Milyonlarca liral脹k pazarlama b端t巽elerine sahip olan b端y端k bir irket ya da sadece kendi gelitirdii bir uygulama i巽in kullan脹c脹 kazanma stratejileri arayan bireysel gelitiriciler Hi巽 fark etmez! Boost campaignlerle min. b端t巽e ile max. kullan脹c脹 say脹s脹na nas脹l ula脹labileceini konuaca脹z.
Business Installment Loans provides affordable installment loans for business ventures. The loans can be used freely for business needs and are approved without a credit check. Applicants can get the desired cash amount quickly through an easy online application process without paperwork. Borrowers repay the loan through comfortable installment options.
1) The document presents a study on hydrogen sulfide (H2S) generation from heavy oil through aquathermolysis. It examines the effects of temperature, time, and other factors on H2S production.
2) The study finds that H2S generation is feasible between 225-275属C, with the maximum occurring at 250属C for the samples tested. Initial asphaltene content did not correlate directly with H2S production.
3) Accurately estimating H2S generation is important for steam injection project planning, well design, and surface facility configuration to safely manage H2S risks. Estimates must consider each fluid's composition and properties.
1. The document outlines the steps to design and construct an interactive online herbarium for native plants of Sandy Hook, New Jersey.
2. It details tasks for individual team members to design the herbarium website, choose a solution, get necessary approvals, and install MediaWiki software to create the wiki site.
3. It also includes steps to design presentations, register a domain name, upload plant images and pages from a model Wikia site, and customize the wiki site before making it publicly accessible.
The 5th grade students of a primary school attended a seminar about healthy relationships conducted by the Equality Agent of the Council of M叩laga, Mrs. Montse Garc鱈a Gonz叩lez. She asked the students about equality between men and women and whether they think true equality exists. She had the students describe characteristics of boys and girls but then changed two letters to show the characteristics could apply to both genders. The students learned that gender does not determine a person's interests and that understanding and respecting everyone is important for building nicer relationships and happiness.
El documento habla sobre las herramientas web 2.0 y sus usos educativos, incluyendo bit叩coras que permiten registrar el proceso educativo, espacios para hacer preguntas y publicar trabajos, y enlaces a recursos relevantes.
El documento presenta una introducci坦n al ciclo de las rocas, incluyendo la erosi坦n, fusi坦n, metamorfismo y enfriamiento. Luego describe los tres tipos principales de rocas: sedimentarias, metam坦rficas e 鱈gneas. Las rocas sedimentarias se forman por la acci坦n del agua u otros elementos y pueden ser detr鱈ticas, qu鱈micas u org叩nicas. Las rocas metam坦rficas se transforman debido a cambios de temperatura y presi坦n. Finalmente, las rocas 鱈gneas se forman cuando el magma
El documento presenta los conceptos de semiolog鱈a y urbanismo, discutiendo c坦mo la ciudad puede entenderse como un discurso o lenguaje que habla a sus habitantes. Explica que diferentes disciplinas como la semiolog鱈a, geograf鱈a, historia y arquitectura son relevantes para comprender los problemas de significaci坦n en la ciudad y c坦mo los residentes tambi辿n hablan a trav辿s de su ciudad. Proporciona algunos ejemplos de elementos urbanos en Ibagu辿 que ilustran estos conceptos.
Encouraging Reading of Diverse Political Viewpoints with a Browser WidgetSean Munson
The Internet gives individuals more choice in political news and information sources and more tools to filter out disagreeable information. Citing the preference described by selective exposure theory people prefer information that supports their beliefs and avoid counter-attitudinal information observers warn that people may use these tools to access only agreeable information and thus live in ideological echo chambers.
We report on a field deployment of a browser extension that showed users feedback about the political lean of their weekly and all time reading behaviors. Compared to a control group, showing feedback led to a modest move toward balanced exposure, corresponding to 1-2 visits per week to ideologically opposing sites or 5-10 additional visits per week to centrist sites.
El documento explora el universo, describiendo las galaxias como acumulaciones de estrellas. La V鱈a L叩ctea, nuestra galaxia, es grande y en espiral, y puede contener hasta 100,000 millones de estrellas, incluido el Sol. Tambi辿n describe los tipos de galaxias como irregulares, lenticulares y espirales, as鱈 como nebulosas gigantescas y materia oscura.
