El documento es una oraci坦n de agradecimiento a Dios por todo lo ocurrido en el a単o que termina, incluyendo d鱈as buenos y malos, y una petici坦n para el a単o nuevo de fe, esperanza, caridad, paciencia y humildad para amar a Dios y a los dem叩s. Finaliza deseando un feliz a単o nuevo para todos con salud, trabajo y amor para construir un mundo mejor cada d鱈a.
My final for sociology, it examines the Limer (a fan of Casey Novak of SVU) culture, along with fanfic and femslash cultures. It includes a survey I wrote and posted online. It also looks at mental illness among this culture compared to national rates.
This document discusses different levels of submission to God and growing in obedience. It compares submission to God as being a work of art He creates, a beast that needs taming, a beloved son who is disciplined, and a passionate bride with a jealous husband. The key is growing in knowing obedience to God's plan and destiny for one's life through various levels of submission.
Caso de Marketing - CCU y la Industria PesqueraEduardo Reyes
La industria del pisco en Chile est叩 dominada por dos grandes empresas, Capel y C鱈a. Pisquera de Chile, que controlan el 95% del mercado. El pisco representa el 19% de las ventas de bebidas alcoh坦licas en Chile. Existen altas barreras de entrada a la industria debido a los requisitos de capital, conocimiento del mercado y acuerdos entre productores. El mercado tiene caracter鱈sticas de oligopolio con competencia limitada entre las empresas dominantes.
The document discusses an integrated vehicle system that aims to simplify data management and information sharing between auto manufacturers, dealers, and field offices through real-time reporting and web-based access. It also seeks to provide additional support to field offices, reduce the administrative burden of contract management, and maintain confidentiality of sensitive information through encryption and secure access.
El caso refleja c坦mo se gest坦 uno de los buscadores m叩s representativos de la web. El an叩lsis contempla adicionalmente el estado de situaci坦n con respecto a la competencia y la forma en que deber叩 afrontar sus futuros desaf鱈os.
Infrastruktur som grunnlag for innovativ e-l脱ringIngrid Melve
Nettverksuniversitetets konferanse http://www.hint.no/forskning/konferanser/nvu_konferansen_2011_innovativ_e_laering/program_for_nvu_konferansen_2011_innovativ_e_laering diskuterer eCampus som verkt淡y for innovativ e-l脱ring
This document discusses different levels of submission to God and growing in obedience. It compares submission to God as being a work of art He creates, a beast that needs taming, a beloved son who is disciplined, and a passionate bride with a jealous husband. The key is growing in knowing obedience to God's plan and destiny for one's life through various levels of submission.
Caso de Marketing - CCU y la Industria PesqueraEduardo Reyes
La industria del pisco en Chile est叩 dominada por dos grandes empresas, Capel y C鱈a. Pisquera de Chile, que controlan el 95% del mercado. El pisco representa el 19% de las ventas de bebidas alcoh坦licas en Chile. Existen altas barreras de entrada a la industria debido a los requisitos de capital, conocimiento del mercado y acuerdos entre productores. El mercado tiene caracter鱈sticas de oligopolio con competencia limitada entre las empresas dominantes.
The document discusses an integrated vehicle system that aims to simplify data management and information sharing between auto manufacturers, dealers, and field offices through real-time reporting and web-based access. It also seeks to provide additional support to field offices, reduce the administrative burden of contract management, and maintain confidentiality of sensitive information through encryption and secure access.
El caso refleja c坦mo se gest坦 uno de los buscadores m叩s representativos de la web. El an叩lsis contempla adicionalmente el estado de situaci坦n con respecto a la competencia y la forma en que deber叩 afrontar sus futuros desaf鱈os.
Infrastruktur som grunnlag for innovativ e-l脱ringIngrid Melve
Nettverksuniversitetets konferanse http://www.hint.no/forskning/konferanser/nvu_konferansen_2011_innovativ_e_laering/program_for_nvu_konferansen_2011_innovativ_e_laering diskuterer eCampus som verkt淡y for innovativ e-l脱ring
http://delrett.net Produsenter av digitale l脱ringsressurser (DLR) i hele utdanningssektoren st淡ter p奪 en rekke juridiske utfordringer knyttet til produksjon, gjenbruk og deling av DLR.
