This two-page blog post discusses open source software and its advantages over proprietary software. It notes that OSS provides users freedom and control over the software since its code is openly shared. Developers can study and improve OSS, creating innovative new programs and applications. Overall, open source is presented as a collaborative model that drives further progress.
Open source software has grown significantly in the past decade and now powers much of the technology used daily. While free for anyone to use and modify, open source software relies on volunteer developers to maintain code and fix issues. For companies, open source can provide cost savings over proprietary options and access to a global community of developers working on shared problems.
The document discusses technologies used to create an opening film sequence for a project called "Omitted". It describes:
1) Using different cameras - originally a Sony camera was used but quality wasn't good, so a Canon DSLR was used which had smoother zoom.
2) Editing the footage using Final Cut Express - clips were cut and transitions like dissolves were added to make the clips flow together. Sound was edited to enhance the sequence. Credits and titles were also added.
3) Other technologies used include a blogging site to document the process, YouTube to upload the finished video, and Prezi for online presentations. The document discusses learning gained from using these technologies.
The document discusses technologies used to create an opening film sequence for a project called "Omitted". It describes:
1) Using different cameras - originally a Sony camera was used but quality wasn't good, so a Canon DSLR was used which had smoother zoom.
2) Editing the footage using Final Cut Express - clips were cut and transitions like dissolves were added to make the clips flow together. Sound was edited to enhance the sequence. Credits and titles were also added.
3) Other software used - a blog on Blogspot was created to document the process. YouTube was used to upload the final video. Prezi, Scribd, and 狠狠撸share were used to
The narrative music video for Ed Sheeran's song "The A Team" tells the story of a young female actress struggling with addiction to a Class A drug. The video uses long shots and close-ups to emphasize the story's settings and convey the character's feelings. It draws inspiration from Sheeran's experience performing at a homeless shelter. Unlike performance videos, the close-ups in this narrative video reinforce the storytelling element and help the audience understand the character's perspective at different points rather than simply highlighting lip-syncing.
The music video pitch proposes shooting Christina Perri's song "Human" with themes of exploring what it means to be human. It would include black and white studio shots of facial features and body parts, as well as outdoor shots at beaches, parks and streets to illustrate nature, scenes, activities and family. The video would start with slower, darker studio shots and finish with faster, brighter shots, using editing techniques like montages and overlays to connect the artist to different locations.
The music video for "FourFiveSeconds" by Rihanna, Kanye West and Paul McCartney uses various camera shots to focus attention on the performing artists. Mid-shots in a plain studio draw viewers to the starring artist's lip syncing and outfit. Long-shots showcase the collaboration between all three musicians. Close-ups while lip syncing sell the song by emphasizing the artists and making audiences feel connected to them.
This document analyzes Taylor Swift's 2009 music video for "Love Story" using Todorov's narrative theory of equilibrium, disruption, and new equilibrium. The video begins with the couple meeting and dancing at a ball, representing the initial equilibrium. This is disrupted when they are forced to separate. The battle for resolution shows the male character running to be reunited with the female, restoring the equilibrium and happy ending with the two back together.
Three young girls - Molly Taylor aged 10, Francesca Hartell aged 11, and Rosie Smith aged 12 - have gone missing from Nonsuch Park in London on three separate occasions in October 2014, 2013, and 2012 respectively. The notices provide physical descriptions and request that anyone with information contact the London Metropolitan Police by calling 101.
The document discusses conventions in music videos that the author analyzed in multiple real music videos in order to make their own music video as realistic as possible. It examines common techniques seen in music videos related to camera shots, mis-en-scene, editing, and how these elements are used to appeal to target audiences and are typical of the genre. Specific techniques and examples mentioned include the artist breaking the fourth wall and making eye contact with the camera, varying locations and lighting dependent on the style of music, and editing pace matching the tempo of the song.
The document discusses semantic and syntactic approaches to horror films. Semantically, horror films typically feature isolated locations, limited characters, and props that heighten fear. They also often use low lighting at night or indoors. Syntactically, horror film narratives usually focus on one or few survivors trying to escape a threatening person or creature, inducing anxiety and fear that climaxes near the end and leaves the audience in suspense.
The Blumler & Katz theory proposes that audiences are active in their media choices and seek to fulfill certain needs and gratifications from media. The theory suggests people choose media to fulfill needs like personal identity, social interaction, and entertainment. This film would fit with the theory because its target indie rom-com audience could relate to the characters and themes around relationships and breakups. The film also provides opportunities for social interaction around its promotion and merchandise, as well as seeking to entertain viewers.
Students are required to complete a practical production portfolio for their A2 OCR Media Studies course. This involves creating three media products covering two or more platforms to fulfill a set brief. They must produce a main product and two supporting products, ensuring consistency of style across all three. During production, students should incorporate research findings about their target audience and demonstrate technical skill and creativity within the constraints of their chosen brief.
The document provides information and advice for a Media Studies exam, including:
- The exam is worth 25% of the final grade and has two sections - theoretical evaluation of productions and contemporary media issues.
- Section A asks students to describe and evaluate the development of their skills over their AS and A2 production work, focusing on areas like digital technology, creativity, research and planning, and post-production.
