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National Dairy Development Board-India.pptx
 NDDB(National Dairy Development Board) is a
Indian National institution setup at Anand, Gujarat
in the year 1964, by the prime minister of India Shri
Lal Bahadur Shastri.
 First chairman :Dr. Verghese Kurien (General
manager of the Anand Milk Producers co-operative)
 The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)
started with the objective of replacing exploitation
with empowerment, stagnation with growth,
transforming dairying into an instrument for the
development of India's rural people.
 The National Dairy Development Board Act came
into existence in 1987.
Objectives of establishment:
 To conceptualize, organize, and promote programs for the
development of dairy sector and allied industries.
 To increase milk production in India and to improve the
quality of milk.
 To provide financial to dairy cooperatives.
 Create awareness amongst the milk producers about the
best animal husbandry practices to ensure clean milk
production at the farm level, healthy bovine and to get
maximum returns to the milk producers.
 To focus issues related to animal health that significantly
affect the profit of dairy farmers.
 To serve as international liaison to other National Dairy
Boards and International agencies
Operation Flood ( White Revolution )
 NDDB has implemented several major dairy development
programmes including  Operation Flood
 Operation Flood(launched in 1970s):Its objective was to
meet growing urban demand for milk through a network
of village milk producer societies.
 It aimed at making the dairy farming Indias largest self-
sustaining industry and the largest rural employment
 It is the worlds largest agricultural dairy development programme.
 Operation Flood gave dairy farmers autonomy over the milk production in the
 Milk production and distribution was concentrated in hands of few wealthy
farmers and rural businessmen which resulted in cartelization and deprived
the grassroot farmers and villagers to reap the economic benefits of milk
 The Anand pattern experiment at Amul, a cooperative dairy, was the pioneer
behind the success of the program.
 It was the first programme in the world to use food aid for
development. Milk powder and butter oil were combined with co-
operative produced milk and sold in the metro stations.
 This model was replicated nationwide with rigorous efforts by National Dairy
Development Board (NDDB) to give a boost to the co-operative sector in milk
Dr. Varghese Kurien
 The National Dairy Plan Phase I and Phase II
 The National Dairy Plan is a central sector scheme of GOI ,implemented by NDDB in 18
dairying states of our country(Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka
Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh,
Uttarakhand and West Bengal).
 It was for the year (2013-2019) and was funded with Rs. 2,242 crores from world bank
 Its main objective was :
 To increase productivity of milch animals and thereby increase milk production to meet the
rapidly growing demand for milk
 To provide rural milk producers with greater access to the organized milk processing sector.
 Initiated Ration Balancing Program
 By this our country achieved 6 % increase in milk production
 Under NDP I, scientific genetic improvement programmes have been initiated
for a few important dairy breeds to enhance the productivity of huge cattle and
buffalo population in the country.The main programmes initiated for enhancing
the genetic potential of cattle and buffaloes include:
 Production of High Genetic Merit Bulls (HGM) through Progeny testing and
Pedigree selection. 10 pedigree selection projects-6 for cattle have been
initiated in respective native tract.
 Production of disease free, high quality semen doses from HGM bulls.
 Delivery of Artificial Insemination(AI) services at the doorstep of producers.
Cattle breeds:
2. Rathi
3. Nili-ravi
4. Jaffarabadi
7. Sahiwal
8. Kankarej
 Aim :To increase milk production by 6%
 It mainly focuses on enhancing milk processing
capacity, infrastructure and establish milk quality
testing equipment.
 It is promoted as Mission milk
 It is spread over for the period of 5 years from 2020
to 2025
 Financial aid :Rs.8,000 crores by World Bank.
 Considering the progress achieved by WAMUL under
the supervision of NDDB, the Government of Assam
handed over EAMUL and CAMUL to NDDB in 2016.
 NDDBs research and development laboratory was
involved detection of bovine herpes virus-1(BHV-1).
 Due to its research, NDDB R&D Laboratory,
Hyderabad is designated as Central Referral
 The R&D laboratory is currently, perhaps the nations
only veterinary laboratory for bovine disease testing
 NDDB came out the concept of Quality Mark
(QM) with a Unique Logo to:
 Impart a distinct identity to Dairy Cooperatives
& Milk Unions, Government owned dairies,
Dairy Units of Educational Institutes, Producers
companies/NGC and subsidiaries of NDDB,
 Enhance consumer confidence.
 The concept aims to improve food safety and
quality across the entire milk chain
 NDDB came out with a booklet titled
Understanding your bovine to create
awareness on management, feeding, health and
hygiene practices etc. in cattle
 It won the Esri Special Achievement in GIS
Award 2015 for exemplary work in Dairy
Geographical Information System.
