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Georgia Scott
M: 0409 844 764
E: georgia@darkhorseenvironmental.com.au
Georgia Scott
M: 0409 844 764
E: georgia@darkhorseenvironmental.com.au
With over six years of environmental management and approvals experience, I possess a demonstrated track
record as an Environmental Scientist and Advisor throughout several industry sectors, including mining, oil and
gas, construction, environmental, land development (residential) and manufacturing industries.
I was a key member of the Environmental Management and Approvals team whilst at ENV Australia and during
this time I managed to build up a new mining industry service line whilst assisting my manager in achieving
this and as a result I have been typically responsible for preparing mining proposals, mine closure plans and
liaising with the relevant regulators. I have expertise in obtaining environmental approvals (both mining and
development); compiling, implementing and monitoring Environmental Management Plans and site
environmental management and monitoring procedures on demolition, earthworks and resource projects, and
undertaking annual environmental reporting.
I have undertaken Environmental Site Assessments (ESA's) (Phase 1 and 2) and remediation works on a
broad range and scale of sites - this has involved desktop hydrogeological assessments, site inspections,
historical site reviews, fieldwork, data management and interpretation, proposal and report writing,
implementation of EMP's, project management, and business development.
Together with liaising with the relevant regulators throughout a project's lifetime, I also prepare annual
environmental reports for mine sites and conduct environmental monitoring and annual compliance auditing.
Recently I have been developing my skills in tenure maintenance by working closely with a tenure
management consultancy. This work involved further developing my knowledge and understanding of the
Mining Act and its associated Regulations as well as preparing tenement applications in compliance with
statutory requirements and time constraints. I also prepared and lodged statutory documents and
correspondence that related to tenure obligations. I have developed my skills using programs such as
Tengraph, Lease Control and Landgate as well as GIS applications such as ArcGIS.
? Determine data collection methods for research projects, investigations, and surveys
? Collect and compile environmental data from samples of air, soil, water, food, and other materials for
scientific analysis
? Analyse samples, surveys, and other information to identify and assess threats to the environment
? Develop plans to prevent, control, or fix environmental problems, such as land or water pollution
? Provide information and guidance to government officials, businesses, and the general public on possible
environmental hazards and health risks
? Annual compliance reporting
? Preparing environmental approval documents for & liaising with government agencies
? Liaising with stakeholder groups
? OHS & Risk Assessment experience
? GIS and Mapping skills
University of Technology Sydney 2005
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology)
Ultimo TAFE 2001
Associate Diploma of Applied Biological Techniques
White Card
St John
Senior First Aid
Dark Horse Environmental Pty Ltd 2014 - Current
Environmental Consultant
Worked in collaboration with Tenement Management Company, MK II Consulting Pty Ltd. I also consult for
various clients which have small mining practices in the Pilbara and the Kimberley in providing advice on
environmental compliance as well as preparing environmental approval documentation.
? Prepare and implement all aspects of environmental management plans and ensure compliance.
? Manage and modify systems of environmental monitoring and reporting.
? Conduct impact assessments and devise risk management strategies.
? Liaise with regulatory bodies in regards to environmental issues.
? Ensure adherence with HSE and OHS principles at all times.
? Compliance and contractual obligations and legislative requirements.
? Expertise in the interpretation of legislation, acts and regulations, both mining and environmental legislation.
? Preparing tenement applications in compliance with statutory requirements and time constraints.
? Preparing and lodging statutory documentation and correspondence relating to tenure obligations.
? Working within a tenure obligations database such as Lease Control and monitoring and recording
compliance with deadlines;
? Experience working with Tengraph, Landgate and cartography applications.
? Mining Rehabilitation Fund data collation and entry into the MRF database for all clients tenure.
MMWC Environmental 2013 - 2014
Environmental compliance reporting for various small mining companies within the Pilbara, Western
? Prepare Mining Proposals, Mine Closure Plans, Vegetation Clearing Permits, Bed and Banks Permits,
Part V Works Approvals.
? Prepare annual compliance reports such AERs and AACRs.
? Compilation of data and data entry into the Mining Rehabilitation Fund for all MMWC Environmental
tenement holders.
? Liaise with various stakeholders.
? Prepare and undertake monthly project meetings and budgets.
? Accounts including monthly invoicing.
Knight Piesold Jul 2014 - Oct 2014
Environmental Scientist
Contracted by Knight Piesold to assist in preparing the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
for Gryphon Minerals Banfora Gold Project in Burkina Faso.
? Collating data and information from the various in-country environmental reports for inclusion in the ESIA to
be submitted to the International Finance Institution.
? Assisting with a impact and risk assessment workshop for the project.
ENV Australia Pty Ltd 2008 - 2013
Environmental Scientist
ENV is a diverse company and provide a range of consulting services related to air, water, soil, flora and
fauna management.
? Coordinated projects and prepared environmental impact assessments for land development,
wetland management plans, wetland reclassifications.
? Assisted in the preparation environmental and conservation management plans for various
government departments and land developers.
? Participated in various water monitoring projects (both surface and groundwater), flora and
vegetation surveys and some fauna survey work.
? Assisted on a major asbestos contained material assessment project in Queens Park, including
sorting through a demolished housing estate collecting all remaining asbestos contained material
for correct disposal as well as soil monitoring.
? a key team member in ENV that built up a new 'mining industry' service line, and assisting my Manager in
achieving this.
? Involved the preparation of mining proposal and mine closure plans as well as the annual
environmental compliance reports associated with mining approval.
? Monitoring the health of drinking water at Woodside¨s Pluto Gas Plant and King Bay Wharf in Karratha.
Overseas Experience/ International Work 2011 - 2011
Environmental Scientist cont'd
6 month secondment to Vale Inco through ENV's Indonesian Branch. During this secondment I assisted with
environmental approvals for one of the new hydroelectric dam projects for the mine site in Soroako, Sulawesi
Indonesia. I also assisted with other environmental approvals for the project. I was based in Jakarta during
my secondment.
Paulsens Gold Mine Annual Environmental Report
Collection of data and preparation of the annual environmental report.
Northrock Six Mile Leases Mining Proposal and Bardles Well Hard Rock Quarry Mining Proposal
Developing a mining proposal for a series of general purpose leases which will support a hard rock quarry in
the Karratha Region and the mining proposal for establishing the quarry itself. Prepared in accordance with the
Department of Mines and Petroleum's Mining Proposal Guidelines.
The project included conceptual closure and rehabilitation management plan for each site.
Woodside Pluto LNG Plant and King Bay Supply Base Potable Water Sampling
Travelled to site once a month to collect samples from several drinking water stations as well as the Reverse
Osmosis Water Plant's at Woodside's Pluto gas plant and King Bay Supply Wharf. Onsite OHS procedures
were implemented including undertaking Take 5's for each task. Samples had some analyses conducted onsite
before being taken back to Perth for more in depth analysis at an accredited Laboratory. A report on the results
was prepared for Woodside each month.
Cockatoo Island Mine Closure / seawall Decommissioning, Sustainability Options Assessment Natural
Resources Pty Ltd
Sustainability multi-criteria assessment of the decommissioning options, with key stakeholder engagement in a
workshop process.
Paulsens Gold Mine, Mine Closure Plan, Northern Star Resources
Preparation of the first mine closure plan for this mine, as an interim requirement under the DMP Mine Closure
Guidelines, and involved significant consultation with the DMP and client.
Paulsens Gold Mine Incidental Project Management, Northern Star Resources
A range of incidental tasks undertaken on a needs basis to help maintain ongoing operations and expansions
of the mine site. Such jobs include, investigations into waste recycling, vegetation clearing advice and
approvals, accidental spillages, and general compliance issues.
Pindan Sands Mining Proposal, Plbara Sands Pty Ltd
Preparation of a Mining Proposal for extension of a major sand mining operation in the vicinity of Port Hedland
in the Pilbara
Pippinngarra Sand Mine Proposal, Brookdale Contractors
Preparation of the Mining Proposal for extension of a sand mining operation in the vicinity of Port Hedland in
the Pilbara.
