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MindMelds Vol1, World Editon - Sample Book
Copyright; Disclaimer/Limitation; Feedback
Publisher: KewlActiveMinds, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
Copyright: Copyright ? 2021 by Andrew Marek and Teresa Marek. Cover design,
images and text are copyright except where otherwise subject to license. All rights
reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever. For information address enquiries as above.
Trademarks: KewlActiveMinds and MindMelds are trade marks asserted by Andrew
Marek and Teresa Marek. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer: This publications contains the opinions and ideas of its authors. It is
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publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, health, financial, or any other kind
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ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-7775378-0-7
ISBN (eBook): 978-1-7775378-1-4
About Us
We a e A d e a d Te e a Ma e e idi g i S h e e O a i ,
Ca ada, i h h ee G de Re ie e a d ca , i g ada
a d a e he be f he Ne N a . Thi b i dedica e A ie,
O a ge F ff Ca ha ca e i i e e ec ed a d b gh
ch j e he ea .
Chee !
Contact Us
P ea e fee f ee each i h c e feedbac ha e
ha e a e d i g i igh g, he ha e he be
e e ie ce ha e ca !
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Table of Contents
Introduction Page 2
Questions Page 3
Answers Page 114
Cover Page Puzzle
Answer: You are looking at it!! Left side for logic and right for imagination.
Icon Index
We c e b f P e !
Tha f cha i g b ha ha bee c a ed gi e a
e a , hich i a i a a f c i i g ee i d
ha , ac i e a d a e . Thi b ca be ed a a i g e ac i i i h
fa i a d f ie d .
The e a d a ie ie f e a e a e d e b he a ha e e
hi g i c , he a e g d f b ai . P e e e e a f
b ai ! S i g e i a e c g i i e ac i i , hich i i e
e diffe e a f b ai a d ee b ai ha .
S i g e he he he a e a he a ica , d, idd e , i ia,
a e gic ha e a be f be efi ha e e e i e e ie ce.
The e be efi i c de:
S e g he i g e Vi a e he e e be
diffe e ce , a e a d be , e g he i g h e e .
P ble - l i g kill P e e ia -a d-e abi i ie ,
i a e de e i i g h e e b e . P e i g e ab e
e i a d c c de h cha ge a h achie e a ecific
c e.
P le Make Y Ha The e i be e a i fac i ha a ed
e. Y b ai ca i c ea e i d a i e d c i a a
i c ea e ha i e , c ce a i a d e .
B ai Re e O e f he i a a ec f e i g i he
i e a e e he e. Thi a i i e he e e b ai
a d gi e f e h e e g ha ca be ed f he ac i i ie .
I c ea i g hi b e ha e e ied e f fa i e e ,
c de a d cha e ge , i c di g gic e , idd e , a d e, ee
b ai ac i e. Y i be cha e ged e he e a d hi
c ea i e fi d he a e . We h e ha e j hi b a d
f a d he e e!
Chee ,
A d e a d Te e a
Find the answers to the following word riddles.
1. What is increasingly left behind the more you take?
2. If you substitute a letter and then add a letter a word become
shorter. What is the word?
Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ?
#1 - Word Riddles
#2 - Math Puzzles
#3 - License Pl8s
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
Wha a e he i i g be ?
Fi d he a e he f i g d idd e .
1. I ha e a ai a d i g . I f ac he . I d ha e a e e ,
ea h. I a c ec ed he g d. Wha a I?
2. I a a h e i h a eg b d . I ca j b ca .
Wha e f h e a I?
Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ?
#4 - Math Puzzles
#5 - Word Riddles
#6 - License Pl8s
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
Fi d i i g a e ha add he e i g he N be
Li .
A Me i a d, a e, e e i b i ed f
e hi g i h hich i i c e a cia ed.
1. A street in downtown Toronto is also referred to as the Canadian
financial sector where the major banks are located. What is the name
of this street?
2. A street in New York City and also an area that features theaters
and shows in the city. What is the name?
1. How many times can you subtract ten from one hundred?
2. How many 2's do you have to use to add up to 1000?
#7 - Math Puzzles
#8 - Metonyms
#9 - Word Puzzles
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
Wha a e he i i g be ?
