Platform 360 ile firmalara, nesnelerin interneti 巽旦z端mlerini ortak bir platform 端zerinde ve b端t端n sistemleri ile entegre olarak kullanabilecekleri altyap脹y脹 sal脹yoruz. B端y端k veri ve analitik 巽旦z端mlerimiz ile de toplanan verilerin deere d旦n端t端r端lmesine katk脹 sal脹yoruz.
Teknoloji ve inovasyonu y旦netmeyi 旦rendiimiz,
deien pazar artlar脹na uyum salayacak esneklikleri
kefetimiz End端stri 4.0 ile Gelecek n端n端zde
etkinliimiz sunum 旦zetleri.
End端stri 4.0 terim olarak d旦rd端nc端 sanayi devrimi anlam脹na gelmektedir. 聴lk sanayi devrimi su ve buhar g端c端 ile 端retim mekanizmas脹n脹n 端zerine kurulu iken, onu ikinci sanayi devrimi olan elektrik enerjisi yard脹m脹 izledi. Daha sonras脹nda ise 端巽端nc端 sanayi devrimi olan dijital devrim ger巽ekleerek elektronik kullan脹m脹 artt脹. d旦rd端nc端 sanayi devrimi ise 端retim hatt脹ndaki t端m y旦netim s端re巽lerinin otomasyon teknolojisi ile y旦netilmesini i巽eriyor.
Konu: 4.Sanayi Devrimi
Konumac脹: Do巽.Dr.Selcen zt端rkcan
Etkinlik: ODT Malzeme Bilimi ve Metalurji M端hendislii 50.Kurulu Y脹ld旦n端m端 Etkinleri, 29 Haziran 2016, Ankara
The document describes various smart and connected devices for homes and consumers. It provides examples of Internet of Things devices such as a smart fork that monitors eating habits, a smart cup that tracks liquid consumption, and a smart toothbrush that engages users in their oral hygiene routine. It also lists devices for other activities like gardening, sports training, home security, pet care, and more that connect to smartphones and the Internet to provide remote access and data collection. The devices demonstrate how almost any everyday object can be made smart and integrated into the growing Internet of Things ecosystem.
Internet of Things (IoT) - We Are at the Tip of An IcebergDr. Mazlan Abbas
You are likely benefitting from The Internet of Things (IoT) today, whether or not youre familiar with the term. If your phone automatically connects to your car radio, or if you have a smartwatch counting your steps, congratulations! You have adopted one small piece of a very large IoT pie, even if you haven't adopted the name yet.
IoT may sound like a business buzzword, but in reality, its a real technological revolution that will impact everything we do. It's the next IT Tsunami of new possibility that is destined to change the face of technology, as we know it. IoT is the interconnectivity between things using wireless communication technology (each with their own unique identifiers) to connect objects, locations, animals, or people to the Internet, thus allowing for the direct transmission of and seamless sharing of data.
IoT represents a massive wave of technical innovation. Highly valuable companies will be built and new ecosystems will emerge from bridging the offline world with the online into one gigantic new network. Our limited understanding of the possibilities hinders our ability to see future applications for any new technology. Mainstream adoption of desktop computers and the Internet didnt take hold until they became affordable and usable. When that occurred, fantastic and creative new innovation ensued. We are on the cusp of that tipping point with the Internet of Things.
IoT matters because it will create new industries, new companies, new jobs, and new economic growth. It will transform existing segments of our economy: retail, farming, industrial, logistics, cities, and the environment. It will turn your smartphone into the command center for the both digital and physical objects in your life. You will live and work smarter, not harder and what we are seeing now is only the tip of the iceberg.
Industry 4.0: Merging Internet and FactoriesFabernovel
Industrial IoT and connected objects for factories are part of our research at FABERNOVEL OBJET, our activity dedicated to IoT.
