Kivi Niria Congres ICT In De Wolken 26 11 2009Peter de Haas
This document discusses the evolution of cloud computing and Microsoft's role in its development. It describes how computing has transformed from monolithic systems in the 1970s to cloud computing today. Microsoft launched several important online services over the years, such as Hotmail and MSN, gaining millions of users. The document also outlines key aspects of cloud computing, Microsoft's cloud offerings including Windows Azure, and the company's global data center locations that power cloud services.
20 6-2013 - breinwave - nationale voorraaddag - de impact van cloud in de sup...Peter de Haas
This document discusses how cloud computing impacts supply chain management. It begins with an agenda and introduction to Peter de Haas and Abecon group. It then covers trends in industry and Gartner hype cycles. Microsoft cloud services and computing history are reviewed. The role of the CIO is evolving with business context, product leadership, customer intimacy, and operational excellence. Cloud improves supply chain management across areas like eInvoicing, eCommerce, integration, and infrastructure. Social, customer insight, and connecting business are key for Breinwave. Privacy and security are priorities in cloud services.
CoNGNes 2009 - Microsoft BPOS - 22-01-2009 - Final - PPT2K3Peter de Haas
The document discusses the transition from traditional on-premise IT departments to cloud computing models where software and services are delivered via subscription from datacenters. It highlights benefits like flexibility, scalability, lower upfront costs, and the ability to access applications and data from anywhere. Finally, it provides an overview of Microsoft's cloud computing offerings for communication, collaboration and business productivity.
24 11-2010 - saas4channel event - microsoft cloud services - peter de haasPeter de Haas
Cloud computing has evolved from basic internet services in the 1990s to today's complex cloud services environment. On-premises servers provide control, customization and strategic capabilities but have higher costs, while cloud services provide efficiencies of scale and standardized functionality at lower costs. Organizations must determine which combination of on-premises and cloud services best meets their needs based on factors like costs, capabilities, and control.
Kannegieter Event envision the future - Microsoft - 24-6-2010 - v1.0Peter de Haas
Presentatie op het jaarlijkse event van Kannegieter. Wat is Microsoft's visie op de toekomst.
Kudo's aan Rene van Haaster en Serge van Schie voor het maken de presentatie en mede presenteren op dit event
25 6-2013 - abecon inspiratiedag - breinwave bi solutionsPeter de Haas
Breinwave heeft op de Abecon Inspiratiedag van 25 juni 2013 de workshop Business Inteligence verzorgd. Bijgaande presentatie vormde de basis voor de workshop / discussie
Symposium Cloud En Grid Computing Microsoft Online Strategy - 21-4-2009Peter de Haas
The document summarizes key aspects of cloud computing discussed at a Microsoft symposium. It outlines topics around security, customizability, and control in cloud services. It then describes Microsoft's Azure platform for building and hosting applications and services in the cloud. Azure provides scalable hosting, developer tools, and tools for managing the service lifecycle. The document also discusses Microsoft's vision of offering customers choice and flexibility in how they deploy applications between on-premise servers and cloud services.
SURFnetRelatiedagen Microsoft Online Strategie 15 5 2008 V1.0Peter de Haas
Microsoft operates data centers around the world including Washington, California, Virginia, Dublin, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Beijing, and Singapore. They offer both on-premise and hosted services including Exchange, SharePoint, and Lync. Their hosted offerings provide efficiencies of scale, time to market, and manageability while on-premise provides more control, customization, and flexibility. Live services are designed for individuals and small groups while online services target larger organizations with more advanced IT needs.
Key Considerations For Exchange Email Deployments In Academic EnvironmentsPeter de Haas
This document provides guidance on key considerations for deploying Exchange in academic environments, specifically comparing Exchange Online, Outlook Live, and on-premises Exchange Server. It covers areas like client experience, impacts to message flow, data management and security implications, and operational impacts. Exchange Online and Outlook Live offer less flexibility than on-premises Exchange but provide security, maintenance and support benefits through a hosted model. The document aims to help IT professionals evaluate which option best fits their users' needs and their institution.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
Microsoft Think Outside The (Geo)Box 18 9 2008 PublishPeter de Haas
This document discusses the rise of Web 2.0 and how people are using online technologies more. It provides statistics on Internet and social media usage in the Netherlands. For example, 97% of Dutch people ages 16-34 use the Internet for an average of 12-16 hours per week. The document also discusses Microsoft's data center infrastructure and examples of interactive online experiences like Photosynth.
