Google's Mobile-Friendly update, more commonly known as Mobilegeddon, rolled out on April 21st, 2015. There was a lot of hype about the devastation this update could have on businesses that were not prepared. Now, looking back, I've presented a review of the news headlines and quotes leading up to, during, and after mobilegeddon. It seems this update has had a minimal immediate impact on search results. However, there is a growing disparity between Google's mobile and desktop search results. This suggests that mobile-friendliness will become increasingly important in the future, and is already significant now. Knowing this, I provide a few suggestions for monitoring and improving mobile-friendliness on your website.
3. More Impact Than Panda & Penguin
Googles Zineb Ait Bahajji from the Webmaster
Trends team was quoted as saying at SMX
Munich this morning that the upcoming mobile-
friendly ranking algorithm that will launch on
April 21st will have more of an impact on
Googles search results than the Google Panda
update and the Google Penguin update did.
Search Engine Land 3/17/15
Day 26
4. >50% Mobile Search
In fact, more Google searches take place on
mobile devices than on computers in 10
countries including the US and Japan. Based
on Google internal data. Inside AdWords 3/5/15
Day -47
5. Big Sites Are Not Ready
10% of the worlds most visited websites fail
Googles mobile-friendly test TFM&A Insights
Day 2
6. Fortune 500 Not Ready
44% of Fortune 500 web sites failed the test
and another 4% of sites did not produce a
response. Tech Crunch 4/12/15
Day -9
7. Not Much Changed
I posted a poll on the Search Engine
Roundtable and currently 70% of those who
took it said they do not see the mobile friendly
update live yet. Marketing Land 4/28/15
Googles Mobile Friendly Algorithm A Week
Later: Was It Really Mobilegeddon? Search
Engine Land 4/28/15
Day 6
8. Indexing Takes Time
Google said the mobile-friendly algorithm is
fully rolled out, but there are still some mobile
friendly pages that do not see the score since
indexing still takes time. Search Engine Land
Day 10
9. Mobilegeddon Anti Mobile-Friendly
not only was there just a 2% difference in
performance between the groups, the non-
mobile friendly group actually outperformed the
mobile friendly group! Search Engine Land
More than half of those seeing a drop 27
percent of the total respondents reported
they had actually optimized for mobile. Venture
Beat 5/22/15
10. 2 More Updates
And while weve all been waiting for the mobile
effect to take place, Google has quietly
introduced two other updates that seem to be
having a bigger impact on search results:
Brafton 5/27/15
1. Rising local search results
2. Quality Signals boosts social signals
Day 36
11. Mobile vs Desktop SERPs
Then I started to notice differences in the
desktop rankings versus smartphone rankings
across a number of sites Im tracking. Google
did say it could take a week to roll out, so Im
sure this is just the beginning. GSQi 4/23/15
Day 2
12. Beginning of Mobilegeddon
Mobile Rankings Have Never Been More
Different From Desktop Rankings Than They
Are Right Now
It Will Only Get Worse For Those Not
Optimized For Multiple Screens
Search Engine Land 5/7/15
Day 16
13. Why Did Google Do This
The Mobilegeddon That Wasnt. What
Happened? Marketing Land 5/20/15
Mobile users see ads, not apps
The algorithm tested poorly
Mobile web is here to stay
Day 29
14. Mobile Is Here To Stay
As Matt Hoff points out, There are still over
200 other ranking factors in Googles algorithm,
and this new mobile signal is just one piece of
the puzzle, Translation: if the rest of your site
is well optimized, mobile issues may not be an
immediate death sentence, since the mobile
update is just one part of Googles larger
algorithm. Small Business Trends 5/6/15
Day 15