Jim Singleton
Manager Environmental Management & Approvals
ENV Australia
M: 0499 687 580
Paula Arthur
Environmental Scientist for Sustainability and Water
ENV Australia
M: 0413 926 464
Paula Austen
Administration Assistant
ENV Australia
M: 0409 935 540
Kirstyn Harney
Tenement Legal Advisor
MMWC Environmental
M: 0422 937 787
Robert Jewson
Director MMWC Geological Division
MMWC Environmental
M: 0422 727 475

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Microsoft Word - Georgie Scott

  • 1. CV Georgia Scott M: 0409 844 764 E: georgia@darkhorseenvironmental.com.au
  • 2. PERSONAL?DETAILS Georgia Scott M: 0409 844 764 E: georgia@darkhorseenvironmental.com.au CAREER PROFILE With over six years of environmental management and approvals experience, I possess a demonstrated track record as an Environmental Scientist and Advisor throughout several industry sectors, including mining, oil and gas, construction, environmental, land development (residential) and manufacturing industries. I was a key member of the Environmental Management and Approvals team whilst at ENV Australia and during this time I managed to build up a new mining industry service line whilst assisting my manager in achieving this and as a result I have been typically responsible for preparing mining proposals, mine closure plans and liaising with the relevant regulators. I have expertise in obtaining environmental approvals (both mining and development); compiling, implementing and monitoring Environmental Management Plans and site environmental management and monitoring procedures on demolition, earthworks and resource projects, and undertaking annual environmental reporting. I have undertaken Environmental Site Assessments (ESA's) (Phase 1 and 2) and remediation works on a broad range and scale of sites - this has involved desktop hydrogeological assessments, site inspections, historical site reviews, fieldwork, data management and interpretation, proposal and report writing, implementation of EMP's, project management, and business development. Together with liaising with the relevant regulators throughout a project's lifetime, I also prepare annual environmental reports for mine sites and conduct environmental monitoring and annual compliance auditing. Recently I have been developing my skills in tenure maintenance by working closely with a tenure management consultancy. This work involved further developing my knowledge and understanding of the Mining Act and its associated Regulations as well as preparing tenement applications in compliance with statutory requirements and time constraints. I also prepared and lodged statutory documents and correspondence that related to tenure obligations. I have developed my skills using programs such as Tengraph, Lease Control and Landgate as well as GIS applications such as ArcGIS. COMPETENCIES ? Determine data collection methods for research projects, investigations, and surveys ? Collect and compile environmental data from samples of air, soil, water, food, and other materials for scientific analysis ? Analyse samples, surveys, and other information to identify and assess threats to the environment ? Develop plans to prevent, control, or fix environmental problems, such as land or water pollution ? Provide information and guidance to government officials, businesses, and the general public on possible environmental hazards and health risks ? Annual compliance reporting ? Preparing environmental approval documents for & liaising with government agencies ? Liaising with stakeholder groups ? OHS & Risk Assessment experience ? GIS and Mapping skills FURTHER EDUCATION University of Technology Sydney 2005 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology) Ultimo TAFE 2001 Associate Diploma of Applied Biological Techniques Worksafe White Card
  • 3. St John Senior First Aid EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Dark Horse Environmental Pty Ltd 2014 - Current Environmental Consultant Profile Worked in collaboration with Tenement Management Company, MK II Consulting Pty Ltd. I also consult for various clients which have small mining practices in the Pilbara and the Kimberley in providing advice on environmental compliance as well as preparing environmental approval documentation. Responsibilities ? Prepare and implement all aspects of environmental management plans and ensure compliance. ? Manage and modify systems of environmental monitoring and reporting. ? Conduct impact assessments and devise risk management strategies. ? Liaise with regulatory bodies in regards to environmental issues. ? Ensure adherence with HSE and OHS principles at all times. ? Compliance and contractual obligations and legislative requirements. ? Expertise in the interpretation of legislation, acts and regulations, both mining and environmental legislation. ? Preparing tenement applications in compliance with statutory requirements and time constraints. ? Preparing and lodging statutory documentation and correspondence relating to tenure obligations. ? Working within a tenure obligations database such as Lease Control and monitoring and recording compliance with deadlines; ? Experience working with Tengraph, Landgate and cartography applications. ? Mining Rehabilitation Fund data collation and entry into the MRF database for all clients tenure. MMWC Environmental 2013 - 2014 Director Profile Environmental compliance reporting for various small