The document discusses the digestive and respiratory systems. It describes how the digestive system transforms food into nutrients through digestion and absorption in the digestive tract. It also explains how the respiratory system obtains oxygen from the air through breathing and provides it to cells while removing the carbon dioxide they produce. Both systems work together to break down food, distribute nutrients throughout the body, and remove waste to keep the human body functioning properly.
Este documento describe los elementos b叩sicos para realizar un mapa geol坦gico, incluyendo c坦mo determinar la direcci坦n, buzamiento y espesor de las capas geol坦gicas, as鱈 como c坦mo trazar las l鱈neas de contacto. Explica m辿todos para determinar estos par叩metros basados en puntos de observaci坦n o cotas de afloramiento. Tambi辿n resume los aspectos a considerar en la realizaci坦n de un corte geol坦gico.
Este documento presenta un manual introductorio sobre programaci坦n en PHP5 a nivel b叩sico. Incluye secciones sobre la instalaci坦n de Apache y PHP, caracter鱈sticas del lenguaje como variables, tipos de datos y operadores, estructuras de control como if/else y funciones, y un 鱈ndice de contenidos detallado. El objetivo es proporcionar una gu鱈a b叩sica pero completa sobre los fundamentos de la programaci坦n web con PHP.
Mobil reklam脹 tercih etmek i巽in nedenlerinizi g旦rebileceiniz "Neden Mobil Reklam" sunumunu inceleyebilirsiniz!
T端rkiye'nin ilk mobil sekt旦r dergisi madreport Q3 2013'端 linke t脹klayaraka okuyabilirsiniz!
1) The document presents a study on hydrogen sulfide (H2S) generation from heavy oil through aquathermolysis. It examines the effects of temperature, time, and other factors on H2S production.
2) The study finds that H2S generation is feasible between 225-275属C, with the maximum occurring at 250属C for the samples tested. Initial asphaltene content did not correlate directly with H2S production.
3) Accurately estimating H2S generation is important for steam injection project planning, well design, and surface facility configuration to safely manage H2S risks. Estimates must consider each fluid's composition and properties.
1. The document outlines the steps to design and construct an interactive online herbarium for native plants of Sandy Hook, New Jersey.
2. It details tasks for individual team members to design the herbarium website, choose a solution, get necessary approvals, and install MediaWiki software to create the wiki site.
3. It also includes steps to design presentations, register a domain name, upload plant images and pages from a model Wikia site, and customize the wiki site before making it publicly accessible.
The 5th grade students of a primary school attended a seminar about healthy relationships conducted by the Equality Agent of the Council of M叩laga, Mrs. Montse Garc鱈a Gonz叩lez. She asked the students about equality between men and women and whether they think true equality exists. She had the students describe characteristics of boys and girls but then changed two letters to show the characteristics could apply to both genders. The students learned that gender does not determine a person's interests and that understanding and respecting everyone is important for building nicer relationships and happiness.
El documento habla sobre las herramientas web 2.0 y sus usos educativos, incluyendo bit叩coras que permiten registrar el proceso educativo, espacios para hacer preguntas y publicar trabajos, y enlaces a recursos relevantes.
El documento presenta una introducci坦n al ciclo de las rocas, incluyendo la erosi坦n, fusi坦n, metamorfismo y enfriamiento. Luego describe los tres tipos principales de rocas: sedimentarias, metam坦rficas e 鱈gneas. Las rocas sedimentarias se forman por la acci坦n del agua u otros elementos y pueden ser detr鱈ticas, qu鱈micas u org叩nicas. Las rocas metam坦rficas se transforman debido a cambios de temperatura y presi坦n. Finalmente, las rocas 鱈gneas se forman cuando el magma
El documento presenta los conceptos de semiolog鱈a y urbanismo, discutiendo c坦mo la ciudad puede entenderse como un discurso o lenguaje que habla a sus habitantes. Explica que diferentes disciplinas como la semiolog鱈a, geograf鱈a, historia y arquitectura son relevantes para comprender los problemas de significaci坦n en la ciudad y c坦mo los residentes tambi辿n hablan a trav辿s de su ciudad. Proporciona algunos ejemplos de elementos urbanos en Ibagu辿 que ilustran estos conceptos.
