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Miss - Nicola Butler
53 Chapel St, Flat 5, Heanor, Derbyshire, DE56 0NR
Mobile: 07961 770 507 E-mail:nicola-butler@live.co.uk Driving Licence: Full UK
Personal Profile
 A highly disciplined,organised and focused individual with over eight years of military experience and an impeccablecareer
history featuringa strong record of achievement.
 Demonstrates a high level of expertise within sales and marketing.
 Capableof generating novel ideas that generates new business.
 One who utilises an array of skillsand professional knowledgewithin logistics,management and human resource
environments to effectively lead teams whilstcommunicatingdirectly with both lower and higher ranked individuals,
clients,solicitorsand other professionalswithin the industry.
 An adaptableand flexibleteam player with the ability to learn new skillsquickly and adaptwith ease to interchanging
situations showinghigh levels of energy and tenacity.
Relevant Qualifications
Level 3 Diploma:Human Resources Management (Merit) Level 3 Diploma:Hotel Management
Level 2 Certificate: Food Safety & Hygiene Level 3 NCFE: TransportManagement
NVQ Level 3: DrivingGoods Vehicles NVQ Level 3: Road Freight Logistics
DrivingLicences:B, BE, C, C+E NVQ Level 2: Sales & Marketing
Professional Career
2015 - 2017 Avant Homes Sales Advisor
 To sell the Avant difference
 Creating, buildingand managingrelationships
 Generating new business and leads and convertinginto sales to achievemaximum revenue
 Demonstrating of products and services
 Support and implement company procedures
 To achieveand exceed targets set
 Providingexpertiseand deliveringfull information on workingdrawings and development layouts with guidanceof the
 Deliveringexcellent customer serviceand exceeding customers expectations
 Manage objections and overcoming problems
Key Responsibilities as a Sales Advisor and within a Sales Advisor role:
 To build and manage relationshipswith new and existingclients
 Show knowledge and understandingof development, surroundingarea,specification,and legal & financial aspects
 Fully demonstrate products and services to generate interest
 Identify needs of customers to negotiate deals and closesales
 Accurately update customers on legals,financial aspects,build,procedures and choices/extras aspects
 Inspectand report on build status to ensure customers receive an exceptional home and updated accurately
 Compile and complete reporting such as competitors, contractup dates, visitor reporting,sales,build stages, choices and
ensure COINS system is fully updated
 Managingworks and maintainingsales office,showhomes and any stock plots
 Conducting market research and implement marketing strategies
 Manage, followup leads,keeping COINS updatd
2015 - 2015 Travis Perkins Internal Sales Representative
 To securenew business,develop sales and maximisesales / profits atevery opportunity.
 To maintain a ledger of over 300 key accounts and develop relationshipsfor further business.
 Ensuringmy team areself-motivated, enthusiastic and organized to manage and followthrough enquiries,quotations
and orders.
 Generate and make awareness of a wide range of products with the basis of productknowledge within construction/
Key Responsibilities as a sales rep within an internal sales role:
 Explore and monitor existingcompetition and sell based on customer demands inputtingthe features and
benefits of products and the company to achieve maximum profits.
 Provideconstructivefeedback and advicearound products and services.
 Manage, maintain and serviceaccounts,by creatingand buildingrelationship's by faceto face , telephone and
 To achieveand succeed in meeting AOPs and targets.
 Workingwithin budget and managingprices.
 To ensure we profitby working with mark ups and margins and ensuringproducts are correctly priced.
 To ensure on goingcontinuity of business and continuingto work, meet and exceed sales targets
2012 - 2015 Persimmon Homes (National home builder) Sales Advisor
 Successfully completed all required trainingas a sales advisor within theconstruction / new homes sales sector.
 Additionally managed and ran a site consistingof 86 new homes with proven sales record and setup and opened a new site
consistingof a largedevelopment over 1000 new homes alongwith planningfor amenities.
 Continued to sell with proven sales on various sites
 Followthrough sales fromreservation to handover by callingpotential clients,contractchasing,inspectingprogress of build
liaisingwith solicitors ,IFAs,and other professionals,completingall relevantand updatingpaperwork alongwith selling
finishingtouches to enhance companiesprofits.
