin1995. Then in
2001 we separatedtobecame TelkomSA andI were the Retail Managerfor Bronkhorstspruitand
Witbank. We were the Topbranch year afteryearfor the BestSalesPerformance andfor
OutstandingClientService Excellence. Inmyoffice inWitbankIhadthe BestSalesConsultant,that
wina trip TurkeyandI was the BestBranch Manager in Retail outof 80 shops. Idid all the
Managerial work, Pettycash , Cashups , Banking,orderingof Stock , HR functions,Stocktakes,
Meetings,Customerqueries andassistingthe staff togettingmore sales. Iwas multi-skilledandI
coulddo all the functions incase of staff shortage . I wasworkingwithoutSupervision. Ileftin2008
, to work half day for Vas-TechMining Supplies,AdminandBuyersfunctions ,theyliquidatedin
2009. ThenI was appointedasSalesManagerat House and Home , with26 staff members and
withoutBranchManager , AdministrationManagerandCustomerComplaintsClerk,I didall that
functionsalone withoutanyproblemsandwithahappyworkforce. Ourtarget wasR22 millionfor
the year andwe make R24. Million. With a negative staff base ,I turnedthemall aroundand itwas
the BestTeam and commitedteamyour can get. Turnaroundtime for complaintschangedfrom
3monthsto 7 days. All Administrationdutiesdone,stocktake , dailycash up, clockingtime /
attendance of staff , HR Functions,Schedulingdailydeliveriestoincrease ourdailysales. Comparing
the staff ¡®s actual to targets weekly. Iworkedhard, Retail hoursandwithoutthe Support, I worked
underpressure withoutproblems,Iam dedicatedtomyworkand alwayswillingtolearnmore. I
was offeredanewjobat WaltonsStationeryWitbank asBranchAdministrator,to doall the
Administrationfuctions,cashups , Reconcillationsof banksstatement,FleetManagement,HR
Functions, StockManagement,Price Overrites, Invoicing,OrderingandReceivingStockfrom
Suppliers,Filingof dailyinvoicesdeliveredaccordingtoReports,PettyCash , Journal entries. I was
offeredanotherpositionatSGBIndustrial Cleaning,January2013 as Office Administrator,
Administrationduties,PettyCash, Buyerfunctions,HRFunctions,assisting withPayroll,PPE
owned,invoicingandallocatingpayments .
I am a dedicatedpersontowardsmywork, hardworkingandwillingtodomore. I am a quick
learner,friendlyandIhada goodrelationshipswithstaff inmyworkplace.I canplan , organisedand
gettingresults. GoodTime Management,ProblemSolvingSkills,

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Melanie (1)

  • 1. To: ApplicationDepartment From: Melanie Vorster 082 440 1388 RE: Vacant Positionadvertised:Regional AdminManager Findall the requesteddocumentationasrequested,includingCV andcertificatestoprove my experience the last26 years. Justto describe myself asthe indivial whoIamand all my strongpointsto applyforthispositionas Regional AdminManager. I startedto workin mymatric year 1987 as ClerkandI was promotedtoBranch Manager of the Retail shopsinBronkhorstspruit ,Delmas,Marble Hall , Groblersdal andWitbankin1995. Then in 2001 we separatedtobecame TelkomSA andI were the Retail Managerfor Bronkhorstspruitand Witbank. We were the Topbranch year afteryearfor the BestSalesPerformance andfor OutstandingClientService Excellence. Inmyoffice inWitbankIhadthe BestSalesConsultant,that wina trip TurkeyandI was the BestBranch Manager in Retail outof 80 shops. Idid all the Managerial work, Pettycash , Cashups , Banking,orderingof Stock , HR functions,Stocktakes, Meetings,Customerqueries andassistingthe staff togettingmore sales. Iwas multi-skilledandI coulddo all the functions incase of staff shortage . I wasworkingwithoutSupervision. Ileftin2008 , to work half day for Vas-TechMining Supplies,AdminandBuyersfunctions ,theyliquidatedin 2009. ThenI was appointedasSalesManagerat House and Home , with26 staff members and withoutBranchManager , AdministrationManagerandCustomerComplaintsClerk,I didall that functionsalone withoutanyproblemsandwithahappyworkforce. Ourtarget wasR22 millionfor the year andwe make R24. Million. With a negative staff base ,I turnedthemall aroundand itwas the BestTeam and commitedteamyour can get. Turnaroundtime for complaintschangedfrom 3monthsto 7 days. All Administrationdutiesdone,stocktake , dailycash up, clockingtime / attendance of staff , HR Functions,Schedulingdailydeliveriestoincrease ourdailysales. Comparing the staff ¡®s actual to targets weekly. Iworkedhard, Retail hoursandwithoutthe Support, I worked underpressure withoutproblems,Iam dedicatedtomyworkand alwayswillingtolearnmore. I was offeredanewjobat WaltonsStationeryWitbank asBranchAdministrator,to doall the Administrationfuctions,cashups , Reconcillationsof banksstatement,FleetManagement,HR Functions, StockManagement,Price Overrites, Invoicing,OrderingandReceivingStockfrom Suppliers,Filingof dailyinvoicesdeliveredaccordingtoReports,PettyCash , Journal entries. I was offeredanotherpositionatSGBIndustrial Cleaning,January2013 as Office Administrator, Administrationduties,PettyCash, Buyerfunctions,HRFunctions,assisting withPayroll,PPE
  • 2. issuing,FleetManagement,DebtorsandCreditorspreparingmonthly.IdidalsohisProperties owned,invoicingandallocatingpayments . I am a dedicatedpersontowardsmywork, hardworkingandwillingtodomore. I am a quick learner,friendlyandIhada goodrelationshipswithstaff inmyworkplace.I canplan , organisedand gettingresults. GoodTime Management,ProblemSolvingSkills,