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Tony okello onying_resume
Tel: (256) 784582500/701187008 tony.okello23@gmail.com

Over 5 years of training, management, marketing
and sales experience from Standard Chartered, ,
Vivo Energy
Uganda, Nice house of Plastics, AIESEC ,
International Development Students Society
and Local government (Kakira Town
Council and
Mukono central division)
Diverse experience in business networking,
Human resource training, risk and crisis
management, sales and marketing from and with
different companies and platforms.
Exceptional skills in managing and driving startup
enterprises (businesses and companies) and
consultation services in related fields including

Outstanding presentation and
communication, leadership and management
skills in business and human resource.
Several years experiences in public
speaking/lectures and service impact creation
in the hearts of the learners and clients leading
to high brand visibility and maximized sales.
Hardworking, passionate, flexible and pressure
bearing with undoubtable ability to meet
deadlines and meet or exceed set business
targets in highly effective and efficient manner.
Strongly interested in learning from different
Environments to bring about new changes
to different organizations I work for
irrespective of the position.
Uganda Christian University 2011  2013
Bachelor of Development Studies Mukono, Uganda
Namirembe Hillside High School 2007 2008
Uganda Advanced Level Certificate of Education (U.A.C.E) Kampala, Uganda
A levels completed in History, Economics, Literature and Divinity
Standard Chartered Bank UgandaLimited- Implementation (Service and
Solutions Delivery; Straight2Bank) 1st
October 2015 to
 As an implementation Manager, I am responsible for ensuring that all the different segments of standard
charterers widely spread clients (corporate, commercial, business clients) are smoothly managing their
electronic payment processing on day to day basis. This include providing detailed understanding of the
Straight2bank to every customer.
 I manage processing of documents for newly on boarded clients, amendments and deletions of company
signatories/users on company account on straight2bank. This involvecritical risk assessment, verifications
and critical checks prior to dispatch for processing
 I managed running of new product test, assessments and implementation (new integrations; Tax, mobile
wallet, virtualaccounts)bycontinuouslybeinga primary contactpointfor relationshipmanagers andclients
at all times.
 I on-boarded several clients who were initially doing manual payment processing by sharing the purpose
of the new product.
 I increased the URA collections and utilities for the bank by providing continuous training and
refresher/coaching support to all our clients from the bank and their respective premises.
 I conducted multiple live/PowerPoint/flipchart presentation to all different clients from different
races/Chinese, Indians, Africans, NGOs and government institutions and ensuring that I remained
accessible at all times as we monitored utilization.
 Giving trainingsand support to the customerservicegroup on technicalmatterstohelp them manage most
of the customer issues as we remained interacting with the system and more technical matters.
 Giving support to relationship managers and the entire bank on online platform and systems management.
This include running enhancements with the control center (Chennai, India).
 Taking minutes on business meetings and making weekly reports and presentations to the team and the
various departments depending on the nature of report and recipient.
 Performing all related obligations as called upon by my line manager
International Development Students Society Uganda Limited  Human Resource Director Volunteer
2014 to
September 2015
IDSS was founded in 2011 with support from Uganda Christian Universitys faculty of social sciences and
University of Leiden in the Netherlands. Established as not-for-profit based entity, IDSS as popularly known
stands with the vision of developing Africa with the backbone of students through trainings, empowerment
programs, entrepreneurship, internship and human resource outsourcing. It offers consultation services in
business, finances, customer service to existing and starting businesses. This is an organization where I always
where I have always demonstrated my talents off salary jobs on a volunteer basis from 2014 in different positions.
I started as a PRO but following my experience with the other organizations, I went on managing different tasks
with evaluation from other key company directors on request.
 As the Human Resource Head, I am responsible for the daily planning, trainings and general operation of
the business but with focus on human resource development and business networking.
 I have opened a large platform that has seen a number of recent graduates trained and outsourced basing
on our apprenticeship programs.
 I have developed a number of training, business and human resource models that has seen us offer classic
support to different clients including startups and growing enterprises. I manage every person on board
and offer appraisals and evaluations while seeking personal evaluation from expert enterprises like
 I oversee the weekly and monthly business reviews for the organization and the different departments in
line with existing expectations.
 Developed a planning and budgeting framework for IDSS and the financial year plans.