Microsoft The Platform For Knowledge Management 26 10 2006 V1.0Peter de Haas
This document discusses how Microsoft Office 2007 and related technologies can serve as a platform for knowledge management and sharing. It highlights key capabilities like SharePoint for collaboration, blogs and wikis for sharing knowledge, and search and social networking features to help connect people to information and experts. The document also introduces Microsoft's Knowledge Network solution for analyzing email communications to build user profiles and help people find others with relevant expertise.
DDHS 2009 Microsoft Heads In The Cloud Feet On The Ground Peter de Haas...Peter de Haas
Presentation I gave on 15 Sept 2009 at the Dutch Datacenter & Hosting Summit 2009.
Main topics of the presentation :
- Look beyond the hype of cloudcomputing
- Microosft vision for cloud computing / online slutions
- Importance of a Partner ecosystem
- The ability to choose the right sourcing and deployment scenario for your organisation
Mark Meerbeek - Microsoft - Reis naar het nieuwe werken | Masterclass Vastgoe...Roger
Op 9 februari 2011 vond de Masterclass Vastgoed 3.0 plaats, georganiseerd door Robert Dackus (3W Vastgoed) & Roger Heijsters (Smartcheck SME). Een bijeenkomst waar 40 vastgoedprofessionals hun ziel bloot gaven en zich openstelden voor een nieuwe toekomst aan de in zwaar weer verkerende vastgoedmarkt. Een zeer geslaagde dag met zeer inspirerende sprekers. Meer details op
CoNGNes 2009 - Microsoft BPOS - 22-01-2009 - Final - PPT2K3Peter de Haas
The document discusses the transition from traditional on-premise IT departments to cloud computing models where software and services are delivered via subscription from datacenters. It highlights benefits like flexibility, scalability, lower upfront costs, and the ability to access applications and data from anywhere. Finally, it provides an overview of Microsoft's cloud computing offerings for communication, collaboration and business productivity.
24 11-2010 - saas4channel event - microsoft cloud services - peter de haasPeter de Haas
Cloud computing has evolved from basic internet services in the 1990s to today's complex cloud services environment. On-premises servers provide control, customization and strategic capabilities but have higher costs, while cloud services provide efficiencies of scale and standardized functionality at lower costs. Organizations must determine which combination of on-premises and cloud services best meets their needs based on factors like costs, capabilities, and control.
Kannegieter Event envision the future - Microsoft - 24-6-2010 - v1.0Peter de Haas
Presentatie op het jaarlijkse event van Kannegieter. Wat is Microsoft's visie op de toekomst.
Kudo's aan Rene van Haaster en Serge van Schie voor het maken de presentatie en mede presenteren op dit event
25 6-2013 - abecon inspiratiedag - breinwave bi solutionsPeter de Haas
Breinwave heeft op de Abecon Inspiratiedag van 25 juni 2013 de workshop Business Inteligence verzorgd. Bijgaande presentatie vormde de basis voor de workshop / discussie
Symposium Cloud En Grid Computing Microsoft Online Strategy - 21-4-2009Peter de Haas
The document summarizes key aspects of cloud computing discussed at a Microsoft symposium. It outlines topics around security, customizability, and control in cloud services. It then describes Microsoft's Azure platform for building and hosting applications and services in the cloud. Azure provides scalable hosting, developer tools, and tools for managing the service lifecycle. The document also discusses Microsoft's vision of offering customers choice and flexibility in how they deploy applications between on-premise servers and cloud services.
SURFnetRelatiedagen Microsoft Online Strategie 15 5 2008 V1.0Peter de Haas
Microsoft operates data centers around the world including Washington, California, Virginia, Dublin, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Beijing, and Singapore. They offer both on-premise and hosted services including Exchange, SharePoint, and Lync. Their hosted offerings provide efficiencies of scale, time to market, and manageability while on-premise provides more control, customization, and flexibility. Live services are designed for individuals and small groups while online services target larger organizations with more advanced IT needs.
