Mr Yam Ah Mee shares at Halogen Foundation Singapore's National Young Leaders' Day 2011.
See needs, then take the step to volunteer and spark change! You are not too young.
Ms Emily Teng shares at Halogen Foundation Singapore's National Young Leaders' Day 2011. Emily's project started from her wardrobe - yours can start anywhere too! Find our more at
Ms Kuik Shiao-Yin shares at Halogen Foundation Singapore's National Young Leaders' Day 2011. You are the main character. What will your life story be like? Would you pay to watch your own movie? It can be bigger and better - do what you love and want to see more of in this world.
Ms Lee Min Xuan from PlayMoolah shares at Halogen Foundation Singapore's National Young Leaders' Day 2011. Discovering what we should do is a mix of discovering our passions and strengths with what the world needs!
The document outlines 101 ways to improve communication skills, including techniques for speaking, listening, and writing. It provides tips in several areas: communication techniques like reducing jargon and using humor; listening skills like preparing to listen and screening out distractions; speaking and writing best practices such as outlining, keeping messages concise, and expressing emotion; general tips involving reading, nonverbal communication, attitude, behavior, and miscellaneous advice. The overall goal is to present numerous strategies for enhancing one's ability to communicate effectively.
Mr Yam Ah Mee shares at Halogen Foundation Singapore's National Young Leaders' Day 2011.
See needs, then take the step to volunteer and spark change! You are not too young.
Ms Emily Teng shares at Halogen Foundation Singapore's National Young Leaders' Day 2011. Emily's project started from her wardrobe - yours can start anywhere too! Find our more at
Ms Kuik Shiao-Yin shares at Halogen Foundation Singapore's National Young Leaders' Day 2011. You are the main character. What will your life story be like? Would you pay to watch your own movie? It can be bigger and better - do what you love and want to see more of in this world.
Ms Lee Min Xuan from PlayMoolah shares at Halogen Foundation Singapore's National Young Leaders' Day 2011. Discovering what we should do is a mix of discovering our passions and strengths with what the world needs!
The document outlines 101 ways to improve communication skills, including techniques for speaking, listening, and writing. It provides tips in several areas: communication techniques like reducing jargon and using humor; listening skills like preparing to listen and screening out distractions; speaking and writing best practices such as outlining, keeping messages concise, and expressing emotion; general tips involving reading, nonverbal communication, attitude, behavior, and miscellaneous advice. The overall goal is to present numerous strategies for enhancing one's ability to communicate effectively.
The Yellow King held a competition each year to name animals of the zodiac. The rat pushed the cat into the lake and finished first, while the ox was second. The tiger arrived third by swimming. Later, the rabbit, dragon, snake, and horse arrived in fourth through seventh place respectively. The goat, monkey, hen, dog, and pig rounded out the competition in eighth through twelfth place.
The document summarizes the children's book "Who Moved My Cheese?" by Dr. Spencer Johnson. It discusses the four main characters - Sniff and Scurry, who represent mice, and Hem and Haw, who represent people. The cheese in the story is a metaphor for what one wants in life. The maze represents an organization, community, or relationship. The story conveys both positive and negative lessons about adapting to change.
Kings View Community Services offers several state-licensed drinking driver programs including a wet reckless program and first and multiple offender programs ranging from 13 weeks to 18 months. Program activities include orientation, intake assessment, alcohol/drug education classes, group counseling sessions, and face-to-face interviews. Fees vary by program from $75 to $1452 and payment plans are available. The goals of the programs are to help participants recognize the negative effects of alcohol/drugs and design treatment plans to achieve total abstinence.
This document describes 12 hotels in the Basque region of Spain. It provides brief descriptions of each hotel, including their location, room details, amenities, historical significance or theme, and contact information. The hotels range from rural homes and restored mills to those focused on wine, golf, or being eco-friendly. They aim to blend comfort, local culture and cuisine, and connection to nature.
Osteomyelitis is an infection of bone that has been described since ancient times. It is commonly caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria entering the bone hematogenously. Acute osteomyelitis typically affects the metaphysis of long bones in children. Chronic osteomyelitis results from untreated acute infection and is characterized by sequestered necrotic bone. Treatment involves antibiotics, drainage of pus, and surgical debridement or removal of infected bone.
1. Open fractures require urgent evaluation, debridement within 6 hours, and antibiotic therapy.
2. Initial debridement removes contaminated tissue, copious irrigation is used, and repeat debridement occurs within 24-72 hours.
3. Fracture stabilization is determined initially while leaving the wound open. Early bone grafting and aggressive rehabilitation of the extremity are also recommended.
The document discusses spinal tuberculosis, noting that it causes delays in diagnosis, long recovery periods, and high costs. Key points include:
- Paralysis occurs in up to 50% of spinal tuberculosis patients.
- Early diagnosis, expedient treatment, aggressive surgery, and preventing deformity lead to the best outcomes.
- Diagnosis relies on tests like tuberculin skin tests, imaging like MRI to identify bone destruction and abscesses, and microscopy and culture of samples.
- Patterns of bone involvement include paradiscal, central, anterior, and appendiceal lesions.
- Complications include paralysis, cold abscesses, deformities, and secondary infections.
It's not about the technology. It's not even about Facebook. But it's about understanding why technology & social networking is so important to youths. What is their relationship with technology? How do we maximise the potential and minimize the dangers? How do we connect with youths? What are our roles as educators?
To discuss more on this and if you'll like us to share this with your fellow educators or parents at school, drop us a line at
Meanwhile, keep open, keep accessible and keep believing in yourself and the youths
:) Jael Chng
The office is located in Old School building 11A, entering through the side glass door next to Timbre Academy, then heading up the stairs where posters can be seen, with the office beside the bookshelf that can be accessed by pulling on it.
Este documento presenta informaci┏n sobre el m┏dulo 3 de un curso de gesti┏n de agronegocios en empresas asociativas rurales. Se enfoca en la planificaci┏n aplicada a este tipo de empresas y la importancia del conocimiento del mercado. Explica conceptos como tendencias del consumo, clasificaci┏n de mercados, estrategia de orientaci┏n al mercado, herramientas para conocer los mercados como inteligencia de mercados e investigaci┏n de mercados. Tambi└n cubre temas como segmentaci┏n del mercado, selecci┏n de mercados meta y nichos de mercado.
Este documento contiene 19 fichas de aprestamiento y grafomotricidad para trabajar la preescritura con ni?os de inicial. Cada ficha presenta ejercicios sencillos de trazos, puntos, coloreado y emparejamiento de figuras para desarrollar las habilidades motoras finas necesarias para la escritura.
O documento resume a participa??o de uma ag┷ncia de turismo da Col?mbia em um workshop de turismo no Brasil em 2008. A ag┷ncia contratou uma empresa para desenvolver banners promocionais destacando os principais destinos tur┴sticos da Col?mbia, como a Amaz?nia, Bogot│ e San Andr└s, separados por temas e cores.