Nice House of Plastics Sales Representative East and Northern Uganda March-May 2015
 As a sales representative, I was in charge of managing the accounts and orders of all the distributers. I
trained the distributers and discussed with them their targets while playing a leading role to ensure they
met and exceeded their targets.
 I widened the client site for the different distributers as a means of increasing their sales. This incorporated
discussing playing a key role in product sales and value proposition to the prospects.
 I carried out a competitor survey to understand their strategy in order to increase the sales, this also
includedidentifyingfactors thatwould help widen customer accessof my distributer products. I developed
a partnership plan and found waysof maximizing customer relationship and distributionpatterns for every
 I established business partnerships with a number of companies; Kakira Sugar Limited, BIDCO Uganda
limited, a number private and government schools on behalf of the distributers.
Vivo Energy Uganda - Training Manager/Retail September 2014-March 2015
Vivo Energy is the Shell licensee in 16 countries in Africa. We are proud to offer our customersthe very best of Shellshigh quality
products and services  including supply reliability, technical expertise and unmatched customer service  in the countries where we
 As retail training manager, I was in charge of drawing and managing the training plan for distributors,
quality marshals and territory managers for all the regions in Uganda.
 I was in charge of launchingand training on the Shellcard (New Point of Sale/POS)machine. Thetraining
was for all the platinum customers and 115 service stations (by then) in Uganda.
 I conducted site audits and awarding of top sites in terms of performance, customer service and health,
safety, security and Environment ((HSSE) as well as Potential incident reporting every quarter.
 I also managed first aid and firefighting training for all the regions in Uganda as per the approved training
plan.  Prepared and presented on monthly business reviews and meetings
 Conducted appraisal and evaluation of all the sites and territory managers.
AIESEC Uganda- August 2013-July 2014
AIESEC is an international non-governmental not-for-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development
and cross-cultural global internship and volunteer exchange experiences acrossthe globe, with a focus to empower young people so they
can make a positive impact on society. The AIESEC network includes over 100,000 members in 126 countries and territories. It
is the largest youth-run organization in the world
Organizing committee president National career fair and planning conference
 Conducted recruitment and training of the organizing committee team from the 7 universities in Uganda
incorporating tier understanding with the guiding values of AIESEC.
 Developed a marketing plan and created business proposals for over 50 companies in Uganda
 Successfully organized the career fair with over 25 companies attending and presenting
 Some of the companies include; PWC, Coca-Cola, FinAfrica, NIC, Standard chartered bank, Centenary
bank, Angels hub and many more.
 Championed the opening of IDSS and structuring from the skills gained from AIESEC
 Established report presentation systems and submissions and ensured team growth strategy by creating a
synergy between them and professionals who often attending my team meetings. Ernest and Young HR
manager often visited and evaluated the trainings.
 Conducted team performance reviews and this motivated and maintained the team where all of them got
jobs immediately after graduation.
.Kakira Town Council  Assistant Community Development Officer September 2012-February 2013
Kakira is located in Jinja District, approximately 14 kilometers (9 mi) east of downtown Jinja on the highway to
 Starting as an Intern and following a competent demonstration of ability to work, I was offered the full
role as a CDO for half a year as the CDO took a study leave.
 Managed planning and training of community women and youth groups in 41 villages.
 Plannedand managed distribution, monitoring and evaluationofallongoing programs ensuring every team
provided accountability.
 Coordinated and supported all the NAADS activities in the area and assessed the reports submitted by the
village team leaders.
 Representedthe town clerk and CDO on variousnationaland localengagementsand maintainedthe teams
to the status that was easy to push on by my boss.
Computer Skills: Excellent MS Office programs (word, excel, PowerPoint, publisher and
Communication: Writing and public speaking/presentations.
