en este trabajo se presentaran conceptos básicos, útiles para el aprendizaje y conocimiento sobre este tema así como también ejemplos y ejercicios por resolver.
Trabajo de matematicas... 2MoisesVasquez20This document defines key concepts related to real numbers and sets. It discusses the properties of real numbers, including their characteristics as being ordered, integral, and infinite. It also defines natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers. The document then covers basic set operations like union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference, and complement. It concludes by defining absolute value and describing inequalities and properties of real numbers like closure of addition/multiplication.
Final project algebra 2chrkieThe document appears to be a student's final project for an algebra 2 class. It includes sections on linear, quadratic, and exponential prediction models. For the linear model, the student predicts the population in 2061 using data from 1860. For the quadratic model, the student predicts a value using a 3-point quadratic equation. For the exponential model, the student predicts the population in 2016 using 2 data points to define the exponential function.
Números Reales JonathanGomez208The document discusses different mathematical concepts related to sets, real numbers, inequalities, and absolute value. It defines sets and set operations like union, intersection, difference, and complement. It describes the different types of real numbers like irrational, rational, integer, and natural numbers. It also defines mathematical inequalities and absolute value, explaining how to solve inequalities involving absolute value.
Conjuntos y números realesLuisCarlosgimenezConThe document defines basic concepts about sets and real numbers. It explains that a set is a grouping of elements that share a common property, and can be defined either by explicitly listing the elements (extension) or by describing their common characteristic (comprehension). It also discusses subsets, set operations like union and intersection, and classifications of real numbers. Finally, it covers inequalities and solving inequations by applying properties of inequalities to transform them until reaching the solution set.
Ch 8 exponential equations and graphingswartzje1. Our general exponential form is y = a*b^x, where changes to the base "b" result in either a steep increase or decrease in "y" as "x" increases depending on if b>1 or 0<b<1. Changes to "a" affect the y-intercept.
2. We discovered the equality property for exponential functions: if bases are the same, we can set the exponents equal to solve equations. If bases differ, we rewrite so they are the same before setting exponents equal.
3. We worked through several examples applying the equality property to solve exponential equations by setting exponents equal once bases were the same.
Numeros reales juliette mendez - uptaeb - matematicaJulietteNaomiMendezDThis document discusses sets and real numbers. It defines what a set is and provides examples of set operations like union, intersection, difference and complement. It then discusses real numbers including natural numbers, integers, rational and irrational numbers. It covers concepts like absolute value, inequalities and operations that can be performed on real numbers. Examples are provided to illustrate set operations and inequalities involving absolute value.
Guia limiteMariamne3En este archivo se muestran las consideraciones preliminares para entender limites, tal como factorización, racionalización y valor absoluto. El tema es iniciado con la definición intuitiva, los diferentes teoremas que se aplican en límites, la indeterminación 0/0 y los diversos ejemplos al respecto
Using algebra to solve problemsJohny RuiSubstitution involves replacing values in one equation into another equation to solve for unknown values. The document provides an example of using substitution to solve the equations x=7-y and x=y-3 for values of x and y. Moving values involves changing the signs (e.g. from + to -) of terms when rearranging terms in an equation to solve for a particular variable. The document walks through using substitution and moving values to solve the example equation y-3=7-y.
Dev projectwhitmer_alexThe document provides step-by-step solutions to 4 math problems involving rational functions, polynomials, and perimeter/area calculations. The first problem asks whether a farmer has enough fence to enclose a field given the perimeter needed and available fence. The next problems involve simplifying a rational expression, graphing a rational function, and finding the domain and range of a polynomial function. The reflection at the end discusses choosing these problems because they cover a variety of math concepts and allowed the author to feel confident explaining the material to others.
2d function tableD SandersThe document discusses functions and function tables. It defines key vocabulary like function rule, input, output, domain, and range. It then provides examples of determining the rule that describes a function based on a function table and completing missing values in a function table based on the relationship between variables.
