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Welcome to Merrimack
Board of Trustees Orientation
Keriann Clinton, Andy Hampton,
Mike Ahern
Orientation Schedule
Time Session
8:30AM-9:30AM Welcome
9:30AM-10:30AM Merrimack 101
10:30AM-11:30AM Board of Trustees 101
11:30-12:30PM The Future of Merrimack College
12:30PM-1:30PM Closing
A Renewed Mission
Merrimack College has renewed its mission and vision for the
21st century. In December 2008, the Board of Trustees approved a
more clear and compelling mission statement that guides us in our
strategic planning.
Chaired by Rev. Ray Dlugos, O.S.A., vice president of mission
and ministry, a 20-member committee comprised of faculty, students,
staff and administration worked to elicit involvement and input from our
entire college community. They were charged with refining the mission
of Merrimack College to better express the true spirit of the College.
Our entire community has had the opportunity to provide their
thoughts and to help shape the future of Merrimack College. This will
continue to be very important as we embark on our strategic planning
process. This mission and vision statement is our guiding beacon for
the future.
A Renewed Mission
Our Mission is to enlighten minds,
engage hearts, and empower lives.
Inspired by the Catholic faith and Augustinian tradition of
seeking truth through inquiry and dialogue, our vision is to:
 Prepare students to adapt creatively to tomorrows realities through
excellence in the liberal arts, sciences, and the professionals;
 Build a community of scholars welcoming and respecting a diversity of
backgrounds, experiences, beliefs, and perspectives;
 Cultivate the intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical, and personal awareness
needed to make wise choices for life, career, and service;
 Encourage and support scholarly work that contributes to the wisdom on
which society bases its decisions;
 Engage other educational institutions, industry, and agencies of social
change in collaborative efforts fostering a just, peaceful, and sustainable
About Merrimack
Merrimack College is a selective, four-
year, independent college in the Catholic,
Augustinian tradition located in North Andover,
It offers undergraduate degrees in liberal
arts, business, science and engineering, and
education; it also offers masters programs in
education and a range of certificate, licensure
and degree completion programs.
Merrimack has been ranked one of the
top 10 best colleges in the Northeast in the last
3 years by U.S. News and World Report.
About Merrimack
Stats and Facts
 Founded in 1947 by the Order of St. Augustine O.S.A. as
a direct response to the needs and aspirations of local
G.I.s returning home from WWII
 Over 2200 students representing 22 states and 20
 220-acre campus with 40 buildings
 Over 90 academic programs including 39 major areas of
 13-to-1 student-teacher ratio
 156 Full-Time Faculty Members
 Over 60 student clubs and activities
 74% of students live on campus
 NCAA Division I mens hockey
 21 Mens and womens NCAA Division II sports
About Merrimack
Augustinian Tradition
Merrimacks community is committed to
scholarship and service to others, and provides
students myriad opportunities to develop
intellectually, spiritually, socially and ethically. At
Merrimack, our dedication to the Augustinian
values of hospitality, community, and the pursuit of
truth will make you feel right at home as you
explore the world and gain the experiences you
need to chart your future.
Christopher E. Hopey, Ph. D.
 Name the 8th President of
Merrimack College on July
1, 2010
 Originator of the
collaborative community
efforts resulting in the
Strategic Plan
 Increase opportunities to
study abroad, new degree
programs and building
 Has over 20 years of
higher education
leadership experience
 Ph. D. from UPENN
 Authored numerous
journal articles
Merrimack College
Board of Trustees 101
 Board Composition
 27 Members
 Predominantly Male
 Business Background
 Member Bios
Background Info
 National Association
of Independent
Colleges and
 Association of
Colleges and
Universities in
 the Board of
Trustees provides
general oversight of the
College's property and
business affairs. The
Board delegates
operational vision and
leadership of the
College to the
responsibility is to
ensure the financial
and academic integrity
through delegation to
its administrative
agent, the President
Nuts and Bolts
 Between 20  35
 Augustinian Friars IN
consist of 1 for every 5
lay trustees
 Meet four times a year
 Yearly retreat in sunny
 11 Standing Committees*
 3.Academic and Faculty
 6.Enrollment Management
 7.Mission Effectiveness
 *Limited interaction with non-voters (Faculty
Administration and students)
Advancement Goals
Merrimack agenda
Development of 10 year plan
 2010 is when it all began
 9 months of discussion
 Multiple campus-wide meetings
 Board retreat
 Key leaders of stakeholder groups
 Such as faculty and staff
Core Values
Merrimack College seeks to nourish and sustain its
five core values:
Expected Outcomes
 Re-invigorate our identity as a Catholic College in
contemporary culture.