Sales & marketing: Planning, budgeting, advertising, training and networking
Research and internet: Use of social media, internet and website management
Management skills: business organizing, resource mobilization, implementation and control
 Research and reasoning
 Social media interaction
 Watching movies
Kinuma Raymond
Head Implementation and
client management
Standard Chartered Bank
Uganda Limited
P O Box 7111, Kampala
Tel: +256 776860239
Mr. Bid Keval
Head, Transaction Banking
Standard Chartered Bank
Uganda Limited
P O Box 7111, Kampala
Tel: +256706760770

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My resume July@2016

  • 1. Tony okello onying_resume P.O BOX 34679 MUKONO, UGANDA Tel: (256) 784582500/701187008 tony.okello23@gmail.com PERSONAL PROFILE Over 5 years of training, management, marketing and sales experience from Standard Chartered, , Vivo Energy Uganda, Nice house of Plastics, AIESEC , International Development Students Society and Local government (Kakira Town Council and Mukono central division) Diverse experience in business networking, Human resource training, risk and crisis management, sales and marketing from and with different companies and platforms. Exceptional skills in managing and driving startup enterprises (businesses and companies) and consultation services in related fields including research. Outstanding presentation and communication, leadership and management skills in business and human resource. Several years experiences in public speaking/lectures and service impact creation in the hearts of the learners and clients leading to high brand visibility and maximized sales. Hardworking, passionate, flexible and pressure bearing with undoubtable ability to meet deadlines and meet or exceed set business targets in highly effective and efficient manner. Strongly interested in learning from different Environments to bring about new changes to different organizations I work for irrespective of the position. EDUCATION Uganda Christian University 2011 2013 Bachelor of Development Studies Mukono, Uganda Namirembe Hillside High School 2007 2008 Uganda Advanced Level Certificate of Education (U.A.C.E) Kampala, Uganda A levels completed in History, Economics, Literature and Divinity WORK EXPERIENCE Standard Chartered Bank UgandaLimited- Implementation (Service and Solutions Delivery; Straight2Bank) 1st October 2015 to date As an implementation Manager, I am responsible for ensuring that all the different segments of standard charterers widely spread clients (corporate, commercial, business clients) are smoothly managing their electronic payment processing on day to day basis. This include providing detailed understanding of the Straight2bank to every customer. I manage processing of documents for newly on boarded clients, amendments and deletions of company signatories/users on company account on straight2bank. This involvecritical risk assessment, verifications and critical checks prior to dispatch for processing I managed running of new product test, assessments and implementation (new integrations; Tax, mobile wallet, virtualaccounts)bycontinuouslybeinga primary contactpointfor relationshipmanagers andclients at all times. I on-boarded several clients who were initially doing manual payment processing by sharing the purpose of the new product. I increased the URA collections and utilities for the bank by providing continuous training and refresher/coaching support to all our clients from the bank and their respective premises.
  • 2. I conducted multiple live/PowerPoint/flipchart presentation to all different clients from different races/Chinese, Indians, Africans, NGOs and government institutions and ensuring that I remained accessible at all times as we monitored utilization. Giving trainingsand support to the customerservicegroup on technicalmatterstohelp them manage most of the customer issues as we remained interacting with the system and more technical matters. Giving support to relationship managers and the entire bank on online platform and systems management. This include running enhancements with the control center (Chennai, India). Taking minutes on business meetings and making weekly reports and presentations to the team and the various departments depending on the nature of report and recipient. Performing all related obligations as called upon by my line manager International Development Students Society Uganda Limited Human Resource Director Volunteer 2014 to September 2015 IDSS was founded in 2011 with support from Uganda Christian Universitys faculty of social sciences and University of Leiden in the Netherlands. Established as not-for-profit based entity, IDSS as popularly known stands with the vision of developing Africa with the backbone of students through trainings, empowerment programs, entrepreneurship, internship and human resource outsourcing. It offers consultation services in business, finances, customer service to existing and starting businesses. This is an organization where I always where I have always demonstrated my talents off salary jobs on a volunteer basis from 2014 in different positions. I started as a PRO but following my experience with the other organizations, I went on managing different tasks with evaluation from other key company directors on request. As the Human Resource Head, I am responsible for the daily planning, trainings and general operation of the business but with focus on human resource development and business networking. I have opened a large platform that has seen a number of recent graduates trained and outsourced basing on our apprenticeship programs. I have developed a number of training, business and human resource models that has seen us offer classic support to different clients including startups and growing enterprises. I manage every person on board and offer appraisals and evaluations while seeking personal evaluation from expert enterprises like FinAfrica. I oversee the weekly and monthly business reviews for the organization and the different departments in line with existing expectations. Developed a planning and budgeting framework for IDSS and the financial year plans. Nice House of Plastics Sales Representative East and Northern Uganda March-May 2015 As a sales representative, I was in charge of managing the accounts and orders of all the distributers. I trained the distributers and discussed with them their targets while playing a leading role to ensure they met and exceeded their targets. I widened the client site for the different distributers as a means of increasing their sales. This incorporated discussing playing a key role in product sales and value proposition to the prospects. I carried out a competitor survey to understand their strategy in order to increase the sales, this also includedidentifyingfactors thatwould help widen customer accessof my distributer products. I developed a partnership plan and found waysof maximizing customer relationship and distributionpatterns for every distributer. I established business partnerships with a number of companies; Kakira Sugar Limited, BIDCO Uganda limited, a number private and government schools on behalf of the distributers.