F he a e f he e i e a e ha bee e ic ed
a e a e da f ai a i g i h e e A-K, L-Z, ea i g ha
ca a e h e ai i hi a a habe ica g i g
a da , a d he he g i g he e da . If a ed
a e f S c h Li b , c d d i i a da ?
Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ?
#10 - License Pl8s
#11 - Map Navigation
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
The be h a e i e c ed i g he Pig e ci he he e each
e e f a fa a i g b Vic B ge ha bee b i ed b a
b ha i a f ag e f a g id, i h c a i e ed:
Wha a I - Fi d he a e he f i g d idd e .
1. I ha e i g a d I ca f . I a a bi d. Wha a I?
2. I ea i h a h a d ha e ea . I c e ife i h he
i d?
#12 - Word Riddles
#13 - Code Breaking
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
7 d
A Me i a d, a e, e e i b i ed f
e hi g i h hich i i c e a cia ed.
1. This capital city of Australia also refers to the seat of Australian
federal government. What is the name of this city.
2. This city in Ukraine is located north of Kiev and also refers to a
nuclear disaster that occurred in April 1986. What is the name of this
Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ?
#14 - Metonyms
#15 - License Pl8s
#16 - Eponyms
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
The e a e cha ac e a ed af e a e . Wha e d he
f i g e e e ?
1. A -Ma g c , a cha ac e i he F i e .
2. B Ligh ea , a cha ac e i T S .
3. Ca i , a cha ac e i Ca i a d H bbe .
4. D a e , a cha ac e i he Tee age M a Ni ja (i he UK:
He ) T e .
5. Hi cha , a cha ac e i P
6. H bbe , a cha ac e i Ca i a d H bbe
7. Ne , a cha ac e i he ie Fi di g Ne
8. A i , Si , a d The d e, cha ac e i he Chi .
The fall leaves need raking and the gardener has made six piles in
one corner of the yard, half as many piles in another corner, twice as
many in the third corner and only one in the last corner. While piling
the leaves together in the centre of the yard one pile becomes
scattered by the wind. How many piles did the gardener end up with.
Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ?
The be h a e i e c ed i g he A ba h ci he he e each
e e f a fa a i g ha bee b i ed b a he b
e e i g he a habe e.g. a -> , -> a:
S i d i gh g g d g g h g d i i Ti
N e
1. Celebrated in September every year across the world, this day is
devoted to building the idea of peace across all people and countries.
What is the name of this international day?
2. Thi da i e he h i g f a e a d ce eb a ed b
Ca h ic P i h A e ica Ea e M da . Wha i hi da ca ed
i P i h?
#17 - Word Puzzles
#18 - License Pl8s
#19 - Code Breaking
#20 - Celebrations Around the World
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
9 d
A Me i a d, a e, e e i b i ed f
e hi g i h hich i i c e a cia ed.
1. The largest city in Michigan that also refers to the auto industry.
What is the name of this city?
2. This is a building in Arlington, Virginia that is also referred to as the
United States Department of Defense. What is the name of this
Fi d he a e he f i g d idd e .
1. Wha i Be ee he C d a d G d?
2. Wha R b d e Wa ?
#21 - Metonyms
#22 - Visual Logic Puzzles
#23 - Word Riddles
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
Y a e bei g he d i a i h d , behi d he fi d
he ef i a g a d i h a e ha ea , behi d he ec d d
he igh i a ha a i h a g a cei i g ha ag ifie he igh
ch a high e e a e ha j e i g he d c d be fa a .
The e i a a igh i he idd e f he b i i i
i che i dia e e , a d a chai i h ab e. H d e ca e f
he ?
#24 - Code Breaking
#25 - Eponyms
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
The e a e a , i ci e , adage , b e a i edic i
a ed af e a e . Wha e d he f i g e e e ?
1. The i i ha a hi g ha ca g g i g g.
2. Th ee cie ific a c ce i g he beha i f i g b die :
Fi a : A b d e ai a e , ee i g i a aigh i e
(a a c a e ci ), e ac ed b a e ide f ce.;
Sec d a : The acce e a i f a bjec f c a a i
i a he e f ce ac i g i .; Thi d a : Whe e e e
b d e e a f ce a ec d b d , he ec d b d e e a
e a a d i e f ce he fi b d .
