覲 覲願 ROA貉ろ 覿れ郁規 Ideagraphic LAB 螳覦 business model game 豌螻 , business model framework 覓伎 襴一 覿 覲願. '-' 朱 Fit讌 Test 蟆 ろ語蟆 譴伎螻 給. business model game value fit test襯 牛 譬 觜襯願 蟆 /觜れ 蟆讀/螳襯 襦 supportる 螳 轟 譴 .
VARUP Inc. is innovated products and service developing companySEUNGBOK PARK
VARUP Inc. is innovated products and service developing company, with the whole process of self-developing, idea product/service developing and consulting.
VARUP Inc. is the 2009~2014 trust company of government aid business which runs various programs and IPDC in order to provide the best quality. It develops its own idea products and offers optimum ideas & service that customers want on the basis of consulting, planning & design, hardware design, instrument design, stabilizing the production management biesiness.
This document provides information about the Business Model Starter Kit workbook for tech entrepreneurs. It was created by Budher Song and others, revising existing business model canvases from Business Model Generation and Lean Canvas under Creative Commons licensing. The workbook aims to educate entrepreneurs on systematic problem solving using 9 canvas blocks based on lean startup methodology. It covers stages from problem identification to product/market fit to scaling. The document lists contributors and provides background on why the workbook was created to diffuse lean startup practices.
This document provides background information and motivation for a study on growth venturing for sustainability from a Finnish macro perspective. It discusses two fields in sustainability research - sustainability-driven entrepreneurship and transition management - that call on each other but lack connection between entrepreneurship and large-scale socioeconomic transformation. The study aims to address this by analyzing how macro actors can help or hinder growth venturing in stimulating sustainable development and qualitative economic change. It presents Finland as a case study due to its position as a global innovation hotspot and sustainability leader. Data will be collected through interviews with stakeholders to understand their perceptions of the role of entrepreneurship in sustainable development from a macro level view.
1. The document discusses Kook Hyun Moon's leadership as CEO of YK Corporation from 1995 to 2007 and his implementation of a "New Paradigm" approach.
2. This new approach focused on employing the whole person, work-life balance, lifelong learning, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility to transform YK from a struggling company to the most respected in Korea.
3. It achieved this through innovative human resources practices, constant innovation, trust-building, and an emphasis on economic, social and environmental triple bottom lines.
3. P r o d u c t K i c k s t a r t T o o l k i t
Copyright 2016, Startup Builder EinVentures LTD. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Budher Song.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Step 2
(MVP) 螳覦 覦 ろ螻
(MVP) 螳覦 貉
螳覦 觜 1/100 1/10000 觜螻 螳 伎 轟煙 覦覯 覓伎瑚?
(MVP) 企至 襷 蟆瑚?
旧(豕) 蠍磯/轟 MVP
4. P r o d u c t K i c k s t a r t T o o l k i t
Copyright 2016, Startup Builder EinVentures LTD. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Budher Song.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Step 2
(MVP) 螳覦 覦 ろ螻
(MVP) 覈螻 覈
MVP 牛 覓伎 螻 苦螳?
蟆讀螻 旧螳(1) :
蟆讀螻 旧螳(2) :
蟆讀螻 旧螳(3) :
蠍壱 螳る :
5. P r o d u c t K i c k s t a r t T o o l k i t
Copyright 2016, Startup Builder EinVentures LTD. All Rights Reserved. Designed by Budher Song.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Step 2
(MVP) 螳覦 覦 ろ螻
(MVP) ろ 螻
危 蟆讀螻 旧螳り骸 讌襯 誤蠍 伎 (MVP)襯 語 企 企至 ろ 蟆瑚? (5H 蠍磯, 6 豺 )
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