Opphavsrett og rettighetsforvaltning, Kopinor-avtalens h奪ndhevelse, personopplysningsloven, kravet om 奪pne dokumentformater i offentlig sektor og ulike lisensregimer er noen elementer ved deling og gjenbruk som reiser utfordringer og sp淡rsm奪l. Mange, b奪de enkeltpersoner og institusjoner, leter i dag etter gode l淡sninger, og trenger andres erfaringer og r奪d p奪 dette feltet.
Form奪let med konferansen er 奪 sette s淡kelys p奪 problemstillinger, praktiske case, og nasjonale og internasjonale erfaringer som kan bidra til forenkling og bedre h奪ndtering av juridiske utfordringer ved produksjon og deling av DLR i utdanningssektoren.
M奪lgrupper for konferansen er ansatte ved skoler, universiteter og h淡yskoler, skoleeiere, produsenter av digitale l脱ringsressurser og andre som er interessert i temaet. Konferansen skal presentere praktiske l淡sninger, gode eksempler og sette fokus p奪 langsiktige utfordringer.
The document discusses the RES building project which aims to develop a zero energy building (ZEB) in Bjerkreim, Norway. The ZEB will be an exhibition building showcasing sustainable building solutions and energy efficiency. It will produce as much energy annually from renewable sources as it consumes. The building will also house education and research collaborations between local partners on renewable energy and green technology. The goal is for the RES building to serve as a model and drive innovation in energy efficiency.
The BZEE training center in Husum, Germany was established in 2000 by wind energy organizations to address the booming wind industry's lack of qualified personnel and need for standardized training and safety certifications. BZEE offers half-year training programs for wind turbine service technicians, which include classroom instruction, a six-week internship, and final exams. Over 1,400 technicians have graduated from BZEE's Germany programs, and over 2,000 from its expanded programs across Europe and North America. BZEE works with certified colleges to deliver high-quality, standardized, and industry-approved training using real turbine components and equipment.
Noorderpoort College is a regional training center in the Netherlands that offers vocational education to about 22,000 students across 22 schools. It has an annual budget of 131 million euros and about 1,800 staff members. The college offers vocational education across four levels, with pathways that include both school-based and work-based learning. One of its schools, ZEP in Delfzijl, offers courses in maritime, energy, and engineering fields to about 700 students. As the demand for wind energy is increasing in the Netherlands, the college is working to establish an Energy Academy and develop training programs for wind technicians in partnership with schools in Germany.
This document summarizes the key aspects of a Leonardo da Vinci project called VET-Wind including the roles and responsibilities of the National Agency, contractual obligations, budgeting and financial reporting requirements, intellectual property rights, dissemination and exploitation of results. It outlines the main contract between the beneficiary and National Agency, requirements for partnership contracts, payment schedules, eligible cost categories, auditing procedures, budget changes, reporting timelines and valorization.
This document discusses the growing wind power industry and the role of wind technicians. It makes three key points:
1) The size of wind turbines has doubled every 5 years, with turbines larger than 3MW expected to become common. This growth is increasing demand for wind technicians.
2) The European wind industry is expected to employ around 330,000 workers by 2020, up from 155,000 in 2007, as countries work to meet renewable energy and emissions reduction targets.
3) Effective training programs that provide cross-competency education on electrical, mechanical, and safety systems are needed to develop skilled wind technicians who can perform complex maintenance and operations tasks in challenging environments.
The document summarizes the BZEE training center in Husum, Germany which provides certification and training programs for wind turbine technicians. It was established in 2000 by wind energy associations and companies to address the growing wind industry's need for qualified personnel. BZEE offers the world's leading qualification standards developed by the industry, including half-year and 4-month programs for service technicians and assembly technicians respectively, with extensive practical training components. It has certified over 1500 technicians in Germany and 1000 internationally. BZEE works with technical colleges around the world to provide training according to its high standards and certification requirements.
Wind Technicians competence framework SIEMENSFrank Emil Moen
The document discusses Siemens' wind turbine technician competence framework and the need for operations and maintenance technicians in the wind turbine manufacturing industry. It provides an overview of Siemens' wind power business, including their installed base, workforce size, and order backlog. It also summarizes Norway's wind power market potential and identified projects between 2010-2025.
Dalane Upper Secondary School is a school in Norway with about 700 students and 125 employees. It offers both academic and vocational programs, with 60% of students in vocational training. The school has taken on challenges like being an early adopter of ICT and entrepreneurship education. It has a history of good academic results and experience as a demonstration school chosen by the Ministry of Education. Currently, the school engages in projects like long distance learning cooperation and preparing students for careers in wind energy through the Leonardo Project.