Key Considerations For Exchange Email Deployments In Academic EnvironmentsPeter de Haas
This document provides guidance on key considerations for deploying Exchange in academic environments, specifically comparing Exchange Online, Outlook Live, and on-premises Exchange Server. It covers areas like client experience, impacts to message flow, data management and security implications, and operational impacts. Exchange Online and Outlook Live offer less flexibility than on-premises Exchange but provide security, maintenance and support benefits through a hosted model. The document aims to help IT professionals evaluate which option best fits their users' needs and their institution.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive function. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help protect against mental illness and improve symptoms.
Microsoft Think Outside The (Geo)Box 18 9 2008 PublishPeter de Haas
This document discusses the rise of Web 2.0 and how people are using online technologies more. It provides statistics on Internet and social media usage in the Netherlands. For example, 97% of Dutch people ages 16-34 use the Internet for an average of 12-16 hours per week. The document also discusses Microsoft's data center infrastructure and examples of interactive online experiences like Photosynth.
Microsoft The Platform For Knowledge Management 26 10 2006 V1.0Peter de Haas
This document discusses how Microsoft Office 2007 and related technologies can serve as a platform for knowledge management and sharing. It highlights key capabilities like SharePoint for collaboration, blogs and wikis for sharing knowledge, and search and social networking features to help connect people to information and experts. The document also introduces Microsoft's Knowledge Network solution for analyzing email communications to build user profiles and help people find others with relevant expertise.
DDHS 2009 Microsoft Heads In The Cloud Feet On The Ground Peter de Haas...Peter de Haas
Presentation I gave on 15 Sept 2009 at the Dutch Datacenter & Hosting Summit 2009.
Main topics of the presentation :
- Look beyond the hype of cloudcomputing
- Microosft vision for cloud computing / online slutions
- Importance of a Partner ecosystem
- The ability to choose the right sourcing and deployment scenario for your organisation
Mark Meerbeek - Microsoft - Reis naar het nieuwe werken | Masterclass Vastgoe...Roger
Op 9 februari 2011 vond de Masterclass Vastgoed 3.0 plaats, georganiseerd door Robert Dackus (3W Vastgoed) & Roger Heijsters (Smartcheck SME). Een bijeenkomst waar 40 vastgoedprofessionals hun ziel bloot gaven en zich openstelden voor een nieuwe toekomst aan de in zwaar weer verkerende vastgoedmarkt. Een zeer geslaagde dag met zeer inspirerende sprekers. Meer details op
Sparked heeft in samenwerking met AOS Studley verschillende edities van de Multi-Generation Workplace Masterclass georganiseerd. Deze presentatie is gegeven tijdens de masterclass op 15 november jongstleden.
De presentatie is verzorgd door Edo Immink met een bijdrage van Tom Rovers via Lync vanuit Kaapstad.
190905 fex - presentatie bijeenkomst door bert de vos, pepixFlevum
De vijf belangrijkste samenwerkingstrends voor de toekomst.
Inmiddels hebben veel bedrijven gezien dat hun medewerkers hun bureau steeds vaker inruilden voor een mobiele werkplek. En niet alleen het personeel is steeds minder plaatsgebonden gaan werken, ook stakeholders en klanten.
Voor deze steeds veranderende manier van werken zijn daarom betere samenwerkings-oplossingen nodig. Het is dan ook van cruciaal belang dat je rekening houdt met deze ontwikkeling, zodat teams het contact met het bedrijf niet kwijtraken en blijven samenwerken en innoveren. Tijdens deze bijeenkomst zullen de vijf belangrijkste samenwerkingstrends besproken worden door Bert de Vos. Hij zal ingaan op:
Huddle rooms
Verschillende manieren van vergaderen
Verouderde infrastructuren en end-of-life van apparatuur
Draadloze vergaderruimte
Virtual en augmented reality
Houd deze samenwerkingstrends goed in de gaten. Zo wordt het gemakkelijker je zakelijke doelstellingen te bereiken en blijf je de concurrent voor. Die zit namelijk echt niet stil. Tijd om in beweging te komen!
