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December 8, 2006December 8, 2006
New Hanover CountyNew Hanover County
Cape Fear HealthNetCape Fear HealthNet
 Create a coordinated system ofCreate a coordinated system of
healthcare for the uninsured inhealthcare for the uninsured in
Brunswick and New Hanover counties.Brunswick and New Hanover counties.
 Increase the capacity of healthcare safety netIncrease the capacity of healthcare safety net
providers to ensure that low income residentsproviders to ensure that low income residents
have access to a medical home, receivehave access to a medical home, receive
preventive services, avoid unnecessary healthpreventive services, avoid unnecessary health
complications, and enjoy a better, healthiercomplications, and enjoy a better, healthier
quality of life.quality of life.
 Rebirth of Cape Fear Healthy CaroliniansRebirth of Cape Fear Healthy Carolinians
 Community Assessment SurveysCommunity Assessment Surveys
 Community Issues IdentifiedCommunity Issues Identified

Chronic DiseaseChronic Disease

Injury PreventionInjury Prevention

Access to HealthcareAccess to Healthcare
 Former NameFormer Name
The Access SubcommitteeThe Access Subcommittee
Proposed Target PopulationProposed Target Population
 Adults-Adults- 200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL)200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL)
 Children- 250% FPLChildren- 250% FPL
AdultsAdults ChildrenChildren TotalTotal
 BrunswickBrunswick 7,1797,179 342342 7,5217,521
 New Hanover 14,298New Hanover 14,298 624624 14,92214,922
Tileston Outreach ClinicTileston Outreach Clinic
 Location: 320 S. 5Location: 320 S. 5thth
St. WilmingtonSt. Wilmington
 Free ClinicFree Clinic
 <=150% FPL<=150% FPL
 Serve UninsuredServe Uninsured
 Moving to NewMoving to New
 New Patients-New Patients-
Wednesdays OnlyWednesdays Only
Good Shepherd MinistriesGood Shepherd Ministries
 Location: 811 MartinLocation: 811 Martin
St. WilmingtonSt. Wilmington
 Free ClinicFree Clinic
 Serve Homeless,Serve Homeless,
 Nurse Clinic -Nurse Clinic -
20 hours/week20 hours/week
New Hanover Community HealthNew Hanover Community Health
 Location: 925 4Location: 925 4thth
 <=200% FPL<=200% FPL
 Sliding Fee ScaleSliding Fee Scale
 Serve Insured andServe Insured and
 Capacity for NewCapacity for New
Wilmington Health Access forWilmington Health Access for
 Location: 4005Location: 4005
Oleander DriveOleander Drive
 1,200 Uninsured1,200 Uninsured
 Serve Insured andServe Insured and
 Capacity for NewCapacity for New
New Hanover Health DepartmentNew Hanover Health Department
 Location: 4005 Oleander Dr. WilmingtonLocation: 4005 Oleander Dr. Wilmington
 <=250% FPL<=250% FPL
 Sliding Fee ScaleSliding Fee Scale
 Serve Insured and UninsuredServe Insured and Uninsured
 No Primary Care ServicesNo Primary Care Services
NHRMC OP ClinicsNHRMC OP Clinics
 Location: Zimmer Bld.Location: Zimmer Bld.
NHRMC WilmingtonNHRMC Wilmington
 8-9 Month Wait List8-9 Month Wait List
 <=200% FPL<=200% FPL
 Serve Insured andServe Insured and
Coastal Family MedicineCoastal Family Medicine
 Location: 2523Location: 2523
Delaney RoadDelaney Road
 2-3 Month Wait List2-3 Month Wait List
 <=200% FPL<=200% FPL
 Serve Insured andServe Insured and
Provider ValueProvider Value
 An Established, ClearAn Established, Clear
System of CareSystem of Care
 Provider Control OverProvider Control Over
 Free Marketing forFree Marketing for
Paying PatientsPaying Patients
 Paying PatientPaying Patient
Provider ValueProvider Value
 Equitable Distribution AmongEquitable Distribution Among
 Documented Charity CareDocumented Charity Care
 Case Management Services-Case Management Services-
Reduce Unnecessary HealthReduce Unnecessary Health
 Discounted Education CreditsDiscounted Education Credits
 Favorable Recognition as aFavorable Recognition as a
Caring ProfessionalCaring Professional
Present GoalsPresent Goals
 Invest In Safety Net Agencies;Invest In Safety Net Agencies;
Family Nurse Practitioner.Family Nurse Practitioner.
 Recruit Specialty Care Physicians toRecruit Specialty Care Physicians to
Provide Services.Provide Services.
 Navigator / Enrollment Specialist StartedNavigator / Enrollment Specialist Started
November 2006.November 2006.
 Market to Medical Providers, Service, andMarket to Medical Providers, Service, and
Faith Organizations.Faith Organizations.
 Establish Medical, Advisory Committees.Establish Medical, Advisory Committees.
Care SystemCare System
1.1. Safety Net Agencies Provide PrimarySafety Net Agencies Provide Primary
Care; Recruit Specialty Care PhysiciansCare; Recruit Specialty Care Physicians
2.2. Contributed Diagnostic, Laboratory, andContributed Diagnostic, Laboratory, and
Pharmacy Services from AdditionalPharmacy Services from Additional
Healthcare ResourcesHealthcare Resources
Healthcare System for UninsuredHealthcare System for Uninsured
Project Access NetworksProject Access Networks
 North CarolinaNorth Carolina - 9 Networks- 9 Networks