- Advice is given on what to discuss for each skill area, with examples of how skills have progressed. Higher grades require evaluating the impact and importance of skill development rather than just describing it.
Stuart Hall was a cultural theorist who developed a model for how audiences interpret mass media texts. The model suggests there are three ways of reading: the dominant reading where the audience fully accepts the intended message, the negotiated reading where the audience partly accepts it but modifies it based on their own views, and the oppositional reading where the audience rejects the intended message based on how it conflicts with their own social position. Hall was interested in how the media propagates ideologies and frames public debates by positioning audiences, and the concept that texts can have multiple meanings open to different interpretations.
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1. 身份认证:留信认证可以证明你的留学经历是真实的,且你获得的学历或学位是正规且经过认证的。这对于一些用人单位来说,尤其是对留学经历有高度要求的公司(如跨国公司或国内高端公司),这是非常重要的一个凭证。
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1. 身份认证:留信认证可以证明你的留学经历是真实的,且你获得的学历或学位是正规且经过认证的。这对于一些用人单位来说,尤其是对留学经历有高度要求的公司(如跨国公司或国内高端公司),这是非常重要的一个凭证。
The narrative music video for Ed Sheeran's song "The A Team" tells the story of a young female actress struggling with addiction to a Class A drug. The video uses long shots and close-ups to emphasize the story's settings and convey the character's feelings. It draws inspiration from Sheeran's experience performing at a homeless shelter. Unlike performance videos, the close-ups in this narrative video reinforce the storytelling element and help the audience understand the character's perspective at different points rather than simply highlighting lip-syncing.
The music video pitch proposes shooting Christina Perri's song "Human" with themes of exploring what it means to be human. It would include black and white studio shots of facial features and body parts, as well as outdoor shots at beaches, parks and streets to illustrate nature, scenes, activities and family. The video would start with slower, darker studio shots and finish with faster, brighter shots, using editing techniques like montages and overlays to connect the artist to different locations.
The music video for "FourFiveSeconds" by Rihanna, Kanye West and Paul McCartney uses various camera shots to focus attention on the performing artists. Mid-shots in a plain studio draw viewers to the starring artist's lip syncing and outfit. Long-shots showcase the collaboration between all three musicians. Close-ups while lip syncing sell the song by emphasizing the artists and making audiences feel connected to them.
This document analyzes Taylor Swift's 2009 music video for "Love Story" using Todorov's narrative theory of equilibrium, disruption, and new equilibrium. The video begins with the couple meeting and dancing at a ball, representing the initial equilibrium. This is disrupted when they are forced to separate. The battle for resolution shows the male character running to be reunited with the female, restoring the equilibrium and happy ending with the two back together.
Three young girls - Molly Taylor aged 10, Francesca Hartell aged 11, and Rosie Smith aged 12 - have gone missing from Nonsuch Park in London on three separate occasions in October 2014, 2013, and 2012 respectively. The notices provide physical descriptions and request that anyone with information contact the London Metropolitan Police by calling 101.
The document discusses conventions in music videos that the author analyzed in multiple real music videos in order to make their own music video as realistic as possible. It examines common techniques seen in music videos related to camera shots, mis-en-scene, editing, and how these elements are used to appeal to target audiences and are typical of the genre. Specific techniques and examples mentioned include the artist breaking the fourth wall and making eye contact with the camera, varying locations and lighting dependent on the style of music, and editing pace matching the tempo of the song.
The document discusses semantic and syntactic approaches to horror films. Semantically, horror films typically feature isolated locations, limited characters, and props that heighten fear. They also often use low lighting at night or indoors. Syntactically, horror film narratives usually focus on one or few survivors trying to escape a threatening person or creature, inducing anxiety and fear that climaxes near the end and leaves the audience in suspense.
The Blumler & Katz theory proposes that audiences are active in their media choices and seek to fulfill certain needs and gratifications from media. The theory suggests people choose media to fulfill needs like personal identity, social interaction, and entertainment. This film would fit with the theory because its target indie rom-com audience could relate to the characters and themes around relationships and breakups. The film also provides opportunities for social interaction around its promotion and merchandise, as well as seeking to entertain viewers.
Students are required to complete a practical production portfolio for their A2 OCR Media Studies course. This involves creating three media products covering two or more platforms to fulfill a set brief. They must produce a main product and two supporting products, ensuring consistency of style across all three. During production, students should incorporate research findings about their target audience and demonstrate technical skill and creativity within the constraints of their chosen brief.
The document provides information and advice for a Media Studies exam, including:
- The exam is worth 25% of the final grade and has two sections - theoretical evaluation of productions and contemporary media issues.
- Section A asks students to describe and evaluate the development of their skills over their AS and A2 production work, focusing on areas like digital technology, creativity, research and planning, and post-production.
- Advice is given on what to discuss for each skill area, with examples of how skills have progressed. Higher grades require evaluating the impact and importance of skill development rather than just describing it.