  • 3. Vivo Energy Uganda - Training Manager/Retail September 2014-March 2015 Vivo Energy is the Shell licensee in 16 countries in Africa. We are proud to offer our customersthe very best of Shellshigh quality products and services including supply reliability, technical expertise and unmatched customer service in the countries where we operate. As retail training manager, I was in charge of drawing and managing the training plan for distributors, quality marshals and territory managers for all the regions in Uganda. I was in charge of launchingand training on the Shellcard (New Point of Sale/POS)machine. Thetraining was for all the platinum customers and 115 service stations (by then) in Uganda. I conducted site audits and awarding of top sites in terms of performance, customer service and health, safety, security and Environment ((HSSE) as well as Potential incident reporting every quarter. I also managed first aid and firefighting training for all the regions in Uganda as per the approved training plan. Prepared and presented on monthly business reviews and meetings Conducted appraisal and evaluation of all the sites and territory managers. AIESEC Uganda- August 2013-July 2014 AIESEC is an international non-governmental not-for-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development and cross-cultural global internship and volunteer exchange experiences acrossthe globe, with a focus to empower young people so they can make a positive impact on society. The AIESEC network includes over 100,000 members in 126 countries and territories. It is the largest youth-run organization in the world Organizing committee president National career fair and planning conference Conducted recruitment and training of the organizing committee team from the 7 universities in Uganda incorporating tier understanding with the guiding values of AIESEC. Developed a marketing plan and created business proposals for over 50 companies in Uganda Successfully organized the career fair with over 25 companies attending and presenting Some of the companies include; PWC, Coca-Cola, FinAfrica, NIC, Standard chartered bank, Centenary bank, Angels hub and many more. Championed the opening of IDSS and structuring from the skills gained from AIESEC Established report presentation systems and submissions and ensured team growth strategy by creating a synergy between them and professionals who often attending my team meetings. Ernest and Young HR manager often visited and evaluated the trainings. Conducted team performance reviews and this motivated and maintained the team where all of them got jobs immediately after graduation. .Kakira Town Council Assistant Community Development Officer September 2012-February 2013 Kakira is located in Jinja District, approximately 14 kilometers (9 mi) east of downtown Jinja on the highway to Iganga Starting as an Intern and following a competent demonstration of ability to work, I was offered the full role as a CDO for half a year as the CDO took a study leave. Managed planning and training of community women and youth groups in 41 villages. Plannedand managed distribution, monitoring and evaluationofallongoing programs ensuring every team provided accountability.
  • 4. Coordinated and supported all the NAADS activities in the area and assessed the reports submitted by the village team leaders. Representedthe town clerk and CDO on variousnationaland localengagementsand maintainedthe teams to the status that was easy to push on by my boss. SKILLS Computer Skills: Excellent MS Office programs (word, excel, PowerPoint, publisher and others) Communication: Writing and public speaking/presentations. Sales & marketing: Planning, budgeting, advertising, training and networking Research and internet: Use of social media, internet and website management Management skills: business organizing, resource mobilization, implementation and control HOBBIES Research and reasoning Social media interaction Watching movies Writing REFEREES ON REQUEST Kinuma Raymond Head Implementation and client management Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Limited P O Box 7111, Kampala Tel: +256 776860239 Raymond.Kinuma@sc.com Mr. Bid Keval Head, Transaction Banking Uganda Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Limited P O Box 7111, Kampala Tel: +256706760770 Bid.Keval@sc.com