 Worked on own initiativethatpromoted Persimmon Homes profilethat in turn increased business revenue, for example,
through designingflyers and highlightingpositivecustomer productsatisfaction thatincreased both productawareness and
Key Responsibilities as a Sales advisor and within a sales advisor role:
 To securethe saleof new homes, achievecontract exchange and legal completions in linewith company targets.
 To utilisesales tools,promotions and incentives in accordancewith company procedures to maximisethe sellingpriceof
 To manage all sales proceedingincludingregular contactwith customers to ensure contractexchange deadlines are
achieved and that customers arekept fully informed throughout the home buyingprocess.Along with dealingwith
solicitors,financial advisorsand other professionalsto ensure a smooth process.
 To maintain accuraterecords of all visitors,sales,competitor info and sales of optional extras / choices and to communicate
this information to third parties as required.
 To sell and promote the sales of customer extras in order to maximisecompany revenues.
 To undertake analysisof competitor products,sales and sellingprices and to providefeedback to management as required.
 To followand adhere to the company procedures and standards of performance.
 Maximisingsalesof new homes
 Providingexcellentcustomer serviceat all times
 Ensuringall paperwork is up to date and understand and work with current build progress
 Compilingreports,completing all relevantpaperwork in reference to sales and marketingin an accuratemanner
 Workingto ensure all deadlines aremet and expected servicelevels areexceeded wherever possible
 Ensuringtasks areprioritised effectively to achievesales
2004 - 2012 HM Forces Army (Soldier)
 Successfully completed all required trainingas a soldier within the Armed Forces
 Additionally trained within theRoyal Logistic Corps as a Driver of both military and civilian vehicles and as a Postal & Courier
 Deployed to many locations throughoutthe world includingCyprus,Germany and Italy,which involved interaction with new
equipment, people and cultures and demanded the ability to liaisewith various ethnic origi ns,genders,ages and race
Key Responsibilities as a Driver:
 Managinga fleet of vehicles alongwith a number of drivers
 Ensuringall vehicles areroad worthy and serviceable
 Responsiblefor ensuringall employees are in the correct location atagreed times and arein possession of any items
required to perform the tasks demanded of them
 Perform accurateroute planningand navigation,ensuringall documents arepresent and correct
 Manage stores and distributevehicleparts and equipment in addition to drivinga rangeof both largeand small vehicles
 Assume leadership responsibilities on convoys to countries includingGermany,Poland and Scotland
Key Responsibilities within Postal & Courier role:
 Maximisingsalesof postal stock
 Providingexcellentcustomer serviceand counter skillsatall times
 Ensuringall mail is sorted and sent correctly
 Compilingreports,completing all postofficeaccounts & books,and managingcash in a responsibleand accuratemanner
 Workingto ensure all deadlines aremet and expected servicelevels areexceeded wherever possible
 Motivatingstaff duringlong working hours and under immense pressure
 Ensuringtasks areprioritised effectively whilston deployment in Afghanistan
 Perform various clerical tasks aswell as holdingfinancial/accountingand human resourceresponsibilities
Key Competencies
Communication & Presentation - exceptionally high level of verbal and written communication with the ability to operate
effectively across all operational levels.Ableto develop and maintain positiveand productiverelationshipswith all stakeholders
Flexibility & Change Management - experienced in adaptingto new people, challenges and places on an hourly and daily basis,
takingon new challenges with confidenceby applyinga disciplined and dedicated approach
Leadership - visibleand accessible,impartial,communicates clear vision and direction to motivate and empower others
ensuringparticipation and commitment towards objectives. Experienced in providingsound direction in challengingsituations
Reliability - maintains an exceptional level of personal pridein the completion of all tasks and ensures 100%commitment and
focus is offered at all times.Possesses and immaculaterecord of attendance and timekeeping
Analytical Thinking & Problem Solving - a clear thinker, creativein conceiving,implementing and monitoringaction pl ans and
strategies.Able to anticipateproblems and amend or adaptresponseas required to maintain maximumproductivity
Organisation & Time Management - ableto apply a thorough attention to detail ensuringsuccessful completion of tasks on
time. Able to see tasks through from inception to completion and take an operational overview of all aspects
