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Torino Chamber of Commerce for the
CEMC Digital Marketing Task Force
July 17, 2015
Designing the future,
Ente/natura e missione
Strategies and challenges
Torino Chamber:
Strategies and challenges
Public administration: represents businesses
of each sector in the metropolitan area
The last Five-Year Strategic Plan defines the
general guidelines of the institution
The last Five-Year Strategic Plan defines the
general guidelines of the institution
Main challenge: promote the socio-economic
development of the territory focusing on hi-
tech communication tools to make more
simple, and effective contact with associates
Ente/natura e missione/sito
Online HQ:
On line manuals & FAQs
News & Alerts
Mailing lists
Downloadable publications
Press area
Informations & forms about services
Transparency informations
Hub to social media channels
How the website is changing
A new project: we underwent a major GUI restyling in 2014, now we are
focusing on the CMS. Drupal is the key to renew a technical platform still
stuck to 2001
Evolving (not fast enough): we were part of a regional constellation of 12
identical websites; now, after 15 years, were going solo
We have an editorial team of about 100 people (coordinated by a central
office) and we need to manage change not only in technical terms, but
also in organizational terms
Customer Experience and
Responsive design: the last GUI restyling is our best effort to meet our users
halfway  we have a LOT of information an its not simple to organize it
Usability engineering & annual usability tests  thats how
we try to stay the course
The laws about public administration websites in Italy are constantly
evolving too: thats a major problem for the IT and the Communication
dept.: we need constant adjustment
CRM and personalisation
Many websites or one website? With our new project, were trying to bring
back everything to a single channel (also, to ensure that the source of
services is acknowledged as the Torino Chamber of Commerce)
Our new website will manage better: personal areas and private download
pages, events subscription and agenda settings, surveys, customer
satisfaction, personalized mailing and more
The strategy behind that: identify, differentiate & engage our target,
identify opportunities (and risks) to convey content, develop internal
capabilities, measure & refine communication
Ente/natura e missione/sito
Social Media
Social Media &
digital tools
All social media used in sync for
specific projects / events
Social Media
Twitter: media relations
made easier
We started defining the target, the tone, the expected amount of tweets
and a policy
Define KPIs & use analytics to better understand the way our audience
interacts with our tweets
Engage in conversations and live tweet on every occasion (events, press
conferences, etc)
Weekly planning the content, using Hootsuite to schedule tweets as long
as G+ posts (simply a mirroring)
Social Media
YouTube: promoting our
Video archive for promotional clips, interviews, tutorials, TV news about us
Integration with other social media (Twitter, LinkedIn): YouTube in itself is
more visualization and less conversation
Viral vehicle for our motion graphics clips (integrated with major press
conferences & events)
Social Media
LinkedIn: establishing
Company page is a landmark we recently claimed
Showcase pages for specific business projects (Exage, Italian Automotive
Groups to engage professionals focusing on a project (Meet@Torino):
in this specific case, LinkedIn was a major part of the process, allowing
piedmontese professionals from all over the world to re-connect
Social Media
Facebook: a matter of presence
Currently not interested in the Facebook conversation since its not
perceived as an institutional opportunity  needs a complex internal policy
We are however claiming the Place Page to oversee basic
information and prevent diffamatory content
Could be great for project specific pages (ex. Yes - Enjoy Torino Top
Hospitality, or informal discussion groups among users (we started one
for Stati generali delle donne in Piemonte)
Social Media
Flickr: sharing a photographic
Recently established for 9th WCC photographic archive
Precious for hi-res pictures to share with media & journalists, the
possibility of direct download and the privacy management
Ente/natura e missione/sito
Social Media
Data Visualization &
A new way to present economic data (a
valuable asset of the Chamber of Commerce)
in a graphic or animated format
Viral content gets more visualizations and can
be re-launched on social media (and on
traditional media too!)
Digital Communication Management is hence
hosted in the Media Relations offices
Social Media
the viral way
We always try to engage in data journalism: press releases and press
conferences are accompanied by infographics and/or motion graphics clips
Viral graphic / video content that arouses curiosity about serious topics
Examples: specific projects (NiLab, Meet@Torino), annual reports
(household expenses in Torino, automotive parts survey, figures about
enterprises in Torino) economic studies (innovative enterprises survey, bills in
Piedmont region, foreign workers in Torino survey, economic returns on the
territory of various events)
Ente/natura e missione/sito
Case Study
A Case Study: 9th WCC
online & offline
YouTube: promotional clips &
live coverage
LinkedIn: engage community
Twitter: buzz, news & live
Flickr: on line photo gallery
Website section: extended info
Press releases & newspaper ads
Infographics & data visualization
Media Plaza interviews
relaunched on social media

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Metropolitan Chambers & Digital Marketing: Torino Chamber of commerce

  • 1. Copertina Torino Chamber of Commerce for the CEMC Digital Marketing Task Force July 17, 2015 Designing the future, together.
