The document discusses the importance of employee development for organizational commitment, engagement, and retention. It outlines opportunities for development at work, including job rotations abroad, tuition reimbursement, and mentorship programs. The document argues that focusing on strengths over weaknesses through opportunities like global job rotations can build positive characteristics that are rewarding for both the organization and employees. Peer-to-peer mentoring offers cross-development that research shows improves retention, partnerships, and advancement.
The opening slide starts with 'I am not anti-Microsoft. Microsoft is anti-me. 際際滷 Share has omitted a section of the slide for some reason.
The presentation discusses the importance of using Open Source Software in education.
This document discusses the implications of neuroscience research on metaphor for e-learning. It finds that mirror neurons activate both motor and language areas of the brain, allowing metaphors to embody meaning through physical experience. Effective e-learning may incorporate movement, hands-on activities, and physical manipulation to more fully engage both brain hemispheres. Work-based learning is given as an example that mirrors the brain's use of metaphor through detailed projects and reflective thinking.
The document discusses calculating features of circles such as circumference, arc length, and number of revolutions of a wheel on a journey. It provides formulas for circumference (C=πd), arc length (Arc=Angle/360 x Circumference), and number of revolutions (Revolutions=Journey Distance/Circumference). Examples of using the formulas to calculate circumference, arc length, and number of revolutions are given for circles with different diameters and journey distances.
The document discusses the importance of employee development for organizational commitment, engagement, and retention. It outlines opportunities for development at work, including job rotations abroad, tuition reimbursement, and mentorship programs. The document argues that focusing on strengths over weaknesses through opportunities like global job rotations can build positive characteristics that are rewarding for both the organization and employees. Peer-to-peer mentoring offers cross-development that research shows improves retention, partnerships, and advancement.
The opening slide starts with 'I am not anti-Microsoft. Microsoft is anti-me. 際際滷 Share has omitted a section of the slide for some reason.
The presentation discusses the importance of using Open Source Software in education.
This document discusses the implications of neuroscience research on metaphor for e-learning. It finds that mirror neurons activate both motor and language areas of the brain, allowing metaphors to embody meaning through physical experience. Effective e-learning may incorporate movement, hands-on activities, and physical manipulation to more fully engage both brain hemispheres. Work-based learning is given as an example that mirrors the brain's use of metaphor through detailed projects and reflective thinking.
The document discusses calculating features of circles such as circumference, arc length, and number of revolutions of a wheel on a journey. It provides formulas for circumference (C=πd), arc length (Arc=Angle/360 x Circumference), and number of revolutions (Revolutions=Journey Distance/Circumference). Examples of using the formulas to calculate circumference, arc length, and number of revolutions are given for circles with different diameters and journey distances.
O documento lista v│rias mentiras comuns ditas por diferentes pessoas em diferentes situa??es, incluindo advogados, ciganos, anfitri?es, dentistas, devedores, filhos, namorados, noivos, oradores, vendedores e toxicodependentes.
O documento descreve o contexto hist┏rico e as caracter┴sticas liter│rias do humanismo em Portugal. O humanismo surgiu durante um per┴odo de transi??o entre a Idade M└dia e o Renascimento, marcado por mudan?as sociais e econ?micas. Na literatura portuguesa, Fern?o Lopes └ considerado o iniciador do g┷nero da historiografia e Gil Vicente foi pioneiro no teatro, introduzindo o texto escrito.
O documento descreve um empreendimento residencial com apartamentos de 1, 2 e 3 dormit┏rios localizado em Canela-RS. Os apartamentos contam com cozinha, │rea de servi?o, churrasqueira e pre?os a partir de R$156 mil a vista. O condom┴nio oferece porteiro eletr?nico, garagem, sal?o de festas e jardins.
La seguridad inform│tica es uno de los temas m│s relevantes en la computaci┏n ya que las personas y empresas buscan mantener la seguridad de su informaci┏n, desde antivirus simples hasta sistemas complejos de seguridad. La seguridad inform│tica es importante debido a los riesgos y para proteger los equipos inform│ticos se recomiendan antivirus para servidores y computadoras personales as┴ como seguir recomendaciones ┣tiles de seguridad.
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Este documento describe los componentes clave de un documento de requisitos de un sistema, incluyendo una descripci┏n completa del comportamiento del sistema, casos de uso que describen las interacciones de los usuarios con el software, y requisitos funcionales y no funcionales. Los requisitos funcionales son los servicios que el sistema debe proporcionar, mientras que los requisitos no funcionales son restricciones que afectar│n al dise?o e implementaci┏n del sistema.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para 5 ejercicios de PowerPoint que practican habilidades como crear esquemas, dise?ar diapositivas con temas y objetos insertados, utilizar patrones de diapositivas, e implementar animaciones. Los ejercicios gu┴an a los usuarios paso a paso para que creen presentaciones que demuestran estas funciones de PowerPoint.