BCMS Project AccessBCMS Project Access AshevilleAsheville

MCMS Reach OutMCMS Reach Out CharlotteCharlotte

Project Access Greater GreensboroProject Access Greater Greensboro GreensboroGreensboro

HCSI, Inc.HCSI, Inc. GreensboroGreensboro

HealthAssistHealthAssist GreenvilleGreenville

Healthy AccessHealthy Access HendersonHenderson

Project Access of Wake Co.Project Access of Wake Co. RaleighRaleigh

Appalachian Healthcare ProjectAppalachian Healthcare Project BooneBoone

Toe River Project AccessToe River Project Access Spruce PineSpruce Pine
Buncombe Project AccessBuncombe Project Access
 Asheville, NCAsheville, NC
 Buncombe CountyBuncombe County
Medical SocietyMedical Society
 In Operations 10 YearsIn Operations 10 Years
 ~3,000 Patients Enrolled~3,000 Patients Enrolled
Alliance Medical MinistryAlliance Medical Ministry
 Raleigh, NCRaleigh, NC
 Doctors Salaries?Doctors Salaries?

20% Grants20% Grants

50% Individual Donors50% Individual Donors

10% Churches10% Churches

20% Corporate /20% Corporate /
Hospital DonationsHospital Donations
 No Federal, State, County $$No Federal, State, County $$
Feedback / InputFeedback / Input

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NH Medical Society 12.8.06 FINAL

