This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
Lionel Berry is a 39-year-old Correctional Officer with the Department of Correctional Services in South Africa. He has over 20 years of experience in roles including custodial services, investigations, parole and probation, and community corrections. He is currently pursuing a National Diploma in Security Risk Management through UNISA. His curriculum vitae provides a detailed employment history highlighting his experience in custody, investigations, community supervision, and administrative functions across various correctional facilities.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on 際際滷Share. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
The document contains teaching materials about demand and the law of demand, including:
1) A student activity worksheet with scenarios to determine if demand would increase or decrease given changes in prices or other factors.
2) A worksheet on the law of demand and graphing the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded.
3) Graphing exercises to illustrate shifts in demand curves from changes in price.
4) Discussion of factors that can cause a shift in demand such as income, preferences, expectations, and prices of related goods.
This document provides an overview of the design plans for a new park, including aerial and street views of the park layout, exterior and interior designs for the main building with upstairs storage, and details on lighting, uniforms, music, and decor for both daytime and nighttime operations.
Lionel Berry is a 39-year-old Correctional Officer with the Department of Correctional Services in South Africa. He has over 20 years of experience in roles including custodial services, investigations, parole and probation, and community corrections. He is currently pursuing a National Diploma in Security Risk Management through UNISA. Berry has extensive training and experience in areas like investigations, security management, and canine handling. He also has a strong background in sports like rugby and bodybuilding.
This document outlines questions and topics to explore for a personal identity project. It asks how one would define themselves, what skills and interests they have, and what factors influenced their identity development, such as family, community, education, heritage, gender, and other experiences. A plan is provided with additional questions about favorite things, clothing brands, music, hobbies, and personal goals. Sources are included for further research on identity and its development.
The document outlines 7 laws of teaching that promote effective education. It discusses making investments in teacher development and growth to continually improve teaching skills. Effective teaching requires allowing students to learn through their own involvement and efforts, acting as a catalyst for change. Teachers must be willing to pay the price of ongoing development through renewing their thinking, as effective teaching is not easily achieved but requires work.
The document discusses several aspects of politics and governance in the Philippines based on its constitution. It begins by establishing that the Philippines is a democratic and republican state where sovereignty resides with the people. It then outlines several key manifestations of this, including things like elections, separation of powers, and the principle that laws cannot be irrepealable. It also discusses the role of the military, indigenous cultural communities, women's rights, and the separation of church and state.
Political science began as early as Aristotle, who wrote "Politics" and was considered the "Father of Political Science". It developed through religious, metaphysical, and modern stages. It is now recognized as a science due to its use of empirical methods and theory-building. Political science involves the study of the state, political theory, institutions, groups, international relations, and aims to understand principles of governance and critique government.
This document provides an overview of Cassandra data modeling concepts and techniques. It discusses Cassandra's data model, architecture, data types, consistency levels, and more. Key concepts covered include defining primary keys, including compound primary keys, working with wide rows for time series data, using materialized views, secondary indexes, counters, and time to live for expiring data. The document uses examples to illustrate these Cassandra features and how to apply different data modeling patterns.
2. Este una dintre cele mai cunoscute si folosite
tehnici de rezolvare a ecuatiilor neliniare.
Se deosebeste de alte metode de aproximatii
successive prin faptul ca pentru fiecare punct
din sirul aproximatiilor este necesara atit
evaluarea functiei f(x) , car si a derivatei
3. Valoarea aproximativa a radacinii exacte se
calculeaza folosind un sir de aproximatii successive
{x_0, x_1, x_2} contruit dupa urmatorul model.
Pornind de la aproximatia x_0, curba y=f(x) este
aproximativa in punctual de coordinate (x_0, f(x_0))
prin tangent ei.
Noua aproximatie x_1 se obtine la intersectia acestei
tangent cu axa absciselor.
Folosind pe x_1 ca aproximatie initiala, se reia
procedeul, determinindu-se o noua aproximatie x_2
pina cand abaterea intre doua iteratii successive
scade sub o valoare prag impusa: /x_(n+1)-x_n/
5. Procesul iterativ de calcul poate fi orpit
fie dup repetarea unui numr prestabilit
de ori, fie dup atingerea unei exactit釘i
Eroarea se va estima conform formulei :
惺 =I 惺 -xi+1I<=M2/2m1(xi+1-
xi)^2 (3)
xi,xi+1- dou aproximri succesive ale
solu釘iei calculate,
M2- supremul f(x)pe [a,b],
m1- infimul f(x) pe [a,b].