This document proposes an Integrated Zakat and Waqf Model for Refugees (IZWMR) to improve livelihoods for global refugees. It builds upon a previous cash waqf refugee microfinance fund model by adding a zakat element. The proposed IZWMR scheme would use funds from institutional and individual donors to provide basic needs support, entrepreneurship training, and microenterprise startup capital for refugees, including those unable to work, through a zakat fund. It would also use returns from investing a cash waqf fund to subsidize financing from Islamic microfinance and financial institutions for refugee businesses. The goal is to empower refugees economically and help integrate them while sustaining the program through charitable donations. The
This document discusses zakat and waqf fundraising models. It provides overviews of zakat, waqf, and different types of each. It also discusses various fundraising approaches and models for collecting zakat and waqf funds, including traditional passive approaches as well as more strategic market-oriented approaches. Recent innovations in waqf fundraising discussed include venture philanthropy models, social enterprise funds, deposit products, and the potential of financial technology like crowdfunding, blockchain, and cryptocurrency to support waqf development.
The global development of halal food industryISEFID
The global halal food industry is growing. Halal refers to foods and products permitted under Islamic law. The document discusses the halal food industries in developed countries like Japan, Australia, and the UK, as well as developing countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. It notes the size of the Muslim populations and halal food markets in each country. Developed countries mainly focus on halal meat production and exports, while developing countries have larger domestic halal food industries due to larger Muslim populations. The document also discusses challenges in increasing non-Muslim acceptance of halal foods due to misconceptions, and strategies halal producers can use to promote halal foods to non-Muslim consumers based on food safety, animal
The document discusses consumer behavior from an Islamic economic framework. It notes that conventional theories of consumer behavior focus on utility maximization and do not consider ethical consumption. The document then examines different types of traditional and excessive consumption behaviors. It proposes that an Islamic perspective focuses on need fulfillment rather than satisfaction of wants. Balancing needs rather than optimizing is also an important element. Excessive or wasteful consumption that exceeds needs should be avoided according to Islamic principles.
This document provides guidance on developing ideas for writing. It outlines two main types of writing: popular writing, which analyzes issues through arguments to deliver ideas to a general audience, and scientific writing, which analyzes issues using the scientific method to develop bodies of knowledge. When choosing a type of writing, one should consider their objective, audience, the kind of idea, and what media finds admirable, such as being up-to-date and providing solutions from new perspectives. The document recommends generating ideas through reading, discussions, contemplation, and prayer or deep thinking, and to start writing and allow new ideas to emerge rather than getting stuck.
This document summarizes a study on the role of zakat (Islamic alms-giving) in poverty alleviation and reducing income inequality in Indonesia. The study surveyed 1,309 zakat beneficiaries to analyze the impact of zakat programs conducted by BAZNAS, Indonesia's national zakat agency. Results showed that after receiving zakat funds, more households moved out of conditions of material poverty and spiritual poverty according to the CIBEST model, and income inequality decreased according to the Gini coefficient. The study concluded that zakat distribution programs significantly alleviate poverty and reduce income inequality in Indonesia.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Islam sebagai cara hidup yang menyeluruh. Islam mencakup berbagai aspek kehidupan seperti akidah, syariat, akhlak, muamalah, ibadah, hukum, ekonomi, sosial dan lainnya. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas tentang kesenjangan ekonomi global dan menganjurkan sistem ekonomi Islam sebagai solusi.
1) The document discusses income inequality and the regional index of financial inclusion for Islamic banks in Indonesia. It finds that financial inclusion is low on average across provinces, with only a few provinces like Central Java and East Java having high availability of banking services.
2) An analysis of banking usage shows only Bangka Belitung has high usage, while most provinces have low usage. The overall financial inclusion index values across provinces support this, with Java having the highest and Eastern regions the lowest.
3) There is a positive relationship found between the financial inclusion index and income inequality levels as measured by the Gini index, indicating that greater access to and usage of Islamic banking services could help reduce inequality.
The document provides an analytical study of the concept of halal from a Qur'anic perspective. It discusses:
1. Previous studies on halal that focused mainly on jurisprudential aspects and lacked comprehensive examination of other dimensions.
2. Current research focuses more on halal food/beverages and commercial/economic aspects rather than spiritual and social dimensions.
3. The study aims to analyze the beneficial dimensions of halal in areas of creed, ethics, worship, economics and social interactions to provide a holistic understanding of its multi-faceted benefits for individuals and society.