3. Whe e e a a i a e ffe ed f a he e , he
i e f e a a i i efe ab e.
4. The i ci e ha 80% f c e e ce e f 20% f he
ca e .
A ha ef a fa a i g ha ca dec i g he
e e h e e ad he e each be efe a e f e e
c ai i g he c ec e e .
"93 74255 63837 787736337!" - Wi Ch chi
The e a a hef he e e fi ge i e e f d a he ce e. If
he d e i g had cc a ha had a a ibi a d a g e ha
a e e i he a ee , af e he d e i g had bee h gh
c ea ed, h a hie e c d he e ha e bee a i g each
fi ge i be ged a diffe e e ?
Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ?
#26 - Visual Logic Puzzles
#27 - License Pl8s
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
A ec e age ha hidde he e e i he h e ffice b he
ice e e a e ed a 7 i he i g a d a e hei a . Whe
he age ee he ice he i ha e 2 i e bef e he h e
i ded. G i g d he ai i a e 15 ec d e f igh
f f 4 a d 5, 20 ec d he he f , hi e he
e e a i a e 5 ec d e f a d eed 10 ec d
e a d c e. R i g he e e a ca a e a ea 10
ec d . The h e i 50% cc ied he e a age e fi he
f he g d f . I he e a e a he hief ca
e ca e?
A fa e ha a c f 1,000 ca ha he ha a e a a e
ha i 200 i e e a a . Hi h e i a ca ha ca ca
500 ca b i ea a ca e i e e . Wha i he a i
a f ca ha he fa e ca de i e he a e ?
#28 - Word Puzzles
#29 - Word Puzzles
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
13 e
#30 - Math Puzzle, Patterns
#31 - Code Breaking
MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind
A ha ef a fa a i g ha ca dec i g he
e e h e e ad he e each be efe a e f e e
c ai i g he c ec e e .
"843 5687639 63 2 84687263 64537 234467 9484 663 7837" - La
Wha i he be i he b ?
Answer #1
1. Footsteps
2. The word is "shortest".
Answer #2
Satellites - Numbers in clockwise order are -
Inside circle: 2, 7, 14, 2, 5, 6
Answer #3
Q a e de
Answer #4
Missing numbers from top to bottom, left to right are: 11, 16, 11, 17, 16, 17,
16, 16, 17, 17
Answer #5
1. A i e.
2. A che iece igh /h e
Answer #6
Ne e a e
Answer #7
Numbers in clockwise order are -
Inside circle: 60, 33, 59, 93, 13, 68, 12
Outside circle: 152
Answer #8
1. Bay Street
2. Broadway
Answer #9
1. Only once
2. Only 23 two's - 222 + 222 + 222 + 222 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 2 =
Answer #10
Pe fec Ma e
Answer #11
Ye , a i i : S c h -> O -> L d -> Pa i -> Mad id ->
Li b
Answer #12
1. A ai a e
2. A ech
Answer #13
Sa a C a ha he igh idea, i i e e ce a ea
Answer #14
1. Canberra
2. Chernobyl
Answer #15
I' de f
Answer #16
1. Actress Ann-Margret
2. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
3. Theologian John Calvin
4. Italian Renaissance Artist Donatello.
5. Martial Artist Jackie Chan
6. Philosopher Thomas Hobbes
7. Fictional character in Jules Verne's novels Captain Nemo
8. Executives of record label Liberty Records: Alvin Bennett (president),
Theodore Keep (chief engineer), and Simon Waronker (founder)
Answer #17
Only one, the one he was piling up in the centre of the yard.
Answer #18
Fe a i Wa T Be
Answer #19
Ha d bea a e he a e d e ha d
Answer #20
1. International Day of Peace
2. S ig -d g
Answer #21
1. Detroit
2. Pentagon
Answer #22
Ja he chai a d ab e agai he d a d he he igh h ha
e e i g da e ha c e, e ca e h gh he igh d .
Answer #23
1. The d AND
Answer #24
We ha e e e de !
Answer #25
1. M h ' a
2. Ne ' a f i
3. Occa ' Ra
4. Pa e i ci e
Answer #26
The e a e fi e e f ide ica fi ge i , he e e e fi e e e i
he d e i g af e i a c ea ed b e ha f h e e e
ha e a ibi ( he g e d e ), he e c d be h ee e ia hie e .