 Involve all members of the community in the careful and
humble self-reflection essential to wisdom.
 Develop a seamlessly integrated academic culture of
excellence in which vibrant intellectual activity intersects with
the physical, social, and spiritual development of our students.
 Lay the foundation for the College to grow in size, diversity,
and stature as well as to take our rightful place as a leading
institution of higher education.
 Become a laboratory for leadership and teamwork producing
graduates ready to compete and collaborate in the process of
shaping the culture of tomorrow.
 Challenge our community to enlighten minds with truth,
engage hearts with love, and empower lives for the work of
Main Goals
 Create a modern academic enterprise
grounded in innovative teaching, learning, and
 Develop a contemporary Catholic mission
 Create an intellectually vibrant, socially
engaged, entrepreneurial student experience
 Inspire and engage our people, culture, and
 Strengthen our value proposition and
competitive position
Merrimack. 2010. Advancing Merrimack in the 21st century: The
agenda for distinction. Retrieved
from: http://www.merrimack.edu/strategicplan/brochure.htm
Merrimack College. About Us. Retrieved from:

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Merrimack agenda

  • 1. Welcome to Merrimack Colleges Board of Trustees Orientation Keriann Clinton, Andy Hampton, Mike Ahern
  • 2. Orientation Schedule Time Session 8:30AM-9:30AM Welcome 9:30AM-10:30AM Merrimack 101 10:30AM-11:30AM Board of Trustees 101 11:30-12:30PM The Future of Merrimack College 12:30PM-1:30PM Closing
  • 3. A Renewed Mission Merrimack College has renewed its mission and vision for the 21st century. In December 2008, the Board of Trustees approved a more clear and compelling mission statement that guides us in our strategic planning. Chaired by Rev. Ray Dlugos, O.S.A., vice president of mission and ministry, a 20-member committee comprised of faculty, students, staff and administration worked to elicit involvement and input from our entire college community. They were charged with refining the mission of Merrimack College to better express the true spirit of the College. Our entire community has had the opportunity to provide their thoughts and to help shape the future of Merrimack College. This will continue to be very important as we embark on our strategic planning process. This mission and vision statement is our guiding beacon for the future.
  • 4. A Renewed Mission Our Mission is to enlighten minds, engage hearts, and empower lives.
  • 5. Vision Inspired by the Catholic faith and Augustinian tradition of seeking truth through inquiry and dialogue, our vision is to: Prepare students to adapt creatively to tomorrows realities through excellence in the liberal arts, sciences, and the professionals; Build a community of scholars welcoming and respecting a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, beliefs, and perspectives; Cultivate the intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical, and personal awareness needed to make wise choices for life, career, and service; Encourage and support scholarly work that contributes to the wisdom on which society bases its decisions; Engage other educational institutions, industry, and agencies of social change in collaborative efforts fostering a just, peaceful, and sustainable world.
  • 6. About Merrimack Merrimack College is a selective, four- year, independent college in the Catholic, Augustinian tradition located in North Andover, Massachusetts. It offers undergraduate degrees in liberal arts, business, science and engineering, and education; it also offers masters programs in education and a range of certificate, licensure and degree completion programs. Merrimack has been ranked one of the top 10 best colleges in the Northeast in the last 3 years by U.S. News and World Report.
  • 7. About Merrimack Stats and Facts Founded in 1947 by the Order of St. Augustine O.S.A. as a direct response to the needs and aspirations of local G.I.s returning home from WWII Over 2200 students representing 22 states and 20 countries 220-acre campus with 40 buildings Over 90 academic programs including 39 major areas of study 13-to-1 student-teacher ratio 156 Full-Time Faculty Members Over 60 student clubs and activities 74% of students live on campus NCAA Division I mens hockey 21 Mens and womens NCAA Division II sports
  • 8. About Merrimack Augustinian Tradition Merrimacks community is committed to scholarship and service to others, and provides students myriad opportunities to develop intellectually, spiritually, socially and ethically. At Merrimack, our dedication to the Augustinian values of hospitality, community, and the pursuit of truth will make you feel right at home as you explore the world and gain the experiences you need to chart your future.