Stuart Hall was a cultural theorist who developed a model for how audiences interpret mass media texts. The model suggests there are three ways of reading: the dominant reading where the audience fully accepts the intended message, the negotiated reading where the audience partly accepts it but modifies it based on their own views, and the oppositional reading where the audience rejects the intended message based on how it conflicts with their own social position. Hall was interested in how the media propagates ideologies and frames public debates by positioning audiences, and the concept that texts can have multiple meanings open to different interpretations.
2025年在线购买加拿大文凭百年理工学院成绩单?【q薇1954292140】复刻成绩单加拿大百年理工学院毕业证(CC毕业证书)文凭在线制作 百年理工学院毕业证办理,办留学学历认证加拿大百年理工学院文凭办理,加拿大百年理工学院成绩单办理和真实留信认证、留服认证、百年理工学院学历认证。学院文凭定制,百年理工学院原版文凭补办,扫描件文凭定做,100%文凭复刻。【q薇1954292140】Buy Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Diploma购买美国毕业证,购买英国毕业证,购买澳洲毕业证,购买加拿大毕业证,以及德国毕业证,购买法国毕业证(q薇1954292140)购买荷兰毕业证、购买瑞士毕业证、购买日本毕业证、购买韩国毕业证、购买新西兰毕业证、购买新加坡毕业证、购买西班牙毕业证、购买马来西亚毕业证等。包括了本科毕业证,硕士毕业证。
1、在校期间因各种原因未能顺利毕业《CC成绩单工艺详解》【Q/WeChat:1954292140】《Buy Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology Transcript快速办理百年理工学院教育部学历认证书毕业文凭证书》,拿不到官方毕业证;
加拿大文凭购买,加拿大文凭定制,加拿大文凭补办。专业在线定制加拿大大学文凭,定做加拿大本科文凭,【q薇1954292140】复制加拿大Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology completion letter。在线快速补办加拿大本科毕业证、硕士文凭证书,购买加拿大学位证、百年理工学院Offer,加拿大大学文凭在线购买。高仿真还原加拿大文凭证书和外壳,定制加拿大百年理工学院成绩单和信封。毕业证样本CC毕业证【q薇1954292140】办理加拿大百年理工学院毕业证(CC毕业证书)【q薇1954292140】毕业证办理需要多久拿到?百年理工学院offer/学位证办理学历认证书扫码可查、留信官方学历认证(永久存档真实可查)采用学校原版纸张、特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作。帮你解决百年理工学院学历学位认证难题。
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This project provides a cracked version of IDM, enabling users to use the premium features without purchasing a license. This project is for educational purposes only. Using cracked software is illegal and unethical. We strongly recommend purchasing a legitimate license from the official IDM website to support the developers and respect copyright laws.
HITRUST Overview and AI Assessments Webinar.pptxAmyPoblete3
This webinar provides an overview of HITRUST, a widely recognized cybersecurity framework, and its application in AI assessments for risk management and compliance. It explores different HITRUST assessment options, including AI-specific frameworks, and highlights how organizations can streamline certification processes to enhance security and regulatory adherence.
Mastering FortiWeb: An Extensive Admin Guide for Secure DeploymentsAtakan ATAK
The document was created with reference to the official FortiWeb Admin Guide published by Fortinet. To maintain subject integrity and leverage the manufacturer's expertise, the section headings were closely followed, and the content was developed accordingly.
You can access short videos demonstrating the technical configurations covered in this document on the YouTube page below:
AstuteAP: AI-Powered Supplier Invoice Automation for Seamless Accounts Payabl...AstuteBusiness
AstuteAP is an AI-powered tool that automates supplier invoice processing, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings by streamlining accounts payable workflows with intelligent automation and seamless integration.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm with Recurrent Neural Networks for Atta...IJCNCJournal
The increasing use of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices has brought about new security vulnerabilities, emphasizing the need to create strong and effective security solutions. This research proposes a two-layered approach to enhance security in IIoT networks by combining lightweight encryption and RNN-based attack detection. The first layer utilizes Improved Elliptic Curve Cryptography (IECC), a novel encryption scheme tailored for IIoT devices with limited computational resources. IECC employs a Modified Windowed Method (MWM) to optimize key generation, reducing computational overhead and enabling efficient secure data transmission between IIoT sensors and gateways. The second layer employs a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) for real-time attack detection. The RNN model is trained on a comprehensive dataset of IIoT network traffic, including instances of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), Man-in-the-Middle (MitM), ransomware attacks, and normal communications. The RNN effectively extracts contextual features from IIoT nodes and accurately predicts and classifies potential attacks. The effectiveness of the proposed two-layered approach is evaluated using three phases. The first phase compares the computational efficiency of IECC to established cryptographic algorithms including RSA, AES, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, SHA-256 and ECDSA. IECC outperforms all competitors in key eneration speed, encryption and decryption time, throughput, memory usage, information loss, and overall processing time. The second phase evaluates the prediction accuracy of the RNN model compared to other AI-based models DNNs, DBNs, RBFNs, and LSTM networks. The proposed RNN achieves the highest overall accuracy of 96.4%, specificity of 96.5%, precision of 95.2%, and recall of 96.8%, and the lowest false positive of 3.2% and false negative rates of 3.1%.