The future of industry is at the crossroads of internet and factories. Some call it INDUSTRY 4.0 or FACTORY 4.0 in reference to the upcoming fourth industrial revolution. Governments and private companies in Germany, UK and the USA have acknowledged the importance of industrial IoT and its central role in future industrial transformation.
The adoption of Industrial Internet has both near-term and long-term impacts and will be characterized by the emergence of new models such as the Outcome Economy and the Autonomous, Pull Economy.
We believe that INDUSTRY 4.0 is a growth opportunity for industrial companies, and have decrypted this very phenomenon in the following presentation.
The document provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) in 3 sentences:
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects physical objects through sensors, software and network connectivity which allows these "things" to collect and exchange data between other devices. The document outlines what IoT is, how it works, current applications and challenges, and the future potential of a world where many everyday objects are connected to the internet and able to send and receive data. The increasing interconnectivity of physical objects through technologies like RFID, sensors and networking promises both benefits and risks relating to privacy, security, and how IoT may influence human behavior.
The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as the concept of connecting physical objects to the internet and being able to identify, sense and communicate with those objects. It describes how IoT allows both people and devices to communicate with each other and exchange data. Some key applications of IoT mentioned are smart homes, smart cities, industrial automation, logistics and supply chain management. The document also outlines several challenges to the large-scale implementation of IoT such as issues relating to privacy, security, standardization, and developing energy sources for billions of connected devices.
Technology Futurist Monty Metzger ( speaks about how to master the fourth industrial revolution. The Digital Future will have far more impact the next 25 years will usher more change than in the previous three centuries. What separates great leaders from the rest, is they have a precise vision of the future. A vision to enable change today.
Who will be leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution? How will our economy depend on data, analytics and AI? How Digital Transformation can boost your business?
Montys keynote speeches are for those who want to change things and for those who want embrace the opportunities of the Digital Future.
Book Monty for your conference, workshop or company meeting
retken Yaam Platformu / Ageing Well PlatformOmer KILIC
YE: retken Yaam Evi / Ageing Well Platform
Applied as an R&D start-up proposal to TUBITAK. Business plan is ready to go.
Team: Besides BDM, Data Modeler, Big Data Specialist and Mobile Developer is ready.
Now looking for Co-Founder to accelerate this start-up in 聴stanbul, Ankara and Gaziantep.
Konu: 4.Sanayi Devrimi
Konumac脹: Do巽.Dr.Selcen zt端rkcan
Etkinlik: ODT Malzeme Bilimi ve Metalurji M端hendislii 50.Kurulu Y脹ld旦n端m端 Etkinleri, 29 Haziran 2016, Ankara
The document describes various smart and connected devices for homes and consumers. It provides examples of Internet of Things devices such as a smart fork that monitors eating habits, a smart cup that tracks liquid consumption, and a smart toothbrush that engages users in their oral hygiene routine. It also lists devices for other activities like gardening, sports training, home security, pet care, and more that connect to smartphones and the Internet to provide remote access and data collection. The devices demonstrate how almost any everyday object can be made smart and integrated into the growing Internet of Things ecosystem.
Internet of Things (IoT) - We Are at the Tip of An IcebergDr. Mazlan Abbas
You are likely benefitting from The Internet of Things (IoT) today, whether or not youre familiar with the term. If your phone automatically connects to your car radio, or if you have a smartwatch counting your steps, congratulations! You have adopted one small piece of a very large IoT pie, even if you haven't adopted the name yet.
IoT may sound like a business buzzword, but in reality, its a real technological revolution that will impact everything we do. It's the next IT Tsunami of new possibility that is destined to change the face of technology, as we know it. IoT is the interconnectivity between things using wireless communication technology (each with their own unique identifiers) to connect objects, locations, animals, or people to the Internet, thus allowing for the direct transmission of and seamless sharing of data.
