Node.js实践 is a document about Node.js. It discusses how Node.js allows JavaScript to be used for server-side applications by providing a fast, scalable, and flexible environment. Node.js uses a single thread with non-blocking I/O and the V8 JavaScript engine. It also uses an event-driven architecture. This allows JavaScript to be used beyond just client-side applications in the browser. It also discusses how libraries like YUI3 and jQuery can be used in Node.js applications both on the front-end and back-end.
Node.js实践 is a document about Node.js. It discusses how Node.js allows JavaScript to be used for server-side applications by providing a fast, scalable, and flexible environment. Node.js uses a single thread with non-blocking I/O and the V8 JavaScript engine. It also uses an event-driven architecture. This allows JavaScript to be used beyond just client-side applications in the browser. It also discusses how libraries like YUI3 and jQuery can be used in Node.js applications both on the front-end and back-end.
The document describes the design choices made for a magazine cover and contents page focusing on the grime music genre. References are made to existing magazines like RWD, Vibe, and Flavour that were analyzed for conventions. The cover uses a large central image of a model and large text following conventions seen in referenced magazines. The contents page lists artist interviews and features with a logo and color scheme consistent with the magazine brand and genre.
The masthead of the magazine cover stands out brightly against the black and white color scheme. It helps readers identify important parts like artist names. The masthead is placed behind the artists to show their importance. The magazine cover breaks conventions by not following the rule of thirds, promoting a rebellious attitude aligned with the band featured. The band's name "Nirvana" contrasts strongly with the background through size and color to differentiate it as the most important part. The band's ideology and time period are reflected in the black and white photo from the 1980s-1990s era of free will they came from. Short flashes throughout provide quick previews of stories without taking up much space.
Super short presentation of EOD - eBooks on Demand project at national and university library in Slovenia. / Kratka predstavitev evropskega projekta EOD - e-knjige po naro?ilu.
Presented by Matija Brumen at Hotel Slon on the occasion of 5ft Conference of Sections for special and university librares of Sloveian Library Association with working title Challenges of modern technologies: advantages of libraries.
Q magazine uses its logo consistently to identify magazine sections like contents and reviews. NME highlights important information in red to catch readers' attention without using red for the whole page. An image on the magazine covers most of the page and shows the band standing on a hill, providing insight into their personal lives and backgrounds rather than just a typical studio photo. Q magazine uses golden text in a different font style to draw readers' eyes rather than to explicitly demand attention. NME deliberately uses yellow text to psychologically influence readers into making decisions by coloring decision-related words like "subscribe" and "call" since yellow helps people make decisions. The page design uses simple colors with specific colors used for specific elements, with red used to distinguish
從 Web Site 到 Web Application,從 Web Services 到 Mobile ServicesKuo-Chun Su
從 Web Site 到 Web Application,從 Web Services 到 Mobile Services - 談談使用與管理上的一些有趣小問題,包括前端如何使用 JavaScript 呼叫 Web Services,JSON 格式的小秘密,以及整合 OpenID/OAuth 等內容。
1. Introduction to Lua and it's features
2. OpenResty: full-fledged web application server
3. Installation and "Hello World"
4. Nonblocking
5. Reconstruction of infov
6. Configuration skills
7. Table and JSON output problem
8. DNS and Hosts parser
9. More features