Encouraging Reading of Diverse Political Viewpoints with a Browser WidgetSean Munson
The Internet gives individuals more choice in political news and information sources and more tools to filter out disagreeable information. Citing the preference described by selective exposure theory people prefer information that supports their beliefs and avoid counter-attitudinal information observers warn that people may use these tools to access only agreeable information and thus live in ideological echo chambers.
We report on a field deployment of a browser extension that showed users feedback about the political lean of their weekly and all time reading behaviors. Compared to a control group, showing feedback led to a modest move toward balanced exposure, corresponding to 1-2 visits per week to ideologically opposing sites or 5-10 additional visits per week to centrist sites.
El documento explora el universo, describiendo las galaxias como acumulaciones de estrellas. La V鱈a L叩ctea, nuestra galaxia, es grande y en espiral, y puede contener hasta 100,000 millones de estrellas, incluido el Sol. Tambi辿n describe los tipos de galaxias como irregulares, lenticulares y espirales, as鱈 como nebulosas gigantescas y materia oscura.
The document discusses the digestive and respiratory systems. It describes how the digestive system transforms food into nutrients through digestion and absorption in the digestive tract. It also explains how the respiratory system obtains oxygen from the air through breathing and provides it to cells while removing the carbon dioxide they produce. Both systems work together to break down food, distribute nutrients throughout the body, and remove waste to keep the human body functioning properly.
Este documento describe los elementos b叩sicos para realizar un mapa geol坦gico, incluyendo c坦mo determinar la direcci坦n, buzamiento y espesor de las capas geol坦gicas, as鱈 como c坦mo trazar las l鱈neas de contacto. Explica m辿todos para determinar estos par叩metros basados en puntos de observaci坦n o cotas de afloramiento. Tambi辿n resume los aspectos a considerar en la realizaci坦n de un corte geol坦gico.
Este documento presenta un manual introductorio sobre programaci坦n en PHP5 a nivel b叩sico. Incluye secciones sobre la instalaci坦n de Apache y PHP, caracter鱈sticas del lenguaje como variables, tipos de datos y operadores, estructuras de control como if/else y funciones, y un 鱈ndice de contenidos detallado. El objetivo es proporcionar una gu鱈a b叩sica pero completa sobre los fundamentos de la programaci坦n web con PHP.
Mobil reklam脹 tercih etmek i巽in nedenlerinizi g旦rebileceiniz "Neden Mobil Reklam" sunumunu inceleyebilirsiniz!
T端rkiye'nin ilk mobil sekt旦r dergisi madreport Q3 2013'端 linke t脹klayaraka okuyabilirsiniz!
Yine dolu dolu bir dergi i巽erii ile sizlerleyiz.
ReklamStore olarak bu y脹l da dijital pazarlama alan脹nda d端nyan脹n en 旦nemli etkinlikleri aras脹nda g旦sterilen Dmexcodayd脹k. 55.000 kiinin kat脹ld脹脹 fuarda stant a巽an tek T端rk irketi olarak yerimizi ald脹k. Dijital pazarlaman脹n kalbinin att脹脹 etkinlikte 旦zellikle global operasyonlar脹m脹z脹 ve m端teri portf旦y端m端z端 geniletmek ad脹na harika f脹rsatlar yakalad脹k.
聴 toplant脹lar脹 d脹脹nda elenceyi de atlamad脹k ve art脹k Dmexcoda geleneksel hale gelen ve ilk g端n端n sonunda ReklamStore stand脹nda ger巽ekletirdiimiz Turkish Meet-up bu y脹l da 巽ok renkli anlara ev sahiplii yapt脹. T端rkiyeden gelerek Dmexcoya kat脹lan ziyaret巽iler, Avrupada yaayan T端rk profesyoneller ve global i ortaklar脹m脹z脹n kat脹ld脹脹 elenceli bulumada ikramlar脹m脹z da elencemiz gibi T端rk ii oldu.