This document summarizes plans for international cooperation on establishing new education programs in energy efficiency and renewable energy at Dalane Upper Secondary School in Norway. The goals are to be the first technology college in Norway to offer approved education in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and wind turbine maintenance. Partnerships with industry and other schools in Europe are discussed to share curriculum and conduct student exchanges. The program aims to help meet Europe's renewable energy and emissions reduction targets by 2030 by training skilled workers for jobs in wind, hydro, and other green energy sectors.
This document outlines Work Package 2 of the Leonardo Da Vinci TOI Vet-Wind Project. The aims of Work Package 2 are to research competence profiles and training content for wind technicians across European countries and provide advice on adapting materials. Each partner organization will produce an action plan to analyze current and planned wind training in their country while exploring opportunities with employers. The methodology will include internal reviews, employer research, and developing models to identify barriers and opportunities to support the wind energy sector's training needs.
Accentuate (North-East) Limited is a VET consultancy organization located in the rural northeast of England near the Scottish border. It will use its experience from previous wind energy projects to lead Work Package 2 in the Leonardo da Vinci 2011-2013 VET-Wind project, focusing on developing wind technician training content and competencies. Key staff involved include Ian Fisher, an experienced wind energy training developer, and Stewart Deas, with expertise in designing Leonardo and EU projects.
This document discusses the monitoring and evaluation plan for the LDV-project "VET-WIND" work package 6 kick-off meeting. It will monitor project progress, deliverables and results, the cooperation and communication process, and the applicability and usability of project outcomes. Possible indicators include whether activities are on schedule and of high quality, how well communication is working amongst partners, and if the project is effectively increasing skills transparency, mobility, and employability. Interim evaluations will be conducted digitally after meetings and when draft products are ready, and a final global evaluation report will be delivered after the project ends. Six digital questionnaires will be used for internal and external interim and final evaluations of steering group, working group, and
111114 wp3 material-methods-univerusty_gotlandFrank Emil Moen
The document discusses the aims and activities of Work Package 3 (WP3), which focuses on training material and methods for vocational education and training of wind technicians in various European countries. WP3 plans to (1) research existing training materials and methods used across Europe, (2) provide advice on adapting materials between countries, and (3) adapt, test and update materials towards common European standards. Key activities include translating, analyzing, comparing and transferring materials between partners and stakeholders to normalize wind energy training. New materials will also be developed and tested, including distance learning elements.
2. Problemstilling Gratis l脱remidler (vg207, vg3-08, vg1-09) Fylkeskommunen skal skaffe tilveie l脱remidlene For d奪rlig utnyttelse av egne krefter Bred fylkeskommunal enighet om b脱rbare PC-er m奪 p奪 plass
3. Visjon Fritt tilgjengelige digitale l脱remidler som muliggj淡r at tradisjonelle l脱reb淡ker kan erstattes med digitale l脱remidler Gratis l脱remidler for eleven/l脱rlingen/l脱rekandidaten En videreg奪ende oppl脱ring som preges av en delekultur Elever og l脱rerer i aktivt og deltakende l脱ringsarbeid Fagmilj淡er og nettverk fra hele landet som drivkraft i utvikling av gode digitale l脱remidler Et b脱rekraftig marked som leverer innhold og tjenester som er tilpasset l脱reren og eleven/ l脱rlingen/ l脱rekandidaten sine behov
4. M奪lsetting Prosjektet Nasjonal digital l脱ringsarena skal sikre kvalitet, bredde, tilgjengelighet og kontinuitet i tilbudet av digitale innholdsl淡sninger i alle fag
5. Strategi Etablere et prosjekt som skal levere egnede l淡sninger og digitalt innhold for bruk i alle fylker Oppgave: frikj淡p av nye digitale l脱remidler utvikling og tilpasning av eksisterende l脱remidler utvikling av nye digitale l脱remidler
6. Tilsagn p奪 midler fra KD 50 millioner Skal ha p奪 plass komplett digitalt innhold for: Norsk Naturfag Helse og sosialfag Matematikk Klart til bruk skolestart h淡st 2007
7. 2008 Ha ferdig Engelsk Samfunnsfag Kropps淡ving Skoleeierne vil sammen sannsynligvis g奪 for bred utvikling av fagnettesteder i tillegg til dette
8. Fagredaksjoner Bestilling Levere digitalt innhold innenfor gitt fagomr奪de Produksjon av tekst og medierikt innhold V脱re bestiller opp mot kommersielle innholdsprodusenter V脱re bestiller/p奪driver for innhold produsert av interne nettverk utenfor redaksjonen
9. Tekniske problemstillinger Digitale l淡sninger som underst淡tter fagredaksjonenes produksjon og leveranse. L淡sning som fremmer aktiv produksjon og deling av medierikt innhold produsert av elever og l脱rere (WIKI). Lisensierings/rettighets- funksjonalitet for kommersielle akt淡rers leveranser. Sikre god integrasjon mot LMSer og katalogtjenester gjennom bruk av 奪pne standarder (SCORM og FEIDE). L淡sninger som tar h淡yde for krav for universell utforming (WAIS). Implementert emnekartstruktur. Flerspr奪klige tjenester.
