ICEBAR CPH by ICEHOTEL FACTSICEBAR CPHThe document summarizes the ICEBAR CPH by ICEHOTEL located in Copenhagen. It describes the space as bringing elements of the natural Arctic wilderness into the city, with ice and fish imported from the Torne River in Sweden. The space aims to provide a meandering, surprising experience for visitors as they encounter the ice sculptures and twisted designs. It also discusses the use of lighting, photography, and storytelling to illustrate the authentic world and construction of the ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden. The hotel hosting the ICEBAR, Hotel Twentyseven, aims to create a unique, exciting, and uncomplicated setting for visitors to experience and explore the city.
Uso Recursos CpeMaría Ligia GrimaldosEl docente usa el aula CPE de la universidad 3 días o más a la semana. Usa el material didáctico como apoyo para actividades de aula con estudiantes, para actividades de planeación y para el aprovechamiento del tiempo libre de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, no ha podido hacer uso del material y recursos entregados por la universidad debido a que estuvo indispuesta y no asistió a la capacitación.
MIT – TEALClay CasatiMIT passa dalla lavagna nera alla lavagna bianca – TEAL.
Nell’autunno 2008, dopo anni di sperimentazioni, dibattiti e resistenze, il dipartimento di Fisica del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ha reso operativo il sistema TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning).
ICEBAR CPH by ICEHOTEL FACTSICEBAR CPHThe document summarizes the ICEBAR CPH by ICEHOTEL located in Copenhagen. It describes the space as bringing elements of the natural Arctic wilderness into the city, with ice and fish imported from the Torne River in Sweden. The space aims to provide a meandering, surprising experience for visitors as they encounter the ice sculptures and twisted designs. It also discusses the use of lighting, photography, and storytelling to illustrate the authentic world and construction of the ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden. The hotel hosting the ICEBAR, Hotel Twentyseven, aims to create a unique, exciting, and uncomplicated setting for visitors to experience and explore the city.
Uso Recursos CpeMaría Ligia GrimaldosEl docente usa el aula CPE de la universidad 3 días o más a la semana. Usa el material didáctico como apoyo para actividades de aula con estudiantes, para actividades de planeación y para el aprovechamiento del tiempo libre de los estudiantes. Sin embargo, no ha podido hacer uso del material y recursos entregados por la universidad debido a que estuvo indispuesta y no asistió a la capacitación.
MIT – TEALClay CasatiMIT passa dalla lavagna nera alla lavagna bianca – TEAL.
Nell’autunno 2008, dopo anni di sperimentazioni, dibattiti e resistenze, il dipartimento di Fisica del Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) ha reso operativo il sistema TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning).