Nuori voi opiskella oppisopimusella perus-, ammatti- tai erikoisammattitutkintoihin, jotka antavat saman
p辰tevyyden ja jatko-opintokelpoisuuden kuin oppilaitoksissa j辰rjestett辰v辰 koulutus.
Introduction of me2we company and campaignAapo V辰辰t辰inen
Me2we is a versatile crowdsourcing tool that calls companies to adopt the newest trends in outsourcing and recruitment. Me2we network ensures a responsive recruitment and collaboration for companies, talents and universities.
The presentation provides also introduction of recruitment campaign that starts in January 2016.
Palvelumuotoilua yrityksiin -hanke toteuttaa It辰-Suomen yliopiston ja Joensuun Tiedepuiston yhteisty旦n辰 palvelumuotoiluosaamista lis辰辰v辰n valmennuksen It辰-Suomen yliopiston opiskelijoille Joensuussa kev辰辰ll辰 2018. UEFin opiskelija, ilmoittaudu mukaan 16.2. klo 14.00 menness辰!
The document discusses poverty in Hong Kong, noting that the number of people living in poverty reached a record high of 1.26 million in the first half of 2010, comprising 18% of Hong Kong's population of 7 million. It also reports that the income gap between the richest and poorest 10% of households in Hong Kong is 27 times. The Commission on Poverty was formed to address these issues but has since ended, leaving no formal organization to oversee poverty alleviation efforts.
This document discusses the fundamentals of connections between people and things. It touches on how networks are formed through friends and weak ties, as well as how the internet of things allows various devices to connect. The key aspects are relevance, resonance, and relationships both online and offline through interactions and sharing information.
Aditya Nugraha of Petra Christian University talks about how Surubaya is promoted with digitization of local knowledge along with University events to preserve the past of Indonesia's second-largest city.
The document summarizes the adaptive strategies and agricultural practices of the I'wak people from six culture centers in Kayapa. It describes how the I'waks practice shifting cultivation, wet rice agriculture, upland farming, and livestock raising depending on the environmental conditions of each area. Their agricultural cycle involves clearing land, planting crops like rice, taro, sweet potatoes and vegetables, and harvesting after several months. The division of labor and use of simple tools varies between male and female roles. Rituals formerly accompanied the farming cycle but now harvest festivals are often celebrated in churches.
The document discusses data communication systems and networks. It introduces key concepts like data communication, components of a data communication system, different types of networks including LANs, WANs and MANs, the organization and structure of the Internet, and the basic elements of communication protocols. Diagrams and figures are included to illustrate different network topologies, types of connections, and the hierarchical organization of the Internet. -
In this Issue
Caribbean Water and Sewage Association Inc. April to June 2012 | Vol. 4 No. 2
Rain and Water Page 2
Secretariat News Pages 2, 3, 4 and 5
CaribDa Celebrates 80 Years of Desalination Page 5
Water Conservation Advice and Guide Page 7
Heat Wave Makes Water a Hot Topic Page 10
Should Water Bill Defaulters Get Amnesty? Page 11
Water and Food Security Page 12
Towards a Model OECS Water Act See Back Page
Dr. Del Rosario of St. Mary's University, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines, discusses how the project documented the ethno-ecological adaptation of the Iwaks and see how these adaptive strategies have changed or been sustained over time.
Christ University developed a technology integrated curriculum on Indigenous Knowledge for undergraduate students. The project aimed to identify, document, develop and disseminate Indigenous Knowledge. The methodology included developing a draft syllabus, expert consultation, content development workshops, technology integration workshops, and uploading course materials online. The outcome was a technology-based curriculum on Indigenous Knowledge in music, dance and ethnobotany, as well as trained human resources and online courseware. The course was then implemented and piloted with undergraduate students.
Kilian Kreiser is completing his MA degree project partnering with NABU, Germany's largest environmental organization founded in 1899. The project focuses on crowd-sourcing data to track and monitor the activities and development of nature protection areas. Specifically, the project will examine how data on the state, pressures, and responses related to protected areas across Europe is collected, filtered, and transformed into useful information to inform conservation efforts and assess compliance with EU directives.
