Public program Choreographers week 2018Ruth Wilmans
The 7th edition of the International Choreographers Week will take place from March 3-7 in Tilburg, bringing together an international group of young choreographers around the theme of "In Between Dance Cultures." The public program includes a lecture on feminine symbols of compassion, evening discussion sessions on dramaturgical perspectives, studio presentations of works by Katja Grässli and Bara Sigfúsdóttir, and an open sharing by the participating choreographers. The event is organized by DansBrabant, Fontys Dance Academy, and Theatre De NWE Vorst, and the public is invited free of charge with the option to purchase tickets for additional performances.
Public program Choreographers week 2018Ruth Wilmans
The 7th edition of the International Choreographers Week will take place from March 3-7 in Tilburg, bringing together an international group of young choreographers around the theme of "In Between Dance Cultures." The public program includes a lecture on feminine symbols of compassion, evening discussion sessions on dramaturgical perspectives, studio presentations of works by Katja Grässli and Bara Sigfúsdóttir, and an open sharing by the participating choreographers. The event is organized by DansBrabant, Fontys Dance Academy, and Theatre De NWE Vorst, and the public is invited free of charge with the option to purchase tickets for additional performances.
The Fontys University of Fine and Performing Arts is launching a new Master's program in Performing Public Space (PPS) starting in September 2017. PPS is an interdisciplinary program open to artists from fields like theater, dance, music, fine art, architecture, and digital arts. It offers an intensive research program, collaborative opportunities with other artists, and an online learning environment to develop future artistic projects exploring public spaces. The one-year program includes intensive on-site weeks combining lectures, assignments, and case studies, as well as individual online work. Artists can apply by emailing a project proposal, motivation letter, CV, and vision of art in public spaces.
Terms & conditions 2017 tanzplattformRuth Wilmans
The document outlines the terms and conditions for Tanzplattform 2017, a dance competition and festival held in Bern, Switzerland. It states that all choreographers and dancers must have professional training, choreographers must be at least 18, and all styles of dance are accepted. Applications must include a 10-30 minute choreography video by December 15th, 2016 and relevant biographies. The curator will select pieces to be performed June 22nd-23rd, 2017, and participants must be available for rehearsals, performances, and publicity events. Prizes will be awarded for the Jury Award and Audience Award, and all participants will receive payment and accommodation.
The document describes a new continuing education study programme in dance and performing arts offered by the University of Bern. It consists of three Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) modules and a Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) module that can be completed part-time and focus on interdisciplinary topics. The CAS modules cover arts education, performing arts, and cultural management. The MAS module addresses recent research approaches and requires the submission of a thesis. The programme aims to improve conceptual thinking abilities and networking among professionals in dance, theatre, education, and sports fields.