System of Linear inequalities in two variablesAnirach YtirahcThis document provides instructions for solving systems of linear inequalities in two variables by graphing. It defines a system of inequalities and explains that the solution is the region where the graphs of the inequalities overlap. A step-by-step process is outlined: 1) graph each inequality individually, 2) shade the appropriate half-plane, 3) the overlapping shaded regions represent the solution. An example system is graphed to demonstrate. Students will evaluate by being assigned a system to graph and answer related questions about the solution region.
Numeros reales y conjuntocarmenvictoriasancheEste archivo te servirá para recordar y manejar mejor temas sobre los números reales y conjuntos ademas de valor absoluto, así como también una serie de ejercicio resueltos que te ayudaran a entender mejor la teoría
Exponentialsmeganwilson918The document is from a Holt McDougal Algebra 1 textbook and covers exponential functions. It includes examples of evaluating, identifying, and graphing exponential functions. It also provides applications involving modeling population growth, money in a bank account, and car value depreciation using exponential functions. The key aspects of exponential functions discussed are that the independent variable appears as an exponent and the y-values are multiplied by a constant ratio as the x-values increase by a constant amount.
Math 8 linear inequalitiesRebekah Andrea Fullido1) The document discusses the differences between linear equations and inequalities in two variables. Linear equations use the equal sign while inequalities use symbols like <, >, ≤, ≥, ≠.
2) The graph of a linear equation is a single line, while the graph of an inequality shows the shaded region that satisfies the inequality. For < or > the line is broken, and for ≤ or ≥ the line is solid.
3) The document provides steps for graphing a linear inequality in two variables: graph the line by changing the inequality to an equation, use a test point to determine which side to shade, and shade the area where the test point satisfies the inequality.
IUA Unidad 3 - Actividad 4 - Niveyro - AlarcónGuillermo NiveyroThis document discusses a mathematics activity involving solving a system of linear equations (SEL). It provides context that the SEL models the prices of paper, chalk, and other school supplies based on the quantities purchased each month and total spending. The SEL is set up and solved using Cramer's rule and the inverse matrix method, yielding a solution with two negative prices. However, the summary concludes this solution does not make sense for the problem context as prices cannot be negative.
4.1 exponential functions 2kvillaveThe document defines exponential functions as functions of the form f(x) = bx, where b is a positive constant other than 1. It discusses how the graph of an exponential function depends on whether b is greater than or less than 1. Specifically, if b > 1 the graph increases to the right, and if 0 < b < 1 the graph decreases to the right. The document also covers transformations of exponential functions, including vertical and horizontal shifting, reflecting, and stretching/shrinking. It introduces the special number e, defines it as the limit of (1 + 1/n)n as n approaches infinity, and discusses its role in compound interest formulas.
Anderson mendozaandersonmendoza22This document discusses different numerical sets such as natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers. It provides definitions and key properties of each set. The natural numbers set contains only positive whole numbers. The integers set includes natural numbers along with their opposites. Rational numbers result from dividing two integers, while real numbers include rational and irrational numbers. Finally, complex numbers consist of real numbers along with imaginary numbers. The document also covers numerical systems and their defining operations like addition, multiplication, and properties like commutativity, associativity, and distributivity.
Linear equations in two variablesjulienorman800651) The document discusses finding solutions to linear equations in two variables by using tables and plotting points on a coordinate plane.
2) It provides an example of writing an equation to represent the number of two-point and three-point baskets scored in a basketball game.
3) The key strategy explained is to fix a value for one variable (x or y), then solve the equation for the other variable to obtain an ordered pair solution (x, y).
Pair of linear equations in 2 variablesgeet bajajThis document provides information about solving pairs of linear equations in two variables. It discusses several methods for solving such equations, including elimination, substitution, and cross-multiplication. The elimination method involves multiplying equations by constants to eliminate one variable, then solving the resulting equation. The substitution method finds one variable in terms of the other from one equation, substitutes it into the other equation, and solves. Cross-multiplication uses the formula that the ratio of the coefficients of the variables in one equation equals the ratio of the constants. Word problems can also be solved by setting up linear equations from the information provided.