Son g端nlerin bir dier pop端ler gelimesi ise sekt旦r端m端z端n en 旦nemli global yay脹nlar脹ndan olan ExchangeWireda CFOmuz H端lyan脹n kaleminden 巽脹kan How SMEs Can Benefit from Programmatic Advertising bal脹kl脹 bir makalemizin yay脹nlanmas脹 oldu. Yaz脹, kobilerin g旦z端nden programatik reklamc脹l脹kla alakal脹 olunca b端y端k ilgi g旦rd端.
Bu say脹m脹zda en 巽ok 旦nem verdiimiz konulardan biri de ReklamStoreun kendi data management platformundan (DMP) elde ettiimiz veri ile haz脹rlanan infografiimiz diyebiliriz. 2016 y脹l脹na kadar ReklamStore DMP sayesinde data hedefli kampanyalar脹m脹z脹 y端r端t端rken, imdi ise ajans ve reklamverenlerin AppNexus, Adform gibi programatik sat脹n alma platformlar脹na da verilerimizi hedeflenebilir ekilde sunmaya balad脹k.
ReklamStore DMP veri havuzundan elde ettiimiz verilerin analizi sonucu ortaya 巽脹kan bu infografikte kullan脹c脹lar脹n davran脹sal verilerinin yan脹 s脹ra demografi, sat脹n alma eilimleri, u巽ak bileti gibi 旦zel hedefleme se巽eneklerini temsil eden segmentleri de bulabileceksiniz.
Merak脹n脹z脹n ve okuma keyfinizin her say脹da artmas脹 dileiyle
encan zen - CEO, ReklamStore
Markalar脹n ya da bireylerin, yaln脹zca birka巽 ad脹mda t端m mobil cihazlara uyumlu internaktif mobil internet servisleri oluturmas脹n脹 salayan,
T端rkiyenin ilk ve tek...
聴nternaktif mobil internet servis platformudur.
Dijital Mecrada Marka Y旦netimi ve Dijital PazarlamaOnur S端mer
Seminerin 聴巽erii
Strateji, Vizyon ve Misyon
Marka Nedir ve Marka Olmak Neden nemli?
Marka Vizyonu
Marka zvarl脹脹
Marka Kiilii, Deer nermesi, G端venilirlik, Marka M端teri 聴likisi, Marka Konumland脹rma Nedir?
Marka Vizyonunu Uygulama ve 聴zleme.
Marka Sistemleri, Dikey ve Yatay Marka Geniletmeleri.
Marka z Varl脹脹n脹 l巽mek ve 聴lgili Ara巽lar.
Markalar ve Kurumlar i巽in 聴nternet, Sosyal Medya, Mobil D端nya Neden nemli
B2B i巽in 聴nternetin nemi
聴nternet, Sosyal Medya ve Mobil D端nya Hakk脹nda 聴statistikler
Teknoloji ile T端keticinin Sat脹n Alma Davran脹脹ndaki Deiiklikler
Web 1.0 i巽in Marka Takip Ara巽lar脹
聴nternette Var Olmak. irketim i巽in Web Sitesi Sahibi Olmak.
Web Sitelerinin Olmazsa Olmaz脹 Google Analytics-
Googleda Sitem Nas脹l st S脹ralara 脹kar? Arama Motoru Optimizasyonu (SEO)
聴巽erik ile Pazarlama
Arama Motoru Reklamc脹l脹脹 Google Adwords-
Portal Reklamc脹l脹脹 ve Portal Se巽imi
E-Posta Pazarlamas脹
Web 2.0 Nedir? Blog, Mikroblog, Wiki, Facebook
Sosyal Medya ile 聴likisel Pazarlama
Facebook Sayfalar脹 ile Pazarlama
Facebook da Marka Arkadal脹脹
Facebook Uygulamalar脹 Pazarlama
Twitter ile Pazarlama ve M端teri Destei
Sosyal Medya Takip Ara巽lar脹
Web 3.0
Markalar i巽in Youtube Kanallar脹
Soru Cevap
Uygulama maazalar脹nda 4 milyondan fazla uygulama var, her g端n de binlercesi ekleniyor. Rekabet etmenin her ge巽en g端n daha da zorlat脹脹 App Store ve Google Playde organik ziyaret巽i 巽ekmek ve g旦r端n端r olma ile ilgili g端ncel stratejileri ele alaca脹z
Mobil uygulamalar脹n gelitirme aamas脹ndan balayarak, ilk indirme heyecan脹, geliimi, yeni versiyonlar脹, indirilme ve kullan脹c脹larla etkileim s端re巽lerini konuaca脹z. Heyecan verici k脹sm脹 ise Oyunlat脹rma kurgular脹n脹n zorlu s端re巽te iimizi ne kadar kolaylat脹rd脹脹 olacak.