2010 09 19 Presentatie Veranderen, Leiderschap En Medewerkers Voor Benchmark ...edevoogd
Hoe neem ik de organisatie mee?
Wat vraagt Antwoord van leiderschap?
Hoe ga ik om met de vakafdeling?
Hoe pak ik een cultuurtraject aan?
Tips en tricks voor realiseren van cultuurverandering bij de invoering van Antwoord en betere dienstverlening.
20160414 abecon zorgdag inspiratiesessie - internet of things - peter de ha...Peter de Haas
Peter de Haas gave a presentation on IoT, trends, innovation, and disruption. The presentation included an introduction, trends and developments in IoT, innovation, pushing boundaries, and disruption. It discussed using technology like mobility, social media, analytics and integration to gain customer insights and improve productivity and processes. Examples were given of emerging technologies like IoT, 3D printing, robotics, AI and blockchain that could cause disruption. The presentation outlined Breinwave's customer lifecycle and provided videos on topics like email, coding, HoloLens anatomy, what is AI, and a blind assistance device. It recommended organizing an innovation team, staying curious about new technologies, understanding one's business model and opportunities for change, and
Internet of Things en andere trends - Abecon zorgdag 2014 10-02 - breinwave -...Peter de Haas
#Breinwave presenteerde de trends en ontwikkelingen op ICT gebied , zoals the internet of things, die in de komende jaren een grote impact gaan hebben op de zorg markt en mooie kansen bieden voor dienstverleners in deze markt
CPAAI 20-9-2013 - Breinwave - the real speed of technology innovation and ho...Peter de Haas
This document discusses major technology trends including big data, social media, mobility, and cloud computing. It notes that in 2012 mobile apps will outpace PC shipments, social networking will follow connected devices, over 80% of new apps will be cloud-based, and big data and business analytics will see increased investment. The role of the CIO is shifting with new delivery models like cloud computing. Analyst reports are discussed as a way to understand emerging technologies and their adoption rates.
7 12-2010 - UU - Microsoft Cloud Services - peter de haas -finalPeter de Haas
The document discusses Microsoft's cloud computing services and strategy. It provides an overview of Microsoft's cloud infrastructure including over 100 data centers worldwide. It also describes Microsoft's private and public cloud offerings like Windows Azure, SQL Azure, and Office 365. Microsoft's strategy is to provide hybrid cloud options that allow customers to choose between on-premises, private cloud, and public cloud deployment.
18 11-2010 - sogeti event - Microsoft Cloud Services - peter de haasPeter de Haas
Presentatie voor Sogeti event van 18 november 2010.
- Wat is MIcrosoft's visie op Cloud Computing
- Waar staat Microsoft vandaag
- De Cloud is hier, wie gebruikt de oplossingen van MIcrosoft
- What's next ?
- Ga nu aan de slag met BPOS / CRM Online
5 days since last paradigm shift microsoft cloud services peter de haas - 1...Peter de Haas
The document discusses the evolution of computing paradigms from mainframes to client-server systems to the current cloud computing model. It outlines Microsoft's vision and investments in cloud computing, including their global network of data centers, cloud platform services, and consumer and business cloud applications. The cloud is presented as delivering IT as a service and enabling new opportunities for productivity, collaboration, and business models.
Capgemini Secure Infostructure Event Microsoft Online Strategie En Diensten...Peter de Haas
Presentation for the Capgemini Secure Infostructure event on 16-12-2009.
Microsoft's vision, approach and solutions for cloudcomputing and online services.
Kennisnet Microsoft Live @ Edu 9 2 2009 Ppt2 K3Peter de Haas
Network Economy Congres Microsoft Nieuwe Werken Sessies 15 10 2008 Publish
1. Peter de Haas Online Strategy Manager Het Nieuwe Werken bij Microsoft Nederland [email_address]
2. Het Nieuwe Werken Bescherm en beheer informatie Vind informatie & verbeter inzicht in de business Vereenvoudig hoe mensen samenwerken Reduceer IT kosten en verbeter de beveiliging Meer voor minder Altijd aan en verbonden Transparante organisaties 辿n zakelijke wereld
5. Workshop Agenda Dialoog : Het Nieuwe Werken Microsofts interne reis: 2bPR Resultaten 2bPR Trends Technologie Methodieken Cultuur Communicatie
6. Peter de Haas Online Strategy Manager WORKSHOP Het Nieuwe Werken bij Microsoft Nederland
7. Agenda Wat is 2bPR? 2bPR drie dimensies Mentaal_People Fysiek_Working Environment Virtueel_Technology Ervaringen en resultaten Hoe kan ik als klant hiervan gebruik maken?