This document summarizes a study on teaching high school AP Environmental Science students to use study methods that match their learning style preferences. Most students initially used outlining to study, which did not always match their tactile/kinesthetic preferences. After learning about different study strategies, several students changed their methods, reporting increased reading, less outlining, and use of new strategies like Quizlet and self-quizzing. Students said the new methods helped them study better and felt they would perform better on tests. The study suggests students may not know how to match study methods to their preferences, but will adopt helpful strategies when taught how.
About hometown narratives of undergraduate students.
Dianne Siriban talks about how Smart phones using Microblogging could be a popular tool to engage higher education students in English Communication courses on Research Writing.
The document describes a bond that matures in 4 years, costs $100, and pays annual interest of 5%. It notes that when market interest rates are also 5%, matching the bond's coupon rate, the bond price will always be at par, or $100. The yield to maturity formula is provided to calculate that this bond's yield is also 5% given the current interest rate environment.
The document discusses poverty in Hong Kong, noting that the number of people living in poverty reached a record high of 1.26 million in the first half of 2010, comprising 18% of Hong Kong's population of 7 million. It also reports that the income gap between the richest and poorest 10% of households in Hong Kong is 27 times. The Commission on Poverty was established to address these issues but its term ended in June 2007 without being replaced by a formal organization.
The document summarizes research testing the effectiveness of using semantic mapping to improve students' vocabulary and SAT scores. Several classes implemented semantic mapping for vocabulary words. Pre- and post-tests assessed vocabulary knowledge and student comfort with words. Scores increased significantly for most classes, indicating semantic mapping improved vocabulary. However, vocabulary was rarely observed in use in classes. Future research should standardize implementation and focus assessment to better evaluate the strategy's effectiveness.
Photoblogging can be used as an educational tool in the classroom for several reasons: it is easy to use, promotes digital literacy, allows for differentiation of instruction, and expands the virtual classroom. It also provides opportunities for student collaboration and discussion as well as a resource for students and parents. Considerations for using photoblogging include ensuring access to technology, managing privacy settings, reviewing posts to avoid censorship issues, and aligning with school policy. Examples provided demonstrate using photoblogging for a geometry class photo assignment identifying quadrilaterals and an environmental science assignment on reducing water waste.
This document discusses global virtual communities for tutoring and learning. It describes how global communities are composed of people from different cultures, languages and contexts working together towards a common goal. It then profiles the status of tutoring and learning communities as "in a relationship" but "it's complicated." It outlines the goal of preparing educational practitioners on using ICT and eLearning for course and training development and implementation. It provides details on implementation plans, platforms, communication tools and monitoring participant performance through a tracking system and evaluations.
The researchers took a challenging journey to document the Higaonon culture at the Dumalongdong festival in Barangay Bunaguit, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur. They traveled by bus, tricycle, boat, and motorcycle, dealing with slippery paths, steep roads, strong currents, and heavy bags. They arrived after dark and were welcomed by the community. The festival involved rituals, discussions, and a division of labor among tribespeople. The researchers gained an experience worth repeating in search of local knowledge of the Higaonon people.
Examples include using photos of endangered species, paintings by national artists, and case studies about Filipino celebrities. Student projects analyzing original Pilipino music lyrics for economic concepts showed reinforced learning and appreciation of local culture. Recommendations include addressing multiple intelligences and collaborating to improve technical skills.
Aditya Nugraha of Petra Christian University talks about how Surubaya is promoted with digitization of local knowledge along with University events to preserve the past of Indonesia's second-largest city.
The document summarizes the adaptive strategies and agricultural practices of the I'wak people from six culture centers in Kayapa. It describes how the I'waks practice shifting cultivation, wet rice agriculture, upland farming, and livestock raising depending on the environmental conditions of each area. Their agricultural cycle involves clearing land, planting crops like rice, taro, sweet potatoes and vegetables, and harvesting after several months. The division of labor and use of simple tools varies between male and female roles. Rituals formerly accompanied the farming cycle but now harvest festivals are often celebrated in churches.