Building a Community Around a Mobile ApplicationMobile 聴stanbul
So you have built an amazing product- an app that solves a problem and makes the lives of your users better! Now the challenge is bringing the product to the users! Let me introduce and refresh a few concepts of building a community around your mobile app
Mobil Istanbul - Ocak 2016 Etkinlii
Startuplar脹n fikir aamas脹ndan, borsaya a巽脹lacak b端y端kl端klere gelene kadar nas脹l ilerlediini, ne zaman ve ne i巽in yat脹r脹m al脹naca脹n脹, fikirlerizin doru olduuna nas脹l karar vereceinizi anlat脹yor
API, Microservice ve IoT D端nyay脹 birbirine nas脹l balar脹z?Mobile 聴stanbul
Mobil Istanbul - Ocak 2016
Bu sunumda mobil ve web uygulamalar脹n脹n birbirleriyle konumas脹n脹 salayan teknolojilere ve g端n端m端zdeki duruma genel bir bak脹. SOA ve IoT aras脹nda yaanan gelimeler, probleme farkl脹 yakla脹mlar ve mobil gelitiricilerin uyum salamas脹 i巽in gerekli ara巽lar anlat脹l脹yor.
Mobil Istanbu - Ocak 2016
Bircan Ergur - API Bak脹 A巽脹s脹 ile Farkl脹 聴 Modelleri
Firmalar脹n ellerinde bulundurduu veri ve yetenekler, kendi deerlemelerini y端kseltmenin yan脹 s脹ra, art脹k d脹ar脹ya a巽脹larak da ek deerlere d旦n端端yor. Bu sayede 巽apraz platformlar脹n avantajlar脹 kazan-kazan anlay脹脹yla yeni i modelleri douruyor. Bu sunumda farkl脹 i modellerini ve 旦rneklerini bulabilirsiniz.
How To Understand Where Your Advertising Turkish Liras Are Going on MobileMobile 聴stanbul
聴inizin kalabal脹klar taraf脹ndan fark edilebilmesi ya da yaam s端resinin uzayabilmesi i巽in 巽eitli mecralarda reklam harcamas脹 yapmak durumundas脹n脹z ve her mecran脹n 端r端n端n端ze kar脹 farkl脹 d旦n端leri olacak. B端t巽enizi harcad脹脹n脹z mobil reklam alar脹, sosyal alar ya da televizyon reklamlar脹 gibi farkl脹 kanallarda geri d旦n端 ve verimlilik bir巽ok fakt旦re bal脹. Bu sunumda kanal verimliliini 旦l巽mek 端zerine faydal脹 bilgilere ulaabileceksiniz.
Profesyonel iOS Uygulama Gelistiricisi Olmanin Rotas脹Mobile 聴stanbul
The document provides guidance on becoming a professional iOS app developer including learning English, programming fundamentals, Objective-C and Swift, developing "Hello World" iOS apps, learning development tools, publishing an app, staying up to date by reading blogs and forums, using GitHub, and networking with other developers. It includes specific course recommendations and links to resources.
This document discusses mobile analytics and how it differs from web analytics. It covers the key aspects of mobile analytics including app store analytics, crash/performance analytics, advertising analytics, and in-app usage analytics. The core metrics for in-app usage analytics are described as well as engagement metrics like user retention, loyalty, session frequency and duration. Custom events, funnels, and advanced querying tools are also outlined.