13. Ruim 55 procent van de chattende jongeren zegt zich geen leven te kunnen voorstellen zonder Windows Live Messenger 2,5 miljard gesprekken per maand 6 miljoen geregistreerde gebruikers gemiddeld 83 contacten 6 uur per week.
20. Wat is 2bPR? een intern veranderingstraject gericht op het implementeren van het het nieuwe werken en daarmee zelf een People Ready organisatie te zijn
30. Factor 4 Index Dimensies van Productiviteit Uitdaging Verantwoord ondernemen Innovatie Aansprekende doelen Aansprekende producten/diensten Klanten & collegas Plezier met collegas Enthousiasmerende baas Enthousiasmerende klanten Kwaliteit van leveranciers Zelfstandigheid & besluitvorming Betrokkenheid bij besluiten Wachten op besluiten Beslissingsvrijheid Handelingsvrijheid Informeren & in actie komen Duidelijke visie management Transparante organisatie & processen Werken in teams Optimaal samenwerken met collegas Zelfontplooiing Zichtbare bijdrage Gewaardeerde bijdrage Uitdagend werk Benutten van mijn potentieel Ruimte Idee谷n opdoen buiten werk Verbeteren buiten werk Inspiratie uit ontwikkelingen in de wereld Belangrijke dingen priv辿 bespreekbaar Binden & ontwikkelen Aansluiting op mijn manier van leven Ruimte om te leren Bereidheid tot veranderen Ontvankelijk voor idee谷n personeel Werkplek & werksfeer Arbeidsvoorwaarden Beoordeling & feedback Fysieke werkomgeving Gezelschap van collegas Motivatie & drijfveren Klantgericht Proceduregedreven Trots op onze producten/diensten Gemeenschappelijk doel Waarden & gedrag Open communicatie Eerlijk & direct omgaan met elkaar Samen steeds verbeteren Teamgevoel Zoeken & vinden Werkinformatie Expertise van collegas Selectieve/op maat gesneden informatie Op 1 plek Samenwerken & communiceren Plaatsonafhankelijk Kennis & informatie uitwisselen Aan elkaars documenten werken Heldere status van acties & (project)taken Management & leiderschap Motiverende baas Waardering door mijn baas Invoeren verbeteridee谷n door mijn baas Integriteit van mijn baas Samenwerken & communiceren Plaatsonafhankelijk Kennis & informatie uitwisselen Aan elkaars documenten werken Heldere status van acties & (project)taken Slim & snel Informatie eenmalig invoeren Toegang tot informatie van externe partijen Ondersteunende systemen Papierloos werken Altijd & overal Toegang tot netwerk/systemen Bereikbaarheid buiten kantoor Eigen baas over werkplaats & -tijd Toegang tot internet
36. What are Personas & Scenarios A Scenario is a descripton of a future way of performing an everyday activity A Persona is an archetype that describes an almost real-life person and how he or she goes through scenarios Current Activity Scenario Program Technology Skills Rules of Engagement Workplace Process
38. Scenarios drive a People Ready Business Low-entry scenarios Everyday work Immediate end-user benefits Immediate adoption by end-user Low implementation impact Make technology available for Quick-win scenarios Small adaption of work slight awareness of changed technology Strong change in work technology and organizational change blend End-users create their own solution Everyday work Make choices - standardize Steep learningcurve Social pressure Managers as role models Medium technology impact All work influenced Strong change Social pressure Strong learning curve High technology impact Empowered workforce Self-directed Guide social processes Standardization Scenarios
39. Meetings (simple) A person plans a meeting in Outlook A central place is created that is also available offline A standardized agenda is provided, action points are integrated, decisions made are published Meeting takes place Meeting notes are published, action points shared, decisions transparent available Based on alerts everybody gets the message that meeting notes are available Collegues share their prepared stuff via the same central place