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Mind Full or Mindful
A Different Approach to Food
Carol Gray, MHA
Account Executive, ACS Benefit Services
October 14, 2015
 What is the annual revenue of the U.S. weight loss
industry, including diet books, diet drugs and weight-
loss surgeries?
$20 Billion
 How many people are on diets in the U.S.?
108 Million
 How many attempts per year are made by a dieter?
4 to 5
Weight Loss Industry
 We eat for so many reasons besides hunger 
 Cultural (meetings, family gatherings,
 Emotional (sad, happy, anger, fear)
 Holidays & Events (Valentines, Easter,
Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Super
Bowl, Celebrations)
 Stress (work, family, time management)
 Food (taste, variety, colorful, texture)
Why Do We Eat?
Food is good.
Food is meant to be enjoyed.
Who knew???
 Compare Ourselves
 Self Acceptance
 Family / Peer Pressure
 Health Concern
 For an Event
Comparison is the thief of joy.
Theodore Roosevelt
Why Do We DIEt?
 Shoulding all over ourselves
 Need to be Superwoman / Superman
 Negative self-talk
 Comparison trap
 The Expectation Gap
 Where We Are & Where We Want to Be
When you stop expecting people to be perfect,
you can like them for who they are.
Donald Miller
Perfection is NOT the Goal
 Also known as intuitive eating
 Comes from Buddhist teachings
 Aims to reconnect us more deeply with the
experience of eating  and enjoying our food
Mindful Eating
 Based on the idea  there is no right or wrong way
to eat, but rather varying degrees of consciousness
about what we are eating and why.
 The goal  to base our meals on physical cues, such
as our bodies' hunger signals, not emotional ones 
like eating for comfort.
Mindful Eating
 Physical builds gradually; Emotional develops suddenly.
 Physical strikes below the neck (growling stomach) &
Emotional strikes above the neck (taste for cake, ice cream).
 Physical is satisfied after eating food; Emotional leads to guilt
after eating food.
-Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink
Physical vs. Emotional Hunger
 Physical enhances taste; Emotional does not.
 Physical occurs 3+ hours after a meal; Emotional hunger occurs
at random times.
 Physical goes away when full; Emotional still persists after a
good deal has already been eaten.
-Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink
Physical vs. Emotional Hunger
 When cheating is no longer possible, the forbidden
food no longer looks appealing. When you allow
yourself the ability to taste any food- experience the
texture, color, flavor, the urgency of eating it goes
 No more anxious eating
 No more last suppers
 No more guilt
Is the Effort Worth It?
 Pick a non-emotional food you enjoy red velvet
cake? If you knew you could have 1 slice of the cake
each day and you had 1 slice every other day or even
every day, then racing to the kitchen to devour some
red velvet cake probably would not enter your mind.
 Why? Because it is familiar. Because you have eaten
it mindfully several times. You know and have
experienced the cake. AND IT WAS GOOOOD
 Expect to screw-up!
 Benefit of the doubt
Be Open To Mistakes
Its not about the table, whether its square or round.
Its not about the chairs- plastic or wooden. A good
meal is enjoyed when we turn off the TV and our cell
phones and concentrate on those were with.
Sometimes we are more concerned about what others-
sometimes miles away  have to say than what the
person just across the table is saying.
- Keila Ochoa
Be In The Moment
 Make dining an event.
 Set the table.
 Remove anything from the table that means nothing
to the meal.
 Add flowers and/or a table cloth.
 Use the fine china
 Turn off all phones, TV., and computers.
 Play music you like that is peaceful yet pleasant.
For Singles
 You are the average of the 5 people you
spend the most time with.
 Limit time spent with Negative Nellie
 Sleep deprivation and stress 
 Guides you to sweets and starches
 It is the first bite, not the last that stimulates
 Every bite needs to taste as good as the first
Be Aware
Make your eating environment enjoyable and
 Get out of the office
 Eat Slower
 Pay Attention to Flavor
 Get away from televisions, phones and loud music
 Listen to enjoyable music, view picture album, travel
magazine, or house decorating
 Find merit in what you eat
Helpful Tips
 Awareness of your physical and emotional cues
 Recognition of your non-hunger triggers for eating
 Learning to meet your other needs in more
effective ways than eating
 Do your best
 Slow Progress is Still Progress
 #1 Predictor of Success PATIENCE
Helpful Tips
You are the CEO of the most magnificent
organization in the universe-
the human body.
Glenn Mueller
Dont Forget
 Intuitive Eating by Tribole & Resch
 Google Mindful Eating
 Google Intuitive Eating
Helpful Resources
 How the Rich Get Thin, Glee Magazine, by Glenn
 Jill Coleman, 2013 Womens Retreat.