Answer #27
Leavin' On A Jet Plane
Answer #28
E ca e i ib e b he ai hich i a e 70 ec d , b f
ce ai b a f e e a a if i i he hi d f a d eed
c e i d a d a e he ec d a d g d f he e
g e a e bei g acc da ed, he a i e a e d be 10 ec d
he e e a , ai f 50 ec d hi e he e e a g e d
f igh a d c e f f igh a d he d f f igh , 70 ec d
hi e he e e a e i d f 3, 2, g d f , 5, 3, 2, a d
g d f agai , bei g a a f 130 ec d .
Answer #29
The a i i 400 ca , he he he fa e g e he a e
di ec a d e f a ec d i , i be ee - F e a e,
he fa e i fi he ag i h 500 ca a d g a i 100
i e e he a he a e a d d ff 300 ca , i h he
h e ha i g a ead ea e 100 ca a g he a a d ee i g 100
ca f c i he e i he fa . The fa e i he
efi he ag i h 500 ca a d de i e 200 he a e , a he h e
i ea 200 he a he a e a d i eed 100 ea ge bac
he igi a d - ff i . The he igi a 300 ca i be aded
he ag , he h e i ea 100 he a he a e a d de i e 200
i he ec d ad f a a f 400 ca de i e ed he a e .
Answer #30
Missing numbers from top to bottom, left to right are: 54, 75, -21, 50, -46, 20,
-41, 1, -25, -5, -11
Answer #31
The j e f a h a d i e begi i h e e

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MindMelds Vol1, World Editon - Sample Book

  • 2. Copyright; Disclaimer/Limitation; Feedback Publisher: KewlActiveMinds, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada Copyright: Copyright ? 2021 by Andrew Marek and Teresa Marek. Cover design, images and text are copyright except where otherwise subject to license. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address enquiries as above. Trademarks: KewlActiveMinds and MindMelds are trade marks asserted by Andrew Marek and Teresa Marek. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: This publications contains the opinions and ideas of its authors. It is intended to provide helpful and informative informative material on the subjects addressed in the publication. It is sold with the understanding that the authors and publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, health, financial, or any other kind of personal professional services or advice. The reader should consult their medical, health, financial, or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it. The content is this book is for learning purposes only. Although the authors and publisher have worked hard to ensure the the information in this book is accurate, the reader should be aware that errors or omissions may occur. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability to any person or party for any loss resulting from reliance on any information in this book. The authors and publishers specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this book. Limitation of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The authors and publisher have used their best efforts in preparing this book. However, the authors and publisher make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein many not be available, suitable or applicable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. The authors and publisher shall not be liable for any loss of profit or other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of information does not mean that the authors or publisher endorse the information the organization or website may provide or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that internet websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this was written and when it was read. Feedback and More Books: Your feedback is appreciated. To share your comments or questions email: contact@KewlActiveMinds.com Are you interested in more books similar to this one? Then check out: www.KewlActiveMinds.com ISBN (Paperback): 978-1-7775378-0-7 ISBN (eBook): 978-1-7775378-1-4
