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Evaluation: Question 1.

In what ways does your media product
  use, develop or challenge forms and
  conventions of real media products?
• Our music video follows the Andrew Goodwin
  theory of disjuncture and illustration. However it
  mostly follows disjuncture because our music
  video has nothing to do with the lyrics in the song
  this can be seen in the music video and song
  where she talks about having a lavish life style
  and how spoilt she is. More over our music video
  is set in a studio and park which also has nothing
  do with the song. Although, the artists
  performance gave off the impression that she is a
  diva through her actions and mise en scene.
Examples of Andrew Goodwin’s theory
                in our music video

However the setting of   These are examples of
the music video is       Andrew Goodwin’s
placed in a park and     theory of disjuncture
studio which has         where we see the artist
nothing do with the      dressing lavishly, netted
video but you can tell   dress, pearls, red lip
she is giving the        stick, hair blowing in
impression that she      the air, big earrings, big
owns the world           curly hair and fur. Also
                         the way she performs
                         shows her diva
Laura Mulvey
      Our music video also follows Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze. We asked the students
      in class what was the first thing they looked at when they watched the music video.
      They said that they looked at her face arms and body mostly as they were the first
      things that stood out most. The camera mostly did focus on the top half of the body
      but at times the lower half and the boys noticed that first. However our music video
      was a hit on both male and female students.

      Video that influenced us

Christina Aguilera-
your body
Examples of Laura Mulvey’s theory in
                  our music video
         www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj5L9SYhoSE- MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS

These are our
examples of
shots which
prove the male
gaze from our
music video
Carol Vernallis theory
Carol Vernallis theory centers around 4 key concepts that make up a music video and these are:

1.   Narrative
2.   Editing
3.   Camera movement and framing
4.   Diegesis

She says that camera framing and movement needs to be:
. When it comes to shot types, extremes are very common.
. The style of framing and movement may run through the video and is distinctive to that video
. The camera may move in time with the music
. The camera may move on the lyrics
. The master shot (or other establishing shots) is used frequently , are as close- ups

She says that the Diegesis in a music video may be revealed quite slowly
. Actions are not necessarily completed- they may be disrupted or interrupted in some way.
. Character or object movements may move to the music
. There maybe gaps in the audience’s understanding of the digesis – in time and space, music, performance and narrative.
. Some frames may be more important than others.
C.V theory
She says that when editing the edits must match the musical phrases or the beat
. The video may break or disrupt many of the rules of the continuity editing-this is a clear convention of music video editing.
. Editing may become ‘ foregrounded-the edits may be really obvious, to draw attention to themselves as opposed to invisible,
continuity editing

E.G…. You may see
Jump cuts
Break of the 30 degree rule
Breaks of the 180 degree rule
Cutting against the movement
Cutting with in the lyrics
Fancy edits or cuts
Extreme jumps in time and space
Extreme changes in pace
Juxtaposed frames graphic matches
Graphic matches
A style of editing that runs through the video and is distinctive to that video
C.V theory in our video

                     mid shot

Close up

Fade out
                                Fancy effect
Music videos that inspired me to make
           our music video
Eliza doolittle- skinny jeans
Ellie goulding- starry eye
Fergie- glamourous
Christina Aguliera- your body

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Nhadia presentation 7i9789i78

  • 1. Evaluation: Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  • 2. ANDREW GOODWIN • Our music video follows the Andrew Goodwin theory of disjuncture and illustration. However it mostly follows disjuncture because our music video has nothing to do with the lyrics in the song this can be seen in the music video and song where she talks about having a lavish life style and how spoilt she is. More over our music video is set in a studio and park which also has nothing do with the song. Although, the artists performance gave off the impression that she is a diva through her actions and mise en scene.
  • 3. Examples of Andrew Goodwin’s theory in our music video However the setting of These are examples of the music video is Andrew Goodwin’s placed in a park and theory of disjuncture studio which has where we see the artist nothing do with the dressing lavishly, netted video but you can tell dress, pearls, red lip she is giving the stick, hair blowing in impression that she the air, big earrings, big owns the world curly hair and fur. Also the way she performs shows her diva personality.
  • 4. Laura Mulvey Our music video also follows Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze. We asked the students in class what was the first thing they looked at when they watched the music video. They said that they looked at her face arms and body mostly as they were the first things that stood out most. The camera mostly did focus on the top half of the body but at times the lower half and the boys noticed that first. However our music video was a hit on both male and female students. Video that influenced us Christina Aguilera- your body
  • 5. Examples of Laura Mulvey’s theory in our music video www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj5L9SYhoSE- MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS PRIMADONNA GIRL These are our examples of shots which prove the male gaze from our music video
  • 6. Carol Vernallis theory Carol Vernallis theory centers around 4 key concepts that make up a music video and these are: 1. Narrative 2. Editing 3. Camera movement and framing 4. Diegesis She says that camera framing and movement needs to be: . When it comes to shot types, extremes are very common. . The style of framing and movement may run through the video and is distinctive to that video . The camera may move in time with the music . The camera may move on the lyrics . The master shot (or other establishing shots) is used frequently , are as close- ups She says that the Diegesis in a music video may be revealed quite slowly . Actions are not necessarily completed- they may be disrupted or interrupted in some way. . Character or object movements may move to the music . There maybe gaps in the audience’s understanding of the digesis – in time and space, music, performance and narrative. . Some frames may be more important than others.
  • 7. C.V theory She says that when editing the edits must match the musical phrases or the beat . The video may break or disrupt many of the rules of the continuity editing-this is a clear convention of music video editing. . Editing may become ‘ foregrounded-the edits may be really obvious, to draw attention to themselves as opposed to invisible, continuity editing E.G…. You may see Jump cuts Break of the 30 degree rule Breaks of the 180 degree rule Cutting against the movement Cutting with in the lyrics Fancy edits or cuts Extreme jumps in time and space Extreme changes in pace Juxtaposed frames graphic matches Graphic matches A style of editing that runs through the video and is distinctive to that video
  • 8. C.V theory in our video mid shot Close up Fade out Fancy effect
  • 9. Music videos that inspired me to make our music video Eliza doolittle- skinny jeans Ellie goulding- starry eye Fergie- glamourous Christina Aguliera- your body