mining companies within the Pilbara, Western Australia. Responsibilities ? Prepare Mining Proposals, Mine Closure Plans, Vegetation Clearing Permits, Bed and Banks Permits, Part V Works Approvals. ? Prepare annual compliance reports such AERs and AACRs. ? Compilation of data and data entry into the Mining Rehabilitation Fund for all MMWC Environmental tenement holders. ? Liaise with various stakeholders. ? Prepare and undertake monthly project meetings and budgets. ? Accounts including monthly invoicing. Knight Piesold Jul 2014 - Oct 2014 Environmental Scientist Profile Contracted by Knight Piesold to assist in preparing the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Gryphon Minerals Banfora Gold Project in Burkina Faso. Responsibilities ? Collating data and information from the various in-country environmental reports for inclusion in the ESIA to be submitted to the International Finance Institution. ? Assisting with a impact and risk assessment workshop for the project. ENV Australia Pty Ltd 2008 - 2013 Environmental Scientist Profile ENV is a diverse company and provide a range of consulting services related to air, water, soil, flora and fauna management. Responsibilities
  • 4. ? Coordinated projects and prepared environmental impact assessments for land development, wetland management plans, wetland reclassifications. ? Assisted in the preparation environmental and conservation management plans for various government departments and land developers. ? Participated in various water monitoring projects (both surface and groundwater), flora and vegetation surveys and some fauna survey work. ? Assisted on a major asbestos contained material assessment project in Queens Park, including sorting through a demolished housing estate collecting all remaining asbestos contained material for correct disposal as well as soil monitoring. ? a key team member in ENV that built up a new 'mining industry' service line, and assisting my Manager in achieving this. ? Involved the preparation of mining proposal and mine closure plans as well as the annual environmental compliance reports associated with mining approval. ? Monitoring the health of drinking water at Woodside¨s Pluto Gas Plant and King Bay Wharf in Karratha. Overseas Experience/ International Work 2011 - 2011 Environmental Scientist cont'd Secondment 6 month secondment to Vale Inco through ENV's Indonesian Branch. During this secondment I assisted with environmental approvals for one of the new hydroelectric dam projects for the mine site in Soroako, Sulawesi Indonesia. I also assisted with other environmental approvals for the project. I was based in Jakarta during my secondment. PROJECTS SNAPSHOT Paulsens Gold Mine Annual Environmental Report Collection of data and preparation of the annual environmental report. Northrock Six Mile Leases Mining Proposal and Bardles Well Hard Rock Quarry Mining Proposal Developing a mining proposal for a series of general purpose leases which will support a hard rock quarry in the Karratha Region and the mining proposal for establishing the quarry itself. Prepared in accordance with the Department of Mines and Petroleum's Mining Proposal Guidelines. The project included conceptual closure and rehabilitation management plan for each site. Woodside Pluto LNG Plant and King Bay Supply Base Potable Water Sampling Travelled to site once a month to collect samples from several drinking water stations as well as the Reverse Osmosis Water Plant's at Woodside's Pluto gas plant and King Bay Supply Wharf. Onsite OHS procedures were implemented including undertaking Take 5's for each task. Samples had some analyses conducted onsite before being taken back to Perth for more in depth analysis at an accredited Laboratory. A report on the results was prepared for Woodside each month. Cockatoo Island Mine Closure / seawall Decommissioning, Sustainability Options Assessment Natural Resources Pty Ltd Sustainability multi-criteria assessment of the decommissioning options, with key stakeholder engagement in a workshop process. Paulsens Gold Mine, Mine Closure Plan, Northern Star Resources Preparation of the first mine closure plan for this mine, as an interim requirement under the DMP Mine Closure Guidelines, and involved significant consultation with the DMP and client. Paulsens Gold Mine Incidental Project Management, Northern Star Resources A range of incidental tasks undertaken on a needs basis to help maintain ongoing operations and expansions of the mine site. Such jobs include, investigations into waste recycling, vegetation clearing advice and approvals, accidental spillages, and general compliance issues. Pindan Sands Mining Proposal, Plbara Sands Pty Ltd Preparation of a Mining Proposal for extension of a major sand mining operation in the vicinity of Port Hedland in the Pilbara
  • 5. Pippinngarra Sand Mine Proposal, Brookdale Contractors Preparation of the Mining Proposal for extension of a sand mining operation in the vicinity of Port Hedland in the Pilbara. REFEREES Jim Singleton Manager Environmental Management & Approvals ENV Australia M: 0499 687 580 Paula Arthur Environmental Scientist for Sustainability and Water ENV Australia M: 0413 926 464 Paula Austen Administration Assistant ENV Australia M: 0409 935 540 Kirstyn Harney Tenement Legal Advisor MMWC Environmental M: 0422 937 787 Robert Jewson Director MMWC Geological Division MMWC Environmental M: 0422 727 475