Inverse matrixMelody KayeThis document discusses inverse matrices. An inverse matrix A-1 undoes the transformation of the original matrix A such that multiplying A by A-1 or A-1 by A results in the identity matrix. The identity matrix is a square matrix with 1s on the main diagonal and 0s elsewhere. It leaves a matrix unchanged when multiplied. The determinant of a square matrix transforms it into a scalar value and is used to calculate the inverse. Sample problems demonstrate calculating the inverse of a 2x2 matrix.
Lecture 07 graphing linear equationsHazel Joy ChongThis document provides an overview of graphing linear equations. It defines key terms like solutions, intercepts, and linear models. Examples are given to show how to graph equations by finding intercepts or using a table of points. Horizontal and vertical lines are discussed as special cases of linear equations. The document concludes with an example of using a linear equation to model a real-world situation involving monthly phone costs.
Tutorial linear equations and linear inequalitieskhyps13This document discusses linear equations and inequalities in one variable. It begins by defining open sentences, variables, and solutions. It then covers topics like solving linear equations using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It also discusses solving multi-step equations. Graphing solutions to equations is explained. The document also covers understanding and solving linear inequalities in one variable as well as graphing inequalities. It provides examples of how equations and inequalities can be applied to everyday situations.
5As Method of Lesson Plan on Ssolving systems of linear equations in two vari...Elton John EmbodoThis lesson plan utilized 5As Method with a subject matter;
Solving Systems of Linear Equations in two Variables using Substitution Method.
ConjuntoClaudimarCaizalesThe document discusses sets and absolute value. It defines a set as a collection of elements that share common properties. Sets can be finite or infinite, and their elements are denoted with lowercase letters while sets are denoted with uppercase letters. It also discusses types of number sets such as natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. The document then explains operations on sets like union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference, and complement. It defines absolute value and discusses its properties such as even if the expression inside is negative, the absolute value is still positive. The document also explains how to solve absolute value inequalities by considering two cases depending on if the expression inside is positive or negative.
I can statements 7th grade cc math - nsking42This document outlines key concepts and skills related to rational numbers including: representing addition and subtraction on a number line; identifying opposite numbers and describing situations where opposites add to zero; computing absolute value and understanding addition as the sum of a number and its distance from another; rewriting subtraction using additive inverses; applying properties of operations to add and subtract rational numbers; multiplying and dividing rational numbers while interpreting real-world situations; and converting rational numbers to decimals. The overall skills involve representing, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational numbers, and applying these concepts to solve real-world problems.
Shapes of Algebra Problem 4 2Kathy FavazzaThe document provides an agenda for Monday, February 22nd. It includes homework assignments, daily scribe assignments, and topics to be covered in math class including solving systems of linear equations through graphing, setting equations equal to each other, and rewriting equations in different forms such as y=mx+b and x=ky+c. Students will practice solving systems of equations and determine which method is easier.
Numeros reales Rachell fernandez 0102RachellFernndez1) The document defines sets and set operations such as union, intersection, difference, and complement. It provides examples of using Venn diagrams to represent sets and set operations.
2) Real numbers are defined as numbers that have either a periodic or non-periodic decimal expansion. Real numbers include rational numbers like integers and fractions as well as irrational numbers like algebraic and transcendental numbers.
3) Mathematical inequality relates two algebraic expressions whose values are different, using symbols like <, >, ≤, ≥ to represent relationships like greater than, less than, etc.
Conjuntos y desigualdad.Miguel MajanoThe document defines key concepts in mathematics including sets, operations on sets like union and intersection, types of numbers like natural and irrational numbers, inequalities, absolute value, and provides examples to illustrate these concepts. It also lists some websites for additional mathematics resources.
Numeros reales y planos numericosluisanasequeraDefinición de Conjuntos.
Operaciones con conjuntos.
Números Reales Desigualdades.