IT Skills - confident with all MS Office applications
References: availableon request

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  • 1. Miss - Nicola Butler 53 Chapel St, Flat 5, Heanor, Derbyshire, DE56 0NR Mobile: 07961 770 507 E-mail:nicola-butler@live.co.uk Driving Licence: Full UK Personal Profile A highly disciplined,organised and focused individual with over eight years of military experience and an impeccablecareer history featuringa strong record of achievement. Demonstrates a high level of expertise within sales and marketing. Capableof generating novel ideas that generates new business. One who utilises an array of skillsand professional knowledgewithin logistics,management and human resource environments to effectively lead teams whilstcommunicatingdirectly with both lower and higher ranked individuals, clients,solicitorsand other professionalswithin the industry. An adaptableand flexibleteam player with the ability to learn new skillsquickly and adaptwith ease to interchanging situations showinghigh levels of energy and tenacity. Relevant Qualifications Level 3 Diploma:Human Resources Management (Merit) Level 3 Diploma:Hotel Management Level 2 Certificate: Food Safety & Hygiene Level 3 NCFE: TransportManagement NVQ Level 3: DrivingGoods Vehicles NVQ Level 3: Road Freight Logistics DrivingLicences:B, BE, C, C+E NVQ Level 2: Sales & Marketing Professional Career 2015 - 2017 Avant Homes Sales Advisor Overview: To sell the Avant difference Creating, buildingand managingrelationships Generating new business and leads and convertinginto sales to achievemaximum revenue Demonstrating of products and services Support and implement company procedures To achieveand exceed targets set Providingexpertiseand deliveringfull information on workingdrawings and development layouts with guidanceof the buyingprocedure Deliveringexcellent customer serviceand exceeding customers expectations Manage objections and overcoming problems Key Responsibilities as a Sales Advisor and within a Sales Advisor role: To build and manage relationshipswith new and existingclients Show knowledge and understandingof development, surroundingarea,specification,and legal & financial aspects Fully demonstrate products and services to generate interest Identify needs of customers to negotiate deals and closesales Accurately update customers on legals,financial aspects,build,procedures and choices/extras aspects Inspectand report on build status to ensure customers receive an exceptional home and updated accurately Compile and complete reporting such as competitors, contractup dates, visitor reporting,sales,build stages, choices and ensure COINS system is fully updated Managingworks and maintainingsales office,showhomes and any stock plots Conducting market research and implement marketing strategies Manage, followup leads,keeping COINS updatd
  • 2. 2015 - 2015 Travis Perkins Internal Sales Representative Overview: To securenew business,develop sales and maximisesales / profits atevery opportunity. To maintain a ledger of over 300 key accounts and develop relationshipsfor further business. Ensuringmy team areself-motivated, enthusiastic and organized to manage and followthrough enquiries,quotations and orders. Generate and make awareness of a wide range of products with the basis of productknowledge within construction/ buildingmaterials. Key Responsibilities as a sales rep within an internal sales role: Explore and monitor existingcompetition and sell based on customer demands inputtingthe features and benefits of products and the company to achieve maximum profits. Provideconstructivefeedback and advicearound products and services. Manage, maintain and serviceaccounts,by creatingand buildingrelationship's by faceto face , telephone and email. To achieveand succeed in meeting AOPs and targets. Workingwithin budget and managingprices. To ensure we profitby working with mark ups and margins and ensuringproducts are correctly priced. To ensure on goingcontinuity of business and continuingto work, meet and exceed sales targets 2012 - 2015 Persimmon Homes (National home builder) Sales Advisor Overview: Successfully completed all required trainingas a sales advisor within theconstruction / new homes sales sector. Additionally managed and ran a site consistingof 86 new homes with proven sales record and setup and opened a new site consistingof a largedevelopment over 1000 new homes alongwith planningfor amenities. Continued to sell with proven sales on various sites Followthrough sales fromreservation to handover by callingpotential clients,contractchasing,inspectingprogress of build liaisingwith solicitors ,IFAs,and other professionals,completingall relevantand updatingpaperwork alongwith selling finishingtouches to enhance companiesprofits. Worked on own initiativethatpromoted Persimmon Homes profilethat in turn increased business revenue, for example, through designingflyers and highlightingpositivecustomer productsatisfaction thatincreased both productawareness and quality. Key Responsibilities as a Sales advisor and within a sales advisor role: To securethe saleof new homes, achievecontract exchange and legal completions in linewith company targets. To utilisesales tools,promotions and incentives in accordancewith company procedures to maximisethe sellingpriceof properties. To manage all sales proceedingincludingregular contactwith customers to ensure contractexchange deadlines are achieved and that customers arekept fully informed throughout the home buyingprocess.Along with dealingwith solicitors,financial advisorsand other professionalsto ensure a smooth process. To maintain accuraterecords of all visitors,sales,competitor info and sales of optional extras / choices and to communicate this information to third parties as required. To sell and promote the sales of customer extras in order to maximisecompany revenues. To undertake analysisof competitor products,sales and sellingprices and to providefeedback to management as required. To followand adhere to the company procedures and standards of performance. Maximisingsalesof new homes Providingexcellentcustomer serviceat all times Ensuringall paperwork is up to date and understand and work with current build progress Compilingreports,completing all relevantpaperwork in reference to sales and marketingin an accuratemanner Workingto ensure all deadlines aremet and expected servicelevels areexceeded wherever possible Ensuringtasks areprioritised effectively to achievesales 2004 - 2012 HM Forces Army (Soldier) Overview: Successfully completed all required trainingas a soldier within the Armed Forces
  • 3. Additionally trained within theRoyal Logistic Corps as a Driver of both military and civilian vehicles and as a Postal & Courier Operator Deployed to many locations throughoutthe world includingCyprus,Germany and Italy,which involved interaction with new equipment, people and cultures and demanded the ability to liaisewith various ethnic origi ns,genders,ages and race Key Responsibilities as a Driver: Managinga fleet of vehicles alongwith a number of drivers Ensuringall vehicles areroad worthy and serviceable Responsiblefor ensuringall employees are in the correct location atagreed times and arein possession of any items required to perform the tasks demanded of them Perform accurateroute planningand navigation,ensuringall documents arepresent and correct Manage stores and distributevehicleparts and equipment in addition to drivinga rangeof both largeand small vehicles Assume leadership responsibilities on convoys to countries includingGermany,Poland and Scotland Key Responsibilities within Postal & Courier role: Maximisingsalesof postal stock Providingexcellentcustomer serviceand counter skillsatall times Ensuringall mail is sorted and sent correctly Compilingreports,completing all postofficeaccounts & books,and managingcash in a responsibleand accuratemanner Workingto ensure all deadlines aremet and expected servicelevels areexceeded wherever possible Motivatingstaff duringlong working hours and under immense pressure Ensuringtasks areprioritised effectively whilston deployment in Afghanistan Perform various clerical tasks aswell as holdingfinancial/accountingand human resourceresponsibilities Key Competencies Communication & Presentation - exceptionally high level of verbal and written communication with the ability to operate effectively across all operational levels.Ableto develop and maintain positiveand productiverelationshipswith all stakeholders Flexibility & Change Management - experienced in adaptingto new people, challenges and places on an hourly and daily basis, takingon new challenges with confidenceby applyinga disciplined and dedicated approach Leadership - visibleand accessible,impartial,communicates clear vision and direction to motivate and empower others ensuringparticipation and commitment towards objectives. Experienced in providingsound direction in challengingsituations Reliability - maintains an exceptional level of personal pridein the completion of all tasks and ensures 100%commitment and focus is offered at all times.Possesses and immaculaterecord of attendance and timekeeping Analytical Thinking & Problem Solving - a clear thinker, creativein conceiving,implementing and monitoringaction pl ans and strategies.Able to anticipateproblems and amend or adaptresponseas required to maintain maximumproductivity Organisation & Time Management - ableto apply a thorough attention to detail ensuringsuccessful completion of tasks on time. Able to see tasks through from inception to completion and take an operational overview of all aspects IT Skills - confident with all MS Office applications References: availableon request