IoT represents a massive wave of technical innovation. Highly valuable companies will be built and new ecosystems will emerge from bridging the offline world with the online into one gigantic new network. Our limited understanding of the possibilities hinders our ability to see future applications for any new technology. Mainstream adoption of desktop computers and the Internet didnt take hold until they became affordable and usable. When that occurred, fantastic and creative new innovation ensued. We are on the cusp of that tipping point with the Internet of Things.
IoT matters because it will create new industries, new companies, new jobs, and new economic growth. It will transform existing segments of our economy: retail, farming, industrial, logistics, cities, and the environment. It will turn your smartphone into the command center for the both digital and physical objects in your life. You will live and work smarter, not harder and what we are seeing now is only the tip of the iceberg.
Industry 4.0: Merging Internet and FactoriesFabernovel
Industrial IoT and connected objects for factories are part of our research at FABERNOVEL OBJET, our activity dedicated to IoT.
The future of industry is at the crossroads of internet and factories. Some call it INDUSTRY 4.0 or FACTORY 4.0 in reference to the upcoming fourth industrial revolution. Governments and private companies in Germany, UK and the USA have acknowledged the importance of industrial IoT and its central role in future industrial transformation.
The adoption of Industrial Internet has both near-term and long-term impacts and will be characterized by the emergence of new models such as the Outcome Economy and the Autonomous, Pull Economy.
We believe that INDUSTRY 4.0 is a growth opportunity for industrial companies, and have decrypted this very phenomenon in the following presentation.
The document provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) in 3 sentences:
The Internet of Things (IoT) connects physical objects through sensors, software and network connectivity which allows these "things" to collect and exchange data between other devices. The document outlines what IoT is, how it works, current applications and challenges, and the future potential of a world where many everyday objects are connected to the internet and able to send and receive data. The increasing interconnectivity of physical objects through technologies like RFID, sensors and networking promises both benefits and risks relating to privacy, security, and how IoT may influence human behavior.
The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT). It defines IoT as the concept of connecting physical objects to the internet and being able to identify, sense and communicate with those objects. It describes how IoT allows both people and devices to communicate with each other and exchange data. Some key applications of IoT mentioned are smart homes, smart cities, industrial automation, logistics and supply chain management. The document also outlines several challenges to the large-scale implementation of IoT such as issues relating to privacy, security, standardization, and developing energy sources for billions of connected devices.
Technology Futurist Monty Metzger ( speaks about how to master the fourth industrial revolution. The Digital Future will have far more impact the next 25 years will usher more change than in the previous three centuries. What separates great leaders from the rest, is they have a precise vision of the future. A vision to enable change today.
Who will be leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution? How will our economy depend on data, analytics and AI? How Digital Transformation can boost your business?
Montys keynote speeches are for those who want to change things and for those who want embrace the opportunities of the Digital Future.
Book Monty for your conference, workshop or company meeting
retken Yaam Platformu / Ageing Well PlatformOmer KILIC
YE: retken Yaam Evi / Ageing Well Platform
Applied as an R&D start-up proposal to TUBITAK. Business plan is ready to go.
Team: Besides BDM, Data Modeler, Big Data Specialist and Mobile Developer is ready.
Now looking for Co-Founder to accelerate this start-up in 聴stanbul, Ankara and Gaziantep.
03 Ali Yavuz AH聴N
06 Haberler
08 Dijital Para retiyorsunuz Haberiniz Yok
13 Verisini Koruyamayan Yanacak!
15 Cisco 10'uncu 聴novasyon Merkezini 聴stanbul'da A巽t脹
17 T端rkiye'deki 21,8 Milyon Hanenin Y端zde 87'si Uydu zerinden Televizyon 聴zliyor
18 Baar脹l脹 Bir Dijital 聴letme Olmak 聴巽in Neler Yapmal脹, Neler Yapmamal脹?
22 IoT G端mb端r G端mb端r Geliyor!
24 Cryptojacking Nedir? Nas脹l Tespit Eder ve nlem Al脹rs脹n脹z?
26 Dijital Perakendenin Geleneksel Maazalara Her Zaman 聴htiyac脹 Olacak
28 Siber D端nyada G端vende Olmak 聴巽in Neler Yap脹lmal脹?
32 25 May脹sta Y端r端rl端e Girecek Genel Veri Koruma Y旦netmeliine Uyum 聴巽in Neler Yapmal脹s脹n脹z?