Definición de Valor Absoluto
Desigualdades con Valor Absoluto
Números RealesvilmaryalejandralopeDefinición de conjuntos, operaciones con conjuntos, números reales, desigualdades, valor absoluto, desigualdades de valor absoluto
Dev projectwhitmer_alexThe document provides step-by-step solutions to 4 math problems involving rational functions, polynomials, and perimeter/area calculations. The first problem asks whether a farmer has enough fence to enclose a field given the perimeter needed and available fence. The next problems involve simplifying a rational expression, graphing a rational function, and finding the domain and range of a polynomial function. The reflection at the end discusses choosing these problems because they cover a variety of math concepts and allowed the author to feel confident explaining the material to others.
2d function tableD SandersThe document discusses functions and function tables. It defines key vocabulary like function rule, input, output, domain, and range. It then provides examples of determining the rule that describes a function based on a function table and completing missing values in a function table based on the relationship between variables.
System of Linear inequalities in two variablesAnirach YtirahcThis document provides instructions for solving systems of linear inequalities in two variables by graphing. It defines a system of inequalities and explains that the solution is the region where the graphs of the inequalities overlap. A step-by-step process is outlined: 1) graph each inequality individually, 2) shade the appropriate half-plane, 3) the overlapping shaded regions represent the solution. An example system is graphed to demonstrate. Students will evaluate by being assigned a system to graph and answer related questions about the solution region.
Numeros reales y conjuntocarmenvictoriasancheEste archivo te servirá para recordar y manejar mejor temas sobre los números reales y conjuntos ademas de valor absoluto, así como también una serie de ejercicio resueltos que te ayudaran a entender mejor la teoría
Exponentialsmeganwilson918The document is from a Holt McDougal Algebra 1 textbook and covers exponential functions. It includes examples of evaluating, identifying, and graphing exponential functions. It also provides applications involving modeling population growth, money in a bank account, and car value depreciation using exponential functions. The key aspects of exponential functions discussed are that the independent variable appears as an exponent and the y-values are multiplied by a constant ratio as the x-values increase by a constant amount.
Math 8 linear inequalitiesRebekah Andrea Fullido1) The document discusses the differences between linear equations and inequalities in two variables. Linear equations use the equal sign while inequalities use symbols like <, >, ≤, ≥, ≠.
2) The graph of a linear equation is a single line, while the graph of an inequality shows the shaded region that satisfies the inequality. For < or > the line is broken, and for ≤ or ≥ the line is solid.
3) The document provides steps for graphing a linear inequality in two variables: graph the line by changing the inequality to an equation, use a test point to determine which side to shade, and shade the area where the test point satisfies the inequality.
IUA Unidad 3 - Actividad 4 - Niveyro - AlarcónGuillermo NiveyroThis document discusses a mathematics activity involving solving a system of linear equations (SEL). It provides context that the SEL models the prices of paper, chalk, and other school supplies based on the quantities purchased each month and total spending. The SEL is set up and solved using Cramer's rule and the inverse matrix method, yielding a solution with two negative prices. However, the summary concludes this solution does not make sense for the problem context as prices cannot be negative.
4.1 exponential functions 2kvillaveThe document defines exponential functions as functions of the form f(x) = bx, where b is a positive constant other than 1. It discusses how the graph of an exponential function depends on whether b is greater than or less than 1. Specifically, if b > 1 the graph increases to the right, and if 0 < b < 1 the graph decreases to the right. The document also covers transformations of exponential functions, including vertical and horizontal shifting, reflecting, and stretching/shrinking. It introduces the special number e, defines it as the limit of (1 + 1/n)n as n approaches infinity, and discusses its role in compound interest formulas.
Anderson mendozaandersonmendoza22This document discusses different numerical sets such as natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers. It provides definitions and key properties of each set. The natural numbers set contains only positive whole numbers. The integers set includes natural numbers along with their opposites. Rational numbers result from dividing two integers, while real numbers include rational and irrational numbers. Finally, complex numbers consist of real numbers along with imaginary numbers. The document also covers numerical systems and their defining operations like addition, multiplication, and properties like commutativity, associativity, and distributivity.