Smartface ile Crossplatform Uygulama GelitirmeMobile 聴stanbul
This document discusses different types of mobile apps and mobile app development tools. It describes web-based apps, hybrid apps, and native apps. It also outlines the benefits of using Smartface App Studio, which is a cross-platform mobile app development tool that allows developers to build native iOS and Android apps with a single codebase. Some key benefits highlighted include faster development, easy testing, compatibility with new platforms and devices, and security features.
The document discusses challenges in mobile application development. It outlines different methodologies for developing apps including requirement analysis, mockup design, UI design, development, testing, and publishing. It also compares different approaches like native, cross-platform, hybrid, and mobile-friendly websites. Application lifecycle management tools are mentioned for testing, distribution, analytics, and push notifications.
This document discusses mobile application engagement and customer loyalty. It is presented by Ahmet Baaran, founder and CTO of Netmera, a mobile application engagement platform used by over 2000 customers worldwide. The document discusses how mobile apps and push notifications can be used to engage customers, provide personalized messages and offers, and increase customer loyalty and sales. It provides tips and case studies on how to effectively target customers based on their behaviors and location.
3. Google, ekosisteme yat脹r脹m yap脹yor
Google AdMob'u sat脹n ald脹
Daha fazla al脹c脹 eklendi
Yeni uygulama
odakl脹 aray端z
Para kazanmak,
tan脹t脹m yapmak, analiz
ger巽ekletirmek i巽in
g端巽l端 platform2010
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
4. zel uygulama gelitirme
ara巽lar脹na y旦nelik eklentiler
sayesinde platformlar aras脹
bir irket nitelii ta脹yoruz
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
5. AdMob d端nyan脹n en b端y端k ve en
g端venilir mobil reklam platformudur
uygulama her ay para kazanmak
i巽in AdMob'u kullan脹yor
D端nya genelinde, t端m uygulama
kategorilerindeki binlerce gelitirici
AdMob ile i yarat脹yor
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
6. Baar脹l脹 bir uygulama i巽i gelir modeli i巽in
doru reklam
reklamveren a脹
13. Reklam Gelirini En st D端zeye 脹kar脹n
Cihaz geniliinin ve ekran
y旦n端n端n "ak脹ll脹" tespiti,
tutarl脹 bir ekilde, ekrana
s脹an reklamlar脹n
yay脹nlanmas脹n脹 salar
Ak脹ll脹 banner'lar
14. 2,75 dolarl脹k K端resel ortalama BGBM
Ge巽i reklamlar脹 7 kat daha fazla banner TO'suna sahiptir
Reklam Gelirini En st D端zeye 脹kar脹n
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
15. Uygulama y端kleme video reklamlar脹
Reklam Gelirini En st D端zeye 脹kar脹n
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
16. Uygulamalarda TrueView video reklam deneyimi
Reklam Gelirini En st D端zeye 脹kar脹n
YouTubeun video i巽i reklamlar脹n脹n y端zde 75'i atlanabilirdir
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
17. AdMob native reklam beta
App install ads Content ads
Uygulaman脹z脹n doal
ak脹脹na uygun olarak
d端zenlenmi reklamlar
22. Uygulama i巽i sat脹n alma ikilemi
%15'iuygulama i巽i sat脹n
alma ilemi
Kullan脹c脹lar脹n yaln脹zca
Uygulama 聴巽i Sat脹 Gelirini Art脹r脹n
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir Kaynak: AdMob ve Park Associates, The Mobile App Consumer, Ekim 2013
23. Katil Balinalar
Mobil oyun oynayanlar脹n %1'i
Ayda 50 dolardan fazla
harcama Kuzey Amerika'da
700 bin oyuncu Ort. Ayl脹k
Harcama. 68,27 $
Balinalar (Katil Balinalar dahil)
Mobil oyun oynayanlar脹n %3'端
Ayda 25 $ 49,99 $ harcama
Kuzey Amerika'da 2,5 milyon oyuncu
Ort. Ayl脹k Harcama. 29,37 $
Mobil oyun oynayanlar脹n %16's脹
Ayda 5 $ 24,99 dolar harcama
Kuzey Amerika'da 14,3 milyon
oyuncu Ort. Ayl脹k Harcama. 8,15 $
Harcama yapmayanlar
Mobil oyun oynayanlar脹n %
37'si Ayda 0 $ harcama
Kuzey Amerika'da 31,3
milyon oyuncu
K端巽端k Bal脹klar
Mobil oyun oynayanlar脹n %43'端
Ayda 0,01 $ 4,99 $ harcama
Kuzey Amerika'da 35,3 milyon
oyuncu Ort. Ayl脹k Harcama. 0,94 $
Uygulama i巽i sat脹 deerinin %95'i,
kullan脹c脹lar脹n %2 ila %6's脹ndan gelmektedir
Uygulama 聴巽i Sat脹 Gelirini Art脹r脹n
0 $
20 $
140 $
120 $
100 $
80 $
60 $
40 $
%40 %30 %20 %10 %0
Mobil Oyunlar脹n Y端zdesi
Mobil harcama, oyun tutkunu
t端keticilerin k端巽端k bir k脹sm脹n脹n
dierlerinden kat kat daha fazla
harcama yapt脹脹 bir g端巽 erisini
temel al脹r.