  • 3. About Us We a e A d e a d Te e a Ma e e idi g i S h e e O a i , Ca ada, i h h ee G de Re ie e a d ca , i g ada a d a e he be f he Ne N a . Thi b i dedica e A ie, O a ge F ff Ca ha ca e i i e e ec ed a d b gh ch j e he ea . Chee ! Contact Us P ea e fee f ee each i h c e feedbac ha e ha e a e d i g i igh g, he ha e he be e e ie ce ha e ca ! Additional Books & Support Please use go to www.KewlActiveMinds.com or use the QR code below: BOOKS SUPPORT
  • 4. Table of Contents Introduction Page 2 Questions Page 3 Answers Page 114 Cover Page Puzzle Answer: You are looking at it!! Left side for logic and right for imagination. Icon Index
  • 5. 2 Introduction We c e b f P e ! Tha f cha i g b ha ha bee c a ed gi e a e a , hich i a i a a f c i i g ee i d ha , ac i e a d a e . Thi b ca be ed a a i g e ac i i i h fa i a d f ie d . The e a d a ie ie f e a e a e d e b he a ha e e hi g i c , he a e g d f b ai . P e e e e a f b ai ! S i g e i a e c g i i e ac i i , hich i i e e diffe e a f b ai a d ee b ai ha . S i g e he he he a e a he a ica , d, idd e , i ia, a e gic ha e a be f be efi ha e e e i e e ie ce. The e be efi i c de: S e g he i g e Vi a e he e e be diffe e ce , a e a d be , e g he i g h e e . P ble - l i g kill P e e ia -a d-e abi i ie , i a e de e i i g h e e b e . P e i g e ab e e i a d c c de h cha ge a h achie e a ecific c e. P le Make Y Ha The e i be e a i fac i ha a ed e. Y b ai ca i c ea e i d a i e d c i a a i c ea e ha i e , c ce a i a d e . B ai Re e O e f he i a a ec f e i g i he i e a e e he e. Thi a i i e he e e b ai a d gi e f e h e e g ha ca be ed f he ac i i ie . I c ea i g hi b e ha e e ied e f fa i e e , c de a d cha e ge , i c di g gic e , idd e , a d e, ee b ai ac i e. Y i be cha e ged e he e a d hi c ea i e fi d he a e . We h e ha e j hi b a d f a d he e e! Chee , A d e a d Te e a
  • 6. Find the answers to the following word riddles. 1. What is increasingly left behind the more you take? 2. If you substitute a letter and then add a letter a word become shorter. What is the word? Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ? #1 - Word Riddles #2 - Math Puzzles #3 - License Pl8s MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 3 Wha a e he i i g be ? R
  • 7. Fi d he a e he f i g d idd e . 1. I ha e a ai a d i g . I f ac he . I d ha e a e e , ea h. I a c ec ed he g d. Wha a I? 2. I a a h e i h a eg b d . I ca j b ca . Wha e f h e a I? Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ? #4 - Math Puzzles #5 - Word Riddles #6 - License Pl8s MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 4 Fi d i i g a e ha add he e i g he N be Li . s
  • 8. A Me i a d, a e, e e i b i ed f e hi g i h hich i i c e a cia ed. 1. A street in downtown Toronto is also referred to as the Canadian financial sector where the major banks are located. What is the name of this street? 2. A street in New York City and also an area that features theaters and shows in the city. What is the name? 1. How many times can you subtract ten from one hundred? 2. How many 2's do you have to use to add up to 1000? #7 - Math Puzzles #8 - Metonyms #9 - Word Puzzles MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 5 Wha a e he i i g be ? i
  • 9. F he a e f he e i e a e ha bee e ic ed a e a e da f ai a i g i h e e A-K, L-Z, ea i g ha ca a e h e ai i hi a a habe ica g i g a da , a d he he g i g he e da . If a ed a e f S c h Li b , c d d i i a da ? Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ? #10 - License Pl8s #11 - Map Navigation MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 6 r
  • 10. The be h a e i e c ed i g he Pig e ci he he e each e e f a fa a i g b Vic B ge ha bee b i ed b a b ha i a f ag e f a g id, i h c a i e ed: Wha a I - Fi d he a e he f i g d idd e . 1. I ha e i g a d I ca f . I a a bi d. Wha a I? 2. I ea i h a h a d ha e ea . I c e ife i h he i d? #12 - Word Riddles #13 - Code Breaking MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 7 d