Linear equations in two variablesjulienorman800651) The document discusses finding solutions to linear equations in two variables by using tables and plotting points on a coordinate plane.
2) It provides an example of writing an equation to represent the number of two-point and three-point baskets scored in a basketball game.
3) The key strategy explained is to fix a value for one variable (x or y), then solve the equation for the other variable to obtain an ordered pair solution (x, y).
Pair of linear equations in 2 variablesgeet bajajThis document provides information about solving pairs of linear equations in two variables. It discusses several methods for solving such equations, including elimination, substitution, and cross-multiplication. The elimination method involves multiplying equations by constants to eliminate one variable, then solving the resulting equation. The substitution method finds one variable in terms of the other from one equation, substitutes it into the other equation, and solves. Cross-multiplication uses the formula that the ratio of the coefficients of the variables in one equation equals the ratio of the constants. Word problems can also be solved by setting up linear equations from the information provided.
Inverse matrixMelody KayeThis document discusses inverse matrices. An inverse matrix A-1 undoes the transformation of the original matrix A such that multiplying A by A-1 or A-1 by A results in the identity matrix. The identity matrix is a square matrix with 1s on the main diagonal and 0s elsewhere. It leaves a matrix unchanged when multiplied. The determinant of a square matrix transforms it into a scalar value and is used to calculate the inverse. Sample problems demonstrate calculating the inverse of a 2x2 matrix.
Lecture 07 graphing linear equationsHazel Joy ChongThis document provides an overview of graphing linear equations. It defines key terms like solutions, intercepts, and linear models. Examples are given to show how to graph equations by finding intercepts or using a table of points. Horizontal and vertical lines are discussed as special cases of linear equations. The document concludes with an example of using a linear equation to model a real-world situation involving monthly phone costs.
Tutorial linear equations and linear inequalitieskhyps13This document discusses linear equations and inequalities in one variable. It begins by defining open sentences, variables, and solutions. It then covers topics like solving linear equations using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It also discusses solving multi-step equations. Graphing solutions to equations is explained. The document also covers understanding and solving linear inequalities in one variable as well as graphing inequalities. It provides examples of how equations and inequalities can be applied to everyday situations.
5As Method of Lesson Plan on Ssolving systems of linear equations in two vari...Elton John EmbodoThis lesson plan utilized 5As Method with a subject matter;
Solving Systems of Linear Equations in two Variables using Substitution Method.
ConjuntoClaudimarCaizalesThe document discusses sets and absolute value. It defines a set as a collection of elements that share common properties. Sets can be finite or infinite, and their elements are denoted with lowercase letters while sets are denoted with uppercase letters. It also discusses types of number sets such as natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. The document then explains operations on sets like union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference, and complement. It defines absolute value and discusses its properties such as even if the expression inside is negative, the absolute value is still positive. The document also explains how to solve absolute value inequalities by considering two cases depending on if the expression inside is positive or negative.
I can statements 7th grade cc math - nsking42This document outlines key concepts and skills related to rational numbers including: representing addition and subtraction on a number line; identifying opposite numbers and describing situations where opposites add to zero; computing absolute value and understanding addition as the sum of a number and its distance from another; rewriting subtraction using additive inverses; applying properties of operations to add and subtract rational numbers; multiplying and dividing rational numbers while interpreting real-world situations; and converting rational numbers to decimals. The overall skills involve representing, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing rational numbers, and applying these concepts to solve real-world problems.
Shapes of Algebra Problem 4 2Kathy FavazzaThe document provides an agenda for Monday, February 22nd. It includes homework assignments, daily scribe assignments, and topics to be covered in math class including solving systems of linear equations through graphing, setting equations equal to each other, and rewriting equations in different forms such as y=mx+b and x=ky+c. Students will practice solving systems of equations and determine which method is easier.
Numeros reales Rachell fernandez 0102RachellFernndez1) The document defines sets and set operations such as union, intersection, difference, and complement. It provides examples of using Venn diagrams to represent sets and set operations.