 Feeling Light by Katzman and Shankin-Cohen
 Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink
 Mindful Eating: 5 Easy Tips To Get Started,
Huffingtonpost.com by Jennie Grover

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Mindful or Mind Full 2015

  • 1. Mind Full or Mindful A Different Approach to Food Carol Gray, MHA Account Executive, ACS Benefit Services October 14, 2015
  • 2. What is the annual revenue of the U.S. weight loss industry, including diet books, diet drugs and weight- loss surgeries? $20 Billion How many people are on diets in the U.S.? 108 Million How many attempts per year are made by a dieter? 4 to 5 Weight Loss Industry http://abcnews.go.com/Health/100-million-dieters-20-billion-weight- loss-industry/story?id=16297197
  • 3. We eat for so many reasons besides hunger Cultural (meetings, family gatherings, church) Emotional (sad, happy, anger, fear) Holidays & Events (Valentines, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Super Bowl, Celebrations) Stress (work, family, time management) Food (taste, variety, colorful, texture) Why Do We Eat?
  • 4. Food is good. Food is meant to be enjoyed. Who knew??? SURPRISE
  • 5. Compare Ourselves Guilt Media Self Acceptance Family / Peer Pressure Health Concern For an Event Comparison is the thief of joy. Theodore Roosevelt Why Do We DIEt?
  • 6. Shoulding all over ourselves Need to be Superwoman / Superman Negative self-talk Comparison trap The Expectation Gap Where We Are & Where We Want to Be Shoulding
  • 7. When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. Donald Miller Perfection is NOT the Goal
  • 8. Also known as intuitive eating Comes from Buddhist teachings Aims to reconnect us more deeply with the experience of eating and enjoying our food Mindful Eating
  • 9. Based on the idea there is no right or wrong way to eat, but rather varying degrees of consciousness about what we are eating and why. The goal to base our meals on physical cues, such as our bodies' hunger signals, not emotional ones like eating for comfort. Mindful Eating
  • 10. Physical builds gradually; Emotional develops suddenly. Physical strikes below the neck (growling stomach) & Emotional strikes above the neck (taste for cake, ice cream). Physical is satisfied after eating food; Emotional leads to guilt after eating food. -Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink Physical vs. Emotional Hunger
  • 11. Physical enhances taste; Emotional does not. Physical occurs 3+ hours after a meal; Emotional hunger occurs at random times. Physical goes away when full; Emotional still persists after a good deal has already been eaten. -Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink Physical vs. Emotional Hunger
  • 12. When cheating is no longer possible, the forbidden food no longer looks appealing. When you allow yourself the ability to taste any food- experience the texture, color, flavor, the urgency of eating it goes away. No more anxious eating No more last suppers No more guilt NO MORE DIETS Is the Effort Worth It?
  • 13. Pick a non-emotional food you enjoy red velvet cake? If you knew you could have 1 slice of the cake each day and you had 1 slice every other day or even every day, then racing to the kitchen to devour some red velvet cake probably would not enter your mind. Why? Because it is familiar. Because you have eaten it mindfully several times. You know and have experienced the cake. AND IT WAS GOOOOD EXAMPLE
  • 14. Expect to screw-up! Gratitude Benefit of the doubt Be Open To Mistakes
  • 15. Its not about the table, whether its square or round. Its not about the chairs- plastic or wooden. A good meal is enjoyed when we turn off the TV and our cell phones and concentrate on those were with. Sometimes we are more concerned about what others- sometimes miles away have to say than what the person just across the table is saying. - Keila Ochoa Be In The Moment
  • 16. Make dining an event. Set the table. Remove anything from the table that means nothing to the meal. Add flowers and/or a table cloth. Use the fine china Turn off all phones, TV., and computers. Play music you like that is peaceful yet pleasant. For Singles
  • 17. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Limit time spent with Negative Nellie Sleep deprivation and stress Guides you to sweets and starches It is the first bite, not the last that stimulates serotonin. Every bite needs to taste as good as the first bite. Be Aware
  • 18. Make your eating environment enjoyable and rewarding: Get out of the office Eat Slower Pay Attention to Flavor Get away from televisions, phones and loud music Listen to enjoyable music, view picture album, travel magazine, or house decorating Find merit in what you eat Helpful Tips
  • 19. Awareness of your physical and emotional cues Recognition of your non-hunger triggers for eating Learning to meet your other needs in more effective ways than eating Do your best Slow Progress is Still Progress #1 Predictor of Success PATIENCE Helpful Tips
  • 20. You are the CEO of the most magnificent organization in the universe- the human body. Glenn Mueller Dont Forget
  • 21. www.amihungry.com Intuitive Eating by Tribole & Resch Google Mindful Eating Google Intuitive Eating Helpful Resources
  • 22. How the Rich Get Thin, Glee Magazine, by Glenn Mueller. www.amihungry.com Jill Coleman, 2013 Womens Retreat. Feeling Light by Katzman and Shankin-Cohen Mindless Eating by Brian Wansink Mindful Eating: 5 Easy Tips To Get Started, Huffingtonpost.com by Jennie Grover References