  • 11. A Me i a d, a e, e e i b i ed f e hi g i h hich i i c e a cia ed. 1. This capital city of Australia also refers to the seat of Australian federal government. What is the name of this city. 2. This city in Ukraine is located north of Kiev and also refers to a nuclear disaster that occurred in April 1986. What is the name of this city? Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ? #14 - Metonyms #15 - License Pl8s #16 - Eponyms MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 8 The e a e cha ac e a ed af e a e . Wha e d he f i g e e e ? 1. A -Ma g c , a cha ac e i he F i e . 2. B Ligh ea , a cha ac e i T S . 3. Ca i , a cha ac e i Ca i a d H bbe . 4. D a e , a cha ac e i he Tee age M a Ni ja (i he UK: He ) T e . 5. Hi cha , a cha ac e i P 6. H bbe , a cha ac e i Ca i a d H bbe 7. Ne , a cha ac e i he ie Fi di g Ne 8. A i , Si , a d The d e, cha ac e i he Chi . a
  • 12. The fall leaves need raking and the gardener has made six piles in one corner of the yard, half as many piles in another corner, twice as many in the third corner and only one in the last corner. While piling the leaves together in the centre of the yard one pile becomes scattered by the wind. How many piles did the gardener end up with. Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ? The be h a e i e c ed i g he A ba h ci he he e each e e f a fa a i g ha bee b i ed b a he b e e i g he a habe e.g. a -> , -> a: S i d i gh g g d g g h g d i i Ti N e 1. Celebrated in September every year across the world, this day is devoted to building the idea of peace across all people and countries. What is the name of this international day? 2. Thi da i e he h i g f a e a d ce eb a ed b Ca h ic P i h A e ica Ea e M da . Wha i hi da ca ed i P i h? #17 - Word Puzzles #18 - License Pl8s #19 - Code Breaking #20 - Celebrations Around the World MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 9 d
  • 13. A Me i a d, a e, e e i b i ed f e hi g i h hich i i c e a cia ed. 1. The largest city in Michigan that also refers to the auto industry. What is the name of this city? 2. This is a building in Arlington, Virginia that is also referred to as the United States Department of Defense. What is the name of this building? Fi d he a e he f i g d idd e . 1. Wha i Be ee he C d a d G d? 2. Wha R b d e Wa ? #21 - Metonyms #22 - Visual Logic Puzzles #23 - Word Riddles MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 10 Y a e bei g he d i a i h d , behi d he fi d he ef i a g a d i h a e ha ea , behi d he ec d d he igh i a ha a i h a g a cei i g ha ag ifie he igh ch a high e e a e ha j e i g he d c d be fa a . The e i a a igh i he idd e f he b i i i i che i dia e e , a d a chai i h ab e. H d e ca e f he ? e
  • 14. #24 - Code Breaking #25 - Eponyms MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 11 The e a e a , i ci e , adage , b e a i edic i a ed af e a e . Wha e d he f i g e e e ? 1. The i i ha a hi g ha ca g g i g g. 2. Th ee cie ific a c ce i g he beha i f i g b die : Fi a : A b d e ai a e , ee i g i a aigh i e (a a c a e ci ), e ac ed b a e ide f ce.; Sec d a : The acce e a i f a bjec f c a a i i a he e f ce ac i g i .; Thi d a : Whe e e e b d e e a f ce a ec d b d , he ec d b d e e a e a a d i e f ce he fi b d . 3. Whe e e a a i a e ffe ed f a he e , he i e f e a a i i efe ab e. 4. The i ci e ha 80% f c e e ce e f 20% f he ca e . A ha ef a fa a i g ha ca dec i g he e e h e e ad he e each be efe a e f e e c ai i g he c ec e e . "93 74255 63837 787736337!" - Wi Ch chi l
  • 15. The e a a hef he e e fi ge i e e f d a he ce e. If he d e i g had cc a ha had a a ibi a d a g e ha a e e i he a ee , af e he d e i g had bee h gh c ea ed, h a hie e c d he e ha e bee a i g each fi ge i be ged a diffe e e ? Wha h a e d e hi ice e a e e e e ? #26 - Visual Logic Puzzles #27 - License Pl8s MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 12 y