2) Real numbers are defined as numbers that have either a periodic or non-periodic decimal expansion. Real numbers include rational numbers like integers and fractions as well as irrational numbers like algebraic and transcendental numbers.
3) Mathematical inequality relates two algebraic expressions whose values are different, using symbols like <, >, ≤, ≥ to represent relationships like greater than, less than, etc.
Conjuntos y desigualdad.Miguel MajanoThe document defines key concepts in mathematics including sets, operations on sets like union and intersection, types of numbers like natural and irrational numbers, inequalities, absolute value, and provides examples to illustrate these concepts. It also lists some websites for additional mathematics resources.
Numeros reales y planos numericosluisanasequeraDefinición de Conjuntos.
Operaciones con conjuntos.
Números Reales Desigualdades.
Definición de Valor Absoluto
Desigualdades con Valor Absoluto
Números RealesvilmaryalejandralopeDefinición de conjuntos, operaciones con conjuntos, números reales, desigualdades, valor absoluto, desigualdades de valor absoluto
Presentacion de conjuntosLeonelaCrespoGonzale* Definición de Conjuntos.
*Operaciones con Conjuntos.
*Números Reales.
*Definición de Valor Absoluto.
*Desigualdades de Valor Absoluto.
Matemática II UnidadNorneris MelendezDefiniciones matemáticas:
Numero Reales
Valor Absoluto
Desigualdad de valor absoluto
Planos cartesianos
Representación gráfica de las cónicas
Presentacion: plano numericoFabianAMelendezAThe document defines sets and describes operations that can be performed on sets such as union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference. It provides examples of each operation using the sets A={1,2,3,4,5} and B={4,5,6,7,8,9}. The document also discusses the complement of a set and gives an example of finding the complement. Finally, it briefly introduces real numbers and the different types: natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers.
Matematicas unidad 2AndreaFreitezThis document defines sets and set operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference. It discusses types of numbers like natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers. It also covers absolute value and absolute value inequalities. The key topics covered are the definition of a set, set operations and their symbols, classifications of different number types, and how to solve absolute value inequalities.
Numeros realesMariaGabrielaDiazMedThe document discusses sets and real numbers. It defines what a set is and provides examples of set operations like union, intersection, difference and symmetric difference. It then defines real numbers as numbers that have a periodic or non-periodic decimal expansion. Real numbers include rational numbers like integers and fractions as well as irrational numbers. Properties of real numbers like commutativity, associativity and distributivity are stated. Inequalities and absolute value are also explained.
Números realesMichelleGonzalez167The document discusses various mathematical concepts including sets, real numbers, inequalities, and absolute value. It defines what a set is and provides examples of set operations like union, intersection, difference, and complement. It also defines different types of real numbers such as rational and irrational, algebraic and transcendental. Additionally, it discusses inequalities and absolute value inequalities, explaining how to solve absolute value equations by considering two cases.
Matematicas inexisinexisguedezThe document defines sets and set operations. A set is a collection of distinct elements that have common properties. Sets can be finite or infinite. Elements are denoted by lowercase letters and sets by uppercase letters. There are two ways to denote a set: by enumeration and by property. Basic set operations are defined such as union, intersection, difference, and complement. Properties of sets and set operations are also discussed.
1634313072082 conjuntosOrganizacinDocenteThe document discusses sets and operations on sets such as union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference, and complement. It provides examples of explicit and implicit definitions of sets and notes that elements in a set are not ordered. It also discusses types of number sets such as natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers. Common set operations like union are demonstrated with examples.
Numeros reales y plano numericoDianaHerrera199This document defines sets and set operations like union, intersection, difference, and complement. It also defines real numbers and their properties. Key concepts covered include:
- A set contains elements that share common properties. Sets are denoted with capital letters and elements with lowercase letters.
- Set operations combine sets. Union combines all elements, intersection keeps common elements only, difference removes common elements, and complement includes all elements not in the set.
- Real numbers include rational numbers like integers and fractions, and irrational numbers like algebraic and transcendental numbers.
