The document discusses surrealism as an art movement that aimed to depict ideas from dreams and the subconscious mind in strange and unnatural ways. It provides examples of surrealist artists Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali, describing some of their most famous works that featured imaginary creatures and situations from dreams. It also gives biographical details about Dali, explaining how he was expelled from art school but later embraced surrealism, growing his iconic mustache and pursuing that style for the rest of his career.
Salvador Dal鱈 was a famous Spanish surrealist painter born in 1904 in Spain. He developed a unique surrealist style exemplified by works like "The Persistence of Memory" featuring melting clocks. Dal鱈 was influenced by cubism and met Picasso early in his career. He later joined the surrealist group led by Andre Breton but was expelled in 1934. Dal鱈 lived much of his later life in the United States with his wife and muse Gala until his death in Spain in 1989.
Salvador Dali was a surrealist artist known for his strange and dreamlike paintings that combined abstract and unexpected images. He claimed his ideas came from his vivid dreams as a child and that he received messages from aliens through his mustache. His most famous work, "The Persistence of Memory", depicts melting clocks in a surreal landscape and exemplifies his dreamlike style of combining unexpected objects and images.
Salvador Dali was a famous Spanish surrealist artist known for works like The Persistence of Memory. Surrealism features dreamlike images and objects placed together in impossible ways to express unconscious thoughts. Dali's paintings depicted everyday objects in unexpected forms with meticulous detail and vibrant colors. Some of his other notable works include The Angelus of Gala and Metamorphosis of Narcissus.
Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter born in 1904 in Figueres, Spain. Some key facts about Dali include that he believed he was the reincarnation of his brother who died before he was born, he studied art in Madrid and experimented with Cubism, and one of his most famous paintings from 1931 was The Persistence of Memory which featured melting clocks.
The document discusses surrealism as an art movement that aimed to depict ideas from dreams and the subconscious mind in strange and unnatural ways. It provides examples of surrealist artists Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali, describing some of their most famous works that featured imaginary creatures and situations from dreams. It also gives biographical details about Dali, explaining how he was expelled from art school but later embraced surrealism, growing his iconic mustache and pursuing that style for the rest of his career.
Salvador Dal鱈 was a famous Spanish surrealist painter born in 1904 in Spain. He developed a unique surrealist style exemplified by works like "The Persistence of Memory" featuring melting clocks. Dal鱈 was influenced by cubism and met Picasso early in his career. He later joined the surrealist group led by Andre Breton but was expelled in 1934. Dal鱈 lived much of his later life in the United States with his wife and muse Gala until his death in Spain in 1989.
Salvador Dali was a surrealist artist known for his strange and dreamlike paintings that combined abstract and unexpected images. He claimed his ideas came from his vivid dreams as a child and that he received messages from aliens through his mustache. His most famous work, "The Persistence of Memory", depicts melting clocks in a surreal landscape and exemplifies his dreamlike style of combining unexpected objects and images.
Salvador Dali was a famous Spanish surrealist artist known for works like The Persistence of Memory. Surrealism features dreamlike images and objects placed together in impossible ways to express unconscious thoughts. Dali's paintings depicted everyday objects in unexpected forms with meticulous detail and vibrant colors. Some of his other notable works include The Angelus of Gala and Metamorphosis of Narcissus.
Salvador Dali was a Spanish surrealist painter born in 1904 in Figueres, Spain. Some key facts about Dali include that he believed he was the reincarnation of his brother who died before he was born, he studied art in Madrid and experimented with Cubism, and one of his most famous paintings from 1931 was The Persistence of Memory which featured melting clocks.
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving CarsLinkedIn
We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether theyre using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating and in many cases, surprising.
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, promising self-driving cars, medical breakthroughs, and new ways of working. But how do you separate hype from reality? How can your company apply AI to solve real business problems?
Heres what AI learnings your business should keep in mind for 2017.
El teatre catal dels anys 20 als anys 70irenitaa13tl
Resum del context de l`竪poca i biografia dels tres autors importants: Josep Maria de Sagarra, Joan Oliver i Salvador Espriu. Resum d l'Obra el Caf竪 de la Marina.
4. Ram坦n Casas i Carb坦 neix a Barcelona.
Grcies a una privilegiada situaci坦 econ嘆mica, el seu pare havia fet fortuna a Matanzas
(Cuba) i la seva mare era filla d'una fam鱈lia de la burgesia t竪xtil barcelonina, va poder
abandonar el col揃legi als 12 anys per entrar al taller del pintor Vicens.
Va ser un artista preco巽. No satisfet amb la pintura "oficial", amb 15 anys, es trasllada a
Par鱈son exerceix de corresponsal de la revista L'Aven巽, de la qual 辿s fundador i en qu竪
havia publicat el seu primer dibuix.
Ingressa a l'acad竪mia del pintor Charles August mile Duran, "Carolus", gran admirador
de Vel叩zquez. La atm坦fera, la llum i l'ambient exterior es converteixen en els motius
principals de les seves composicions.
Alterna els hiverns a Par鱈s amb estades a Espanya. A Granada creix la seva afici坦 pel
tipisme andal炭s. Cap al 1884 inicia la temtica taurina i exposa una correguda de toros a
El 1886 es recupera d'una tuberculosi a Barcelona i 辿s quan coneix artistes de la talla de
Santiago Rusi単ol o Ignacio Zuloaga. L'amistat amb Rusi単ol es consolida al separar-se
aquest de la seva dona el 1899 i el febrer del 1890 exposaran a la Sala Par辿s de
Barcelona l'炭nica galeria d'art existent a la ciutat , els seus retrats rec鱈procs en la primera
exposici坦 conjunta al costat de l'escultor Claras坦, a la qual seguirien moltes.
5. Al juny inicien un viatge en carro por Catalu単a. Rusi単ol escriu la cr嘆nica i Casas dibuixa i pren
Torna a Par鱈s i comparteix vivenda amb Rusi単ol, el cr鱈tic d'art Miguel Utrillo i el gravador Canudas al
Moulin de la Galette. Rusi単ol escriu una s竪rie de cartes, titulades Desde el Molino, que il揃lustrar
Casas i s'aniran publicant al diari La Vanguardia. Obt辿 a Par鱈s grans 竪xits i torna a Barcelona, el
Cronista de la seva 竪poca, obt辿 la major popularitat amb els quadros d'esdeveniments ciutadans
com El garrot (1893), El Corpus (1898) o La crrega (1899), amb qu竪 va guanyar la Primera Medalla
de l'Exposici坦 de Belles Arts el 1904, moment culminant de la seva carrera.
El 1899 es va inaugurar a la Sala Par辿s la primera exposici坦 individual de Casas, que amb 32 anys
era la figura m辿s destacat de la pintura catalana. Els dibuixos i retrats al carb坦 van ser els
Al cap de 40 anys d'edat coneix una noia venedora de loteria, de 18 anys, Julia Peraire, que aviat es
va convertir en el seu model preferida i amant. Casas acabaria casant-se amb ella, malgrat
l'oposici坦 familiar, el 1922.
Al llarg de tota la seva obra es percep l'alegria de viure, m辿s que sentiments pertubadores, en
aquella Belle 辿poque que li va tocar viure. El 29 de febrer del 1932, Ram坦n Casas morir al seu
domicili de Barcelona, al cap de 66 anys d'una greu malaltia.
6. Au Moulin de la Galette. Par鱈s,
1892. Museu de Montserrat,