  • 2. 2 Ente/natura e missione Strategies and challenges Torino Chamber: Strategies and challenges Public administration: represents businesses of each sector in the metropolitan area The last Five-Year Strategic Plan defines the general guidelines of the institution The last Five-Year Strategic Plan defines the general guidelines of the institution Main challenge: promote the socio-economic development of the territory focusing on hi- tech communication tools to make more simple, and effective contact with associates
  • 3. 3 Ente/natura e missione/sito Website Online HQ: www.to.camcom.it On line manuals & FAQs News & Alerts Mailing lists Downloadable publications Press area Informations & forms about services E-Commerce Transparency informations Hub to social media channels
  • 4. 4 Ente/attivit/promozione Website How the website is changing A new project: we underwent a major GUI restyling in 2014, now we are focusing on the CMS. Drupal is the key to renew a technical platform still stuck to 2001 Evolving (not fast enough): we were part of a regional constellation of 12 identical websites; now, after 15 years, were going solo We have an editorial team of about 100 people (coordinated by a central office) and we need to manage change not only in technical terms, but also in organizational terms
  • 5. 5 Ente/attivit/promozione Website Customer Experience and Usability Responsive design: the last GUI restyling is our best effort to meet our users halfway we have a LOT of information an its not simple to organize it Usability engineering & annual usability tests thats how we try to stay the course The laws about public administration websites in Italy are constantly evolving too: thats a major problem for the IT and the Communication dept.: we need constant adjustment
  • 6. 6 Ente/attivit/promozione Website CRM and personalisation Many websites or one website? With our new project, were trying to bring back everything to a single channel (also, to ensure that the source of services is acknowledged as the Torino Chamber of Commerce) Our new website will manage better: personal areas and private download pages, events subscription and agenda settings, surveys, customer satisfaction, personalized mailing and more The strategy behind that: identify, differentiate & engage our target, identify opportunities (and risks) to convey content, develop internal capabilities, measure & refine communication
  • 7. 7 Ente/natura e missione/sito Social Media Social Media & digital tools YouTube LinkedIn Flickr Facebook All social media used in sync for specific projects / events Twitter
  • 8. 8 Ente/attivit/promozione Social Media Twitter: media relations made easier We started defining the target, the tone, the expected amount of tweets and a policy Define KPIs & use analytics to better understand the way our audience interacts with our tweets Engage in conversations and live tweet on every occasion (events, press conferences, etc) Weekly planning the content, using Hootsuite to schedule tweets as long as G+ posts (simply a mirroring)
  • 9. 9 Ente/attivit/promozione Social Media YouTube: promoting our services Video archive for promotional clips, interviews, tutorials, TV news about us Integration with other social media (Twitter, LinkedIn): YouTube in itself is more visualization and less conversation Viral vehicle for our motion graphics clips (integrated with major press conferences & events)
  • 10. 10 Ente/attivit/promozione Social Media LinkedIn: establishing communities Company page is a landmark we recently claimed Showcase pages for specific business projects (Exage, Italian Automotive Components) Groups to engage professionals focusing on a project (Meet@Torino): in this specific case, LinkedIn was a major part of the process, allowing piedmontese professionals from all over the world to re-connect
  • 11. 11 Ente/attivit/promozione Social Media Facebook: a matter of presence Currently not interested in the Facebook conversation since its not perceived as an institutional opportunity needs a complex internal policy We are however claiming the Place Page to oversee basic information and prevent diffamatory content Could be great for project specific pages (ex. Yes - Enjoy Torino Top Hospitality, or informal discussion groups among users (we started one for Stati generali delle donne in Piemonte)
  • 12. 12 Ente/attivit/promozione Social Media Flickr: sharing a photographic archive Recently established for 9th WCC photographic archive Precious for hi-res pictures to share with media & journalists, the possibility of direct download and the privacy management
  • 13. 13 Ente/natura e missione/sito Social Media Data Visualization & Infographics A new way to present economic data (a valuable asset of the Chamber of Commerce) in a graphic or animated format Viral content gets more visualizations and can be re-launched on social media (and on traditional media too!) Digital Communication Management is hence hosted in the Media Relations offices
  • 14. 14 Ente/attivit/promozione Social Media Communicating the viral way We always try to engage in data journalism: press releases and press conferences are accompanied by infographics and/or motion graphics clips Viral graphic / video content that arouses curiosity about serious topics Examples: specific projects (NiLab, Meet@Torino), annual reports (household expenses in Torino, automotive parts survey, figures about enterprises in Torino) economic studies (innovative enterprises survey, bills in Piedmont region, foreign workers in Torino survey, economic returns on the territory of various events)
  • 15. 15 Ente/natura e missione/sito Case Study A Case Study: 9th WCC online & offline YouTube: promotional clips & live coverage LinkedIn: engage community Twitter: buzz, news & live tweeting Flickr: on line photo gallery Website section: extended info Press releases & newspaper ads Infographics & data visualization Media Plaza interviews relaunched on social media