Kullan脹c脹lar脹m脹z脹n yaln脹zca
%5'i uygulama i巽i sat脹n
alma ilemi ger巽ekletiriyor"
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
24. Uygulama i巽i sat脹 reklamlar脹
ncelikli kullan脹c脹lar脹 d旦n端t端r端n
Uygulama 聴巽i Sat脹 Gelirini Art脹r脹n
oyun oynar
baar脹s脹z olur
r端n sat脹n
25. Uygulama i巽i sat脹 reklamlar脹: S脹radan kullan脹c脹lar
Uygulama 聴巽i Sat脹 Gelirini Art脹r脹n
oyun oynar
baar脹s脹z olur
26. Hem reklam hem IAP gelirlerinizi artt脹r脹n
AdMob harcama yapanlar脹 otomatik olarak belirler.
28. Reklam A脹 Optimizasyonu + Canl脹 BGBM
Reklam Gelirini En st D端zeye 脹kar脹n
BGBM: 4,20 $
A A脹
B A脹
C A脹
D A脹
E A脹 D A脹
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. A
BGBM: 4,60 $
Reklam A脹 Optimizasyonu Canl脹 BGBM
A A脹
B A脹
C A脹
D A脹
Gelirinizi kolayca art脹rman脹z i巽in 端cretsiz ara巽lar
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
29. 29Google Confidential and Proprietary
38 AdMob uyumlulat脹rma sertifikal脹 reklam a脹
Source:Google Mobile Ads SDK Mediation Networks;
30. Reklamlar脹 kontrol etmenize olanak salayan
g端巽l端 filtreler
Reklam Gelirini En st D端zeye 脹kar脹n
Kategori se巽meye y旦nelik kolayca yap脹land脹r脹labilen
esnek denetimler
Kullan脹c脹lara yaln脹zca en alakal脹 reklamlar脹 g旦sterin
Rakip reklamlar脹n g旦sterilmesini engelleyin
Uygulaman脹zda yay脹nlanan reklamlar脹 g旦r端n
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
32. Birden fazla uygulaman脹z m脹 var?
Uygulamalar脹n脹z脹n 巽apraz tan脹t脹m脹n脹 yapmak i巽in kurum reklamlar脹n脹 kullan脹n
Kendi envanterinizde 端cretsiz
olarak reklam trafii oluturun
Kurum reklamlar脹n脹; g旦sterim
hedeflerini, balang脹巽 ve biti
tarihlerini, hedeflenen b旦lgeyi
veya cihaz脹 temel alarak y旦netin
Uygulamalar脹n, mallar脹n veya
dier 端r端n ve hizmetlerin 巽apraz
tan脹t脹m脹n脹 yap脹n
Uygulaman脹z脹 tan脹t脹n
Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
33. Image here
Confidential and Proprietary
Google AdWords cretli Uygulama Tan脹t脹m Kampanyalar脹
. SearchWatch on YouTube Engage with Apps Surf the Web Work in Gmail
Driving discovery
and installation
of your app
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35. Google'a Aittir ve Gizlidir
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User Acquisition/App Marketing
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Beta products
Cloud/App Engine
Startup Launch Program