The document discusses data communication systems and networks. It introduces key concepts like data communication, components of a data communication system, different types of networks including LANs, WANs and MANs, the organization and structure of the Internet, and the basic elements of communication protocols. Diagrams and figures are included to illustrate different network topologies, types of connections, and the hierarchical organization of the Internet. -
In this Issue
Caribbean Water and Sewage Association Inc. April to June 2012 | Vol. 4 No. 2
Rain and Water Page 2
Secretariat News Pages 2, 3, 4 and 5
CaribDa Celebrates 80 Years of Desalination Page 5
Water Conservation Advice and Guide Page 7
Heat Wave Makes Water a Hot Topic Page 10
Should Water Bill Defaulters Get Amnesty? Page 11
Water and Food Security Page 12
Towards a Model OECS Water Act See Back Page
Dr. Del Rosario of St. Mary's University, Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines, discusses how the project documented the ethno-ecological adaptation of the Iwaks and see how these adaptive strategies have changed or been sustained over time.
Christ University developed a technology integrated curriculum on Indigenous Knowledge for undergraduate students. The project aimed to identify, document, develop and disseminate Indigenous Knowledge. The methodology included developing a draft syllabus, expert consultation, content development workshops, technology integration workshops, and uploading course materials online. The outcome was a technology-based curriculum on Indigenous Knowledge in music, dance and ethnobotany, as well as trained human resources and online courseware. The course was then implemented and piloted with undergraduate students.
Kilian Kreiser is completing his MA degree project partnering with NABU, Germany's largest environmental organization founded in 1899. The project focuses on crowd-sourcing data to track and monitor the activities and development of nature protection areas. Specifically, the project will examine how data on the state, pressures, and responses related to protected areas across Europe is collected, filtered, and transformed into useful information to inform conservation efforts and assess compliance with EU directives.
This document summarizes a study on teaching high school AP Environmental Science students to use study methods that match their learning style preferences. Most students initially used outlining to study, which did not always match their tactile/kinesthetic preferences. After learning about different study strategies, several students changed their methods, reporting increased reading, less outlining, and use of new strategies like Quizlet and self-quizzing. Students said the new methods helped them study better and felt they would perform better on tests. The study suggests students may not know how to match study methods to their preferences, but will adopt helpful strategies when taught how.
About hometown narratives of undergraduate students.
Dianne Siriban talks about how Smart phones using Microblogging could be a popular tool to engage higher education students in English Communication courses on Research Writing.
The document describes a bond that matures in 4 years, costs $100, and pays annual interest of 5%. It notes that when market interest rates are also 5%, matching the bond's coupon rate, the bond price will always be at par, or $100. The yield to maturity formula is provided to calculate that this bond's yield is also 5% given the current interest rate environment.
The document discusses poverty in Hong Kong, noting that the number of people living in poverty reached a record high of 1.26 million in the first half of 2010, comprising 18% of Hong Kong's population of 7 million. It also reports that the income gap between the richest and poorest 10% of households in Hong Kong is 27 times. The Commission on Poverty was established to address these issues but its term ended in June 2007 without being replaced by a formal organization.
The document summarizes research testing the effectiveness of using semantic mapping to improve students' vocabulary and SAT scores. Several classes implemented semantic mapping for vocabulary words. Pre- and post-tests assessed vocabulary knowledge and student comfort with words. Scores increased significantly for most classes, indicating semantic mapping improved vocabulary. However, vocabulary was rarely observed in use in classes. Future research should standardize implementation and focus assessment to better evaluate the strategy's effectiveness.
Photoblogging can be used as an educational tool in the classroom for several reasons: it is easy to use, promotes digital literacy, allows for differentiation of instruction, and expands the virtual classroom. It also provides opportunities for student collaboration and discussion as well as a resource for students and parents. Considerations for using photoblogging include ensuring access to technology, managing privacy settings, reviewing posts to avoid censorship issues, and aligning with school policy. Examples provided demonstrate using photoblogging for a geometry class photo assignment identifying quadrilaterals and an environmental science assignment on reducing water waste.
This document discusses global virtual communities for tutoring and learning. It describes how global communities are composed of people from different cultures, languages and contexts working together towards a common goal. It then profiles the status of tutoring and learning communities as "in a relationship" but "it's complicated." It outlines the goal of preparing educational practitioners on using ICT and eLearning for course and training development and implementation. It provides details on implementation plans, platforms, communication tools and monitoring participant performance through a tracking system and evaluations.
