El documento habla sobre revelado de negativos y fotogramas. Proporciona informaci┏n sobre el proceso de revelado fotogr│fico para exponer las im│genes latentes en los negativos y fotogramas y hacerlas visibles.
This summary provides an overview of the key events and announcements from Mrs. Teitsma's kindergarten class for the weeks of March 18-22 and March 25-29:
The class celebrated 134 days of school, had Bella as their star of the week, enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, made chick crafts using tissue paper, held a successful science fair, played a dinosaur sight word game, crafted 3D flowers, and received a new iPad for classroom use. Upcoming snack assignments and early release and spring break dates were also noted. The teacher thanked parents for donations to various fundraisers.
The document discusses a unit plan assignment for an education class where students were instructed to create and expand on a unit plan throughout the semester. The author incorporated lessons learned about technology in the classroom to make their unit plan as comprehensive as possible. In a reflection, the author expresses that they are relieved the assignment was worked on incrementally over the semester and that the unit plan will be a useful resource for teaching ideas and tools in their future career. They are proud of their completed unit plan but note some final assignments had overlapping embedded codes.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c┏mo usar diferentes funciones en un sitio web, incluyendo c┏mo agregar p│ginas, im│genes, videos, enlaces e hiperv┴nculos. Tambi└n explica c┏mo modificar el tema, t┴tulo y nombre de p│ginas en el sitio.
The document discusses some of the flaws in the current US immigration system and potential solutions. It notes that there is an almost impossible way for immigrants to legally enter the US. It also raises issues with the Dream Act, questioning what if a child wanted to be with their family rather than stay in the US. Additionally, it discusses the problem of overstaying allotted time in the country, arguing that immigrants should be able to return if they were only a week late, but that repeated late arrivals should result in punishment like community service before being allowed to return.
The document provides information about the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous tenses in English. It defines when each tense is used, including examples. Time expressions that are used with each tense are also outlined. Exercises are provided at the end for practice using the tenses.
This document provides exercises and activities related to movies and film genres. It includes identifying verbs in past participle forms, providing examples of different movie genres like action and comedy, and using phrases like "would rather" to discuss preferences between genres. Vocabulary and conversations are also covered to describe movies using adjectives and have a discussion about preferences for different types of films.
El documento habla sobre revelado de negativos y fotogramas. Proporciona informaci┏n sobre el proceso de revelado fotogr│fico para exponer las im│genes latentes en los negativos y fotogramas y hacerlas visibles.
This summary provides an overview of the key events and announcements from Mrs. Teitsma's kindergarten class for the weeks of March 18-22 and March 25-29:
The class celebrated 134 days of school, had Bella as their star of the week, enjoyed an Easter egg hunt, made chick crafts using tissue paper, held a successful science fair, played a dinosaur sight word game, crafted 3D flowers, and received a new iPad for classroom use. Upcoming snack assignments and early release and spring break dates were also noted. The teacher thanked parents for donations to various fundraisers.
The document discusses a unit plan assignment for an education class where students were instructed to create and expand on a unit plan throughout the semester. The author incorporated lessons learned about technology in the classroom to make their unit plan as comprehensive as possible. In a reflection, the author expresses that they are relieved the assignment was worked on incrementally over the semester and that the unit plan will be a useful resource for teaching ideas and tools in their future career. They are proud of their completed unit plan but note some final assignments had overlapping embedded codes.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones sobre c┏mo usar diferentes funciones en un sitio web, incluyendo c┏mo agregar p│ginas, im│genes, videos, enlaces e hiperv┴nculos. Tambi└n explica c┏mo modificar el tema, t┴tulo y nombre de p│ginas en el sitio.
The document discusses some of the flaws in the current US immigration system and potential solutions. It notes that there is an almost impossible way for immigrants to legally enter the US. It also raises issues with the Dream Act, questioning what if a child wanted to be with their family rather than stay in the US. Additionally, it discusses the problem of overstaying allotted time in the country, arguing that immigrants should be able to return if they were only a week late, but that repeated late arrivals should result in punishment like community service before being allowed to return.
The document provides information about the present perfect simple and present perfect continuous tenses in English. It defines when each tense is used, including examples. Time expressions that are used with each tense are also outlined. Exercises are provided at the end for practice using the tenses.
This document provides exercises and activities related to movies and film genres. It includes identifying verbs in past participle forms, providing examples of different movie genres like action and comedy, and using phrases like "would rather" to discuss preferences between genres. Vocabulary and conversations are also covered to describe movies using adjectives and have a discussion about preferences for different types of films.
El documento habla sobre las Tecnolog┴as de la Informaci┏n y la Comunicaci┏n (TIC's) y c┏mo pueden usarse para mejorar las oportunidades en las zonas rurales. Explica que las TIC's no solo son computadoras, sino tambi└n nuevas formas de hacer procesos productivos de manera m│s eficiente. Adem│s, las TIC's permiten la comunicaci┏n, el intercambio de informaci┏n y tecnolog┴a, el mercadeo y la conexi┏n con clientes y proveedores. Al final, incluye un enlace a un blog y contacto sobre o
IT-oLogy Summit on Information Technology: Regional Impact and Issues in Rock...IT-oLogy
This document summarizes a new 1 Gbps fiber internet service called Zipstream that is being introduced in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Some key points:
- Zipstream will offer 1 Gbps symmetric speeds, which is 85 times faster than standard broadband and the first gigabit internet in the Upstate region.
- Initial deployment will be in downtown Rock Hill, with service to the north side of Main Street by the end of May and south side by end of July.
- The service uses dedicated fiber to each business and GPON technology with a 1x32 split currently.
- Pricing is $99/month residential and $299/month business.
- The provider plans
Disc golf is a sport similar to golf but uses flying discs thrown at targets called baskets on a course. It has grown in popularity with courses now found in North America, Europe, and Asia. Disc golf is affordable and social recreation that provides exercise by walking the course from hole to hole while throwing discs.
What is my favorite subject by abram villame05252055
Mathematics is the abstract study of topics such as quantity, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek patterns and use them to formulate conjectures, which they then aim to prove or disprove through mathematical proof. When mathematical structures accurately model real phenomena, mathematics can provide insight and predictions about nature. Mathematics has developed from practical uses such as counting and measurement and now permeates fields like science, engineering, and finance through applications and inspires new areas of pure mathematics as well.
The document discusses the history and development of chocolate over centuries. It details how chocolate originated from cacao beans used by the Olmecs and Mayans as currency and medicine. Later, chocolate drinks became popular among the Aztecs and Europeans discovered chocolate in the 16th century, initially using it as medicine before it became widely consumed as a sweet treat.
1. The document outlines a lesson plan on the individual and society for a Spanish class between November 21 and December 16.
2. The objectives are to identify the characteristics that make each individual unique, explain basic rights of a child, and identify ways adolescents can positively contribute to social development.
3. Activities include defining key concepts like self-identity, conflict, and skills/attitudes through matching games, comparing classmates, interviews, and group discussions about rights and responsibilities.
Este documento describe el desarrollo e implementaci┏n de una planta piloto para mejorar la formaci┏n basada en competencias de ingenieros electromec│nicos en automatizaci┏n. La planta piloto consta de cuatro m┏dulos para medir y controlar presi┏n, temperatura, nivel y caudal. Como primer paso, se desarroll┏ un m┏dulo de control de temperatura de bajo costo que los estudiantes ya han usado. Ahora se est│ construyendo la planta piloto completa para que los estudiantes apliquen sus conocimientos en diversas asign