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Michael Warren Cook
1287 Mayhill Rd., Maplewood, MN 55119
Cell Phone: (651) 357-0507 E-Mail: cooks4family2007@gmail.com
Century College, White Bear Lake, MN
Associate Applied Science, Cyber Security, Forensics, and Virtualization, (Currently Attending)
Cochise College, Douglas, AZ
21 Credit Hours, Intelligence Operations, (Fall 2007)
ITT Tech, Eden Prairie, MN
12 Credit Hours, Computer Electronic Engineering Technology, (Spring 2005)
Operating Systems: Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP.
Software: Microsoft Office 365: (Excel, Word, Access, Power Point, Skype for Business, and
Setup of the following: SAP, IBM Lotus Notes, ODBC.
Planned Certification Schedule: A+ Certification (Summer 2015), CCNA and CCNP
Certification (Summer 2017)., CEH (Summer 2016)
Volunteer Opportunities: 360 College for me (April 2015), Point of Contact  Dave Paehlke
Government Security Clearance: Current Active Top Secret Government Clearance (Good
until Jan. 2017)
Areas of Study
PC Hardware & Software (Current)
Fundamentals of computer hardware and software, assembling a computer system, installing an
operating system, and troubleshooting using system tools and diagnostic software.
Principles of Information Security (Completed)
Investigate the analysis and implementation of network security policies, procedures, and
guidelines for establishing, monitoring, and controlling methodologies for local and wide area
Cisco CCNA Preparatory Courses (Current and Planned)
Network Fundamentals
Routing Protocols & Concepts
LAN Switching and Wireless
Accessing the WAN
Technology Planning and Architecture (Planned)
Design and management of complex technical information based business systems with
emphasis on life-cycle development and project management.
TEK Systems (3M), 8500 Normandale Lake Blvd, Bloomington, MN 55437
PC Service Technician 2015  Current
 PC Configuration (Installation of Operating System "Specific to 3M").
 PC Equipment Recovery. (Picking up unwanted equipment and shipping it to our recovery
 PC Installation (Setting up software, data migration, and troubleshooting client issues during
 Monitor Installation (Delivery of monitor and occasional setup)
Walgreens, 985 Geneva Ave N., Oakdale, MN
Customer Service Associate / Photo Specialist 2014-2015
 Process customer photos
 Restock Inventory and pull expired merchandise
 Customer service for merchandise purchase and returns
US Army, Hohenfels, Germany / Fort Lewis, WA
Human Intelligence Collector 2007-2014
 Trained 45+ Personnel on the importance of Intelligence Information Reports, a vital source
of Intelligence Soldiers use to identify key influencers within the area of operations
 Trained 20+ Personnel on the Concept of Operation (CONOP) building process, facilitated
Special Forces Team on Camp Nathan Smith (CNS) to execute missions with all levels of
approval in less than 15 minutes
 Responsible company communication with base security during Iraq and Afghanistan
deployments, aiding the company commander with planning security procedure planning
and distribution of personnel during live and training drills.
 Trained 23 Personnel on the use of Palantir, TIGER Net, and Blue Force Tracker; preventing
any loss of critical information flow during Command Post (CP) operations
 Personally ensured all levels of classification documents were properly destroyed,
preventing operational security violations
 Maintained 100% accountability of assigned equipment valued approximately at
$2,450,000.00 with zero safety related accidents during Afghanistan Deployment and at an
National Training Center (NTC) Rotation
 Trained over 40+ personnel in quarterly company policy training.
 Supervised and counseled 15 Personnel, and mentored 34 junior Soldiers
 Ensured 100% accountability of over $2,800,000.00 worth of Intelligence and controlled
cryptographic items with zero loss or compromise
 Supervised the movement of over $1,700,000.00 worth of Company equipment; resulting in
no loss of operational readiness or safety incidents
 Trained 80+ personnel on how to conduct investigations to enable successful interrogation

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Michael's Resume December 2015

  • 1. 1 Michael Warren Cook 1287 Mayhill Rd., Maplewood, MN 55119 Cell Phone: (651) 357-0507 E-Mail: cooks4family2007@gmail.com EDUCATION Century College, White Bear Lake, MN Associate Applied Science, Cyber Security, Forensics, and Virtualization, (Currently Attending) Cochise College, Douglas, AZ 21 Credit Hours, Intelligence Operations, (Fall 2007) ITT Tech, Eden Prairie, MN 12 Credit Hours, Computer Electronic Engineering Technology, (Spring 2005) SKILLS / CERTIFICATIONS Operating Systems: Windows 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP. Software: Microsoft Office 365: (Excel, Word, Access, Power Point, Skype for Business, and Outlook). Setup of the following: SAP, IBM Lotus Notes, ODBC. Planned Certification Schedule: A+ Certification (Summer 2015), CCNA and CCNP Certification (Summer 2017)., CEH (Summer 2016) Volunteer Opportunities: 360 College for me (April 2015), Point of Contact Dave Paehlke Government Security Clearance: Current Active Top Secret Government Clearance (Good until Jan. 2017) Areas of Study PC Hardware & Software (Current) Fundamentals of computer hardware and software, assembling a computer system, installing an operating system, and troubleshooting using system tools and diagnostic software. Principles of Information Security (Completed) Investigate the analysis and implementation of network security policies, procedures, and guidelines for establishing, monitoring, and controlling methodologies for local and wide area networks.
  • 2. 2 Cisco CCNA Preparatory Courses (Current and Planned) Network Fundamentals Routing Protocols & Concepts LAN Switching and Wireless Accessing the WAN Technology Planning and Architecture (Planned) Design and management of complex technical information based business systems with emphasis on life-cycle development and project management. Employment TEK Systems (3M), 8500 Normandale Lake Blvd, Bloomington, MN 55437 PC Service Technician 2015 Current PC Configuration (Installation of Operating System "Specific to 3M"). PC Equipment Recovery. (Picking up unwanted equipment and shipping it to our recovery center) PC Installation (Setting up software, data migration, and troubleshooting client issues during setup) Monitor Installation (Delivery of monitor and occasional setup) Walgreens, 985 Geneva Ave N., Oakdale, MN Customer Service Associate / Photo Specialist 2014-2015 Process customer photos Restock Inventory and pull expired merchandise Customer service for merchandise purchase and returns US Army, Hohenfels, Germany / Fort Lewis, WA Human Intelligence Collector 2007-2014 Trained 45+ Personnel on the importance of Intelligence Information Reports, a vital source of Intelligence Soldiers use to identify key influencers within the area of operations Trained 20+ Personnel on the Concept of Operation (CONOP) building process, facilitated Special Forces Team on Camp Nathan Smith (CNS) to execute missions with all levels of approval in less than 15 minutes Responsible company communication with base security during Iraq and Afghanistan deployments, aiding the company commander with planning security procedure planning and distribution of personnel during live and training drills.
  • 3. 3 Trained 23 Personnel on the use of Palantir, TIGER Net, and Blue Force Tracker; preventing any loss of critical information flow during Command Post (CP) operations Personally ensured all levels of classification documents were properly destroyed, preventing operational security violations Maintained 100% accountability of assigned equipment valued approximately at $2,450,000.00 with zero safety related accidents during Afghanistan Deployment and at an National Training Center (NTC) Rotation Trained over 40+ personnel in quarterly company policy training. Supervised and counseled 15 Personnel, and mentored 34 junior Soldiers Ensured 100% accountability of over $2,800,000.00 worth of Intelligence and controlled cryptographic items with zero loss or compromise Supervised the movement of over $1,700,000.00 worth of Company equipment; resulting in no loss of operational readiness or safety incidents Trained 80+ personnel on how to conduct investigations to enable successful interrogation sessions.