  • 9. President Christopher E. Hopey, Ph. D. Name the 8th President of Merrimack College on July 1, 2010 Originator of the collaborative community efforts resulting in the Strategic Plan Increase opportunities to study abroad, new degree programs and building renovations Has over 20 years of higher education leadership experience Ph. D. from UPENN Authored numerous journal articles
  • 11. Board Composition 27 Members Predominantly Male White Business Background Member Bios Background Info National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts
  • 12. Responsibilities the Board of Trustees provides general oversight of the College's property and business affairs. The Board delegates operational vision and leadership of the College to the President. primary responsibility is to ensure the financial and academic integrity through delegation to its administrative agent, the President
  • 13. Nuts and Bolts Between 20 35 Members Augustinian Friars IN GOOD STANDING consist of 1 for every 5 lay trustees Meet four times a year Yearly retreat in sunny Florida! 11 Standing Committees* 1.Executive 2.Audit 3.Academic and Faculty Affairs 4.Advancement 5.Finance 6.Enrollment Management 7.Mission Effectiveness 8.Planning 9.Compensation 10.Governance 11.Investment *Limited interaction with non-voters (Faculty Administration and students)
  • 16. Development of 10 year plan 2010 is when it all began 9 months of discussion Multiple campus-wide meetings Board retreat Key leaders of stakeholder groups Such as faculty and staff
  • 17. Core Values Merrimack College seeks to nourish and sustain its five core values: Leadership Community Awareness Scholarship Service
  • 18. Expected Outcomes Re-invigorate our identity as a Catholic College in contemporary culture. Involve all members of the community in the careful and humble self-reflection essential to wisdom. Develop a seamlessly integrated academic culture of excellence in which vibrant intellectual activity intersects with the physical, social, and spiritual development of our students. Lay the foundation for the College to grow in size, diversity, and stature as well as to take our rightful place as a leading institution of higher education. Become a laboratory for leadership and teamwork producing graduates ready to compete and collaborate in the process of shaping the culture of tomorrow. Challenge our community to enlighten minds with truth, engage hearts with love, and empower lives for the work of justice.
  • 19. Main Goals Create a modern academic enterprise grounded in innovative teaching, learning, and scholarship Develop a contemporary Catholic mission Create an intellectually vibrant, socially engaged, entrepreneurial student experience Inspire and engage our people, culture, and community Strengthen our value proposition and competitive position
  • 20. Resources Merrimack. 2010. Advancing Merrimack in the 21st century: The agenda for distinction. Retrieved from: http://www.merrimack.edu/strategicplan/brochure.htm Merrimack College. About Us. Retrieved from: http://www.merrimack.edu/about/

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Seal Through Knowledge to Wisdom
  • #7: Rankings Top 10 best regional colleges (North) by US News & World Review 2012, 2013 One of the 218 schools includes in their Best in the Northeast by Princeton Review 2012, 2013 Americans Top College by Forbes Magazine 2011, 2012, 2013
  • #8: Notable Alumni: Joe Cannata NHL Cancouver, Carl Yastrzemsk Red Sox Annual Pilgrimage to Italy Tuition 13-14 year: $47,235 13% of undergrads are considered minority 6% international 49.5%female / 55.5% male
  • #9: St. Augustine of Hippo 354AD-430AD Bishop in the Roman Province of Africa Patron St. of Brewers, Theologians and Alleviation of Sore Eyes Merrimack & Villanova are only two Augustinian Colleges Community, Spirituality and Service Catholic Influence American Bishop in Dioceses have Clerical Authority to oversee colleges ArchBishop Sean OMalley of Boston Association of Catholic Colleges & Universities
  • #10: Vice President & Dean for the College of Professional Studies at Northeastern University Vice Dean at the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania Entrepreneurial Background
  • #12: Timothy Murphy Chair of the Board 4 women/23 Men 6 Reverends Board includes President of Villanova
  • #16: Speaking of fundraising, that is one of the many things we need to consider looking to Merrimacks future in our strategic plan. But before we look forward lets take a moment and look back to 2010 when the plan was being developed
  • #20: 1 strategic investments such as investing in part-time programs for our working professionals 2 through means such as recruiting and hiring the finest theological educators 3 national recognition; invest in the arts; holistic experience 4 diversifying faculty, pathway programsHS -> college, sustainability 5 atheletics, professional schools, encouraging alumni t participate