The researchers took a challenging journey to document the Higaonon culture at the Dumalongdong festival in Barangay Bunaguit, Esperanza, Agusan del Sur. They traveled by bus, tricycle, boat, and motorcycle, dealing with slippery paths, steep roads, strong currents, and heavy bags. They arrived after dark and were welcomed by the community. The festival involved rituals, discussions, and a division of labor among tribespeople. The researchers gained an experience worth repeating in search of local knowledge of the Higaonon people.
Examples include using photos of endangered species, paintings by national artists, and case studies about Filipino celebrities. Student projects analyzing original Pilipino music lyrics for economic concepts showed reinforced learning and appreciation of local culture. Recommendations include addressing multiple intelligences and collaborating to improve technical skills.
CIMOn tarjoamat mahdollisuudet yrityksille, hankerahoitus henkil旦st旦n kehitt辰...K2HEL
CIMOn tarjoamat mahdollisuudet yrityksille
Hankerahoitus henkil旦st旦n kehitt辰miseen
Erasmus- ja Leonardo da Vinci ohjelmat
Vastaava asiantuntija Anni Kallio, Kansainv辰lisen liikkuvuuden ja yhteisty旦n keskus CIMO
Esitysmateriaali Rahoitusmahdollisuuksia kansainv辰listymiseen ja vientiin -seminaarista 16.4.2015.
Mist辰 lis辰辰 tehoja kehitt辰misyhti旦iden palveluihin?Business Arena Oy
Business Arena Oy kokosi syksyll辰 2014 yhteen kokemuksiaan ja havaintojaan aluekehitt辰misen tiimoilta. Tarjoamme ne vapaaseen k辰ytt旦旦n.
- Korkeakoulujen ja kehitt辰misyhti旦iden yhteisty旦mahdollisuus: tutkimuksen kaupallistaminen
- Palvelua tuottavien verkostojen johtaminen
- Yhteis旦jen osalistaminen kokeilemalla kehitt辰miseen
Yliopistojen intranetien nykytila ja kehityssuunnat 9.10.2018Hanna P. Korhonen
Esitykseni Yliopistojen intrap辰iv辰ss辰 9.10.2018: Yliopistojen intranetien nykytila ja kehityssuunnat. Yliopisto- introjen kuusi suurinta kysymyst辰 - ja miten niit辰 on ratkaistu? Hanna P. Korhonen / Clair Helsinki Oy
Opetushallituksen rahoittamien ja ohjaamien ammatillisen peruskoulutuksen oppimisymp辰rist旦jen kehitt辰mishankkeiden hyvi辰 k辰yt辰nteit辰, joita esitteliv辰t Sanna Brauer ja Minna Taivassalo-Salkosuo valtakunnallisilla Virtuaaliopetuksen p辰ivill辰 Helsingin messukeskuksessa 3.12.2013
Nuorten ty旦llistymispolkujen tukeminen, EK, Jukka-Pekka Kivioja: Oivallus, tulevaisuuden ty旦el辰m辰, ty旦markkinakeskusj辰rjest旦jen esitykset koulutuksen ja ty旦el辰m辰n yhteisty旦n kehitt辰miseksi.
1. Interdisciplinary
Training Campaign
Interdisciplinary Summer Training Campaign
MURJOTTELU is an interdisciplinary summer training campaign organized by Aalto Career Services.
MURJOTTELU helps companies recruit the best trainees, and students to find challenging summer
jobs in their own fields of study. The internship will take place in a company as a working team
consisting of two or more students from different fields of study (business, technology and design).
More information:
Promoting Design Thinking
2. Murjottelu is an interdisciplinary summer training campaign
organized by Aalto Career Services.
Murjottelu helps companies recruit the best English application form for students is
trainees, and students to find challenging open during February at
summer jobs in their own fields of study. Information of applicants is given to
The internship will take place in a compa- companies in the beginning of March.
ny as a working team consisting of two or Interviews are held in companies, with 2-4
more students from different fields of study candidates / opening.
(business, technology and design). Companies interview applicants, and make
The typical working period is 2-4 months final decisions on hiring.
during the summer.
3. Murjottelu on Aalto-yliopiston poikkitieteellinen kes辰duuni-kampanja,
jonka organisoi Aalto-yliopiston ura- ja rerekrytointipalvelut.
