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by @zladuric
We have gathered here today 
● How to build Node.js Streams? 
● A talk to introduce the topic of streams in 
JavaScript, how this works in Node.js and how 
it didn't work out before. 
● You're my lab! 
by @zladuric
What are we talking about 
● The past - what was there before 
● The present - what are we doing now 
● The future - how you can get and use this 
● The client - the browser side of things 
● The server - Streams API
But first - why a stream 
Regular stuff 
● Comes as a whole blob 
● Takes up memory 
● When action is broken at 95%, 
redo the whole thing 
Streamed stuff 
● Just like regular, but chunked 
into bits 
● When broken, we can still reuse 
parts we got 
● PIPES!!1
The past 
Let's hope it dies!
All right, I'll tell ya 
On the client 
● Until a few years ago, we could 
not do much with streams in JS 
● Mostly for video/audio transfer 
with Flash, Java Applets 
On the server 
● Comes largely from unix 
network sockets 
● stdin, stdout, stderr 
● Created to streamline (yeah, I 
know) I/O operations 
● In web: Flash Media server, Red5 
● Encoders/decoders, format converters 
● Bridges between backend services, more I/O 
Node.js past 
● Streams API was (is?) very volatile 
● Backwards compatibility 
● Main problems: 
– Your stream could ignore stream.pause();) 
– Stream starts right away – whether you're ready or 
The present 
Node.js “streams2”: 
Stability: 2 – Unstable 
● Node.js is unstable ;) 
● No breaking changes expected for Node.js 0.12
Stream in Node.js 
● All streams are instances of an EventEmmiter 
(events and listeners/hooks) 
● var Readable = require('stream').Readable; 
– Implement your own _read(); 
● var Writable = require('stream').Writable; 
– Implement your own _write(); 
● var Duplex = implement both; 
● var Transform = convert input then pass to output 
– Implement _transform(); and flush();
How to be streamin' in Node 
$(#button).on('click', handler); anyone? 
Dumb example
● Flowing and non-flowing? 
● Common events and methods 
● Examples: fs.createReadStream, 
http.createServer listeners, tcp and net sockets.
Translate stream events into english 
When stream says: It means: 
● readable “I have stuff to be read.” 
● data “Here's a chunk.” 
● end “I'm all out, you've read it.” 
● close “Bye bye!” (file.close); 
● error “Pain starts here.”
Flowing mode 
stream.on('data', function(chunk) { 
// chunk.length bytes 
// or if we set encoding, chunk is a string 
// or if objectMode: true, then values/objs 
var chunk = stream.read();
Borin Simple example 
● this.push(); → stream.read(); 
● objectMode is handy
Writable stream 
● To implement a writable stream, implement 
_write method, drain
Transform streams 
Splits input into 
● _transform() - what 
to do on input data 
● _flush – what to do 
when input ends
And now pipes! 
var stream = getSomeReadStream() 
Piping examples 
Read file line by line Top secret 
Steal Google logo
Do you use it?
The client 
● WebRTC, WebSockets, Workers – they all 
stream data 
● XMLHttpRequest 
● User Media (MediaStream) API, 
Blob/FileSystem API, Audio, Geolocation etc.
http://jszgb.com/ - hacked to steal selfies 
<video id="video" autoplay></video> 
// simplified 
navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({video: true}, 
function(localMediaStream) { 
console.log('getting some video'); 
var video = document.getElementById('video'); 
video.src = 
}, console.log); 
Other useful options, events and 
● options.HighWaterMark = 1024; 
● stream.setEncoding('utf-8'); 
● pause/resume a stream 
● wrap(); - for old libs < Node v0.10 
● pipe()/unpipe(), unshift() 
● 'finish', 'close', 'drain' events
The future 
● Node.js is relatively stable 
● Whatwg is trying to standardize stream APIs 
from: Domenic Denicola
Play time 
Question time 
1. Was my english ok? 
2. How boring was I, from 1 – 10? 
Your turn. 
Zlatko ?uri?