  • 1. December 8, 2006December 8, 2006 New Hanover CountyNew Hanover County Cape Fear HealthNetCape Fear HealthNet CFHNCFHN
  • 2. MissionMission Create a coordinated system ofCreate a coordinated system of healthcare for the uninsured inhealthcare for the uninsured in Brunswick and New Hanover counties.Brunswick and New Hanover counties. Increase the capacity of healthcare safety netIncrease the capacity of healthcare safety net providers to ensure that low income residentsproviders to ensure that low income residents have access to a medical home, receivehave access to a medical home, receive preventive services, avoid unnecessary healthpreventive services, avoid unnecessary health complications, and enjoy a better, healthiercomplications, and enjoy a better, healthier quality of life.quality of life.
  • 3. HistoryHistory Rebirth of Cape Fear Healthy CaroliniansRebirth of Cape Fear Healthy Carolinians Community Assessment SurveysCommunity Assessment Surveys Community Issues IdentifiedCommunity Issues Identified Chronic DiseaseChronic Disease Injury PreventionInjury Prevention Access to HealthcareAccess to Healthcare Former NameFormer Name The Access SubcommitteeThe Access Subcommittee
  • 4. Proposed Target PopulationProposed Target Population Adults-Adults- 200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL)200% Federal Poverty Level (FPL) Children- 250% FPLChildren- 250% FPL AdultsAdults ChildrenChildren TotalTotal BrunswickBrunswick 7,1797,179 342342 7,5217,521 New Hanover 14,298New Hanover 14,298 624624 14,92214,922
  • 5. Tileston Outreach ClinicTileston Outreach Clinic Location: 320 S. 5Location: 320 S. 5thth St. WilmingtonSt. Wilmington Free ClinicFree Clinic <=150% FPL<=150% FPL Serve UninsuredServe Uninsured Moving to NewMoving to New LocationLocation New Patients-New Patients- Wednesdays OnlyWednesdays Only
  • 6. Good Shepherd MinistriesGood Shepherd Ministries Location: 811 MartinLocation: 811 Martin St. WilmingtonSt. Wilmington Free ClinicFree Clinic Serve Homeless,Serve Homeless, UninsuredUninsured Nurse Clinic -Nurse Clinic - 20 hours/week20 hours/week
  • 7. New Hanover Community HealthNew Hanover Community Health CenterCenter Location: 925 4Location: 925 4thth St.St. WilmingtonWilmington <=200% FPL<=200% FPL Sliding Fee ScaleSliding Fee Scale Serve Insured andServe Insured and UninsuredUninsured Capacity for NewCapacity for New PatientsPatients
  • 8. Wilmington Health Access forWilmington Health Access for TeensTeens Location: 4005Location: 4005 Oleander DriveOleander Drive WilmingtonWilmington 1,200 Uninsured1,200 Uninsured TeensTeens Serve Insured andServe Insured and UninsuredUninsured Capacity for NewCapacity for New PatientsPatients
  • 9. New Hanover Health DepartmentNew Hanover Health Department Location: 4005 Oleander Dr. WilmingtonLocation: 4005 Oleander Dr. Wilmington <=250% FPL<=250% FPL Sliding Fee ScaleSliding Fee Scale Serve Insured and UninsuredServe Insured and Uninsured No Primary Care ServicesNo Primary Care Services
  • 10. NHRMC OP ClinicsNHRMC OP Clinics Location: Zimmer Bld.Location: Zimmer Bld. NHRMC WilmingtonNHRMC Wilmington 8-9 Month Wait List8-9 Month Wait List <=200% FPL<=200% FPL Serve Insured andServe Insured and UninsuredUninsured
  • 11. Coastal Family MedicineCoastal Family Medicine Location: 2523Location: 2523 Delaney RoadDelaney Road WilmingtonWilmington 2-3 Month Wait List2-3 Month Wait List <=200% FPL<=200% FPL Serve Insured andServe Insured and UninsuredUninsured
  • 12. Provider ValueProvider Value An Established, ClearAn Established, Clear System of CareSystem of Care Provider Control OverProvider Control Over ParticipationParticipation Free Marketing forFree Marketing for Paying PatientsPaying Patients Paying PatientPaying Patient ReferralsReferrals
  • 13. Provider ValueProvider Value Equitable Distribution AmongEquitable Distribution Among ProvidersProviders Documented Charity CareDocumented Charity Care Case Management Services-Case Management Services- Reduce Unnecessary HealthReduce Unnecessary Health ComplicationsComplications Discounted Education CreditsDiscounted Education Credits Favorable Recognition as aFavorable Recognition as a Caring ProfessionalCaring Professional
  • 14. Present GoalsPresent Goals Invest In Safety Net Agencies;Invest In Safety Net Agencies; Family Nurse Practitioner.Family Nurse Practitioner. Recruit Specialty Care Physicians toRecruit Specialty Care Physicians to Provide Services.Provide Services. Navigator / Enrollment Specialist StartedNavigator / Enrollment Specialist Started November 2006.November 2006. Market to Medical Providers, Service, andMarket to Medical Providers, Service, and Faith Organizations.Faith Organizations. Establish Medical, Advisory Committees.Establish Medical, Advisory Committees.
  • 15. Care SystemCare System 1.1. Safety Net Agencies Provide PrimarySafety Net Agencies Provide Primary Care; Recruit Specialty Care PhysiciansCare; Recruit Specialty Care Physicians ++ 2.2. Contributed Diagnostic, Laboratory, andContributed Diagnostic, Laboratory, and Pharmacy Services from AdditionalPharmacy Services from Additional Healthcare ResourcesHealthcare Resources == Healthcare System for UninsuredHealthcare System for Uninsured
  • 16. Project Access NetworksProject Access Networks North CarolinaNorth Carolina - 9 Networks- 9 Networks BCMS Project AccessBCMS Project Access AshevilleAsheville MCMS Reach OutMCMS Reach Out CharlotteCharlotte Project Access Greater GreensboroProject Access Greater Greensboro GreensboroGreensboro HCSI, Inc.HCSI, Inc. GreensboroGreensboro HealthAssistHealthAssist GreenvilleGreenville Healthy AccessHealthy Access HendersonHenderson Project Access of Wake Co.Project Access of Wake Co. RaleighRaleigh Appalachian Healthcare ProjectAppalachian Healthcare Project BooneBoone Toe River Project AccessToe River Project Access Spruce PineSpruce Pine
  • 17. Buncombe Project AccessBuncombe Project Access Asheville, NCAsheville, NC Buncombe CountyBuncombe County Medical SocietyMedical Society In Operations 10 YearsIn Operations 10 Years ~3,000 Patients Enrolled~3,000 Patients Enrolled https://www.projectaccessonline.org/pa/pp/https://www.projectaccessonline.org/pa/pp/
  • 18. Alliance Medical MinistryAlliance Medical Ministry Raleigh, NCRaleigh, NC Doctors Salaries?Doctors Salaries? 20% Grants20% Grants 50% Individual Donors50% Individual Donors 10% Churches10% Churches 20% Corporate /20% Corporate / Hospital DonationsHospital Donations No Federal, State, County $$No Federal, State, County $$ http://http:// www.alliancemedicalministry.org/index.htmwww.alliancemedicalministry.org/index.htm

Editor's Notes

  • #17: Buncombe- Medical Society PAGG- CCNC Network HealthAssist- Independent program within Access East; a group charged with care for Medicaid, Medicare, and Uninsured Toe River- Part of Spruce Pine Hospital System
  • #19: Target population is working uninsured: someone in household is employed (any hours), whole household can come; 100-185% FPL; sliding fee based on household income