The document provides information on various aspects of thesis writing and academic writing in general. It discusses the importance of beginning the thesis writing process with conducting a literature review to gain an understanding of prior research conducted on the topic. It also outlines the key components of an academic research process and highlights some graphic organizers that can be used to structure ideas, such as mind maps, flow charts and Venn diagrams. Additionally, it identifies some features of effective academic writing such as focus, organization, support and elaboration, style, and adherence to writing conventions.
Gontor Economic Protectionism and Social ChangesISEFID
1. The document discusses Gontor Economic Protectionism and its impacts on society. Gontor is a modern Islamic boarding school in Indonesia that was established in 1926 and has since grown significantly.
2. Gontor practices a form of economic protectionism where it aims to fulfill all goods and services needed internally and educates students in business and self-sufficiency.
3. This protectionism policy has multiplier effects on surrounding communities by providing economic opportunities and supporting livelihoods through business relationships classified as direct or indirect with Gontor.
This document discusses Islamic tourism. It begins by defining tourism and explaining reasons for travel that are encouraged in Islam, such as seeking knowledge and appreciating God's creation. It then provides context on the history and background of Islamic tourism, including a verse from the Quran encouraging travel. It discusses factors that influence Muslim travelers' destination choices and outlines the potential of the tourism industry in the 57 OIC member countries. Specific examples are given of countries like Malaysia, Turkey, and Japan that are successfully promoting Islamic tourism. The document concludes by discussing Indonesia's potential for Islamic tourism development and recommendations for how to effectively promote it.
Bank Lending Procyclicality of Islamic and Conventional Banks in IndonesiaISEFID
Presented by
Muhammad Rizky Prima Sakti * & Tami Astie Ulhiza
Researcher at ISEFID (Islamic Economics Forum for Indonesian Development)
Research assistant at IRTI - IDB (Islamic Research & Training Institute Islamic Development Bank
Eltonmpo adalah agen taruhan online terbaik dant terpercaya se asia yang gampang menang dan mudah withdraw dengan sistem pembayaran yang cepat dan adil menang berapapun pasti dibayar tanpa cicil.
Daftar agen slot gacor anti rungkad eltonmpo merupakan situs terbesar se indonesia yang sudah menyediakan untuk anda bertransaski instan hanya hitungan detik melalui viqa qris.
Pelayanan online 24 jam non stop tanpa batas menampilkan platform permainan terbaik se asia .
1) The document discusses income inequality and the regional index of financial inclusion for Islamic banks in Indonesia. It finds that financial inclusion is low on average across provinces, with only a few provinces like Central Java and East Java having high availability of banking services.
2) An analysis of banking usage shows only Bangka Belitung has high usage, while most provinces have low usage. The overall financial inclusion index values across provinces support this, with Java having the highest and Eastern regions the lowest.
3) There is a positive relationship found between the financial inclusion index and income inequality levels as measured by the Gini index, indicating that greater access to and usage of Islamic banking services could help reduce inequality.
The document provides an analytical study of the concept of halal from a Qur'anic perspective. It discusses:
1. Previous studies on halal that focused mainly on jurisprudential aspects and lacked comprehensive examination of other dimensions.
2. Current research focuses more on halal food/beverages and commercial/economic aspects rather than spiritual and social dimensions.
3. The study aims to analyze the beneficial dimensions of halal in areas of creed, ethics, worship, economics and social interactions to provide a holistic understanding of its multi-faceted benefits for individuals and society.
The document provides information on various aspects of thesis writing and academic writing in general. It discusses the importance of beginning the thesis writing process with conducting a literature review to gain an understanding of prior research conducted on the topic. It also outlines the key components of an academic research process and highlights some graphic organizers that can be used to structure ideas, such as mind maps, flow charts and Venn diagrams. Additionally, it identifies some features of effective academic writing such as focus, organization, support and elaboration, style, and adherence to writing conventions.
Gontor Economic Protectionism and Social ChangesISEFID
1. The document discusses Gontor Economic Protectionism and its impacts on society. Gontor is a modern Islamic boarding school in Indonesia that was established in 1926 and has since grown significantly.
2. Gontor practices a form of economic protectionism where it aims to fulfill all goods and services needed internally and educates students in business and self-sufficiency.
3. This protectionism policy has multiplier effects on surrounding communities by providing economic opportunities and supporting livelihoods through business relationships classified as direct or indirect with Gontor.
