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Music Video Pitch
 Christina Perri- Human
 Indie Pop
 Studio based shots
 Black and White themed background
 Cutaways of different facial features/ body parts: eyes, lips, hair,
back of head, hands, feet walking.
 Shadowed side profile lip syncing
 Low key lighting (darker/ shadowy shots) at the start and builds
to much brighter high key lighting used.
 Outdoors scenery:
 abstract cutaway shots
 Illustrating things that make us all human
 Nature, Scenes, Activities, Events, Family/Friends
 May use shots of lots of different people holding paper with
different words they associate with being human.
 Bright, light, natural shots
 Plain White/Black Background (Studio)
 Bournemouth/Brighton Beach & Pier
 Hyde Park
 Streets- day & night
 Lavender Fields
 Photos/ Collages/ Scrapbook in bedroom
Costume, Hair & Makeup ideas
 Start: White dress with simple makeup
 End: Black dress with stronger makeup
 Hair down and natural throughout
 Outfits dependent on location and weather
 Beach: bikini
 Bedroom: casual, comfortable jeans and plain top
 Park: sunshine- shorts and detailed floaty top
 Street: rain- Wellington boots and raincoat
 Natural hair and makeup
Editing style & techniques
 slower paced editing, longer takes, building,
 Low key lighting (darker/ shadowy shots)
 Montage of close up shots: facial features
 Faster paced editing as music tempo builds
 High key lighting (brighter/light shots)
 Flame, sparkler at the end
 Natural lighting
 Montage of different locations
 Eye-line match
 Overlaying different shot types
 (one of artist overlaying a location shot)
Initial Basic Idea
 Opening shot establishes the artist in a studio
 The music video is a montage of shots that highlight
what it is to be human. It will be involve a variety of
abstract shots.
 Closing shot focuses on the artist in a studio
environment after a reflection of all the good things
there are in being human.

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Music Video Pitch

  • 2. Song Christina Perri- Human Indie Pop
  • 3. Themes Studio based shots Black and White themed background Cutaways of different facial features/ body parts: eyes, lips, hair, back of head, hands, feet walking. Shadowed side profile lip syncing Low key lighting (darker/ shadowy shots) at the start and builds to much brighter high key lighting used. Outdoors scenery: abstract cutaway shots Illustrating things that make us all human Nature, Scenes, Activities, Events, Family/Friends May use shots of lots of different people holding paper with different words they associate with being human. Bright, light, natural shots
  • 4. Location STUDIO BASED: Plain White/Black Background (Studio) OUTDOORS: Bournemouth/Brighton Beach & Pier Hyde Park Streets- day & night Lavender Fields Windows/Mirrors Photos/ Collages/ Scrapbook in bedroom
  • 5. Costume, Hair & Makeup ideas STUDIO SHOTS Start: White dress with simple makeup End: Black dress with stronger makeup Hair down and natural throughout OUTDOORS Outfits dependent on location and weather Beach: bikini Bedroom: casual, comfortable jeans and plain top Park: sunshine- shorts and detailed floaty top Street: rain- Wellington boots and raincoat Natural hair and makeup
  • 6. Editing style & techniques STUDIO: Start: slower paced editing, longer takes, building, Low key lighting (darker/ shadowy shots) Montage of close up shots: facial features End: Faster paced editing as music tempo builds High key lighting (brighter/light shots) Flame, sparkler at the end OUTDOOR SHOTS: Natural lighting Montage of different locations Eye-line match Overlaying different shot types (one of artist overlaying a location shot)
  • 7. Initial Basic Idea Opening shot establishes the artist in a studio environment. The music video is a montage of shots that highlight what it is to be human. It will be involve a variety of abstract shots. Closing shot focuses on the artist in a studio environment after a reflection of all the good things there are in being human.