Murjottelu-kampanja auttaa yrityst辰 parhai- tuotanto- tai tuotekehitysteht辰viss辰.
den kes辰ty旦ntekij旦iden rekrytoinnissa ja Kes辰ty旦projektin pituus on tyypillisesti 2-4
opiskelijoita haastavan oman alan kes辰ty旦- kuukautta. Yritys tekee lopullisen harjoitte-
paikan hankkimisessa. lijoiden haastattelun ja valinnan ja palkka
Kes辰ty旦t tehd辰辰n kahden tai useamman eri neuvotellaan yrityksen ja harjoittelijoiden
alan opiskelijan (liiketoiminta, tekniikka ja kesken.
muotoilu) muodostamassa ty旦ryhm辰ss辰. Murjottelun kautta yritykset voivat tarjota
Ty旦ryhm辰 voi ty旦skennell辰 yrityksess辰 mm. my旦s poikkitieteellist辰 lopputy旦paikkaa.
4. Miten yrityksesi hy旦tyy? How does your company benefit?
Murjottelu yhdist辰辰 Aalto-yliopiston korkea- Murjottelu combines the knowledge and
koulujen opiskelijoiden osaamisen ja tarjoaa expertise of Aalto University students,
siten tuoreita ideoita ja uusia ty旦tapoja. offering companies fresh ideas and new work-
Murjottelun kautta v辰lit辰mme Murjotteluun ing methods.
hakeneiden opiskelijoiden joukosta yrityksen From the pool of talented students who have
tarpeisiin parhaiten sopivat ehdokkaat - applied to the Murjottelu campaign we help
rekrytointi tapahtuu tehokkaasti ja edullisesti. your company to find the most suitable candi-
Murjottelu tuo yritykselle kohdennettua n辰ky- dates. Murjottelu brings your company better
vyytt辰 opiskelijoiden parissa. visibility among students.
Miten opiskelijat hy旦tyv辰t? How does Murjottelu benefit the students?
Murjottelu-kampanja on j辰rjestetty vuodesta Murjottelu campaign has been organized since
2004 ja sen kautta on ty旦llistynyt kes辰t旦i- 2004 and more than 200 students have been
hin yli 200 opiskelijaa. Murjottelu-paikassa offered an internship through the campaign.
opiskelija p辰辰see soveltamaan opiskele- Students get to apply theory into practice
miaan asioita k辰yt辰nn旦ss辰 monialaisessa and gain valuable job exprience. Working
ty旦yhteis旦ss辰. Haasteelliset ty旦teht辰v辰t tar- with challenging task in interdisciplinary
joavat arvokasta oman alan ty旦kokemusta ja teams helps them to clarify their professional
kirkastavat omaa ammattikuvaa. identity.
5. Miten osallistua? How to participate?
Murjottelun yritysrekrytointi on k辰ynnis- Deadline for companies applying for
s辰 tammi- ja helmikuun ajan Murjottelu is at the end of February
Kun yritys ilmoittautuu mukaan Murjot- Descriptions of offered internships are
teluun, yrityksen toimittama harjoitte- added to Murjottelu webpage during
lupaikkakuvaus laitetaan Murjottelun January and February
internetsivuille Application period for students is open
Opiskelijahaku on auki helmikuun ajan during February
6. Case Fujitsu, 2010, k辰mmentunnistuspalvelu
Projektissa teht辰v辰n辰 oli tuotteistaa k辰mmentunnistuspalvelu
asiakkaille myyt辰v辰ksi kokonaisuudeksi. Projektiin kuului my旦s
palvelukuvauksen ja markkinointimateriaalin laatiminen.
K辰ytt旦kokemus oli t辰rke辰 osa suunnittelua.
* Bioelektroniikka, AST
* Teollinen muotoilu, ASD
Case Ensto, 2010, Fuse base
The aim of the project was to replace an old product, a fuse base
for a street lamp, with a completely new solution.
Assigment emphasized safety, better usability and functionality,
durability and low manufacturing costs .
* Industrial Management, AST
* Industrial Design, ASD
More cases at
Contact Promoting Design Thinking
Aalto University
Aalto Career Services
Betonimiehenkuja 5, 02150 Espoo