  • 16. A ec e age ha hidde he e e i he h e ffice b he ice e e a e ed a 7 i he i g a d a e hei a . Whe he age ee he ice he i ha e 2 i e bef e he h e i ded. G i g d he ai i a e 15 ec d e f igh f f 4 a d 5, 20 ec d he he f , hi e he e e a i a e 5 ec d e f a d eed 10 ec d e a d c e. R i g he e e a ca a e a ea 10 ec d . The h e i 50% cc ied he e a age e fi he f he g d f . I he e a e a he hief ca e ca e? A fa e ha a c f 1,000 ca ha he ha a e a a e ha i 200 i e e a a . Hi h e i a ca ha ca ca 500 ca b i ea a ca e i e e . Wha i he a i a f ca ha he fa e ca de i e he a e ? #28 - Word Puzzles #29 - Word Puzzles MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 13 e
  • 17. #30 - Math Puzzle, Patterns #31 - Code Breaking MindMeld W ld Edi i n, V l1 - Ke lAc i eMind 14 A ha ef a fa a i g ha ca dec i g he e e h e e ad he e each be efe a e f e e c ai i g he c ec e e . "843 5687639 63 2 84687263 64537 234467 9484 663 7837" - La T Wha i he be i he b ? 4
  • 18. Answers Answer #1 1. Footsteps 2. The word is "shortest". Answer #2 Satellites - Numbers in clockwise order are - Inside circle: 2, 7, 14, 2, 5, 6 Answer #3 Q a e de Answer #4 Missing numbers from top to bottom, left to right are: 11, 16, 11, 17, 16, 17, 16, 16, 17, 17 Answer #5 1. A i e. 2. A che iece igh /h e Answer #6 Ne e a e Answer #7 Numbers in clockwise order are - Inside circle: 60, 33, 59, 93, 13, 68, 12 Outside circle: 152 Answer #8 1. Bay Street 2. Broadway Answer #9 1. Only once 2. Only 23 two's - 222 + 222 + 222 + 222 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 22 + 2 = 1,000 Answer #10 Pe fec Ma e Answer #11 Ye , a i i : S c h -> O -> L d -> Pa i -> Mad id -> Li b Answer #12 1. A ai a e 114
  • 19. Answers 2. A ech Answer #13 Sa a C a ha he igh idea, i i e e ce a ea Answer #14 1. Canberra 2. Chernobyl Answer #15 I' de f Answer #16 1. Actress Ann-Margret 2. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. 3. Theologian John Calvin 4. Italian Renaissance Artist Donatello. 5. Martial Artist Jackie Chan 6. Philosopher Thomas Hobbes 7. Fictional character in Jules Verne's novels Captain Nemo 8. Executives of record label Liberty Records: Alvin Bennett (president), Theodore Keep (chief engineer), and Simon Waronker (founder) Answer #17 Only one, the one he was piling up in the centre of the yard. Answer #18 Fe a i Wa T Be Answer #19 Ha d bea a e he a e d e ha d Answer #20 1. International Day of Peace 2. S ig -d g Answer #21 1. Detroit 2. Pentagon Answer #22 Ja he chai a d ab e agai he d a d he he igh h ha e e i g da e ha c e, e ca e h gh he igh d . Answer #23 1. The d AND 2. Y NOSE 115
  • 20. Answers Answer #24 We ha e e e de ! Answer #25 1. M h ' a 2. Ne ' a f i 3. Occa ' Ra 4. Pa e i ci e Answer #26 The e a e fi e e f ide ica fi ge i , he e e e fi e e e i he d e i g af e i a c ea ed b e ha f h e e e ha e a ibi ( he g e d e ), he e c d be h ee e ia hie e . Answer #27 Leavin' On A Jet Plane Answer #28 E ca e i ib e b he ai hich i a e 70 ec d , b f ce ai b a f e e a a if i i he hi d f a d eed c e i d a d a e he ec d a d g d f he e g e a e bei g acc da ed, he a i e a e d be 10 ec d he e e a , ai f 50 ec d hi e he e e a g e d f igh a d c e f f igh a d he d f f igh , 70 ec d hi e he e e a e i d f 3, 2, g d f , 5, 3, 2, a d g d f agai , bei g a a f 130 ec d . Answer #29 The a i i 400 ca , he he he fa e g e he a e di ec a d e f a ec d i , i be ee - F e a e, he fa e i fi he ag i h 500 ca a d g a i 100 i e e he a he a e a d d ff 300 ca , i h he h e ha i g a ead ea e 100 ca a g he a a d ee i g 100 ca f c i he e i he fa . The fa e i he efi he ag i h 500 ca a d de i e 200 he a e , a he h e i ea 200 he a he a e a d i eed 100 ea ge bac he igi a d - ff i . The he igi a 300 ca i be aded he ag , he h e i ea 100 he a he a e a d de i e 200 i he ec d ad f a a f 400 ca de i e ed he a e . Answer #30 Missing numbers from top to bottom, left to right are: 54, 75, -21, 50, -46, 20, -41, 1, -25, -5, -11 Answer #31 The j e f a h a d i e begi i h e e 116