This document discusses Islamic tourism. It begins by defining tourism and explaining reasons for travel that are encouraged in Islam, such as seeking knowledge and appreciating God's creation. It then provides context on the history and background of Islamic tourism, including a verse from the Quran encouraging travel. It discusses factors that influence Muslim travelers' destination choices and outlines the potential of the tourism industry in the 57 OIC member countries. Specific examples are given of countries like Malaysia, Turkey, and Japan that are successfully promoting Islamic tourism. The document concludes by discussing Indonesia's potential for Islamic tourism development and recommendations for how to effectively promote it.
Bank Lending Procyclicality of Islamic and Conventional Banks in IndonesiaISEFID
Presented by
Muhammad Rizky Prima Sakti * & Tami Astie Ulhiza
Researcher at ISEFID (Islamic Economics Forum for Indonesian Development)
Research assistant at IRTI - IDB (Islamic Research & Training Institute Islamic Development Bank
Eltonmpo adalah agen taruhan online terbaik dant terpercaya se asia yang gampang menang dan mudah withdraw dengan sistem pembayaran yang cepat dan adil menang berapapun pasti dibayar tanpa cicil.
Daftar agen slot gacor anti rungkad eltonmpo merupakan situs terbesar se indonesia yang sudah menyediakan untuk anda bertransaski instan hanya hitungan detik melalui viqa qris.
Pelayanan online 24 jam non stop tanpa batas menampilkan platform permainan terbaik se asia .
2. 38. Maka berikanlah kepada Kerabat yang terdekat akan haknya, demikian
(pula) kepada fakir miskin dan orang-orang yang dalam perjalanan. Itulah
yang lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang mencari keridhaan Allah; dan mereka
Itulah orang-orang beruntung.
39. dan sesuatu Riba (tambahan) yang kamu berikan agar Dia bertambah pada
harta manusia, Maka Riba itu tidak menambah pada sisi Allah. dan apa
yang kamu berikan berupa zakat yang kamu maksudkan untuk mencapai
keridhaan Allah, Maka (yang berbuat demikian) Itulah orang-orang yang
melipat gandakan (pahalanya).
悛惠愕悋 忰 リ惘悋 悋悵悽 悵 惡悋愕 悋惡悵 惘
悋 悧悖 悋ル 悴 惆惘(38)
悋ル悖 惡惘 悋惡惘 惠悛惠悋 惆惺 惡惘 悋 ル悋愕悋 悋惠悛惠 悋 ル
悖 悋ル 悴 惆惘惠 悋悸慍 惺惷悋 悧(39)
3. Tema Bahasan?
Ada Tiga tema Utama dalam Pembahasan Ayat diatas:
Infaq sosial? Social Security
Riba ?
Zakat ?
Ketiga unsur diatas tidak lepas dari Aqidah/ keyakinan
Riba bukan hanya terkait maslahah individu akan
tetapi juga terkait dengan maslahah bersama.
Riba itu bukan suatu hal yang baik
4. Ayat diatas adalah Makkiyah
Bagaimana kondisi pada saat itu??
Masih tertindas dan dikejar kejar
Tidak berdaulah yang ada tiga asnaf saja pada saat itu
Apa Efeknya terhadap Ekonomi??
5. Jadi Hubungannya dengan Aqidah?
惠悋 悋悒悋
gan/ Falah
Ridho Allah
berlipat Ganda
/ Mudhafah
Ridho Allah
menurut Allah
7. Derajat/tingkat kedekatan
Tingkatan perintah infaq dalam surat ar-Rum ayat 38
Kerabat Dekat/Famili
Ibn Sabil
Kenapa ketiga kategori diatas???
Kerabat dekat/Famili fitrah
Miskin Menetap/muqimin
Ibn Sabil Nomaden
8. Apa Hubungannya dengan Ayat 39???
Pensyariatan Zakat ( wajib atau sodaqah)
berkaitan dengan dengan takaful/jaminan sosial
adalah distribusinya kepada tiga asnaf diatas
9. 1. Keluarga / al-ailah
2. Komunitas/ almujtma
al mahalli
3. Dunia Islam / al-
alam al-Islami
悋惘惡 悵
悋愕 悋愕惡 悋惡
10. Hubungannya dengan perintah dan larangan
惡 惘悋 悋悵 惠悛
Kalimat diatas adalah kalimat Perintah/Amr
惡 惘 悋惡 惘 惠惠悛 悋 悋 悋愕悋 悋 悖 惆惺 惡 惘
Kalimat diatas adalah kalimat Ancaman/Tarhib
悴 惆 惘惠 悸悋慍 惠惠悛 悋 悋 悧悖 悋 惷
Kalimat diatas adalah kalimat Harapan/Targhib
11. Ijaz dalam perintah dan larangan
悋惘惡悋 悋慍悋悸