34 Enerji Sekt旦r端n端n En B端y端k Sorunlar脹ndan Biri Siber Sald脹r脹lar
36 BT G端nl端端 Test Merkezi
42 Y Kua脹 Nas脹l Y旦netilmeli?
Turkiye'de Eticaret ve Gelecegi - 9. Bilmok 2013 - Kocaeli UniversitesiHakan ERDOGAN
Bu y脹l Kocaeli niversitesi'nde dokuzuncusu d端zenlenen Bilgisayar M端hendislii rencileri Kongresi'nde anlatt脹脹m "T端rkiye'de E-ticaret ve Gelecei" konulu sunum
03 Edit旦r: Ali Yavuz AH聴N
06 Haberler
16 S旦ylei: Sadi ABALI
19 Teknoloji Tutkunlar脹 Samsung Galaxy Studioda Buluuyor
21 Dijital D旦n端端m Dell EMC Forum 2017 de Masaya Yat脹r脹ld脹
23 irketinizde Veri S脹z脹nt脹s脹 nlemek Elinizde!
25 CFOlar Uzun Vadeli Depolama Yat脹r脹mlar脹n脹 Tercih Ediyor
26 Devlet Destekli Korsanlar Birbirlerinden al脹yor ve Kopya ekiyor
28 Orta Segment Ak脹ll脹 Telefonlar Liderlii Ele Ald脹
30 聴nsan Sermayesinin Deeri Giderek Art脹yor
32 Siber Sald脹rganlar脹n Hedefi KOB聴ler!
34 Y脹k脹c脹 Teknoloji Kas脹rga Gibi Geliyor!
36 BT G端nl端端 Test Merkezi
42 Edit旦r: Ecevit BIKTIM
Connected Enterprises by Schneider Electric / Yeni Nesil Online 聴letmelerRustem Tolga Buyukbas
The evolution of industry and infrastructure throughout the recent digitization as a part of our lives / zellikle son y脹llarda hayat脹m脹za n端fuz eden dijitalleme ile end端stri ve altyap脹 tesislerinin evrimi
18. Bug端n:retkenlik, 端retim verimlilii
Yar脹n:B端y端k veri IoT IoE
lazer g端d端ml端 hatlar RFID robotlar
ak脹ll脹 fabrikalar ak脹ll脹 端r端nler
Kendi kendini d端zenleyebilen otonom sistemler
T端m ad脹mlarda kapsaml脹 a iletiimi
Kiiselletirilmi 端retim
19. 聴巽i montaj talimat脹n脹 g旦zl端端nde g旦r端yor
Ak脹ll脹 端retim hatlar脹 kendi performans脹n脹
kendi kontrol ediyor ve d端zeltiyor
Ar脹zalar脹 servise kendileri bildiriyor
r端nlerde birer haf脹za
20. Almanya Federal Eitim ve Arat脹rma Bakanl脹脹
Finlandiya 聴novasyon ve Teknoloji Mali Destek Ajans脹: TEKES
聴ngiltere Y端ksek Deerli retim Program脹
Toplam 800
Hedef 202520
26. Yani:
Herey birbirine kablosuz bal脹
Herey birbiri ile haberleiyor
Sistemler 旦nce cyber sistemde sim端le ediliyor
Sistemler 旦reniyor ve otonomla脹yor
D旦ng端n端n her aamas脹 bir biri ile dijital balan脹yor
H脹zl脹 pazar, esnek 端retim, y端ksek verim