- Inequalities relate quantities using symbols like <, ≤, >, ≥. Absolute value inequalities decompose into compound inequalities.
Unidad 2 matematicakimberlinescobarecheThe document defines key mathematical concepts such as sets, unions, intersections, differences, complements, real numbers, inequalities, absolute value, and conic sections. It provides definitions and examples for each concept. Sets are collections of elements that share properties, and can be represented using symbols. Operations like unions and intersections combine sets using specific symbols and rules. Real numbers include integers, rationals, and irrationals. Inequalities express relationships between values using symbols like < and >. Absolute value represents the distance from zero regardless of sign. Conic sections are curves formed by intersecting a cone with a plane, including circles, parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas, which can be represented graphically.
Numeros realesNicolasColmenarezThe document defines key concepts in mathematics including sets, set operations, real numbers, inequalities, absolute value, and absolute value inequalities. It provides examples of unions and intersections of sets using Venn diagrams. Real numbers are defined as numbers that have a periodic or non-periodic decimal expansion and can be located on the real number line. Different types of inequalities are described along with absolute value and how to solve absolute value inequalities by splitting them into two separate inequalities.
Numeros reales y_plano_numericoGabriela Carolina Araque OviedoThis document discusses sets and real numbers. It defines sets as collections of objects that have a common characteristic. It describes set operations like union, intersection and difference. It defines real numbers as the collection of rational and irrational numbers. It provides examples of real numbers and discusses problems involving sets and inequalities. The document is intended to teach concepts related to sets, real numbers and the number line.
Números reales y plano numéricojesusaranguren8This document defines sets, real numbers, inequalities, and absolute value. It provides examples and definitions of sets, set operations like union and intersection, different types of real numbers like rational and irrational numbers, inequalities, and how absolute value relates to inequalities. Examples are given throughout to illustrate these mathematical concepts. Bibliography sources on these topics are also listed at the end.
Numeros reales osmaryosmaryacuaThis document discusses key concepts in set theory and operations between sets. It defines a universal set as a set containing all objects of study within a given context. Empty and unit sets are introduced, as well as finite and infinite sets. Common set operations like union, intersection, difference and complement are defined through examples. The document also covers absolute value, inequalities and their properties.
Números Reales JesseniaSoto1The document defines sets and set operations such as union, intersection, difference, and Cartesian product. It also defines real numbers, which include rational and irrational numbers and can be represented on the real number line. Inequalities and absolute value are also discussed, including absolute value inequalities and their solution sets. Real numbers, sets, and their operations are fundamental concepts in mathematics.
How to Manage Putaway Rule in Odoo 17 InventoryCeline GeorgeInventory management is a critical aspect of any business involved in manufacturing or selling products.
Odoo 17 offers a robust inventory management system that can handle complex operations and optimize warehouse efficiency.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz HussainThis presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
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QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
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Números reales y plano numérico
1. República Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
Universidad Politécnica Territorial de Lara “Andres Eloy Blanco”
Estudiante: Estefany Samuel
C.I: 29.880.737
Sección: 100
Profesor: Nelson Torcate
Barquisimeto, marzo 2021
2. Un conjunto es la agrupación de diferentes elementos que comparten
entre sí características y propiedades semejantes. Estos elementos
pueden ser sujetos u objetos, tales como números, canciones, meses,
personas, etc. Ejemplo:
3. Las operaciones con conjuntos también conocidas como álgebra de
conjuntos, nos permiten realizar operaciones sobre los conjuntos para
obtener otro conjunto. De las operaciones con conjuntos veremos las
siguientes unión, intersección, diferencia, diferencia simétrica y
4. Dados dos conjuntos A={1,2,3,4,5} y
B={4,5,6,7,8,9} la unión de estos
conjuntos será A∪B={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.