10. Prosjektet nasjonal digital l脱ringsarena vil v脱re skoleeiers prefererte operat淡r for anskaffelse og utvikling av digitale l脱remidler
11. KOMPETANSEBERETNINGEN-E Skolen som organisasjon kjennetegnes av en begrenset dele- og samhandlingskultur som sk奪rer lavt i forhold til kriterier knyttet til utvikling av en l脱rende organisasjon Fornuftig tiln脱rming til digitale l脱ringsressurser gjennom bruk av WEB 2.0 / sosial programvare kan v脱re et viktig virkemiddel for 奪 endre dette!
12. Vi m奪 hjelpe l脱rere og elever til 奪 bli digitalt kompetente! Elever og l脱rere trenger tilgang til kvalitetssikrede, tilpassede og varierte digitale l脱ringsressurser som er i en l淡pende UTVIKLING gjennom produksjon, deling og samhandling!
19. Mediabibliotek ITL Mediabibliotek NRK!? LMS LMS LMS Leverand淡rer av innhold forlagene / TV2 / andre Fagnettsteder med fagredaksjoner Egenproduksjon, tilpasning og frikj淡p Internett Vigo eLEVside L脱rere L脱rere
20. FASE I - FORPROSJEKT A. Klargj淡re valg av metode for distribusjon av digitalt innhold Det utarbeides en kriterieliste for grunnfunksjonalitet i det hovedverkt淡y som m奪 ligge til grunn for innholdsproduksjonen / innholdsdistribusjonen. B. Kravspesifikasjoner til 奪pne standarder og funksjonalitet Etablering Enhet for struktur som skal utarbeide grunnleggende krav- og spesifikasjoner b奪de i forhold til verkt淡yfunksjonalitet basert p奪 奪pne standarder, tjenesteorientert arkitektur og 奪penkildekode - og til drift av selve den IT-tekniske l淡sningen.
21. FASE I - FORPROSJEKT C. Valg av arkitektur St淡tte seg p奪 portalsamordningsprosjektet til KD, Kultur for deling og Utdannings-direktoratets nye emnekartbaserte nasjonale database for fag, l脱replaner og oppl脱ringstilbud i grunnoppl脱ringen (GREP) D. Kriteriebeskrivelse for innhold Kriteriebeskrivelse av hvilket minimum av innholdselementer et fagnettsted skal inneholde. Etablering av fagredaksjoner E. Veiledere og avtaler Det skal utarbeides veiledere eller retningslinjer for innkj淡p, registrering, fagredaksjoner, juridiske forhold, videoproduksjoner og krav til digitale l脱remidler
22. FASE II - HOVEDPROSJEKT Hovedaktivitet: Innholdsproduksjon / innholdsdistribusjon og tilpasning av kravspesifikasjoner I fase II etableres det et sett med fagredaksjoner knyttet til de fagene norsk,naturfag, matematikk, engelsk, samfunnsfag og kropps淡ving. Disse fagnettstedene skal v脱re klare til bruk p奪 Vg1 fra og med skole奪ret 2007/2008. Det 奪pnes ogs奪 for etablering av fagredaksjoner for andre fag og fagomr奪der gjennom s淡knad. Geografi b淡r ogs奪 etableres.
23. FASE III Hovedaktiviteter: Fortl淡pende etableringer av fagredaksjoner slik at alle fag/fagomr奪der er dekket ved oppstart av skole奪ret 2008 Utvikle / tilrettelegge / frikj淡pe digitale l脱remidler som er dekkende for alle utdanningsprogram, og etablere organisasjonsenheten som skal drifte Nasjonale digitale l脱ringsarena.