A short presentation on Hybrid CDN and WebRTC based FlockPlay service, which could save up to 70% of online video delivery traffic. 3 case studies included.
Starcor IPTV/OTT Solution. The IntroductionStarcor
STARCOR is a professional end-to-end OTT/IPTV solution provider along with other comprehensive services like operation service and big data service. STARCOR has been continuously committing to develop high-quality and perfect-user-experience products for both domestic and oversea clients .
South Korean ICT Development: Key Lessons for the Emerging EconomiesFaheem Hussain
This presentation highlights some of the key factors behind South Korea's ICT revolution. It moreover sheds lights on the key issues the emerging economies can learn from this success story.
Key OTT (Over-The-Top) Market Trends in 2015 by Michael Ritchie.
In broadcasting, over-the-top content (OTT) refers to delivery of audio, video, and other media over the Internet without the involvement of a multiple-system operator in the control or distribution of the content. The Internet provider may be aware of the contents of the Internet Protocol packets but is not responsible for, nor able to control, the viewing abilities, copyrights, and/or other redistribution of the content.
Consumers can access OTT content through internet-connected devices such as desktop and laptop computers, gaming consoles (such as the PlayStation 4, WiiU, and Xbox One), set-top boxes (such as the Roku), smartphones (including Android phones, iPhones, and Windows phones), smart TVs (such as Google TV), and tablets.
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving CarsLinkedIn
We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether theyre using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating and in many cases, surprising.
This 際際滷Share explores the full results of this study, including detailed market-by-market breakdowns of intention levels for each technology and how attitudes change with age, location and seniority level. If youre marketing a tech brand or planning to use VR and wearables to reach a professional audience then these are insights you wont want to miss.
A short presentation on Hybrid CDN and WebRTC based FlockPlay service, which could save up to 70% of online video delivery traffic. 3 case studies included.
Starcor IPTV/OTT Solution. The IntroductionStarcor
STARCOR is a professional end-to-end OTT/IPTV solution provider along with other comprehensive services like operation service and big data service. STARCOR has been continuously committing to develop high-quality and perfect-user-experience products for both domestic and oversea clients .
South Korean ICT Development: Key Lessons for the Emerging EconomiesFaheem Hussain
This presentation highlights some of the key factors behind South Korea's ICT revolution. It moreover sheds lights on the key issues the emerging economies can learn from this success story.
Key OTT (Over-The-Top) Market Trends in 2015 by Michael Ritchie.
In broadcasting, over-the-top content (OTT) refers to delivery of audio, video, and other media over the Internet without the involvement of a multiple-system operator in the control or distribution of the content. The Internet provider may be aware of the contents of the Internet Protocol packets but is not responsible for, nor able to control, the viewing abilities, copyrights, and/or other redistribution of the content.
Consumers can access OTT content through internet-connected devices such as desktop and laptop computers, gaming consoles (such as the PlayStation 4, WiiU, and Xbox One), set-top boxes (such as the Roku), smartphones (including Android phones, iPhones, and Windows phones), smart TVs (such as Google TV), and tablets.
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving CarsLinkedIn
We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether theyre using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating and in many cases, surprising.
This 際際滷Share explores the full results of this study, including detailed market-by-market breakdowns of intention levels for each technology and how attitudes change with age, location and seniority level. If youre marketing a tech brand or planning to use VR and wearables to reach a professional audience then these are insights you wont want to miss.
6. 仍亳仄亠亟亳亶仆亠 仗仍舒仂仄 Netris WebView 仗仂亟亟亠亢亳于舒亠 弍仂仍仂亠 从仂仍亳亠于仂 亠仆仂仍仂亞亳亶 于亠舒仆亳 亳 于仂仗仂亳亰于亠亟亠仆亳: Apple Live Streaming Adobe Flash Player VLC QuickTime Player Real Player Microsoft Windows Media Player Microsoft Silverlight