Usando diagramas de Venn se tendría lo
• Unión: Es la operación que nos
permite unir dos o más conjuntos para
formar otro conjunto que contendrá a
todos los elementos que queremos
unir pero sin que se repitan. Ejemplo:
Intersección de conjuntos:
Es la operación que nos permite
formar un conjunto, sólo con los
elementos comunes involucrados en
la operación. Ejemplo:
Dados dos conjuntos A={1,2,3,4,5} y
B={4,5,6,7,8,9} la intersección de estos
conjuntos será A∩B={4,5}. Usando
diagramas de Venn se tendría lo
5. Dados dos conjuntos A={1,2,3,4,5} y
B={4,5,6,7,8,9} la diferencia de estos conjuntos
será A-B={1,2,3}. Usando diagramas de Venn se
tendría lo siguiente:
Diferencia de conjuntos:
Es la operación que nos permite formar
un conjunto, en donde de dos
conjuntos el conjunto resultante es el
que tendrá todos los elementos que
pertenecen al primero pero no al
segundo. Ejemplo:
Diferencia de simétrica de conjuntos:
Es la operación que nos permite
formar un conjunto, en donde de dos
conjuntos el conjunto resultante es el
que tendrá todos los elementos que
no sean comunes a ambos conjuntos.
Dados dos conjuntos A={1,2,3,4,5} y
B={4,5,6,7,8,9} la diferencia simétrica de
estos conjuntos será A △ B={1,2,3,6,7,8,9}.
Usando diagramas de Venn se tendría lo
6. Complemento de un conjunto:
Es la operación que nos permite formar un conjunto con todos los elementos del
conjunto de referencia o universal, que no están en el conjunto. Ejemplo:
Dado el conjunto Universal U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9} y el conjunto A={1,2,9}, el conjunto A' estará
formado por los siguientes elementos A'={3,4,5,6,7,8}. Usando diagramas de Venn se tendría lo
7. Los números reales son cualquier número que corresponda a un
punto en la recta real y pueden clasificarse en números naturales,
enteros, racionales e irracionales. En otras palabras, cualquier
número real está comprendido entre menos infinito y más infinito y
podemos representarlo en la recta real. Ejemplo
8. La desigualdad matemática es aquella proposición que relaciona dos
expresiones algebraicas cuyos valores son distintos. Se trata de una
proposición de relación entre dos elementos diferentes, ya sea por
desigualdad mayor, menor, mayor o igual, o bien menor o igual. Cada
una de las distintas tipologías de desigualdad debe ser expresada con
diferente signo (> o <, etcétera) y tendrá una reacción a operaciones
matemáticas diferente según su naturaleza. El objetivo de la
desigualdad matemática es mostrar que dos sujetos matemáticos
expresan valores diferentes. Ejemplo:
9. La noción de valor absoluto se
utiliza en el terreno de las
matemáticas para nombrar al
valor que tiene un número más
allá de su signo. Esto quiere decir
que el valor absoluto, que
también se conoce como módulo,
es la magnitud numérica de la
cifra sin importar si su signo es
positivo o negativo.
Cuando tomamos el valor absoluto de
un número, éste es siempre positivo o
cero. Si el valor original ya es positivo o
cero, el valor absoluto es el mismo. Si
el valor original es negativo,
simplemente nos deshacemos del
signo. Por ejemplo, el valor absoluto de
5 es 5. El valor absoluto de -5 es
también 5.
Valor Valor absoluto
5 5
-5 5
10. Una desigualdad de valor absoluto es una desigualdad que tiene un
signo de valor absoluto con una variable dentro
11. Propiedades de valor absoluto:
2𝑥 − 1 ≤ 3 − 𝑥 =
Operaciones con conjuntos:
De los 88 estudiantes que se presentaron al examen de calculo I, se observo
que 12 estudiantes usaban lentes y resolvían el examen, 16 no usaban lentes
y miraban hacia las paredes. El número de estudiantes que usaban lentes y
miraban hacia las paredes era el doble de los que resolvían el examen y no
usaban lentes. Si los que miraban hacia las paredes no resolvían el examen
¿Cuántos estudiantes resolvían el examen?
A)32 B)16 C)20 D)40 E)44