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Node.js streams talk

  • 1. ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT by @zladuric
  • 2. We have gathered here today ● How to build Node.js Streams? ● A talk to introduce the topic of streams in JavaScript, how this works in Node.js and how it didn't work out before. ● You're my lab! by @zladuric
  • 3. What are we talking about ● The past - what was there before ● The present - what are we doing now ● The future - how you can get and use this ● The client - the browser side of things ● The server - Streams API
  • 4. But first - why a stream Regular stuff ● Comes as a whole blob ● Takes up memory ● When action is broken at 95%, redo the whole thing Streamed stuff ● Just like regular, but chunked into bits ● When broken, we can still reuse parts we got ● PIPES!!1
  • 5. The past Let's hope it dies!
  • 6. All right, I'll tell ya On the client ● Until a few years ago, we could not do much with streams in JS ● Mostly for video/audio transfer with Flash, Java Applets On the server ● Comes largely from unix network sockets ● stdin, stdout, stderr ● Created to streamline (yeah, I know) I/O operations ● In web: Flash Media server, Red5 ● Encoders/decoders, format converters ● Bridges between backend services, more I/O WTF?
  • 7. Node.js past ● Streams API was (is?) very volatile ● Backwards compatibility ● Main problems: – Your stream could ignore stream.pause();) – Stream starts right away – whether you're ready or not
  • 8. The present Node.js “streams2”: Stability: 2 – Unstable ● Node.js is unstable ;) ● No breaking changes expected for Node.js 0.12
  • 9. Stream in Node.js ● All streams are instances of an EventEmmiter (events and listeners/hooks) ● var Readable = require('stream').Readable; – Implement your own _read(); ● var Writable = require('stream').Writable; – Implement your own _write(); ● var Duplex = implement both; ● var Transform = convert input then pass to output – Implement _transform(); and flush();
  • 10. How to be streamin' in Node $(#button).on('click', handler); anyone? Dumb example
  • 11. stream.Readable ● Flowing and non-flowing? ● Common events and methods ● Examples: fs.createReadStream, http.createServer listeners, tcp and net sockets.
  • 12. Translate stream events into english When stream says: It means: ● readable “I have stuff to be read.” ● data “Here's a chunk.” ● end “I'm all out, you've read it.” ● close “Bye bye!” (file.close); ● error “Pain starts here.”
  • 13. Pushmi-pullyu Flowing mode stream.on('data', function(chunk) { // chunk.length bytes // or if we set encoding, chunk is a string // or if objectMode: true, then values/objs }); Non-flowing: var chunk = stream.read();
  • 14. Borin Simple example ● this.push(); → stream.read(); ● objectMode is handy
  • 15. Writable stream ● To implement a writable stream, implement _write method, drain
  • 16. Transform streams Splits input into lines ● _transform() - what to do on input data ● _flush – what to do when input ends
  • 17. And now pipes! var stream = getSomeReadStream() .pipe(toConverterStream()) .pipe(toEncoderStream()) .pipe(toTransportStream()) .pipe(toTheConsumerStream());
  • 18. Piping examples Read file line by line Top secret Steal Google logo
  • 19. Do you use it?
  • 20. The client ● WebRTC, WebSockets, Workers – they all stream data ● XMLHttpRequest ● User Media (MediaStream) API, Blob/FileSystem API, Audio, Geolocation etc.
  • 21. Example http://jszgb.com/ - hacked to steal selfies <video id="video" autoplay></video> <script> // simplified navigator.webkitGetUserMedia({video: true}, function(localMediaStream) { console.log('getting some video'); var video = document.getElementById('video'); video.src = /slideshow/nodejs-streams-talk/39693897/window.URL.createObjectURL(localMediaStream); }, console.log); </script>
  • 22. Other useful options, events and methods ● options.HighWaterMark = 1024; ● stream.setEncoding('utf-8'); ● pause/resume a stream ● wrap(); - for old libs < Node v0.10 ● pipe()/unpipe(), unshift() ● 'finish', 'close', 'drain' events
  • 23. The future ● Node.js is relatively stable ● Whatwg is trying to standardize stream APIs from: Domenic Denicola
  • 25. Question time 1. Was my english ok? 2. How boring was I, from 1 – 10? Your turn. Zlatko ?uri?