 Developed e-gopala app in September 2020
 Indian Immunologicals limited (IIL)
 Mother Dairy fruit and vegetable pvt
Ltd. (1974)
 Indian Dairy Machinery Company Ltd.,
 NDDB Dairy Services(2009)
 Meenesh Shah, executive director of
NDDB has been given additional
charge of the post of chairman with
effect from june 1
Subsidiaries of NDDB:

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National Dairy Development Board-India.pptx

  • 2. Introduction NDDB(National Dairy Development Board) is a Indian National institution setup at Anand, Gujarat in the year 1964, by the prime minister of India Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. First chairman :Dr. Verghese Kurien (General manager of the Anand Milk Producers co-operative) The National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) started with the objective of replacing exploitation with empowerment, stagnation with growth, transforming dairying into an instrument for the development of India's rural people. The National Dairy Development Board Act came into existence in 1987.
  • 3. Objectives of establishment: To conceptualize, organize, and promote programs for the development of dairy sector and allied industries. To increase milk production in India and to improve the quality of milk. To provide financial to dairy cooperatives. Create awareness amongst the milk producers about the best animal husbandry practices to ensure clean milk production at the farm level, healthy bovine and to get maximum returns to the milk producers. To focus issues related to animal health that significantly affect the profit of dairy farmers. To serve as international liaison to other National Dairy Boards and International agencies
  • 5. Operation Flood ( White Revolution ) NDDB has implemented several major dairy development programmes including Operation Flood Operation Flood(launched in 1970s):Its objective was to meet growing urban demand for milk through a network of village milk producer societies. It aimed at making the dairy farming Indias largest self- sustaining industry and the largest rural employment provider.
  • 6. OPERATION FLOOD It is the worlds largest agricultural dairy development programme. Operation Flood gave dairy farmers autonomy over the milk production in the area. Milk production and distribution was concentrated in hands of few wealthy farmers and rural businessmen which resulted in cartelization and deprived the grassroot farmers and villagers to reap the economic benefits of milk production. The Anand pattern experiment at Amul, a cooperative dairy, was the pioneer behind the success of the program. It was the first programme in the world to use food aid for development. Milk powder and butter oil were combined with co- operative produced milk and sold in the metro stations. This model was replicated nationwide with rigorous efforts by National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) to give a boost to the co-operative sector in milk production. Dr. Varghese Kurien
  • 7. NATIONAL DAIRY PLAN The National Dairy Plan Phase I and Phase II The National Dairy Plan is a central sector scheme of GOI ,implemented by NDDB in 18 dairying states of our country(Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal). It was for the year (2013-2019) and was funded with Rs. 2,242 crores from world bank Its main objective was : To increase productivity of milch animals and thereby increase milk production to meet the rapidly growing demand for milk To provide rural milk producers with greater access to the organized milk processing sector. Initiated Ration Balancing Program By this our country achieved 6 % increase in milk production
  • 8. Under NDP I, scientific genetic improvement programmes have been initiated for a few important dairy breeds to enhance the productivity of huge cattle and buffalo population in the country.The main programmes initiated for enhancing the genetic potential of cattle and buffaloes include: Production of High Genetic Merit Bulls (HGM) through Progeny testing and Pedigree selection. 10 pedigree selection projects-6 for cattle have been initiated in respective native tract. Production of disease free, high quality semen doses from HGM bulls. Delivery of Artificial Insemination(AI) services at the doorstep of producers.
  • 9. Cattle breeds: 1.Gir 2. Rathi 3. Nili-ravi 4. Jaffarabadi 5.Pandharapuri 6.Tharaparkar 7. Sahiwal 8. Kankarej 9.Hariana
  • 10. NATIONAL DAIRY PLAN PHASE II Aim :To increase milk production by 6% It mainly focuses on enhancing milk processing capacity, infrastructure and establish milk quality testing equipment. It is promoted as Mission milk It is spread over for the period of 5 years from 2020 to 2025 Financial aid :Rs.8,000 crores by World Bank.
  • 11. PURABI Considering the progress achieved by WAMUL under the supervision of NDDB, the Government of Assam handed over EAMUL and CAMUL to NDDB in 2016. NDDBs research and development laboratory was involved detection of bovine herpes virus-1(BHV-1). Due to its research, NDDB R&D Laboratory, Hyderabad is designated as Central Referral Laboratory(CRL). The R&D laboratory is currently, perhaps the nations only veterinary laboratory for bovine disease testing
  • 12. QUALITY MARK NDDB came out the concept of Quality Mark (QM) with a Unique Logo to: Impart a distinct identity to Dairy Cooperatives & Milk Unions, Government owned dairies, Dairy Units of Educational Institutes, Producers companies/NGC and subsidiaries of NDDB, Enhance consumer confidence. The concept aims to improve food safety and quality across the entire milk chain
  • 13. NDDB came out with a booklet titled Understanding your bovine to create awareness on management, feeding, health and hygiene practices etc. in cattle It won the Esri Special Achievement in GIS Award 2015 for exemplary work in Dairy Geographical Information System. Developed e-gopala app in September 2020
  • 14. Indian Immunologicals limited (IIL) Hyderabad.(1982) Mother Dairy fruit and vegetable pvt Ltd. (1974) Indian Dairy Machinery Company Ltd., Anand(1978) NDDB Dairy Services(2009) Meenesh Shah, executive director of NDDB has been given additional charge of the post of chairman with effect from june 1 Subsidiaries of NDDB: