Generics were added to the Java language more than 10 year ago. But do you really understand them?
Well discuss:
What is heap pollution?
How does the compiler translate generics?
Why its not allowed to create parametrized array (List<string>[])
What are bridge methods, can we reach them?
Type erasure rules
Difference between List, List<object>, List<?>
Why its not allowed to add Integer to List<?>
Why its not allowed to parameterize exception classes?
Whats wrong with Collections.max signature: <t><?>> T max(Collection<?> coll);
Code that should be compiled, but cant be compiled and vice versa
How to write good API using generics and wildcards
And other generic puzzlers
仗亠亰亠仆舒亳 MOYO 亟仍 仗仂于舒亶亟亠仂于. 弌亠于亳 IPTV 亟仍 仆亠弍仂仍亳 仂仗亠舒仂仂于 丿.
MOYO presentation for small & medium telcos. Launching IPTV service over the broadband networks.
#6: BANDWIDTH REQUIREMENTS FOR BROADBAND SERVICESServiceBandwidth (downstream)Broadcast TV (MPEG-2)2 to 6 Mb/sHDTV (MPEG-4)6 to 12 Mb/sPPV or NVOD2 to 6 Mb/sVOD2 to 6 Mb/sPicture in Picture (MPEG-2)Up to 12 Mb/sPVR2 to 6 Mb/sInteractive TVUp to 3 Mb/sHigh-speed Internet3 Mb/s to 10Mb/sVideo conferencing300 to 750 Kb/sVoice/video telephony64 to 750 Kb/s<number>