Super short presentation of EOD - eBooks on Demand project at national and university library in Slovenia. / Kratka predstavitev evropskega projekta EOD - e-knjige po naro?ilu.
Presented by Matija Brumen at Hotel Slon on the occasion of 5ft Conference of Sections for special and university librares of Sloveian Library Association with working title Challenges of modern technologies: advantages of libraries.
The masthead of the magazine cover stands out brightly against the black and white color scheme. It helps readers identify important parts like artist names. The masthead is placed behind the artists to show their importance. The magazine cover breaks conventions by not following the rule of thirds, promoting a rebellious attitude aligned with the band featured. The band's name "Nirvana" contrasts strongly with the background through size and color to differentiate it as the most important part. The band's ideology and time period are reflected in the black and white photo from the 1980s-1990s era of free will they came from. Short flashes throughout provide quick previews of stories without taking up much space.